HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-11-08, Page 23• rnLrnnR) 12 Pets WIREHAIRED TERRIER 5 years •old, spayed, all shots, loving pet to give away to good home. Call 23501827 preferably after 6 p.m. (45c) 13 Musical Instruments YAMAHA FG440 12 string guitar. Like new with hardshell case. $325.00. Phone 235-1825. (45tfn) ANTIQUE ENGLISH PIANO. Best offer. Phone 235-2770. (45:46c) ' 14 Appliances, Television LIKE NEW - Kirby vacuum cleaner, all attachments included. Call after 5 p.m. 565-2728. (25tfx) KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER Heritage II with all attachments and shampooer. Excellent condition (like new). Call Centralia 228-6531. 'WRINGER WASHER, Used McClary :easy wringer washer. Leonard electric range 30'. ^e Both good condition. 262-2439. (45*) 15 Personal IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934, 227-4562 or 345-2.536. (48tfn) LADIES IN ORIENT seek correspondence with single gentlemen. The Friendship Office, Box 5248 Stn. A, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2H 1X6. (44-48') WANTED - roommate to share newer 4 bedroom house in Exeter with two males. Phone 235-2229 after 5 p.m. (45:46c) 16 For Sale LOVESEAT MATCHING CHAIR $40 complete, lady's 9 leather western boots, 2 fall jackets, hooded winter car coat, elegant nightgown set 55 to $10 each. Men's overcoats sizes 38 and 4Q clean excellent condition. Call 284-2132. BUILDINGS - Year End Factory Clearance. Quonset "S" 20x30" = $3,366. with endwalls and . sliding doors. Straightwall woodstecl 24x20' = $4,860. Includes coloured walls. Specials on larger sizes. Limited time offer. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). SEVEN NEW TONING TABLES. $22,000 includes freight and training. 5 yr. guarantee. Futrex 5000 fitness computer $1,500. Complete body wrap kit $1,250. Tone "O" Matic Canada Ltd. 1-800-667-5 825. WATER PROBLEMS ? Water that causes iron staining, smell, and taste problems and possibly contains bacteria and chemicals can now be treated successfully. New state of the art technology can eliminate these problems thus- providing clean, safe water throughout your entire water system. For information on this unique treatment system write Axtec Water Systems, Unit 5, 6380 Tomkin Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5T 1 K2 or call toll free 1-800-387-3423. Sales and Service representatives throughout Ontario. FUTURE STEEL Buildings winter special. Keep the factory busy during the winter months and take delivery in the Spring. Save up to 25%. Call toll free: 1-800-668-8653. BEST BUILDING BUYS Year End Clearance. Save thousands while steel supply lasts. Clearing miscellaneous stock. All steel and wood -steel models. Paragon 24 hours. 1-800-263-8499. THE GREENHOUSE AND HYDROPONICS INC., 63 Clarke Sideroad, London, Ont., N5W 6W7, (519) 452-3919. Complete Hydroponic Systems. We do mail orders. Send' 52.00 for catalogue. $2.00 rebate on your first purchase. SUPER SINGLE waterbed complete, one year old; queen size waterbed parts, antique oak pressback rocker, green swivel chair, mahogany coffee table, pine decorator shutters; rust priscilla curtains approx. 38" x 78" with tiebacks; treadle Singer sewing machine. Phone 229-8112. MATERNITY CLOTHES, size 12-13, newbom clothing and buggy. Call 284 -2159. - VIRGIN WOOL CAR COAT, fuschia colour, like new size 10-12. Phone 284-1650. QUANTITY of dry hard body wood (no limits) suitable for furnace, stove or fireplace, cut and split and piled a year ago. $35 per face cord. Picked up at the farm. J.R. Brown 229-8858. 4 WOODWORKERS • 15" surface planer 2 h.p. 220 volts with stand $1095. • 12" surface planer 2 h.p. 110 volts portable $595. HUREX TOOL & RENTAL 235-0918 16 For Sale SAUNETTE PERSONAL portable steam bath. Residential or salon use. Retailed 51200. 