HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-09-27, Page 23• C.H. Lewis Lucan Ltd. Lugger Box Service For•your construction and renovation needs call for quotes 227-4406 16 For Sale BUILDINGS - Factory Inventory 28x40 = $3986.00; 40x60 = S5450.00; 46x90 = $8900.00; 6f/x20 = 517,000.00. Clear Span Widths from 20 feet to 240 feet. Call now 1.800-668-4338 or (4116) 792-2704. ONE SET 7 used toning tables, black/grey. Excellent condition. Many extras included. Solana Suntan bed, 32 tubes, facial. Prices and delivery negotiable. 709-753-0279. FIREWOOD - S40 per cord delivered. Call Tom- Roberts Saturday mornings, 262-2224. If no answer try 263-5263. . (3r7tfn) 9x7 WOODPANEL garage door, 3 years old. Call after 5 p.m. 235-0311. FIREWOOD - dry hardwood, free kindling, delivered. Phone Leslie Cudmore 235-1267. (37-44+) POOL TABLE and accessories. S400. Phone 235-1205 or 263-2509 after 6. FIREWOOD, seasoned, picked up, S35.00 a face cord or 51.10 cu. ft. Call Walter Dunbar 393-5388 in St. Pauls area. THE GREENHOUSE and Hydroponics Inc., 63 Clarke Sideroad, London, Ont. NSW 5W7, (519) 452-3919. Complete Hydroponic Systems. We do mail orders., Send S2.00 for catalogue. S2.00 rebate on your first purchase. HUMIDIFIER and also rowing machine used only once. Phone 235-0501.(38-40c) ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy ' EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 16 for Sale APPLES YOU PICK - pick excellent Mac's, many varieties, prune plums, bring containers. Daylight hours. Ross Middleton, Bayfield. (38,39,40c) RABBITS and cages. Phone 235-1641.(38.39+) TWO PRESSURE TANKS, one ten gallon, 520; one 100 gallon with hookup pipes and shutoff valve, 5100. Both tanks in excellent condition. Box trailer 8'x6' on 15" tires, steel frame, 5150. Phone 236-4665. (38,39+). 80 LARGE ROUNI3 BALES of fust cut hay (no rain), 525.00 each. Call 283-6215 Kintore. SMALL TV CONVERTER (good shape) S60.00. Lady's size 11, long, brown corduroy, winter coat 530.00. Call days 284-1206. 5 HP. MTD RIDING MOWER 5225.00. Aluminum 5' patio doors, S125.00. Call evenings 284-1684. `G.E. ENCORE WASHER and dryer, almond, 6 years old, S425.00 for pair, excellent working condition; 20" .coloured T.V. with stand, works fine, $100; maternity clothes, all season, size 14; baby clothes, newbom to 3 years, all clean and in excellent condition. Call 229-8112 anytime. Oven Ready Capons Call: Ery Willert At 262-2028 After 6 PM Order Now For late September Delivery While Supplies Inst 1.45 LB. Corporation of the Village of Ailsa. Craig TENDER Tenders for the position of Animal Control Officer for the Village of. Ailsa Craig will be received until 12:00 noon, September 29, 1989. Please include your resume, remuneration expected and mark your envelope "TENDER FOR ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER." Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Please forward to: Joyce D. Coursey, A.M.C.T. Clerk -Treasurer, Village of °Ailsa Craig, P.O. Box 29, Ailsa Craig, Ontario NOM 1A0 16 For Sale BOYS SKATES Tachs, size 4, size 5 Mega 11050, Girls size 12 figure skates. Phone 235-2300. (38,39+) OVEN READY roosters, 51.40 per lb. Phone237-3294. (38,39c) LIVINGROOM FURNITURE, couch, chair, loveseat, earth -tones. 5200. Call 284-2132. EVINRUDE OUTBOARDS: Below factory cost. 90 h.p.-TNT-54869; 110 h.p. 54999; 140 h.p.- TNT 55699; 6 h.p. 5999 4 h.p. S869. All are new. Factory Warranty. King's Marina 705-887-3321. 16 For Sale LADY'S INUVIK PARKA. Size 7. Excellent condition. 5200 or best offer. Phone235-1642 after 6. (39c) BOAT TRAILER for 12 - 14 - 16 ft. 5I00 firm. Phone 237-3727. (39c) if UNTING SUIT, mans size large, fur hood, good condition, 555.00. Phone 236-7249. (39+) LIVINGROOM HUTCH, walnut finish 5250; Roxton oval drop leaf table (apt. size) and four chairs, brand new 5700. Lady's size 8 roller skates wom twice 540.00. Phone 236-4751 after 4 p.m. (39c) OFFICIAL OPENING "COLBORNE - GODERICH TOWNSHIP BOUNDARY BRIDGE" The County of Huron invites the public to attend the official open- ing ceremonies of the new bridge on the new section of County Road 15 west of County Road 8 at 2:00 p.m., Friday October 6, 1989. Opening Ceremonies will continue