HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-10-04, Page 24Page 24 Times -Advocate, October 4, 1989 Robert Hardie gets 60 year Lodge pin GRANTON - On Sunday, Sep- tember 24, several members of the Granton Masonic Lodge visited with Robert -Hardie, who has re- turned home from hospital follow- ing surgery. They presented Mr. Hardie with a 60 year membership pin. He was the master of the Granton Lodge in 1948. Nora Wissel and Elsie Dann en- joyed a trip to Vermont last week to seethe fall colours. Get well wishes from the Gran- ton Community to Velma Hodgins who is recovering at home follow - Moving Van for Rent (Cube Van) by • Day • Week • Month • Automatic & PS For booking call 237-3481 ******************** * LARGE CONSIGNMENT * AUCTION * Of farm machinery, antiques,* * household items, and misc. * * Ilderton Fair Grounds, * Ilderton, Ont. * Sat , Oct. 14 - 10 a.m. * * Already consigned - 1 mans* * complete machinery such as:* * J.D. 2130 diesel tractor, M.F.* * 12' swather, M.F. 124 baler with * * thrower, two bale racks and* * wagons, Gleaner F 6 cyl. diesel* * combine with cab and heater, 4* * row • corn head (excellent condi-* ' *.tion). Read next weeks ad for * * more complete listings. * * Auctioneers * * Filson & Robson * * 666-0833 - (519) 666-1967 ******************** ing a hip operation recently. Muriel Lewis returned home on Sunday having spent the past 12 days attending the Associated Country Women of the World Tri- ennial Conference held in 14ansas City, Missouri. At Granton United Church on world wide communion Sunday, October 1, Rev. Bruce Pierce enti- tled his sermon "You must test yourself'. The lessons were from Jeremiah 31 and lst'Corinthians 11. Lisa Humphrey was the bulle- tin steward. The Youth Group met 414 the Tasty beans - Ron Williamson stirs up a pot of baked beans at the Hyland Seeds and W.G. Thomspon booth at the Ilderton Fair. Look- ing on are Sharon Haskett and Jim Morlock. Bob Heywood, Auctioneer 235-0874 Saturday, October 14/89 at 11 a.m. On location in the • village of Dashwood. We will be dispersing by auction the estate of the late Mrs. Karen Pe- dersen including property, furnishings, antiques, large offering of col- lectible china and glass, misc. effects. Also included are 11 matching pressback chairs and large antique oval dining table. PROPERTY: Selling subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Terms - 10% down sale day, balance in 30 days. Known as 128 Centre St. ac- cording to plan 527 of the county of Huron, village of Dashwood, lot 10 comprised of .31 acres with 67.7' frontageori paved street. A neat 1 1/ 2 storey frame home with large open front porch,.kitchen, dining room, 3 bedrooms, living room, TV room, basement etc. For viewing contact 235-0874 or 237-3557. Watch. next weeks paper for a full listing of this fine sale. • QUOTATION FOR EQUIPMENT STORAGE STORAGE SPACE IS REQUIRED FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS Storage should be on ground level, secure and provide dry storage conditions. The building will be required for a minimum of one year. Year round access is a requirement. A minimum of 2200 square feet is required. Access door must have a minimum clearance of 10 feet high and 15 feet wide. Heat, hydro and water are not a requirement. Selection will be based on price and distance from the Agrono- my Research Farm. Please quote bn total space available and cost per square foot per year. Quotes will be received until 1:00 p.m. on October 10, 1989 at the following location, CENTRALIA COLLEGE of Agricultural Technology Huron Park, Ontario NOM IVO Attention, Quotation Number 89-D • Lowest or any quote not necessarily accepted. For further infor- mation contact Jim O'Toole, Head: Agronomy Division, (519) 228-6691. • 1 -2TENDE-R-=440 The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority invites tenders for the