HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-10-04, Page 17Charged with driving offences
EXETER - Three of -out -town
drivers appeared in provincial court
in Exeter on September 26, with
Judge RGE Hunter presiding.
Andrew A. Blicharz, Mississau-
p, pleaded guilty to impaired driv-
ing on October 9 in Stephen town-
ship. Police had been alerted to
watch for a pick-up truck being
driven erratically. Two breath
samples each gave readings of 290.
Hunter took both the readings and
the guilty plea into account in le-
vying a fine of $1,000 and a 12 -
month suspension.
Roberto E. Morales, London,
pleaded guilty to dangerous driving
•and having a BAC over 80. He had
been spotted on radar on lune 12
going 138 in an 80 zone north-
bound on Highway 4, and was fol-
lowed through town at speeds high-
er than 130 kph in a 50 zone. He
was intercepted after going through
the lights at the north end. Morales
will serve 60 days in jail from 9:00
a.m. on Saturdays to 6:00 p.m. on
Sundays on the first charge, and
was fined $600 or 25 days consecu-
tive on the second. -
Richard L. Milburn, London, was
fined S750 and handed a 12 -month
driving suspension after pleading
guilty to dnving with a BAC over
80. He had given breath samples
with readings of 229 and 215 when
picked up after going through the
red light at the intersection of High-
ways 4 and 83 on August 27.
Peter Earhart, Exeter, pleaded
guilty to the same charge, laid on
Sepptember 16 in Usborne town-
ship. Two samples read 172 and
164. He was fined $600 or 25 days
in jail, and his driving privileges
were suspended for 12 months.
Robert J. Carlile, Hensall, re-
ceived a suspended sentence and 12
months probation after pleading
guilty to assaulting his brother Ben-
jamin. Police had been called to a
family dispute in Hensall on Au-
gust. 12.
Staffa couple back from north
By Roberta Templeman
STAFFA - John and Roberta
Templeman have returned home
from a holiday in Northern Ontario.
and Michigan. While away they en-
joyed a train ride up the Agawa
Canyon, a day on Mackinac Island
and a day at Frankenmuth. •
Staffa WI
The Education and Cultural Ac-
tivities and Tweedsmuir History
meeting, of the Staffa Women's In-
stitute, was held on Wednesday
evening in the township hall, with
by Bernice Boyle
DASHWOOD - The Internation-
al Ploughing Match held in Essex
was attended by a number of peo-
ple, from this arca. John and Jere-
my Becker were participants.
Jeremy entered three different
classes in the 12 yr..- 17 yr. com-
petition and for his first year re-
ceived a 7th, 8th and two 9th place
Everett Haist had eye surgery last
week at Victoria hospital, London.
The senior citizens fall rally will
be held in the Blyth arena October
18. Registration starts at 12:30
Thc fee of S3. includes lunch
which will he provided by the host
seniors club.
When you return' 'home from
Blyth, you can attend a pork sup-
per at the Dashwood Community
Center at 7 p.m.
The Community Centre board is
inviting everyone to attend this
evening with delicious food and en-
tcrnainrncnt. After serving the com-
munity for 26 years the "Olde
Girl" needed a new face lift.
The job has been completed but
now the next step is to pay the
debt so, if you arc interested in
supporting thc community center
phone for tickets at 2378-3298 or
by Mrs. Heber Davis
SAINTSBURY - Thanksgiving
Service was held at St. Paul's,
Kirkton, with Rev. Wheeler in
charge. Rev. Greg Smith, a former
rector preacher and several members
of St. Patricks attended. Service
next Sunday at St. Patricks is
planned for 11 a.m.
Many from this arca attended Il-
derton Fair, it was such a beautiful
fall day.
Alma Godbolt, Exeter, and Mab-
el Needham and I were dinner
guests Friday with Greta Gibson.
Alma was observing her birthday.
Suzanne, Michael and Crystal
Davis attended a truck show in
London Saturday, and Sunday their
family were guests with Suzanne's
mother, Dorothy Dietrich, Dash-
Jeffrey and Teresa Young, Rich-
ard, John and Sara were dinner
guests Sunday with me.
the Warden of Perth County and
Reeve of Hibbert Township, Ivan
Norris, as guest speaker. Ivan spoke
on his duties as Warden and used
handouts to explain what type of
life-style he lives. Ivan was intro-
duced by Grace Kerslake and
thanked by Esther Smalc.
Grace Kerslake presided for the
meeting opening with a poem,
"Once Again".
Some motivating thoughts on the
motto "Life gives you time and
space, its up to you to fill it" was
given by Margaret Kemp. Joan Ker-
slake gave her speech which she had
prepared for the Queen of the Fair
competition in Mitchell. Joan has
since been crowned Queen of Strat-
ford Fair.