at the Huron County Mainte- nance Garage at Aubum at 3:00 p.m. Road Committee County of Huron , Tenders for 1989-90 Snowplow Season Contract #3 Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents. will be received by the undersigned until 4 p.m. Tues- day, October 3, 1989 for the rental of a 22,000 kg. minimum G.V.W. truck with operators equipped with snow wing and one way plow. Specifications and tender forms which must be used are obtainable from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ken Parker Roads Superintendent R.R. #1 Hensall, NOM 1X0 263-5789 Times -Advocate, September 27, 1989 16 For Sale WOODSTOVE - Heritage petite, heats 600-1000 sq. ft., gold door, used one' season. Like new. Phone after 6 p.m. 228-6838. (38,39c) ABSOLUTE CLEARANCE Auction Sale: Saturday, October 7, 10:00 a.m. Approx. 40 tractors, over 50 pieces new and used farm equipmentlus lawn tractors etc. Wayne Ward Farm Equipment, Hwy. 86, Wiarton. Phone. 519-534-1638. Page 23 16 For Sale DRAPERY - champagne, sheer, triple fullness, excellent condition, only 4 years old. 103"x102" and 102"x44". Phone 234-6253. (39:40p) PICK YOUR OWN Macintosh Apples at Apple -Dale Orchard, RR 1 Lucan, (comer of Biddulph Sideroad 15 and Conc. 4). We are open Monday to Saturday. 9 until dusk. Sundays 11-5. For information or directions call Lewis or Bev Cardiff 227-4736. (39c) TENDER NOTICE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND TENDER NO. 89-07 To winterize all plumbing in Village owned buildings that are to be closed for tilt winter. Contractors are invited to tender for the winterizing of the plumbing and associated fixtures, of public buildings in the vil- lage Price should be determined on the following information: 1. Eilber Street Washroom: Contains 3 toilets, 1 urinal, 2 sinks, and 2 showers with 1 small hot water tank. 2. Bath house on Beach: contains 10 toilets, 3 urinals, 2 sinks and 1 large hot water tank. • 3. O.P.P. building: this is a 2 storey building with a basement. It contains 4 toilets, 3 sinks, and 1 hot water tank. 4. Grand Bend Harbour Building: contains 3 toilets, 1 urinal, 4 sinks, 4 showers, 3 tap sets for washing machines, and 1 large hot water tank. 5. River Road Washroom: Contains 3 toilets, 1 urinal, and 2 sinks. All buildings may be winterized by October 13 with the excep- tion of the Harbour Building which will be in operation until Oc- tober 29th. The winterizing will include the removal of water meters to be re- turned to the Grand Bend P.U.C. • Price quoted should be inclusive of all buildings and include the intended job completion dates. Quotes will be received until 1700 hours on October 2, 1989 at the following location: Village of Grand Bend Municipal Office Box 340 Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 1TO ATTENTION: Tender No. 89-07 Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted; For further info- mation please contact: Bud Markham Superintendent of Public Works Village of Grand Bend 238-2962 or 238-8461 EXPER TS AT .youR SERVICE Cncziitthyout ese fine firms , value and service Advertise your business here Phone 235-133: Phone 235-1331 LAWN CARE CASEY'S Lawn Care 235-1885 Lawn Maintenance • Flowerbeds • Rolling • Spraying Complete Lawn Care Package Available PLUMB1NG1E- 1 ELECTRICAL ROWE Electric & Plumbing R1! 1 Woodhom • R rcl • Residential • Commercial • ?apo rs & Service • Pumps • Deep & Sna low We Dennis Rowe 235-0906 229-6284 REPAIRS LUGGER BOX SERVICE & ttecttical FEED SERVICE FEEL?': SERVICE MOBILE FEED SERVICE O fierfng You Quoit), Producer Proven - Sapolialleet FEEDS ▪ DynArnino Swine Feeds ' Poultry & Speciality Feeds ' Goal Maker Dairy Feeds ' Hog.and Red • Pacesetter Beef Feeds veal rinancing HARDEMAN FEED SERVICE INC. 229.6525 'WE BRING THE MILL TO THE FARMER' NURSERY NURSERY (; ,~1 ' 1 cn3C c 11 t nNt»(RV Custom Landscaping Installations & Designs Hwy. 21 South in Bayfield Phone 565-2202 Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sun., 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. FENCING FENCING r Free Estimates Phone Bob Hardy CHAPARAL FENCING RR 1 ishan Ont. NOM 2J0 Oak's Paving Storrs, Sales & Installations, Rams, Chain Lthk & Patio, Farm Fences 