removal of a Ateel l-fi twaay'brrtige) and ` installation of a new culvert. Location: on former Highway #81 right-of-way' west - of Parkhill Dam on the northerly limits of the Town of Parkhill. The proposed work is divided into two components: Part A: Removal and disposal of a steel truss bridge (approxi- mate deck size 60 feet long by 22 feet wide) and removal of ap- proximately the top 4 feet of the concrete abutments. Part B: Supply and place approximately 60 feet of 30 inch corru- gated steel pipe, including granular backfill. Tender forms may be obtained from the Ausable Bayfield Con- servation Authority office at the Morrison Dam Conservation Area, R.R. #3, Exeter. Sealed tenders will be received by the Ausable Bayfield Con- servation Authority, P.O. Box 2410,_Exeter, Ontario -NOM 157; •Attention: Mr. Tom B. Prout,'General Manager, until 12:00 noon, Wednesday October 18, 1989. A decision on the successful tenderer will be made within 48 hours of tender closing. Lowest or any tender may not neces- sarily be accepted. For further information, contact Ted Jones at The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority, Exeter office §19-235-2610. Kippen 4-H KIPPEN - Once again the Kip - pen I 4-H Club has started up. This year's leaders are Lynn Alderdice and Karen Kinsman. There are 10 girls who have joined the Good Foods Fast pro- gram. On Monday, September 25 we elected our executive: President Karen Kipfcr, Vice-president Can- dace Cooper, Secretary and Treas- urer Michelle Kinsman and Press Reporter is Martina Aiseppreis. . The next meeting on Monday, October 2 we will be making Quick Fix Mix and Easy Pancakes out of our recipe booklet. Press Reporter Martina Aisenpreis AIDS Awareness Week in Ontario October 16- 22. 1989 Be aware Call the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline 1 -800 -668 -AIDS United Church on Sunday evening. There was no service at St. Thomas' Anglican Church on Sun- day because of the Harvest Thanks- giving service at St. Paul's Church, Kirkton.•A former mini- ster, Rev. Greg Smith of London was the guest preacher. Court Valentine The ladies of Court Valentine Forester's Lodge. met at the Gran- ton park pavilion room on Tuesday evening, Serrtember 26. Edith Youngson presided and do- nations were made to the Arthritic Society and the Kidney Founda- tion. Marjorie Mills and Dorothy Hern Were in charge of catering to the Lions' dinner on Wednesday even- ing, September 27th. An invitation was accepted to visit Court Blue- bell at Keyser on October 4. Lunch was served by Margaret Spence. Crediton 4-H Meeting 1 CREDITON - The Crediton 5 4- H club gathered at the home of leader Dianne Kaak for the first meeting of "Good Foods Fast" on Monday, September 18 at 7:00 p.m. There are 10 members in the club and all were present. The other leader is Mary Glavin. We started off with the 4-H pledge. Then we answered the roll call which was "Describe one situa- tion in which you or your family need to prepare foods in a hurry." We did a quiz on our fast food style and read through the first meeting in our book. - We elected our new officers: President Becky Hartman; Vice Kelly Glavin; Secretary Lisa Gla- vin. Julie Kaak prepared the Egg 'n' Muffin and the fruit and bran break- fast mix. Lisa Glavin prepared the spiced apple muffins and party pop-. corn. All was enjoyed. Meeting 2 We held our second meeting at the home of leader Mary Glavin on Monday, September 25 where all were present. We read through our home activi- ties and did our roll call, which this week was "Name two convenience foods at your local grocery store". We tested types of macaroni for the preparation time, cooking time, cost, appearance and taste. The club is planning on a trip to a local grocery store in a future meeting. - W voted on a club name and cam up with "The Sneaky Snack- ers". - Jenn Glavin and