HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-10-18, Page 33With OPP 25 years - Constable Wayne Charlton who retired recently after 25 years with the Ontario
Provincial Police was honoured in Exeter Saturday night. From the left are Exeter OPP Staff Sergeant
Don Mclnnes, Wayne Charlton and his wife Willy, Constable Ralph Christmas and Constable Paul
Holmes representing OPPA of District 6.
Honour transferred OPP - Sergeant Rick Sinnamon who was transferred recently from the Exeter
OPP detachment to District headquarters in Mount Forest and wife Patty received gifts Saturday
night from the Exeter Lions and Lionesses. At the left is Lion Ross Mathers and at the right is Lio-
ness Ann Thompson.
A TRU transfer Constable Rick Zupancic was recently transferred from the Exeter OPP detachment
to the TRU team in London. He is shown above with his wife Sandi receiving plaques from Consta-
bles George Finch at the left and Rick Borden at the right.
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Times -Advocate, October 18, 1989
Page 33
Open house for 90th birthday
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Harloff attended an open house
in honor of the ninetieth birthday
of the former's ,pother Esther Harl-
off, held at the church in Wartburg
on Sunday, October 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins
and grandson John Herbert attend-
ed a family gathering on Thanks-
giving Day held at the home of
Lois Herbert of London.
Florence McRobert, Florence
Riddell and Muriel Lewis of the
Granton Women's Institute attend-
ed the London Area W.I. Conven-
tion held at Embro October 12.
Don Roloson attended the recep-
tion and dinner for Kellogg's 25
year club held at the Radisson Ho-
tel in London on Saturday evening.
The Cook family relatives attend-
ed a bridal shower in honor of Che-
ryl Lynn held at the home of Mrs.
Jim Riddell on Sunday afternoon.
Dani Roloson of Kitchener was
home with his family for the week-
At St. Thomas' Anglican Church
on Sunday, Rev. Beverley Wheeler
celebrated the Eucharist and gave
an overview of church history. It is
important to know one's identity
and stand firm on the apostolic
teachings of Jesus Christ, the min-
ister noted. The lessons were read
by Jim Hodgins and Rev. Wheeler.
Muriel Lewis and Joe French
were invested as Lay Adminis-
trants by permission of the bishop.
Special music was provided by
Carol Hughesman, Richard Miron
and Peter Daniels of the London
Arise Group. A time of fellowship
followed the service.
There was no service at Granton
United Church on Sunday because
of the Anniversary service at Wes-
ley. Rev. Ann Langford of London
was the guest speaker and her mes-
sage was entitled "What do you
mean by this service". Special mu-
sic was provided by the Trinity
Trio of Thamesford. The bulletin
Letter to
the Editor
steward was Jennifer Walden.
The Granton U.C. Youth group
met at the home of Julie McColl on
Sunday evening.
The St. Thomas' A.C.W. met at
the home of Mrs. Percy Hodgins
on Thursday evening, October 12.
The Co-ordinator Irene Roloson
opened the program with a thought
for the day from the Friendship
Mrs. Roloson also led the medita-
tion on Commonsense Christianity
about the Persistent Cat and Mrs.
Hodgins gave the Bible reading
from Luke 18.
During the business, a leuer was
read about the open house at St.
Monica House in Waterloo and it
was decided to forego having a ba-
zaar this fall. Readings were given
by Marlene French, Olice (K.) Hod-
gins and Margaret Oakley and the
grace by Ethel Crouch. Lunch was
served by the hostess.
The general U.C.W. meeting was
held at the church on Tuesday eve-
ning, October 10 commencing with
refreshments. The president Ruth
Cook welcomed everyone and read
a poem about Autumn.
During the business, final plans
were made for the bazaar and
luncheon and also the beef supper
in November was discussed.
Jackie Pierce introduced Wendy
and Linda from Interior Touch in
London who had a display of crafts
for sale.
Unit five took charge of the pro-
gram when Ina Harlton read Thanks
should be everyday and gave the
meditation. In everything give
thanks. Margaret Spence closed
with a reading Pilgrims Voices.
Granton 4-H
The Granton 4-H Club met at the
St. Thomas' Anglican Church on
September 28 for their second
meeting. The roll call was answered
by naming two convenience foods
available at the local grocery store.
The members discussed if conven-
ience foods were good quick solu-
They also learned that a wise con-
sumer should read the labels and
that added sugar is a frequent ingre-
dient.. The girls sharpened their
shopping skills with a true or false
quiz and read more about fast foods
Leanne Kelly and Katie Ewald a
made biscuits and the home activi-
ties were assigned. Angela Mcllhar-
gey was the secretary and reporter.
The third meeting of the Granton
4-H on speedy meal preparation
was held at the Anglican Church on
Thursday evening, October 5. After
the usual opening, the home assign-
ments were taken up. The members
then split into three groups to plan
menus, and all three came up with
some interesting meals. Penny Kin-
dree, Katherine Harding and Pam
Waters then prepared a delicious
salad. Paula Prncombe was the sec-
retary and reporter.
The Granton 4-H Snack Attack-
ers held their fourth meeting at the
Anglican Church on Thursday -eve-
ning, October 12. The roll call
was answered with Microwave
oven uses in the home.
The previous assignment was tak-
en up and then the girls discussed
how microwave ovens cook, parts
of the microwave, microwave
cooking terms and arrangement of
foods in the microwave. They also
tested their microwave I.Q. and had
a magic world scramble.
Cassandra Harding and Lisa
Reeves made Spudweisers (baked
potatoes) in the microwave with
toppings of chili, grated cheese and
butter. After enjoying these, the
meeting came to a close with the 4-
H motto. Lisa Reeves was the sec-
retary and reporter.
Dear Sir.
These days many unthinking peo-
ple seem to be blaming Mulroney
and Wilson for everything from ,'
pirnples to head lice to the weather. ti• •
Perhaps they should stop long
enough to think more seriously
about Canada's problems. We know
something must be done about our
huge national debt, how we pay for
child care, welfare, unemployment
insurance, hospitalization to men-
tion a few "must haves". And per-
haps we should remember that 301
percent of the proposed new taxes
will go to pay for Trudeau's excess-
es in the past.
And while we are being so criti-
cal, lets consider the alternatives, a
Liberal, or even worse, a N.D.P.
government. All the so-called big
guns of the NDP are busy tripping
over themselves avoiding the leader-
ship of the party. Dave Barrett, who
made a mess of running B.C. is
now in the race!
As for the Liberals, their leader-
ship contenders are a sorry lot .Take
Chertien, can you image the effect
he would have in the international
scene with his "Dese, dem and
dose"? As for Sheila "the Mouth"
Copps, she is a publicity seeking
joke. Lloyd Axworthy was a poor
cabinet minister, falling under sus-
pension for questionable use of de-
partment aircraft. (Amongst other
sordid things). As for Paul Martin,
who wants another Martin? His fa-
ther was a politician, not a states-
man. As for the pretty premier of
Ontario; he would carry such a
mantle or sleaze from his cabinet
appointments that he would be a
handicap on the ticket besides that,
he doesn't speak, he mutters!
So, lets be thankful for what we
have. They arc not perfect, but bet-
ter than the other lot!
Yours truly
"Gibby" J.M. Gibson
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