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Times -Advocate, November 1, 1989
After the donation - Beatrice Ersman holds some gauze to the arm of Const. Leo Weverink, one of over
250 blood donprs at the clinic at SHDHS organized by the Ausable River Nomads.
Jre than 250 donors
successful Blood D9nor Clinic
EXETER - Another successful
Blood Donor Clinic at SHDHS is
over and the Red Cross team and
Ausable River. Nomads are well
pleased with the turnout. With 251
donors and only nine deferrals a to-
tal of 242 units of blood were do-
The students always help in-
crease our total and a good number
were first time donors. We hope
they continue to support our Clinic.
Thank you to everyone who took
time to give the gift of life. Blood is
always needed and its the donors
that make it readily available.
The Nomads extend a sincere.
thanks to Mr. Wooden and staff at
the high school, Howard Holtz -
mann of EMA, Pepsi, Frayne's, Jer-
MacLean, Co-op Gas Bar and the
merchants who displayed signs and
posters, the Rebekahs and Exeter
Girl Guides.
These Blood Donor Clinics are
held to provide people with an op-
portunity to make a significant gift
to the sick and injured.
The next Red Cross Blood Donor
Clinic will be held on Monday,
April 30, 1990.
CCAT hosts baked bean contest
re you re- ply are your 'own secret ingre-
nowned for your secret baked -bean clients! Contest rules will be at -
recipe? Well here's a chance for tacked to the one pound bag of
you .to put your cooking skills to beans (approximately two cups) and.
the test. Get out your recipe for there is no entry fee.
baked bcans - or create a new one - Charlie Broadwell, manager of
and enter the 'Great Centralia Bean .the Ontario Bean -Producers' mar -
Cook -Off". keting Board will be the master of
Centralia College .is hosting the ceremonies for the event. The judg-
bake_d bean competition in conjunc- es are Murray Cardiff, MP for Hu-
ron County, and Yvonne- Reynolds
of the Exeter Timcs-Advocatc.
Judging will take place. on Satur-
day, November 18 at 12:15 p.m.
Participants are asked to bring their
entries to the college by noon.
The winning baked bean entry
will receive S50 in prize money.
Second prize is S25 and third prize
is $15. The winning recipe will be
tion with Showcase '89, a two day
Ivent coming up on November 17
"and 18, 1989: Anyone interested in
entering in the competition can
pick up their white beans on Fri-
day, November 3 between 4:30 and
8 p.m. at Valu -Mart and Darlings
grocery stores in Exeter and at
Knechtels in Huron Park. The
beans arc free all you have to sup=
Teachers - Twenty-five year pins were presented to Mary Moffatt
(left). vice principal of the Learning Resource Centre, Clinton, and
Joan Perrie, Exeter Public School, by Alison Beckett, executive as-
sistant of the Federation of Women Teachers Association of Ontario
at the fall banquet of the Huron Women Teachers' Association held
at the Brussels Community Centre.
Attention Baked
Bean Lovers
Enter the
"Great Centralia
Bean Competition"
for the Best Baked Beans during
Showcase '89, Centralia CnIlona
Saturday, Nov. 18
M.C. - Charlie Broadwell,
Ont. Bean Producers' Marketing Board
Judges - Murray Cardiff, MP Huron
- Yvonne Reynolds, Exeter Times Advocate
1st prize: $50, 2nd $25. 3rd $15 ,
To Enter: Pick up your free white beans on Fri.,
November 3 from 4:30 - 8 p:m.
at Valu Mart, Darlings and Knechtels
in Huron Park.
Sponsored by Cook's, Hensall Co-op, W.G. Thompson and
Centralia College
Contact the college, 228-6691 for more information.
published in the local papers. The
prize money has been generously
donated by Cooks', Hensall Co-op
and W.G. Thompsons. Centralia
College is supplying -the white
beans which are actually a variety
named "Centralia" because of the
college's involvement in develop-
ing the strain.
The "Great Bean Cook -Off' is
just one of the activities going on
during Showcase '89. The highlight
of Showcase is a performance of
the hilarious one-man play "Letter
from Wingfield Farm" starring Rod
Beattie. Beattie has travelled across
the country performing -the play
and has received national acclaim.