Shannon Bren- nan prep ed the meal with Jenny making the Macaroni and Cheese and the quick fix mix, and Shannon making pancakes and biscuits. Again all was enjoyed. Press Reporter Rosemary Glavin Ontario Development Corporation Huron Industrial Park Huron Park; Ont. NOM 1Y0 ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER SCRAP METAL • A quantity of scrap metal, various types and grades will be sold. Interested parties are invited to view the material on Wednes- day, October 11th at 2:00 p.m. Individual Sealed Bids for the above will be received until 12:00 noon local time on Wednesday, October 18th, 1989. For further information regarding above please contact ODC Supervisor of Operations at the above address or telephone (519) 228-6657. MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, TRADE AND TECHNOLOGY. Ontario Development_, Cnmp.Ourati„.. Hiifoh' Ifidustrial Park Huron Park, Ont. NOM 1Y0 ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS - NO. HIP89/13 to supply labour, material and equipment for re -wiring of light fix- tures, Building #7B, Huron Industrial Park. FLOORING CONTRACTORS - NO. HIP89/14 Tn-c iipply.labnilr; material -and equip tient-as andwf!u::';;y:;s;cd to refinish hardwood floors in residential units. MASONRY CONTRACTORS - NO. HIP89/15 To supply labour, material and equipment as required for chim- ney repairs on residential units. Individual Sealed Tenders for the above contracts will be re- ceived until 12:00 noon local time on Monday, October 16th, 1989. Tender documents may be obtained from the Ontario Develop- ment Corporation, Huron Industrial Park, Huron Park, Ontario, NOM 1Y0 For further information regarding these tenders please contact ODC Supervisor of Operations at the above address or tele- phone (519) 228-6657. The lowest or any tender not necessarily acceptable. MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, TRADE AND TECHNOLOGY. Bob Heywood, Auctioneer 235-0874 Friday evening, October 13/89 at 6 p.m. at South Huron Rec Centre We will be dispersing the estate of the late Mr. Earl Dixon of Centralia. This offering includes antiques, collectibles; approx. 6 old clocks, pump organ, furnishings, china etc. Watch next weeks paper for a full list of this fine sale. o01111111MEL co HOUSEHOLD q v.• G�Oa AUCTION SALE GCy.r. ,, For Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gascho who have moved to S Bluewater Rest Home, with additions from Zurich area homes. TONIGHT Wed,. October 4 at 6:00 p.m, In the Zurich Arena FURNITURE: Red maple chesterfield with rocker chair, chester- fields and chairs, end tables, 4 drawer wood desk, velvet seat tub chair, dressers with mirrors, drawer dressers, wood chairs, box spring and mattress with headboard, wood and chrome tables with chairs, co- lour console TV with remote control and VCR, cedar chest, step stools, dishes, plates, Tupperware, vases, pots and pans, cream and sugars, glasses, linens, childrens toys, trike, tools, tool box, lawn and garden tools, two -wheel trailer, loveseat with chesterfield and chairs. APPLIANCES: Gold McClary refrigerator and stove, Westinghouse range (like new), chest freezer, Inglis automatic washer and dryer, electric heaters with fans, clocks, iron, kettle, fry pan, adding ma- chine, radio and much more. Terms cash. Lunch booth NOTE: Sale date changed from last weeks advertising to Wed., Oc- tober 4th, TONIGHT. Auctioneer John Finlay, 236-4814 tWin STOCKER SALE 800 HEAD AT HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES LTD., ON SATURDAY, OCT. 7th, 1989 at 1:00 p.m. Consisting of: Steers, Heifers and Calves FOR INFORMATION CALL: Victor Hargreaves 519-233-7511 Clinton Barry Miller 519-235-2717 Exeter 519-229-6205 Kirkton 519-263-2619 Hensall 519-262-2831 Hensall Greg Hargreaves AUCTIONEER: LARRY GARDINER Denfield Livestock Sales Ltd. Stocker and Feeder Sales Thurs., Oct. 5- 