1989 demonstrator:. Asking 51000. Call 262-2729 - 8-5. (43-47c) BOYS' CLOTHING (sizes 12 mo. to 3 yrs), snowsuit, ski jacket, shirts, pants, • sweatshirts, pyjamas, shoes, running shoes, winter boots, rubber boots, ect. All in excellent condition. 5140 takes all. Phone 235-0564. (43*) FRONT END COVER CAR BRA made of breathable vinyl for 1984 to 1986 Pontiac 2000 Sunbird (except GT). Brand new. Will sell for $50. Phone 235-0299 after six. (43tfn) YARN - Discount Prices, Beehive Brands, Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. (33tjn) FIREWOOD - delivered by cord or by larger truck Toads. Phone 236-4457 or 235-1678.(1ltfn) BEAUTIFUL FULL LENGTH grey rabbit fur coat,' lady's size 10-12 never wom $100; lady's full length winter coat 10090 virgin wool, never worn 520; man's "Old Mill" brown leather winter coat size 44, excellent condition 520. Call 284-2132. FIREWOOD dry hardwood, free kindling, delivered. Phone Leslie Cudmore235-1267. (45-50') ' FIREWOOD, mixed hardwood. Delivered or picked up. Call Tom on Saturday mornings. 262-2224. If no answer try 263-5263. (40tfn) UTILITY BOX TRAILER, large wheels, strong, good condition. Phone 238-5810. KING SIZE BED complete with bedding. Excellent condition; commercial glass display case, 6' long, excellent condition. Phone 235-1909. MAN'S SKATES, Micron, size 6; Cooper helmet; VIC 20 computer, data set and games; air conditioner. Phone 235-1497. (40ttn) CHINESE GEESE, oven ready late November, $1.70 per lb. Phone 237-3294. (44:45') FIREWOOD, seasoned, picked up, $35.00 a face cord or $1.10 cu. ft. Call Walter Dunbar 393:5388 in St. Pauls area. HOMEMADE CHRISTMAS CAKE, light or dark. Taking orders till November 18. Phone 236-4039. Home Style Catering, Zurich (45:460 FIREWOOD split mixed seasoned hardwood, sold by the standard cord. (128 cu. ft.) $165 each. Phone 238-2943.(34tfn) 80 LARGE ROUND BALES of first cut. hay (no rain) $25.00 each. Ca11 283-6215 Kintore. * CHRISTMA§ GIFTS* Great savings now! Wicker, rattan, patio and solarium furniture, plus accessories. Warehouse open Tuesday to Saturday. 71 King West, Forest (519) 786-2180. (44-47c) - BOAT WITH TRAILER, 12 ft. Springbok, 7.5 h.p. Evinrude motor, gas tank, oars, life cushions, used six times. Like new . $1750.00. Phone 236-4574. evenings. (45c) BOOTS - lady's blue suede leather, size 7, never been used, $60; lady's size 11 long brown corduroy winter 'coat, $30; lady's black suede coat, size small, never been used $200. Call days 284-1206. DRYER AND WASHER, heavy duty, ;(dryer excellent, washer needs repair) $350.00; metal detector and accessories, 5250.00; set of World Book Encyclopedia includes Childcraft books, Childcraft annuals, science year and wooden stand. $200; boy's dark tan suit W30-31", $10; young man's blue pin stripe suit, 32-34" W., S15.00. Call 284-1912. MUSIC COMPUTER ORGAN, Gulbransen, top of the line. Chrome retail display case, excellent condition; steel shelving display unit; ski equipment, downhill and cross country, various sizes; McBee one write accounting system hinders, Sheets, filers, like new, half price; pool table and accessories. Phone 235-1909. STEEL BUILDINGS, Immediate savings. 20'x30' $2,593. 30'x30' 53,043. 40'x40' $3,774. 40'x42' $4,575. Sizes available to 100' wide. Positive savings. Call now 1-800-668-4338. We pay for the call. APPLES Northern Spys and Other Varieties Corner of Crediton Sideroad and No. 4 hwy. Frank Sawyer - Saturdays ARTIST SUPPLIES • Artboards • Brushes, • Acrylic Paints • Charcoal Pencils • Art Nibs • Sketch Pads • Calligraphy ' EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE 0.'"k 401f 6G,d/ Cheek these ..atures out... ✓ 1.1/2 storey ✓ bedrooms (2 up, 1 down) Big rooms •- ✓ modern kitchen with island ✓ freshly painted ✓ front and back porches V central air (remember those hot summer days we"had?) ✓ spacious backyard for the children ✓ excellent starter home ✓ the price is right at $79,900.00. .