The roll call "N-ame the oldest
person you recall from your child-
hood and why you remember
them", was answered by 12 mem-
bers and one visitor. Two funny
jokes were given by Joyce Vivian.
Joyce Vivian presided for the
business with minutes and corre-
spondence read by secretary, Lillian
Luuglas. She also reported on some
cheques written and read a l'thank
you" from Joan Kerslake.
A discussion was held regarding
their thoughts on spending the Dis-
tricts Plowing Match money, but
no decision was made at this time.
Members were reminded of the
London Area Convention on Thurs-
day, October 12 at Embro Commu-
nity Center. Lillian Douglas con-
sented to being the voting delegate
and would also supply the craft for
the craft table.
Members were reminded of Avon -
ton Women's Institutes 65th anni-
versary and Tweedsmuir Tea on Oc-
tober 18 and the Perth County
Women's Institute Rally hosted by
Perth South District on Thursday,
October 19 at Kirkton Community
Centre. Doris Miller and Roberta
Templeman will help serve lunch.
Esther Smalc, our Tweedsmuir
Curator, had several pages from the
Tweedsmuir History book on dis-
play, plus a house log and the up-
date on the Belle Campbell history
of Hibbert. A contest on letters and
their long form meanings was con-
ducted by Grace Kerslake.
Courtesty remarks were given by
Lillian Douglas. Lunch was served
by Hazel Harburn and Florence
Sip a by Ai«-ue Moi'oenz
SHIPKA - The seven daughters of
Mrs. Jessie Walz, of Kitchener,
staged .a birthday party for their
mother who is 93 years young this
year. The party dinner was held at
the Southcott Pines home, of one
daughter, Mrs. Eva- Nancarrow.
Others attending were Dorothea
Knights, Windsor, Blanche Wal-
pole, Waterloo, June Carter, Kitch-
ener, Mary Venhola, Round Lake,
Faye Brock, Katrine Station; and
Lenore Orr in this local area.
The ladies and their mother en-
joyed visiting and reminiscing and
played a few hands of bridge.
The husbands who attended
watched the ball game on TV.
This has been an annual event for
many years.
Congratulations to Ross and Eve-
lyn Pickering on becoming grand-
parents again to a baby girl, born to
their daughter Jane and Dale Ker-
slake, September 19, at St. Jo-
seph's hospital Sarnia.
Last Saturday, Pat and Jake
Schroeder attended the wedding of
their nephew, Craig Kerslake son of
Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake,
Woodham, to Colleen Melady,
daughter of Theo and Catherine Mc -
lady of Dublin at St. Columban
Roman Catholic Church. Dinner
and reception followed at Seaforth
Community Centre.
Recent visitors with Hugh and I,
have been Minnie Noakes, of Hen-
sall, Elizabeth Norris, Grand Cove,
and Lorne and Loreen Devine Zu-
rich. We played several games of
solo with the Devines and Lorne
captured most of the bucks.
The Grand Bend II 41-1 club met
again at Bonnie Hotson's home on
Monday September 5 at 6:30 p.m.
The group welcomed a new mem-
ber to the club, Lori Finkbeiner,
and followed with the 4H pledge.
After completing the roll call,
home activities and the'meeting dis-
cussion, the members separated into
three groups, each to make a maca-
roni and cheese dish. Each group
made one of the following dishes.
Stouffers, microwavable macaroni
and cheese, Kraft dinner and a
homemade recipe.
The group decided the Kraft dinner
or Stouffers was more appetizing
than the home made recipe.
The next meeting will be held at
Elizabeth Russell's house.
Reported by Pam Dietrich.
Crediton 4-H
By Lisa Robertson
CREDITON - On Thursday, Sep-
tember 28, the girls of Crediton
had their first 4-H meeting. The
club executive is Lesley Pfaff,
president; Liette Clarke, vice presi-
dent, Nina Pritchard, secretary and
treasurer and Lisa Robertson, press
Other members are Leanne Dun-
das, Sarah Grotentraast, Jennie Ro-
bertson, Lisa Stewardson and Shan-
non Wuerth.
The leaders are Beth Clarke and
Glenda Wuerth.
Our topic is called "Looking Out
for Number One".
At the first meeting, we learned
about a healthy you and how to cat
Variety of costumes - These Lucan and area youngsters appeared in a variety of costumes in Satur-
day's llderton Fair parade. From the left are Erin and Jennifer Hasketf, Carolyn Jeffrey, Lisa Hardy and
Colin Haskett.
Times -Advocate, October 4, 1989
Page 17
Walk-a-squirrel-athon? - Actually it was the Walk-A-Dog-Athon Sunday, sponsored by the' Exeter Lions
Club Sunday. The event raised money for Canine Vision Canada, which trains leader dogs for the blind.
