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Times -Advocate, October 4, 1989
Firemen's project - Jeff Darling of Darling's Food Markets presents a cheque of $955 to Exeter fire
-department officials Bill Armstrong and Pete McFalls. The funds were derived from a sale of ham -
burgs and hot dogs operated on the weekend by the firemen. All merchandise was donated by Dar-
ling's with assistance from Weston Bakeries and Canada Dry.
Special service at Thames Road
By Rhoda Rohde
THAMES ROAD - Rev. Sheila
Macgregor was in charge of the
World Wide Communion and Ste-
wardship Sunday church service on
Sunday morning.
The Mission and Service givings
were received by Pat Ballantyne and
Anne Kernick. The children
brought their offering forward, as
did Joan Morgan, treasurer of the
Forthcoming marriage - Rick
and Sheila Tiedeman of Grand
Bend and Pete and Jean O'Neil
of Warwick are pleased to an-
nounce the forthcoming marri-
age of their, children, Carrie
Lynn and James Leonard, on
Saturday, October 7, 1989 at
Church of God, Grand 'Bend at
7 p.m. Reception to follow in
Grand Bend.
Rev. Sheila gave the children's
message "What Does It Mean To
Be Rich".
The choir sang "Thirty Pieces of
Silver" accompanied by -organist
Agnes Bray.
The sacrament of the Lord's Sup=
per was passed around by the eld-
ers; 47 people took communion.
_ Ball game
About 25 young people attended
the baseball game at the Thames
Road Ball Diamond between Cen-
tralia -Zion and Thames Road
Elimville. Thanks to Rick and Kar-
en Etherington for organizing the
hay ride and barbecue last Thursday
Coming events
On Wednesday, October 4 Sun-
beams will meet at Thames Road
from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
• On Thursday, October 5 from 4-6
p.m. Confirmation Class will mcct
at the manse.
Next Sunday, October 8 at 11:15
a.m. the annual Thanksgiving
Church service will be held.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parkcr of
Chiselhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Taylor, Kari, Kim and Krista, Mr.
and Mrs. GeorgeParker, Mr. Randy
Parker and Bryan of Hensall, Mr.
David Wein of Ottawa, Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Cann, Mr. and Mrs.
Brad Cann, Nathan and Justin were
Tuesday evening supper guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Parker, Tim,
Erin, Ryan and Megan. The occa-
sion was Megan's fifth birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Rowe, Larry and Kar-
en, Mr. and. Mrs: Brian Wedlake,
Cheri and Scott of Exeter, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Rowe, Jeff, Jayne and
Jo -Dee, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis
Rowe, Shawna and Matthew were
guests at the wedding of Brenda
Rannie and Richard Hughes at
Grace United Church, Sarnia, and
the -reception at Camlachic Com-
munity Centre on Saturday. Con-
gratulations Richard and Brenda.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Rannic (the former
Ann Marie Rowe).
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Jeffery and
Amanda of New Hamburg visited,
with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery on
Exeter Vitla
EXETER - Hello from everyone
at the Villa. The warm weather has
been so enjoyable that it is hard to
believe that October is here.
A belated Happy Birthday to Jim
Mawhinney and staff member Kim
Romphf, who celebrated in late
September. Upcoming birthdays
are Ben Scott and Ernie Appleton.
Happy Birthday to staff members
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Carla Deichart, Mary Jane Mac-
Dougall and Marilyn Reidy.
Thanks so much to Erb's Coun-
try Kitchen for their hospitality.
We enjoyed our lunch very much.
A special thanks to Donna Turk-
hcim for her help with our outing.
We are pleased to see the Senior
Citizens again for their monthly
Bingo. We missed them over the
Rev. Dcborah Carter of the Cen-
tralia United Church conducted our
weekly Worship Services last
We are pleased to be able to add
some new programs this fall. We
are now able to meet every Wed-
nesday morning for euchre with the
help of volunteer Fran Mickle.
Thursday afternoon we enjoyed a
singsong with Annie Lytle as our
pianist. We are looking forward to
seeing her each week.
We have lost many good friends
during the last few weeks. Resi-
dents and staff extend their sympa-
thy to the families and friends of
Dorothy Down, Robert Turnbull,
Valeria Armstrong and Mauricc
Thought for the week: You've
reached middle age when pulling
your weight is a real drag.
