HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-11-15, Page 21WITH OUR $8 SUPER AD!! (Private noncommercial ads only) e nt the °fine Our professional m to give you peg o,k ,ser Mon roless oS�od v� na Iser a ,o h, un 'f a is nor convenient to m vice however i onyrrme Our answering 'then mac roll anyway message and we to leave your d o thell ne your Don r forge r for next and card numbs your name address and charge automatic billing Advertisers want one thing... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SUPERAD with us. For only one low lee of $8.00 well run your ad in our newspaper until you get the results you want. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPERAD. You can take up to 40 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are adveilising. If you do not get results by the following weekend, call us on Monday and well gladly repeat the ad at no charge. And well keep running the ad as long as you want. (Excluding real estate). Plus Your Ad Will Reach Another 10,000 Extra Readers In Our Sister Paper, The St. Marys Journal -Argus At No. Extra t Charge•' Times -Advocate, November 15, 1989 5 Business Opportunities TELEMARKETING DIREChORS. Make 5800 plus per week (commission) experience preferred, but will train. Serious motivated s candidates. Car required and coast to ooast travel a must. Inquiries (416) 8b-5826 Phil. , CALLUSAT235»1331 = CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT • SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $7.25 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSER- TIONS $6.25 per column inch. , (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT Charges are based on the num- ber of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or pric- 'es count -as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $8.00. 150 per word there- after. SUBSEQUENT INSER- TIONS - No copy changes,20 words $4.00, 150 per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $8.00. 20 words $4.00, 150 thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $8.00, each additional word 150. IN MEMORIAMS - $9.00 plus 250 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $8.00, each additional word 150. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $8.00, additional words 100 each. Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. VISA Phone 235-1331. :1 Y classifications 1 Inst, Strayed 2 Found - 3 Situations 'Wanted 4 help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock -8 Fann Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 11 Cars, Tracks . 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal. 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wantc(). 19 Property foi Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent - - 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted '25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 1 Lost, Strayed FEMALE BROWN POODLE with long tail, answers to Shadow. Phone 235-0432 after 4 p.m. (45*) 2 Found AT MILLER'S BARN, young male cat, brown and grey tabby, 'very affectionate, brown flea collar. Phone 235-2451 or 235-1842. (46*) 3 Situations Wanted DOES YOUR CHILD need extra help in Math, Reading, etc? Qualified teacher willing to tutor any subject at elementary level, including , French. Reasonable rates. Call Betty at 235-1627. (45:46) TREE TRIMMING and or removing, prompt service, reasonable rates. Phone evenings 527-1939. (46-49c) . WORK AT HOME - Earn up to S300.00 a day plus commission. Take phone orders for publisher. People call you. 1-519-271-2356. (46-48c) DONUTS NOW requires part time counter help. Must be able to work Tuesday evenings and some weekend hours. Apply in person to Donuts Now, 217 Main St. N. Exeter. (46c) Part -Time Counsellor Positions Available in Residential setting (Hensall) Duties include: supervision and advice in daily living routines, assistance in building friendships in the community and guidance in taking part in community life. Preference given to DSW/MRC graduate or to mature persons who have a lifetime of experience, wisdom and values to share. Orientation and training provided. Submit resume to: Director of Residential Services •South Hur6n and District Association for the Mentally Handicapped P.O. Box 29, Dashwood, Ontario NOM 1NO Opening A growing and aggressive dealership in the Exeter area is looking for an individual who is enthusiastic and has excellent inter -personnel skills. the opportunity is for someone to handle both parts and service department duties and responsibilities. If you think you have these qualifications and want to join our team then contact Wayne in-person or by phone at 235-1081 Exeter. Today's answer to great prices. Service and customer satisfaction O 121 DEL. Main St., EXETER, ONT. • 4 Help Wanted MINK GRADING and pelting help needed. Full time until Christmas. Experience is not necessary. Please cal) 229-8885 between 8 and 5 p.m. (44-46cv) MARKEL 14800-265-7173 Class AZ -DZ Professional Transport Driver Training. Careers? Financing? Tax , Deductible? We've got the answers. Markel Institute of Professional Transport Training. Guelph 1-800-265-7173. BABYSITTER required preferably in my home Wednesday and Friday. Possibly some Saturdays. 