✓ close to all the amenities, yet tar enough away. So come on down or call now for private viewing. Your hostess, Debbie Open House Sunday November 12, 1 - 4 p.m. 10 Minutes to grand Bend or Parkhill Follow the signs from Hwy. #81 to the County Village Greenway Landry, RR 1 Thedford Res. 243-3398, Bus. 3 2-1010 Remax Sarnia Realty Inc. Realtor • 16 For Sale A -Z PRE -ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New types, steel and wood, quonset. cladding. For true value, action and answers (416) 626-1794. leave message or collect after 6 p.m., weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. WIG CLUB. Join thousands of satisfied customers. Buy wigs at wholesale prices. From 539,95. Shop by catalogue and save. For free catalogue call toll free • 1-800-268-2242. PORTABLE BAND SAWMILLS; Canada's leading manufacturer offers four models to choose from. Save money, make m9ney. Free brochure call or write: Enercraft, 474 Welham Road, Barrie, Ontario. L4M 6E7. Phone (705) 734-1211. MATERNITY CATALOGUE. $3. refundable on order. Toll free 1-800-661-1626, Calgary 1-403-253-6066. Gret Times Maternity Catalogue, 7148 Fisher St. S.E., Calgary, AB, T2H OW3. TABLE - Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table with four chairs and buffet with china top. Phone 235-0238. (45:46*) MOVING - Everything must go. Appliances, furnishings, plants. 1978 LeBaron etc. Phone 263-2307 anytime. (45:46c) BRAND NEW 5 piece maple wood dinette set. Table is 36"x48" $450. Brand new 75" round bed mattress. Still in the plastic. Make an offer. 2-15 year old cash registers. Both 'working. Make an offer. Phone 235-2229 after 5 p.m. (45:46c) BABY CRADLE and mattress, used Jenny Lynn, like new. Call after 5:30 p.m. 237-3717. (45c) WATERBED - queen size, dual -sleep, twin heat controls and double bladder. Includes frame and cover. Phone 235-2847. (45c) ANTIQUE WIND UP Victrola with records. Phone /28-6459. (45c) ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN Uxbridge 1887. Phone 228-6459. (45c) AIR COMPRESSOR, 1 h.p. $175.00. 229-6661. SNOWMOBILE TRAILER with 2' racks, spare wheel. Call 284-2225. . PIANO - good condition. Phone 236-4155.(45c) WOOD FOR SALE $30.00 per face cord. You pick it up. Stored inside. Phone 229-8245. THOUSANDS OF ITEMS FOR SALE this Christmas in Blyth, Ontario. Come - Discover the Magic. (45c) 17 Wanted To Buy OLDER PAINTINGS and works of Art. One or. entire collection. Karl Mearns, Box 1266, Caledonia, Ont. NOA IAO (416) 765-6782. OLD WRIST WATCHES WANTED! Eatons 1/4 Century Club - men's rectangular wrist watch. Will pay $3,000 and up for this watch. Also wanted, old Rolex, Patck, Phillip, Cartier, Movado, Vacheron Constintine, or any other high grade or complicated wrist watches (men's only). Call 1-416-365-7240. Write: B. Walsh, 309A Mutual Street, Toronto, M4Y 1X6. CASH FOR USED cars and trucks for wrecking. 228-6700. John Brock Auto Wreckers, RR1 Crediton. (3 tfn) CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE, tables, chairs, cupboards, washstands, cutters, etc. Antique and oak. Phone 238-5422 or 235-2057. I'WILL PAY THE MOST for your car or truck for scrap or wrecking. Phone 228-6214.(29-2*) BARLEY - 2 row Mic Mac Rodeo or Birka. Must be grown from certified seed. Phone 236-4036. (45:46*) LEGGO in good condition. Do you have any Legge building block sets that you would like to get rid of? Phone 234.6396 after 5 p.m. (44:45x) 19 Property For Sale FARM FOR SALE - 37 1/2 acres good agricultural land, sandy loam, some low land. Lot 9, Conc. 8. Hay Twp. Phone 236-4735. (45tfn) NORTHLANDER MOBILE HOME 70x12, 3 bedrooms, fridge, stove and curtains. 