HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-10-18, Page 7Times -Advocate, October 18, 1989
Over 300 women attend 75th annual WI convention
By Dolores Shapton
R.R. 1 Exeter
EMBRO - Over 300 women
' thronged to the new one- day Lon-
don Area Women's Institute 75th
annual Convention with the theme
"Women and the Environment" at
Embro Community Centre, Octo-
12. Laurine McIntosh of St.
Forthcoming marriage - Barba-
ra Diane and Robert John to-
gether with their parents Mr.
and Mrs. Herb Stretton, Hen-
sall and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Oud,
Kippen, would like to an-
nounce their forthcoming marri-
age. The wedding will take
place at Our Lady of Mt. Car-
mel Church on- October 28,
1989 at 3:00 p.m. Open recep-
tion to follow in Hensall.
Marys, president welcomed every-
one with comments that an anniver,
sary reminded her of cake, candles
and wishes. She reminded each
member that she was a public rela-
tions officer and that we are nine
million strong.
Her wish was reminding us that
our world is our heritage but let us
leave this world a better place when
we leave. She gave some tingling
highlights of her recent attendance
of the Associated Women of the
World Conference recently held in
Kansas City Conference with the
theme Partners in Progress.
ACWW World President, Dr. Ellen
McLean quoted, "Women are equal
to everything". A beautiful blue and
gold corsage was given to each Past
President. Secretaries and Treasur-
ers from 1960 to 1989 honouring
them for their participation in Lon-
don Area.
President Elect Peggy Knapp for
Federated Women's Institute of ON-
tario brought Margaret Munro's
message who is FWIO president.
She reminded the group that our
handbook is our roadmap and that
life can be understood backwards
but lived forward. We should be
more flexible but are proud of the
members and their initiative who
gain courage and confidence form
belonging to the Women's Insti-
A workshop for presidents secre-
taries and treasurers will be held in
January 1990 with two delegates at-
tending from London Area. A man-
ual is being prepared as well. No
one can do it alone and paid tribute
to our faith, hope and keeping ,to-
gether in progress. Irene Richard-
son, Past President of London Area
was nominated to be a candidate for
President Elect for FWIO to which
she accepted with an inspiring re-
Winnie Wilson report that Lobo
Women's Institute donated over 70
articles to the Children's Hospital
for Western Ontario and that slip-
pers ages 1-10, wrapping and tissue
paper, comic books, crayons, co-
louring books, coloured chalk
,string etc. were needed. Food and
Agriculture Awareness report was
given by Gabriel Wills telling us
of a two day food and energy work-
shop and the promotion of agricul-
ture with a team of ladies teaching
the difference between hay and
straw in the classrooms.
Alternate Public Relations Offi-
cer, Dolores Shapton urged each
Public Relation Officer in branch
and district to prepare a budget for
public relations and promoted the
new project UNSCO Action #1$0
and to please support Pennies for
Friendship with colourful posters.
Curator Jean Ratcliffe asked for
clippings of events in our branches
and districts and had a life like dis-
play paying tribute to our past
while Helen Anderson showed
slides of the Erland Lee Home at
Stoney Creek and told us that St.
Pauls Branch had dedicated a water
colour picture of the Lee done by a
W.I. daughter in recognition of the
work done by Jean Coulthard, St.
Pauls branch.
Program Co-ordinator Grace
Campbell congratulated everyone
on the numerous topics and vari-
ous interesting meetings that had
been held in London Area.
Lisa Thompson, R.O.S. for Ok-
ford County demonstrated Maslows'
Hierachy of Needs and Techniques
to Motivate People. Station
SMOG, Motherwell Branch,
Easter Star Executive installed - The 1989-90 executive of the Exeter chapter of the Order of the
Eastern Star was installed, Saturday night. Back, left, Jean Mills, Joan Keys, Reg Finkbeiner, Mari-
lyn Zivkovic, Jack Hamilton, Norma Carey, Roy Carey, Maida Gaiser, Bill Schade, Joyce Lavender, Don-
na Webster and Bernice Kristoferson. Front, treasurer Kathleen Hodgert, Associate Matron Jean Eas-
ton, Worthy Matron Christine Traquair, Worthy Patron Dan Traquair, Associate Patron Don Easton and
secretary Cecil Moody.