The curtain goes up Saturday, No-
vember 18 at 8:00 p.m. at the Rec-
reation Centre. Huron Park. Tickets
are only $10 each. Contact Central-
ia College at 228-6691 for more in-
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Auxiliary marks 38th anniversary.
EXETER - The Ladies Auxiliary
to the $.E. Pooley Exeter Branch
167 Royal Canadian Legion held
their regular meeting Monday. Oc-
tober 23 marking their 38th anni-
A scrumptious pot luck supper
was enjoyed by 35 members before
our business meeting chaired. by
President Cathy Pfaff.
Zone Commander Mary Hawn
from Kincardine made her official
visit. Mildred Chalmers' transfer
was accepted and she was wel-
comed by all.
Lynda Parkinson won the mys-
tery prize.
Past President Erny Robinson
was presented with her Past Presi-
dents medal and a gift on behalf of
the Auxiliary.
Year pins were also presented.
Anita Hunter received her 30 -year
pin and Esther Hillman her 20 -year
pin. Other recipients who were un-•
able to attend were Mae Brintnell
for her 35 -year pin, Jean Noels her
30 -year pin, Estelle Chalmers her
25 and Shirley Snell her 10 -year
Two teams participated in Zone
Sewing demonstrated
LUCAN - Dorcas Unit of Lucan
United Church unit leader Mabel
Froats welcomed members and
read a poem on "Talents". Church
calendars were ordered.
One car -load of articles for Wom-
en's Community House has been
delivered and more may be left at
Francis St. door of the church.
A sewing project was demon-
strated by Honour Stanley. More
crafts were brought in for the ba-
zaar November 25.
We discussed choosing a Christ-
mas gift for shut-ins.and the mak-
ing of turkey and beef pies in No-
Kippen 4-H club
KIPPEN - We started -off with
the 4-H pledge. We answered the
roll call with a place where you
have used a microwave oven, and
situation where a microwave oven
offers convenience.
After going through the rest of
our books, Michelle made Spud-
wisers while I made S'mores. Lori
made Grape Spritzers. Everybody
liked the foods and drinks.
Our next meeting is Monday, Oc-
tober 30 with Karen making Rice
Pudding and Candace and Jennifer
making Bunwiches.
Press Reporter Martina Aisen-
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Because you're worth it
For roll call, each answered with
her favourite hymn. Helen Banung
and Greta Gibson led in worship
with the theme "Human Relations".
Marjorie Park and Verna Ibitisen,
using maps and their daity fournals,
took us through their month-long
trip to Holland, Germany, Austria,
France and Italy. We look forward
to seeing their pictures.
Group 3 is in charge of Novem-
ber 28 meeting. All are asked to
bring food or a personal item for
the London Cancer -Cupboard.
Cribbage in Wingham; one team is
advancing to District level.
Six teams attended Zone Darts in
Clinton, with four teams advancing
to District level. 5200.00 was do-
nated to the South Huron Rec Cen-
tre for two weeks free public skat-
December 11 was the date set for
the Auxiliary Christmas Dinner.
Zone Commander Hawn outlined
changes being made by . Provincial
Command, and thanked the Auxil-
iary for their support toward the
Branch, the Veterans and the Com-
Lenore Latulippe, second vice
president, on behalf of the Auxil-
iary thanked Zone Commander
Hawn and presented her with a gift.
November being ' our Month to
Remember, there will be a Remem-
brance Day Parade to the Cenataph
on Sunday, November 5 with the
laying of wreaths at 10:30 a.m. Fol-
lowing that, a church service will
be held at Trivia Memorial Angli-
can Church at 11 a.m. -
The Auxiliary November meeting
will be held Monday, November 27
at 8 p.m. Two speakers from the
Christmas Bureau will be our
guests of the evening, at such time
a 550.00 donation will be made to
the Christmas Bureau. .
for 1989.
T -A Cookbook
Share your favourites
and become eligible .
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Entries accepted until November 10
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