2 1/2 miles north west of Exeter. Phone 235-0675. (45:46c) Round & Square Bales of Straw Make me an offer Phone 235-2719 19 Property For Sale RIVERMILL VILLAGE - luxury condominiums on banks of Scugog River, Lindsay. Balsam Suite - 980 sq. ft. - well designed two bed, - luxury whirlpool tub in ensuite bath - balcony - guest bath with shower - spacious laundry storage room. From 5187,900. Sports and recreational amenities at restored Carew Mill. Under construction for 1990 occupancies. Call Upper Canada Lakes: 1-800-461-6521. 20 Property For Rent ATTENTION SENIORS Brookside Apartment, Exeter. Brand new large luxury 2_bedroom apartments, 3 blocks from Main Street. Book now for early spring completion. Phone 235-2961 or 565-5022 after 6 p.m. (43-46c) NEWPORT RICHEY, Florida, new duplex, two bedroom, two baths, garage, close to everything. Available Nov. 1 to Jan. 31st. Call 238-2633 after 6 p.m. (43-45c) ELIZABETH COURT Hensall. One and two bedroom apartments. Phone 262-2612 after 6 p.m. (34tfn) EXETER - large 2 bedroom apt. on Victoria St. W. Phone 262-2401 or 235-0349. (37 tfn) HENSALL - 2 bedroom apartments, broadloomed throughout, stove and fridge included, newly constructed, 5420.00 plus utilities. Please call, O'Connor Funeral Homes 236-4961 or 236-4365. (42tfn) HENSALL - 1 bedroom ground floor .apartment, heat and appliances included. $375.00 per month. Call during business hours 262-2607 or 235-2420. (42tfn) TWO BEDROOM apartment near downtown in Exeter, parking laundry facilities $348.00 per month plus hydro. Call before 5 p.m. 1-660-6585 or after 5 p.m. 235-2395. (42tfn) LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment with livingroom and diningroom. Available December 2, 1989, $455.00 monthly, includes heat. Apply to Clinton Credit Union Ltd., 374 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario Phone 235-0640. (40tfn) - LARGE 2 BEDROOM duplex unit - upper level of house, approx. 900 sq. ft., spacious luxurious and homelike. Recent renovations including all"new" wallcovering, paint carpet and vinyl .flooring, plumbing, lighting, bathroom fixtures, oak cupboards and electrical ,service.' Many modern conveniences including cable T.V. and phone jacks in every room and three large lighted closets. Totally refubished with ultra modern design and quality materials. Also includes fridge, stove, your own "in -unit" washer and dryer, new venetian blinds for all windows. Outdoor grass area and 2 parking spaces provided. Very close to downtown shopping, schools, churches and rec centre; however in quiet subdivision. No pets, children or smokers (insurance reasons). Rent including heat, water, sewage, soft water, cable T.V. $590 per month (plus hydro): Call 235-0699 anytime and leave message. Available November 2, 1989. EXETER - Spacious newly decorated 2 bedroom apartment, fridge and stove included. Full basement and garage. Close to downtown $510.00 monthly. References required. Apply in writing to P.O. Box 31, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 for appointment. (44:45c) GRAND BEND - One and two bedroom apartments available immediately. Year round people wanted. Call 1-395-3141 and leave message. (44:45c) BACHELOR APARTMENT The Maples, Hensall. Available immediately. $214.00. Call 262-3124 or236-4230. (44tfn) COTTAGE, Grand Bend, cozy 2 bedroom winterized, furnished, available until May. $225 monthly. Phone 236-7121. (45:46c) FURNISHED executive home available in London to responsible mature couple for winter months at minimal rental. Reply to Box 26M, Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter NOM 1S6. (45:46c) EXETER - 3 bedroom house fully carpeted, electric furnace, carport. Available immediately. Phone 235-0692. (45-47') Have you thought of leaving the city to live or start a business? Only 2,0 minutes north of London. This property has many options. The existing building is 40 x 500 with alt services at the lot. Call now for more details. Catherine Glendinning, 633-9740 or 633-9419 after 4 p.m. Gemini I Realty Ltd. For Sale �, .. New house for sale with spacious living room, three Targe bed- rooms, a very spacious kitchen and dining area, 1 1/2 baths, laundry room, mud room and plenty of closets and storage all on main floor, large front porch, back patio and attached garage. Contact bus Gregus 235-1647. • ' Times -Advocate, November 8, 1989 20 Property For Rent -- HOUSE 1N EXETER. 