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brought live theatre complete with
the latest fashions that are harming
our environment in a very humor-
ous but realistic way. Well done!!
Six essays were entered in the
Folklore competition and the win-
ner was Vickie Grifithe, RR3,
Strathroy, Napier Branch. Winners
of the Marlyn Pardy Scholarships
were Heather Miller, Subdivision
21, Chantelle Van Mierlo, Subdi-
vision 22, Lynn Nickholas, Subdi-
vision 23. Each branch donated a
craft to the craft table with realized
Guest speaker, Eleanor Wood,
Troy, said that women are the
backbone of rural and urban areas.
Life is great but we have to do
something about our environment,
the quality of life depends on you,
be yourself and do the best you
can. You can make the difference
in the world. Mayor of Zorra, Wal-
lace Hammond paid a beautiful
tribute to the accomplishments of
the Women's Institute. The Sweet
Adeline -Festival Sound from Mil-
verton and Woodstock area enter-
tained with sweet musical notes.
1990 is the International Year -
A Year for Action. The 1990 76th
convention will be held one day,
Exeter UCW
EXETER - The afternoon unit of
Exeter UCW ladies met on October
12. Mrs. Laura Dickey opened the
meeting with a Thanksgiving
Prayer, followed by business. La-
dies have started quilting and any-
one is welcome to help.
Theme of the meeting was
Thanks living. "Let usgive
thanks": was read by Mrs Hazel
Snell. Mrs. Marion Porter gave
comments how its easy to give
thanks when everything is going
well but more difficult when we
have sad, dull times.
Mrs. Marion Dearing introduced
the new study book on Canada. We
are a multicultural country. Our an-
cestors have all immigrated here at
one time or another.
Many new Canadians have come
since the war. All nationalities were
mentioned and the various reasons
they came to Canada to make a new
Worship on Thankfulness was
lead by Marion Porter Scripture St.
Luke 17; verses 11-20. Jesus curing
the ten lepers and only one return-
ing with thanks. Worship closed
with prayer.
Mrs. Dorothy Bullock played an
instrumental. A social time fol-
October 11 hosted by Huron West
and Huron South Districts.
'Gillespie - Coward
Tracey. Lynn Coward and lan
Thomas Gillespie were married
August 26, 1989, in Elimville
United Church. Rev. Sheila
Macgregor officated. Tracey is
the daughter of Dan and Janet
Coward, RR1 Woodham and
lan is the son of Murray and
Irene Gillespie, Newmarket.
Maid of honour was Catherine
Johns, RR3 Exeter. Bridesmaids
were Sharen Skinner, Exeter,
cousin of the bride, Heather Gil-
lespie, Elmvale, sister of the
groom, Jodi Hallworth, Middle-
hurst, Nova Scotia, Erin Cow-
oward, sister of the bride and
Shawna Rowe, cousin of the
bride. Best man was Richard
Warburton, Toronto and ushers
were Barry Patterson, Missis-
sauga, Rob Baker, Newmarket
and Mark Coward, brother of
the bride. Ringbearer was Mat-
thew Rowe, cousin of the
bride. Soloist was Sandra
Rowe, aunt of the bride. After a
honeymoon to the .east coast
and eastern United States, Tra-
cey and lan are residing in Wa-
Larry Dolmage, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Warnes, Seaforth
and Laurie Mills, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mills, Ex-
eter, were united in marriage in
Egmondville United Church on
October 7, 1989, with Rev.
Cheryl -Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa
officiating. Attending the bride
were maid of honour Erryn
Shepherd, Bayfield, brides-
maids Jody Mills, London,
Mary Bennett,. Stratford, and
Belinda Mills , Exeter and flow-
ergirl Katie Wood, Seaforth.
Ringbearer was Wade Broome,
Egmondville. Marc Robinet
was groomsman. Ushers were
Kevin Bennett, Stratford, John
Cairns, Seaforth and Mike
Mills, Exeter. Organist was
Marion Rose, and Ralph Wood,
Seaforth, was soloist. A recep-
tion followed in the Seaforth
and District Community Centre.
After a wedding trip to Florida,
the couple will reside in Eg-
-Gregor Campbell photo
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