WI convention
Oct. 12 at Embro
PXF:TV,R,,,, r tr iniiat con-
vention of London Arca Womcn's
institute will be held on October 12
at Embro Community Centre. The
Convention originally a two-day
event was shortened to one and a
half days in 1983 and for this the
75th anni"cr'ary a one -day conven-
tion will rte trtt•. , fur ,.u,, .....,....
The theme for the day will be
Women and the Environment; with
Ms. Eleanor Wood as guest speaker
following the banquet. Women's In-
stitute member and guests will hear
addresses by President Elect of
F.W.i.O. Peggy Knapp, and reports
of Children's Hospital of Western
Ontario, Western Fair Association,
Public Relations and Tweedsmuir
Presentations will be given by
Lisa Thompson, Rural Organiza-
tions Specialist and Helen Anderson
on the Erland Lee Homestead.
Resolutions brought forward from
the Branches and Districts will be
voted on by the Voting delegates.
For more information, please
contact Mrs. Bruce (Dolores) Shap -
ton, RR 1, Exeter, Ontario NOM
ISO 235-1027, Assistant Public
Relations Officer.
Fall Lioness meeting
EXETER - The first meeting of
the fall season of the Exeter Lioness
Club was held at the Masonic Hall
September 25 with 30 members and
five guests attending.
Joanne Dinney of Country Flow-
ers spoke to the Lioness and demon-
strated how to make a fall door
swag. Joanne answered many ques-
tions on flower arranging and told
Renew vows
LUCAN - Renewal of wedding
vows for Arthur and Eva McLean
who were married on September 27,
1939, were included in the Holy
Trinity Church, Lucan Thanksgiv-
ing service on October 1.
Vows were heard by Rev. Bruce
Pocock and visiting Canon Chas.
Brown of London. Exchange of new
wedding rings presented by daughter
Josephine, and also attended arthe
Chancel by daughter Diane.
Reception and tea following the
service in the basement of Holy Tri-
nity Church, catered by the mem-
bers of the Ladies Guild.
Tea was poured by Mrs. Jean
Lobsinger of Sarnia, sister of Eva
and sister-in-law Mrs. Gertrude
McLean of Fenlon Falls.
Many gifts and cards, and floral
tributes were received along with
many good wishes.
by Mrs. Tom Kooy
CENTRALIA z James and Mary
Warrack of Winnipeg, Manitoba
spent a couple of days with their
niece Bordon and Mary Smyth.
They were on their way to the east
A large crowd gathered at Hey -
woods restaurant for an aftemoon of
euchre with prize winners: High
score Helen. MacDonald, Percy
• Noels; Lone Hands Marian Noels,
Harry Noels; Low score Dorothy
Bullock, Jessie Lewis. Next gather-
ing will be October 9 at 2:30 p.m.
The Centralia United Church is
planning a craft show and bake sale •
etc. Also many yard sales in town
next Saturday morning October 7. _
On Thursday evening of this
Week the U.C.W. will meet at the
church at 8 p.m.
. Over 80 ClTu6
Ben Scott, Exeter 'Villa, will
be 90 years old on October 9. A
birthday celebration will be held
there on Saturday, October 7 from
2 to 4 p.m.
about her Christmas craft classes.
Her door swag was raffled off and
won by Lioness Doreen Tiernan.
The business meeting was con-
ducted by President Lauriepykstra.
Regal books have been circulated
and orders taken, also orders for soft
soap. Villa residents were picked up
by Lioness members to watch a
very wet Exeter Fall Fair parade.
The Ways and Means Committee
listed their fund-raising activities for
the year with a goal of $5,000 to be
raised. The fashion show committee
have already started working for
next spring's fashion show.
Special thanks was made to the T-
A for their support with pictures
and stories during the year.
Stuffed animals have been pur-
chased by the club and placed in the
local ambulance.
The speaker for the next meeting
will be from "The Survival
Through Friendship House" in
To marry - Bob and June Fisher
of Zurich and Carl and Shirley
Stuckless of Huron Park, are
pleased to announce the marri-
age of their children Carolyn
Jean and Donald Frederick on
Saturday, October 14, 1989 at
St. Peter's Lutheran Church Zu-
rich at 6 p.m. Open reception to
follow in Exeter.
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