HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-10-25, Page 4320 Property For Rent BACHELOR APARTMENT available November 1, 1989. Includes appliances, air conditioning and rear deck. Utilities are included. References are required. $445.00 per month. Call 233`1331 and ask , for Don Smith. (42tfx) DUPLEX FOR RENT downstairs and upstairs, 2 bedroom units. One block from Main St. Both available November. Apply to Box 19P, Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter, NOM 1S0. (42:43c) LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment with livingroom and dining room. Available December 2, 1989, $455.00 monthly, includes heat. Apply to Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd., 374 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Phone 235-0640. (40tfnc) 20 Property For Rent TWO BEDROOM apartment near downtown in Exeter, parking, laundry facilities $348.00 per month plus hydro. Call before 5 p.m. 1-660-6585 or after 5 p.m. 235-2395. (42tht) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent. Available Nov. 1. Close to downtown, newly renovated, parking, private entrance, gas heat, fridge and stove included, laundry hookup, $450 per month. References required. Phone 235-2019 after 6 p.m. (42:43c) 21 For Rent THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals, including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films etc. Kitchen facilities available. phone 262-3027 or 235-1020. (10th[) STORAGE SPACE for cars and boats. Call A. Vandenboomen, 236-4038. (40-47c) NOTICE Township Of Hay Ratepayers Public Meeting Regarding Recycling • Wednesday,1/4y October 25 • 7 PM At The Hay Township Hall Municipality of the Township of Hay 1846 ,4frfr Notice to Ratepayers The Final Instalment of 1989 Taxes are Due on, or before: Wednesday, November 1, 1989 Janisse Zimmerman Acting Clerk -Treasurer Township of Hay • 1* Canadian Radio -television and Telecommunications Commission Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des telecommunications canadiennes Notice CRTC - Public Notice 1989-113. The Commission has received the fol- lowing applications: 1. GODERICH, CLINTON AND HOLMESVILLE, EXETER, CENTRALIA AND HURON PARK, Ont. Applications (890342900, 890343700) by BLUEWATER TV CABLE LTD. owned by R.D. Evoy (50%), D.L. Raker (30%) and Donald L. Stinson (20%) and by EX-CEtik CABLEVISION LIMITED, indirectly owned by the same indi uals, for approvalto transfer, by way of shares, effective control (100%) of the above-mentioned licensees to Cablecasting Limited which is indirectly owned and effectively con- trolled by David R. Graham of Toronto. Examination of applications: Bluewater TV Cable Ltd., R.R. #2, Clinton. The complete text of this notice and the application may be viewed at CRTC, Central Building, Les Terrasses de la Chaudiere, 1 Promenade du Portage, Room 561, Hull, Quc. Interventions must be filed with the Secretary General, CRTC, Ottawa, Ont. K1 A ON2, with proof that a copy has been served on the applicant on or before 10 November 1989. For more infor- mation you may also call the CRTC Public Hearings Branch at (819) 997-1328 or 997-1027, CRTC Information Services in Hull at (819) 997- 0313. Canada Coming Events ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PENNY SALE - Precious Blood CWL. Wednes- day, November 15 - 7 p.m. Exeter Le- gion. Adults $1.00, children free under 12. Refreshments, door prizes, draws, baking, crafts, fish pond, all welcome. 44-45c EVERYONE HAS BEEN ASKING when is your Christmas Open House, so here's the dates and times to put on your calendar, plan your outing with friends and relatives. November 2 -November 18. Mon. Fri. & Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 4;30 p.m. Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p,m. Not Open Sundays. Come visit "Once Upon a Special Christmas" and see our home decorated from top to bottom with ideas galore. Murray's House of Flowers, 11 Richmond St. Ar- kona, 828-3398. See you Soon. 43-46c JEAN'S NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Christmas Open House. Show and Sale, November 17, 18, 19. 290 Sanders Street, Exeter. 43.46• NOVEMBER 17 AND 18 Centralia College presents Showcase '89 featur- .. - .. air. . -• ...JG.L.,.. _;-.. ring Rod Beattie (November 18), Live demonstrations, competitions and semi- nars relating to current issues in agricul- ture and food, Contact Centralia Col- lege for more information, (519) 228- 6691. 