7:30 p.m. 1200 Head Consisting of mainly local steers and heifers, off grass, also some calves For information call the yards 666-1140, Bruce Coulter 238-8000, Hugh Filson 666-0833, Ron Swartz 228-6209. Brett Coulter 294-6164. Next stocker sale Thursday, October 19 - 7:30 p.m. LARGE AUCTION SALE Appliances, modern furniture, car, 2 trailers, motorcycle, masonry equipment, feed carts etc. to be held for Evelyn Olde, estate of Eve- lyn Mills, Estate of Pat Kennedy plus other consignors. Saturday, October 7 at 10 a.m. CAR 1984 Ford Tempo L, 4 door, 5 speed, 51000 kms, selling as is. MOTORCYCLE 1979 Suzuki 850 61000 kms, selling as is. TRAILERS 14 1/2 ft. tandem flat bed trailer, 16 ft. tri axle flat bed trailer. MASONRY EQUIPMENT 32" Darby float, 2 masonry saws, stone splitter, 7 diamond tip blades, propane barrel torch and tank, portable air compressor, Salamander portable heater, 3/4" drive sccket set, buzz saw, 6 ton jack, extension ladder, step ladder, 46" wide heavy safety doors, 4-2 ft. bi fold doors, Dashwood 25 x 42" crank out Win- dow (new), old time bath tub, vanity and marble top sink, older truck topper, radial arm saw. HOUSEHOLD Zenith floor model colour TV w/remote, portable colour TV, small apt. freezer, 20 cu. ft. chest freezer, fridge, 30" electric stove, automatic clothes washer and dryer, modern Kroehler maple bedroom suite with box spring and mattress, modern 3 piece bedroom suite w/double box spring and mattress like new, set of bunk beds like new, single box spring and mattress, 3 door book case, octagonal glass top coffee table, 2 modern end tables, wooden dining table; an- tique dresser, modern chesteitield with pull out bed like new, chester- field and chair, Filter Queen vacuum w/power head, dehumidifier, spin dry washer, ping pong table, Boshart cedar chest, 2 chest of drawers, ,,�,,''��_+•.�_ r; ra,,►�r��ArVvries r-hina rahinpt 6 matrhinn dini, o chairs, lawn chairs; fielding; r ta, --;...:c :� strerVIZMIFTLirniture etc. NOTE: Two auctioneers seling at the same time starting at 10 a.rti. Terms cash or cheque with proper IU Auctioneers Richard Lobb and Burt Lobb 482-7898 BOB HEYWOOD AUCTIONEER 235-0874 iii tW -evening, irctocr.r "57811 erT Th"�"`� dt South Huron Roc Centre, Exeter Dispersing from the Hay Twp. farm homes of Mrs. Mona Gaiser and Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Anderson - antiques, collectibles, furnishings, ap- pliances, fine china, etc. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Lovely 9 pc. walnut dining room suite (includes extension table, 6 chairs, china cabinet, and buffet), solid oak extension table, gramophone, church pew; Raymond treadle machine, 3 pc waterfall bedroom suite, 3/4 iron bed, old spoon carved dining table, Wingham clipper woodstove, antique dresser, approx. 40 souvenir plates from across Canada & USA, fine china such as Germany, prm, depression fate. Coin=-approx. 15 lots orCanadian $1 dollar coins after 1968 (uncirculated, $20 face value in each lot), lanterns, odd wooden chairs, picture frames, log tongs, snowshoes, etc. etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Roxton dining table with 6 matching arrow - back chairs, Vilas hutch and buffet, 2 wall unit bookcases, chesterfield and chair (mint condition), corner china cabinet, oak chills desk, coffee and end tables, 3 pc. bedroom suite, vinyl sofa and chair, sofa bed, chrome ext. table and 6 chairs, recliner chair, imitation fireplace, Coro- nado frost free refrigerator, 2-30" electric ranges, Singer elec. sewing machine, old fridge, deacons bench, Fitter Queen vacuum, humidifier, file cabinet, exercise bike, wringer washer, kerosene heater, fire extin- guishers, small appliances, several lamps, elec heater, fan, egg wash- er, Speedy spray gun, grinder, lawn torches, small tools, chain saw, heavy elec. cords, tarp, jack -all jack and hundreds of related items.