227-4160 ! PAINTING DON HEYWOOD • PAINTING ' WALLPAPERING • FLOOR SANDING 235-2914 FREE ESTIMATES Rumble £ Elettdcol Fil-ritA4111•BING11-1 J GL.GW I�leir tivef • • Limited Plumbing - Heating - Electrical • Carrier Heat Pumps, Air Conditioners and High Efficiency Gas Furnaces 237-3661, Dashwood,Ontaro REPAIIAS_ J [ SATELLITES Repair Shop .Equipm Sales & Service Cecil Squire FARM SERVICE 92 Waterloo St., Exeter, Ont. Phone 235-0465 f L TAXI L EXETER , CAB Day and Night Cats Rada dispatched Pion 235.2110 49 Strnooe St. Enter N no sneerer phone 228-6812 horn 7 tin. - rradntpN ALLEN JIUDDJ Satellite & antennas • Full Service • Sales • In- stallations, • Fitachi T.V. VHS Recorders Camcorder ♦ q -- A T.V. Mclntye T.V. & tsApsa►epliances 8 Swipe Mitsubishi TV & VCR's Kelvinator Appliances Chamel Master Antennas & Satellites . R.R. 2 drand Bend 238-8270 235-1520 296-5565 DAVE PASSMORE PLUMBING & . HEATING RR 1 Woodham 235-2708 SANITATION JOHNSON SANITATION SERVICE PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS • Handicap Washrooms Septic tanks and holding tanks pumped and instal : • PH: 294-6954 Parkhill 1-800.265.3473 PAINTING Les Bott Painting Residential, commerical Free estimates Quality Workman- ship with reasonable prices 235-1589 evenings Radiator .Service - Radiator Service L GRAVEL GRAVEL ' Lane Gravel Sand fill - Crushed A Gravel - Washed Cement Gravel - Rich Top Soil 3/8" and 3/4" Washed Stone . McCann Redi-Mix Inc. R.R. 3 Dashwood 237-3647235-0338 f PAINTING ANDPA1NTING AND L PAP.ERING_.-- PAPFDIH1 DAVE'S DECOR Interior & Exterior PAINTING PAPERING Texture Ceilings ZURICH 236-4941 Complete Radiator Service Repair, boiling & reooring. For all makes, cars, trucks! ----- tractors, and commercial vehicles Klrkton-Woodham Service Centre Klrkton 229-8952 (over 10 years experience" SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANKS- WEEPING'BEDS Pumped BUTLER BROS. LUCAN 227-4312 or 227,•4254 30 years experience • Backhoe service • Scr. • •urchased UPHOLSTER 1 [UPHOLSTERY i UPHOLSTERY] r Kuality & Kustom Upholstery Boat Top & Seats Car Seats, Sofas & Chairs 436 Main Street, Exeter (Behind Fincher's) (519) 235-2142 J SIGNS Wallpapering & Painting Free Estimates Madeline Zder 237-3487 Eleanor Weigand 237-3363 Phone ' after 6 p.m. RENTALS GRAVEL GRAVEL. 1 N.C. JONES & SONS LTD. Sand, Gravel, Topsoil • Excavation • Laneways Bus.: Res.: * Backfilling * Parking lots 235-2489 235-2815 J PAINTING _ r& Eie`trlc1 M&M PAINTING Residential. Commercial Industrial. Cerornic til- ing. wallpapering. floor sanding Free Estimates Phone: 236-1701 Evenings RENTALS RENTALS LARRY FULTON PLUMBING & ELECTRIC • Rural, residential. com- mercial plumbng and elec- tric • general backhoe work • Septic Tank and weepng bed installation RR 3 Exeter 229.6 RENTALS TRIEBNER'S RENTAL SERVICE / Auto tools / Carpentry Hand Tools / Compaction Equipment / Concrete &eoker / Concrete briding / Concrete Toob /Contractors Equipment / Electric Power Toot / Floor & Carpet Toob / Generators & Welders / Heaters / Jocks / Ladders / Lawn & Gorden / Pointing Equipment / podgy p,, / Portable Torch Set / Pressure Washers • / Sandblasting Equipment / Scaffolding / Post Hole Digger / Insulation Blower / Ak Compressors / Misc. Tools OPEN -6 DAYS -A WEEK-" Pubis:' 23M/.24 -23'54t 84, RR1 Exeter J I SIGNS - SI ns I I SMerritifsINE SMALL E RGNE STEEL 1 BY MEL Commerical Signs of all Kinds TRUCK' LETTERING Centralia WALLPAPERING the 9erna e' WALLPAPERING Reasonable rates Free estimates (519) 235-2859 Ask for Jean The time to redecorate is :.. NDWI 228-6946,, 1 WELDING J i MILLER'S Welding, Lathe & Fnhricating R.R. 2 Dashwood ' Portable Welding • Wrought Iron Railings General Repair Open 6 days a week We are Dealers for SMALL ENGINES • Briggs & Stratton .oe...er.no. • leium.eh ,....., ili•1tohc: Parts - Sales - Service GARDEN EQUIPMENT Sherwood (Exeter) Ltd. 235-0743 237-3365--4 BRANDER STEEL Pipe Bears; Plate Behar- Rounds L - mores -Ex.. - WELDING SUPPLIES CASTER WHEELS NEW 8 USED Main Si..S. Exeter 235-1462 WELL _DRILLING i' [ WINDOWS [ WINDOWS j WATER WELL, DRILLING W.D. Hnpppr A Sons Lad. 4 modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth Neil 522-1737 Duri 522-0828 1