9-5:30 . Three children ages 10, 8 and 3 1/2. Jo -Anne Dinney 235-2350 or 235-1080. (45tfn) CRUISE LINE OPENINGS. Hiring now!! 300-600 US$ weekly. Tour guides, stewards, cruise directors, pursers, gift shop personnel, more. Skilled and unskilled people needed. Call (719)687-6662. WANTED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN. If you're top notch, we want to talk to you. Resume, Pineridge Lincoln Mercury, 104 Raglant., Renfrew Ont. K7V 1N6, (613) 432-2444/2131. BABYSITTER required in Exeter for three children ages 4, 2 and 10 months starting Feb. '90. Your home or mine. Please call 235-0412. (46*) URGENTLY NEED Dependable Person who can work without supervision for Canadian oil company in Exeter area. We train. Write A.D. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum, 87 West Drive, Brampton, Ont. L6T 2J6. (46c) THE HURON COUNTY Historical Society requires a secretary -treasurer commencing January 1, 1990. Work in your - own home. Work involves bookkeeping, handling correspondence, keeping minutes of meetings, etc. Small stipend. Apply in care of Keith Roulston, President, RR3 Blyth, Ont. NOM 1H0 by Dec. 1, 1989. (46:47c) ROUGH CUT BUTCHER, skinner or deboner. Housing available. Can make up to $15.00 per hour depending on experience. Call. Grinsven Stock Removal 1-800-461-4501. (46-48c) MATURE, responsible person required to care for two children ages 6 years and 9 months, Monday to Friday, our home or yours, to start February 1990. Please call Heather t 235-1089 anytime. (46:47*) RESPONSIBLE SWINE FARM HELP. No experience necessary. Salary plus benefits. Pickwood Farms 237-3598 during day, 238-2158 evenings. (46:47c) Ontario Ministry of Health HEALTH PROMOTION GRANTS PROGRAM Health promotion grants are available to non-profit organiza- tions and to individuals when sup- ported by a non-profit organiza- tion. The Health Promotion Grants Program will provide financial assistance to support health pro- motion projects. If you are in- terested in submitting a proposal, contact the Huron County Health Unit, Huronview Building, Clinton (482-3416) for a copy of the grant guidelines. Submissions deadline is February 1, 1990. 4 Help Wanted BABYSITTER needed for six month old beginning January. Part time days. Phone 237-3356. (45:46c) REQISTERED NURSE required by the Victorian Order of Nurses for casual relief work in Huron County. Call Lynne McDonald at 271-7991. (46c) 5 Business Opportunities FREE: 1989 guide to study at home r correspondence Diploma courses for prestigiuos careers: accounting, air conditioning, bookkeeping, business, cosmetology, electronics, legal/medical secretary, psychology, travel. Granton (5A) 263 -Adelaide W, Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO OR ORGAN. New home study course. Fast, casy method. Guaranteed! Free information. Write: Studio 24, 3284 Boucherie Road, Kelowna, B.C., VIZ 2H2. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctionecring. Next class: February 10-17/90. For information contact: Southwestern -Ontario School of Auctionering. RR5 Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. TONING AND TANNING. New and used equipment and supplies. Fall special on European body wrap $1,995. Cellulite and weight reduction products. Laser for smoking - weight control. London 1-800-265-4634. YOUR . FUTURE starts with... Tri -County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Financial assistance on approved credit. 1-800-265-0400. Cambridge. Survival Through Friendship House of Huron County - a transition house for battered ssomen and their children is seeking a RELIEF RESIDENTIAL COUNSELLOR - excellent Interpersonal skills • - knowledge of issue, related to wife assault - counselling experience Send resume to: Julie lee, Executive Director SURVIVAL THROUGH FRIENDSHIP HOUSE OF HURON COUNTY P.O. BOX 334, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4C6 Part Time Driver Needed • for November, December. Approximate delivery times 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Hours may vary. Clean driving record a must and must be familiar with town and rural area. Written resume only. Country Flowers, Box 324 Exeter, NOM 1S6 Currently Available 3 Career Positions in your area These positions offer the opportunity to move into a manage- ment position based on merit. ASK YOURSELF: • Where will I be in 5 years if I continue doing what I do now? • Am I currently eaming $30,000, $40,000, $50,000 or more a year? Would I like to deal with business and professional people where 50 - 75% of my time is involved in servi i established accounts? • Would I like to be promoted based on merit not seniority? For those who qualify, your professional Opportunity will start with 3 weeks of training in a company office. If you are sports minded and wduld like to work with an organi- zation that is number 1 in its field... call: MR. WILKEN -- In Goderlch r 524-8379' Wed.- Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. If unavailable for interview send resume -to: 10 'Carlson Court #400 Rexdale, Ontario M9W 6L2 - BINGO FANS! Be a part time Distributor for the best-selling book The Joy of Bingo! 320 pages of laughter; information; how to win; secrets of the game. It sells itself! Big profitw - nominal investment. Get in on this money -making offer for a captive market of thousands of bingo players. Ideal Christmas gift. Write or call Deltacom Press, 20 Aurora Court, Ste. 704, Toronto, M 1 W 2M2, Tel (416) 497-1461 (evenings only). BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ' of a lifetime. Laser equipment featuring concepts for stop smoking, laser skincare, diet and muscle toning, complete training and manuals. Financing available. (416) 850-2881. Laser 2000. . EXTRA INCOME! We train you to grow big baitworms in your basement, garage or shed. Odorless operation. Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free infomration: Early Bird Ecology, RR1 Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. Chatham Kent Bait Farm„ RR7 Chatham, Ontario, N7M 5S7, (519) 683-2468. Kumari Bait Farm, Box 69, Camden East, Ontario, KOK 1J0, (613) 378-0023. Niss Service Technician We have an immediate open- ing for a Class A, heavy duty or agricultural equipment technician ' Excellent Wages ' Complete benefit package Send resume in confidence t0 Logan Farm Equipment (1988) Ltd. R.R. #5, Mitchell, Ont. NOK 1NO JOHN DEERE Huron County Health Unit requires a Plumbing Inspector QUALIFICATIONS - Plum- bers Trade Certificate or Plumb- . ing Inspection Certification. - should be in the trade or a re- cently retired plumber. TYPE OF WORK - Carrying out plumbing inspections on res- idential and commercial premis- es throughout Huron County to ensure compliance with the Plumbing Code, Ont. regulation 675/85. This is a contract position, vehi- cle supplied, existing benefit package and wage in accor- dance with union rate paid to present staff. Deadline for applications is De- cember 15, 1989. Reply to: E.T. Harrison Director of Inspections P.O. Box 1120 Clinton Ontario NOM 1L0 Page ,19 5 Business Opportunities LEARN INCOME 'TAX and earn extra income. Our new tax course is available by correspondence. For details contact: Tax time Services Ltd: 1304 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ontario L6L2X4. (416) 827-1455. 6 Services RIPTIDE MUSIC SERVICES, D.J. service for any occasion. P.A. and sound systems. For office or establishment. Phone 235-1854. (18tfn) PAINTING *‘Guaranteed top quality * Clean * Low prices • * Free estimates CaII 227-4298 SCOTTS BICYCLE REPAIR. Tune-ups, overhauls, general repairs. For details call 235-1883. (45:46c) CERAMIC TILE decorator kitchen, bath or floors. For estimate call 234-6764. (46-48c) - Parts Person ' Required for established John Deere dealership with a .computerized parts depart- ment * Excellent career opportuni ty for a self - motivated individual 'Must be a high achiever ' JD Parts experience preferred Send resume in confidence to Logan Farm Equipment (1988) Ltd. JOHN DEERt R.R. #5, Mitchell Ont. NOK 1NO Survival Through Friendship House OF HURON COUNTY a shelter for battered women and their children is seeking a CHILDREN'S ADVOCATE To provide crisis intervention and short term counselling for child witness/vic- tims of battering. Qualifications: 1) Completed Social Science Post Secondary Degree/Diploma 2) Appropriate combination of training ' and experience in both individual and group counselling with children 3) Ability to perform within a woman - centred organization which basis its services on a feminist analysis of wife assault 4) Relevant knowledge of local com- munity. social services. medical and justice system services 5) Ability to effectively handle crisis situations in person and by telephone Please apply in writing to: • Julie Lee, Executive Director, STFH, • P.O. Box 334, GODERICH, Ontario N7A 4C6 Closing date: December 8, 1989 g SALES PERSON 0 A position is available immediately for a creative person with isales experience. You should be familiar with furniture styles, / colour and co-ordinating and be able to work with fabrics and r. designs. - c • Please contact Dinney Furniture for appointment c Dinneys Furniture c 467 Main St., Exeter, 235-0173 The Corporation Of The Township Of Hay requires a Water Projects Officer Applicants are invited to submit a confidential resume to the undersigned by: 12:00 Noon, November 28, 1989 for the position of Water Projects Officer Qualifications 1. Municipal or P.U.C. experience preferred 2. Ability 'to keep good records. " 3. Ability to communicate with public. 4. Ability to interpret drawings. • ' 5. Accounting, typing, and filing experience. 6. Computer experience. A complete job description is available at the Township Office. Wages will commensurate with qualifications and experience. (Mrs.) Janisse Zimmerman, Acting Clerk -Treasurer. • P.O. Box 250, , Zurich, Ontario. NOM 2T0 - Tel. (519) 236-4351 •