The Exeter White Squirrel allowed himself to be walked by BIA president Dolly Creces to help raise mon-
ey for the needy charity. Over $3, 750 was raised locally.
Name Varna 4-H officers
By Joan Beierling
VARNA - The first 4-H meeting
of the "Looking Out for #1" was
held at the home of Sandra Turner
on September 27. The elected offi-
cials for this program for Home and
Farm Safety are president - Brenda
Consitt, vice president - Melody
Turner, secretary - Mary Ellen Web-
ster and press reporter - Dave Rath -
well. The leaders are MIchelle and
Sandra Turner.
The first meeting was about "A
Healthy You". A club name will be
decided on October 4 at Sandra Tur-
On September 25 the other 4-H
group met for the first time at Gail
Turner's house at 7 p.m. The lead-
ers are Cheryl Talbot and Gail Tur-
ner. They picked the president -
Amy Talbot, vice president Brenda
Consitt, news reporter. Julie Healy,
and secretary - Michelle Turner.
They then worked in their books.
They discussed eating on the run
and completed a quiz on it. Gail
made party popcorn for a snack.
The next meeting will be held on
October 2 at 5 p.m. at Cheryl Tal-
Wilfred Chutcrand Harvey Hayter
were on a mystery tour for the full
day last Monday.
Thc Youth Group meets at the
Church Thursday October 5 at 7:30
p.m. Last Friday they enjoyed thc
afternoon at Bannockburn and the
evening swimming in Vanastra.
Lucan Revival Centre
LUCAN - Wednesday evening the
Women's Ministries opened their
fall season with a smorgasbord sup-
per in the Fellowship Hall of the
church. Playing her guitar, Mrs.
Marti Burler led in chorus singing
when the ladies met in the sanctu-
ary after supper. A short business
session outlined the fall program.
Mrs. Marlene Thornton, guest
soloist, sang beautifully Simple
Words. President Mrs. June Henry
introduced guest speaker Mrs. Gem-
ma Maharaj. From Proverbs 31:10-
31, Mrs. Maharaj said there are
women in this world, and there arc
virtuous women.
Characteristics of a virtuous
woman are standing up for righ-
teousness, pure in heart, creative,
industrious, knows how to pray,
exercise the fruit of the Holy Spirit,
and lives a disciplined life. She is a
faithful wife, and a contented per-
son, committed to the Lord. To be-
come a virtuous woman, a lady
must be obedient to God's word.
In closing, Mrs. Thornton sang
Holy, Holy is the Lord God Al-
mighty, then led in singing Lord of
My Heart.
Lucan Revival Centre
LUCAN-..-ganday-morning Tim
ih7irtir i� ...,_,•t..,, in. song.
Miss Lauren Harrison, playing her
guitar, sang Stranger to Your Holi-
ness, before teaching from Psalm
51:10-12, Create in me a Clean
Rev. Roger Mason spoke from
Exodus 33:12-17. While the .He-
brew people were travelling through
the deserts of Arahia, (mil's pre-.
ence overshadowed them by a cloud
by day and a pillar of fire by night.
The cloud and fire moved when God
wanted them to travel.
When God told leader Moses His
presence would go with them,
God's presence was protection for
them. David prayed in Psalm 23
about God's presence with him. 11
Chronicles records Jehoslraphat`s
prayer for God's presence to deliver
them. Psalm 140: 13 assures that
the upright, shall live in God's
When Jesus Christ died on the
cross, than rose from the dead, He
went to Heaven, presenting to God
His finished redemption for all who
will come to God. Christians can
enjoy the protection of God's pres-
Communion was served aftcr the
Matthew Heffcrman, accompa-
nied by trio of Mrs. Heather Hol-
land, Miss Laurcn Harrison, and
Mr. Verlc Bends, led the singing
Sunday evening.
Rev. Roger Mason ministered
from Lamentations 3:22-40, stress-
ing we need to examine ourselves
before the Lord. As Psalm 139:23-
24 says, search our hearts to see if
there is any wicked way in us.
Opinions concerning ourselves
come from the world, loved ones,
ourselves, and most honest, how
God secs us. When God shows us
we are wrong, confess, repent, then
turn hack to God.
Upcoming events
Saturday, October 7 - Church
Yard Sale - on front lawn of the
church. There will be baked goods
as well as interesting items. Car
wash in parking lot of the church.
Varna UCW will meet on Octo-
ber 12 instead of the 5th, this
Happy 50th wedding anniversary
to Bill and Eleanor McAsh. An
open house was held in their hon-
our on Sunday October 1 and was
well attended by friends and rela-
Coinciding with the anniversary
celebrations is a book entitled
"Clan McAsh" a genealogy of the
McAsh family from 1792 to the
present. It has just been released
from the press and is now available
in an attractive 156 page hard -
covered form.
Feathers & Furs Ceramics
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