43-45c BAZAAR AND TEA in Brinsley An- glican Church, Saturday, November 11, 2 p.m. 43-46• SINGLES DANCE White Camation Hall, Holmesville. October 28th Ken Scott. 43c 2ND ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW AND SALE, Sunday, November 5, 10-4 at the Exeter Legion Hall. Over 35 tables, crocheting, knit- ting and much more. Adults SI.00. Eve- ryone welcome. 41,42,43c BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH - Hclping Hands Annual Craft and Bake Sale, Exeter Town Hall, Saturday, No- vember 4 from 10-4. 41,42,43• 2ND ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW AND SALE Sunday, November 5, 10-4 at the Exeter Legion Hall. Adults 51.00. Everyone welcome. 43,44c HERITAGE FOUNDATION MEET- ING - Monday, October 30, 8:00 p.m., Olde Town Hall Auditorium. Guest speaker L.S. Menne!. New members welcomed. Open to the public. 42,43c HOT TURKEY SUPPER, Grand Bend United Church; November 8. Adults 57.00, children 53.00, pre- schoolers free. Advance tickets only on sale October 23. For 5 p.m. phone 238- 2127, for 6 p.m. phone 2.38-2252, for 7 & 8 p.m. phone 238-2030. Take outs available, by phoning 238-8490, by 10 a.m. November 8. 42,43,44c PHONE YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER today and learn how you can make a good kid in your com- munity "feel like a million dollars!" Nominate a good kid for a Junior Citi- zen of the Year award. OCTOBER 28-30 CREATIVE SEW- mNr AND NFF.TII.F.WORK PINT!. VAL - Automotive budding, Exhibi- tion Place, Toronto. Discover, learn and buy at Canada's largest showcase of supplies, services, trends and tech- niques for sewing, knitting, quilting, spinning, weaving, embroidery, rug hooking, smocking and crafts. Over 300 booths, free demonstrations, fash- ion shows, meet the experts and more. Admission 57.00. Information (416) 470-7057. ELEVENTH ANNUAL London Arts & Crafts Christmas Show and Sale re- turns to Centennial Hall, London, Fri- day, October 27 - 12 noon -10 p.m. Sat- urday, October 2$ - 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday, October 29 - 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Admission S2. Over 100 craftspeople. A quality show and sale. Information Olga Traher (519) 679-1810. MEN'S HAM AND EGG SUPPER - Hibbert United Church, Staffa, Wednesday, November 15, 5-8 p.m. Adults 56.00, children under 12 52.00. 43,44,45• 21 For Rent STORAGE for can, boats, campers. Call Rion Anderson 235-0664. (42-44c) 24 Propel ty Wonted WILL PAY IMMEDIATE CASH for smaller, older three-bedroom, reasonably priced home in Exeter. Reply with address and asking price to Box 89P, Exeter Times Advocate, P.O. Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S0 19tfn 29 Yard & Garage Sales YARD SALE - End of Season Garage Sale. Playpen, spring horse, household items, coins etc. 501 Mary St. Exeter. (Huron west of tracJ.$). 8-12. Sat. Oct. 28. (43c) e Kirkton Agricuttural Society ANNUAL BANQUET & 4-H AWARDS NIGHT Tues. Nov.14 - 7 p.m. sharp Kirkton Woodham Community Centre Guest Speaker Miss C.N.E. 1988 For tickets contact your 4-H leader Adults $7.00 4-H members $3.50 Buck & Doe for Joey Groot & Patty Regier Fri., Oct. 27 For information 236-4608, 236-4743 Town of Clinton RECYCLING TENDER Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to con- tents will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 20th, 1989 for a multl•matertel recycling pickup within the Town of Clinton. Tenders must be submitted on the Town of Clinton tender forms available from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. • Marie Jefferson, Clerk -Treasurer, 23 Albert Street, Box 400, Clinton, Ontario, NOM ILO 519-482-3997 M• 2v�P5 c`a`\° G. reasure Chest BINGO Thursday, Oct. 26 Zurich Community Centre JACKPOT $1,000.nsT Bonanza games in 51 calls Estimated Value $150 Over $2800 In Cash Prizes Doors open at 6:15 p.m. Bingo starts at 7:30 p.m. No one under 16 elfible to .la • Lucan Community Bingo Wednesday, Oct. 25 Bingo Starts 7:30 Regular Games $1000 Jackpot Game Total Prizes $2300 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 16 allowed to play Licence #537495 Hensall Arena Events Wednesday, October 25 2:30-3:30p.m. Moms & Tots 5:30-10:15p.m. Minor Hockey (Hensall) Thursday, October 26 5:30 p.m. Ringette• 8:15 p.m. Rec Hockey Friday, October 27 4:15p.m. Figure Skating 8:30• p.m. Old Timers Saturday, October 28 8:00 a.m. Minor Hockey (Hensall) 1:00 3:OOp.m. Free Public Skating Sponsored By HensaN Kinsmen 3:30 p.m. Ringette 7:00 p.m. Seaforth Minor Hockey Sunday, October 29 1:00-3:OOp.m. Public Skating 3:30 p.m. Ringette 5:00 p.m. Open Ile Monday, October 30 5:30p.m. Hensall Minor Hockey 9:00 p.m. Open Ice Tuesday, October 31 4:15p.m. Figure Skating 7:45 p.m. Broomball This Advertisement Sponsored By: GenerdC�i 73 Mill Street Hensall, Ontario NOM 1X0 Tel.: (519) 262-2600 Fax.: (519) 262-2340 Albatross Tavern Huron Park 228-6733 Hallowe'en Hoot This Thurs. & Fri. "SLY" Costumes Prizes Every Wed. Wings 250 each All day long Thurs. & Fri. Nov. 2 & 3 "DANNY MOON" Get tickets now for - Ladies Night Sat., -Nov. 25th 8 p.m. Guys & Dolls $7.50 advance Daily Lunch Specials 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. $4.25 Blood Donor Clinic on Thurs., Oct. 26/89 at Exeter High School 1 - 4; 5:30 - R:30 ' Sponsored by Ausable River Nomads I'11(.Olde her 111 S% Il�— ' LncntM irrrilamisitftte between the aeheel and the Community Centre "Your crafty Mini -Mall In downtown Holmeavllle" GRAND OPENING — This Weekend - 3 Days Only — FRIDAY OCTOBER 27: 10 AM - 5 PM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28: 10 AM - 5 PM SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29: 2 PM - 5 PM Our/ Hands Boutique •oreen.en see 14101111 •issuers AVOW Grime. weave •t.sest H.rewM. 482-1740 Seams Sew Easy •Fsbrk. and G*Get ° neon* ofilo Mesa triers Mod**. and *weer 482-7036 $peelat Effects r.r M Yev WS MNr O..rsM"e. e- Ifww co* seer. P. P. O.,e.rw..t s..A'i4i7inui 482-5700 D.corsttens Pe' ea Oce siert" Door Prizes — Complimentary Refreshments "CLIP AND BRING THIS AD FOR A . FREE SURPRISE GIFT" Times -Advocate, October 25, 1989 "STRENGTHENING STEP FAMILIES" A discussion group tor step parents — Meets for 5 weeks beginning NOVEMBER 7 0 Interested, call HURON CENTRE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH 4$2-3931 BARN DANCE 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Fri.. Oct. 27 Singles Dance Country Versatiles Sat., Oct. 28 Hallowe'en Dance Tennessee Gentlemen NEW YEAR'S EVE TICKETS NOW ON SALE No Blue Jeans, Please! 349.2678 Group Reservations Welcome Page 27 Huron Community Service Network presents a PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 AT THE LEGION HALL, CLINTON 9:00 AM -3:30 PM GUEST SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Dr. Glenn Marshall "UNDERSTANDING ME" Rev. Roger McComb "KEYS TO A SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIP" AFTERNOON WORKSHOPS ON •Presentation Skills •Time Management •Motivation SIGN UP NOW! Preregistration is required. $35. FEE Phone the Agricultural office 482-3428 or 1-800- 265-5171 DINING LOUNGE Book your Christmas Party Now! And have a complete evening Start with dinner then let Rick Powell entertain you from 9:30 1:00 Great food and a Great Time Call 238-5811 SHOWCRSE '89 Ilinner /Theatre At Centralia College Huron Park Saturday November 18th "Letter from Wingfield. Farm" Starring Rod Beattie , Enjoy a full course dinner, with choice of entre, followed by a hilarious evening of entertainment 6:00 Dinner and Theatre $25.00 8:00 Theatre only $10.00 Call: Brenda Martene, at Centralia College 519-228-6691 extension #224 `tot" Everybody knows the about DRINKING AND DRIVING KNOWING Myth ... YOUR LIMIT WAITING "1'm not drunk. 1 know how much 1 can drink without it affecting me ;rlyth ... BEFORE 1 can drive home now: haven't hod a drink ^R VINer in the past 45 minutes." �a./1(��� IT,Styth ... 3. "No hard qJ flowHV mptoniehtli.rl.uor•„nOr BEER drive. So 1 11 Myth ... just have beer ' COCKTAILS I� 1 have to drive VLr� g-Ntonight, so put lots of mix in my drinks.” FOODD Myth ... "I'm not too drunk to ALCOHOL drive.1 had a huge dinner tonight." SOBERING Mytn ... BERING 1 know I've had quite SO UP WITH COFFEE a bit to drink, so Just give me a block coffee and 1'1l be okoy to drive." HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY HALLOWEEN! DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE Sponsored by Huron Addiction Assessment & Referral Centre and C.K.N.X. Radio