4 bedrooms 5650.00 monthly. Phone 1-482-3026. (45-48c) THREE BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. Simcoe St. Available Dec. 1. Phone 236-4230. (45tfn) ONE BEDROOM APT. Clandeboye. S220. Everything included. Phot e 681-6569 or 227-1111. (45:46+) SMALL HOUSE - Grand Bend $495. a month. Available Dec. 1st. Phone 238-2251. Ask for Arlie. (45-48c) OFFICE SPACE available Main St. Exeter 5250.00 month includes all utilities. Call anytime at 235-1344 or leave message. (45-48c) 21 For Rent THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals, including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Phone 262-3027 or 235-1020. (10tfn) STORAGE SPACE for cars and boats. Call A. Vandenboomen, 236-4038. (40-47c) STORAGE SPACE available. 7 kilometres east 9f Grand Bend. Ca11 565-2294. (45:46c) 1600 SQ. FF. OF STORAGE. with loading ' dock. Phone 681-6569 or 227-1111. (45-48') 24 Property Wanted WILL PAY IMMEDIATE CASH for smaller, older three bedroom, reasonably priced home in Exeter. Reply with address and asking price to Box 89P, Exeter Times Advocate, P.O. Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM ISO. (19tfn) FOR COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE PHONE 262-2020 BAILEY'S OF HENSALL LTD. FARMERS We are now paying 130 to 375 for fresh dead or disabled animals weighing over 500 lbs. Sows, pigs and calves will be pick- ed up FREE of charge. 7 DAYS A WEEK - CALL 519-233-9811 or TOLL FREE • 1-800-265-5172 Serving the farm community for 21 years. HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD: R.R. #4 Clinton Page 23 Exeter Vida EXETER - Hello from everyone at the Exeter Villa. November is here and the countdown has started for Christmas. Upcoming birthdays this week are Lela Abbott, Marg Dinney, Joe Bruce, Roxie Weber, Ernie Col- lings and staff members Pat Camp- bell and Jean Touters. Happy birth- day everyone! Spooks and goblins abounded last week as we celebrated Hallowe'en. Some residents enjoyed dressing in costume but everyone participated in our hat parade. You have never seen so many different hats. Our treats were restricted to pumpkin as we tasted pumpkin bars and pumpkin tarts. Rev. Henry Van Essen conducted our weekly worship services last Wednesday. The Calvinettes visited last Thursday evening. We enjoyed playing bingo with the girls and all the lovely songs. Thank you gip'. In answer to your inquiries, we will not be taking orders for Christ- mas cakes. Our cakes and puddings will be available on Saturday De- cember 2 at our Christmas bazaar. Thought for the week: bad habits are like a comfortable bed - easy to get into but hard to get out of. eLaAs�ssiED CUBE VAN For Rent • Day -Meek • Month 237-3481 RAin SYSTEMS Quality Grain Storage Drying & Handling Products DESIGN • SALES • SERVICE AL -MAR GRAIN SYSTEMS LTD. Phone: 244 Wolf gta, Sl. W. Box S50 Bus (51 91 2354913 Exotic °Norio NW 130 n.•. 151 91 235 201E November 15th Installment of taxes Due STORAGE CARS, BOATS, MACHINERY NEW SHED 14 ft.4clearance, 24 ft. door Call - Jack Taylor After 6:00 p.m. 229-6472 OR SAL NEW ROME - EXETER STONEYRIDGRESTATE§ • 1700 sq. ft. • 3 bedmoma •b2 bathrooms • large kitchen & dinette • family room with gas insert fireplace • 2 car garage and cedar shake roof UNDER CONSTRUCTION • 2490 sq, R. • 4 bedroom home • 3 bathrooms • annken family, living mem and roaster bedroom MANY MORE EXTRAS ONEY E DEVELOPMENTS INC. R.R. #3, Exeter Jack and Jeff Taylor Evenings 229-6472 ] 1 I I 1