HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-09-20, Page 2914 attend ORPHA Club By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - Members of the Grand Bend ORPHA Club met at Eva Allisters' home on Septem- ber 11, with 14 present. Irene Ken- nedy opened with a reading "Autumn". Lorna Hindle read "A Child's View of Retirement in a Mobile Home". The club received a letter of thanks from the Children's Aid So- ciety in Sarnia for,their spring do- nation, and a letter of thanks from Thames Valley Children's Center in London. Marge Mason asked to be re- lieved of her duties as treasurer and Beulah Holt was elected as the new treasurer. Eva Allister read some verses, "Smile" and "Life Is a Gar- den". Ellen Couts told a nubmer of jokes form the classroom based on her years as a teacher. Two members will be leaving for the winter months, so all put their knitting and gifts on display at the meeting, including mittens, scarves, hats and stuffed toys. Dor- othy Cutting closed the meeting with a reading "A Smile - What Is It?" and "Closing Thoughts". The next meeting will be October 15 at the home of Dorothy Cutting in Oakwood. New officer - The Wallaceburg Police Force welcomed a new member to its ranks on Septem- ber 5. He is 22 year-old Sean (Ned) O'Rourke from Exeter, Ontario. Constable O'Rourke was chosen front 95 applicants for the position. Sean became interested in police work after serving two years on an auxil- liary police force in his home town. O'Rourke, who grew up on the family farm, attended Sir Wilfrid Laurier University and obtained his Bachelor's degree in psychology. Sean thanks the people of Exeter for their support and encouragement in helping him obtain his goal. About people you know By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - The chill of au- tumn is in the air, so you need a jacket now every morning and even- ing. Touches of colour are tipping the trees, acorns crunch underfoot and the lake will soon be too cool even for the hardiest to swim. It's a great time of the year for long hikes, especially through wooded trials like those found in the pinery Park. Nellie Obermeyer and Winnie Gill have just returned from a trip to Lethrbridge, Alberta; where they auended the wedding of Ms. Ober- meyer's great -grand niece, Donna Obermeycr. During the trip they spent much of their time at their sister-in-law's summer resort, Ober- meyer Mountain Shadow Lodge near Radium, B.C. On return to Lethbridge a farewell dinner was served in their honor at the General Stuart Legion Branch #4. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Nola Love and her family in the loss of Ross Love, this past week. He was 82 years old,and will be missed by his children, 12 grandchildren and six great grandchildren and Nola his wife of nearly 58 years. Bible study Bible Study sessions continue to be held at Sauble Court Lounge every Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m. and all ladies are welcome to attend. Scouting Registration went well for the lo- cal Scout groups in Grand Bend last Tuesday at the public,, school. Rick Raeburn volunteered to be Cub Scout leader for 13 cubs, and he'll be assisted by Larry Taylor fdr a training period. they'll be starting up this week on Thursday, Septem- ber 21, and will meet each Thurs- day, at the Grand Bend Public School Gym, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Anna Relouw, Bev Brown and Marlene Lane are back with the ea- ger Beavers, all 18 of them so far and they'll be meeting each Wednes- day from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the school gym beginning this week. Margaret Breuer and Tracey Stire will be the Brownie leaders this year, with 16 girls to start their meetings on September 25, each Monday, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at St. John's Anglican Church Hall. Zelda Inthout and Kathy Hayter are head- ing the Girl Guides, who began their meetings yesterday, to meet each Tuesday at the Anglican Church Hall, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Paula Taylor would still like to try and form a Pathfinders Unit, for girls age 12 to 14 if she can get a few more girls signed up. Parents can still sign up their sons or daughters for the next week or two, so please consider it. Of course, all the groups need the sup- port of parent volunteers, especial- ly the new cub pack. If you can spare a. bit of time, you'll be well rewarded by helping our children to develop into better citizens. Think about it. Don't forget 4-H club, which will be starting up in late Septem- ber. The unit will be about con- venience foods with nutrition called "Good Foods Fast" Call Donna Lovie, 238-8395. GB church news By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - Service at the Grand Bend United Church began with the Call to Worship, from Psalm 77. Joan Eagleson read the scripture. The choral anthem, sung by the choir, was "0 Christ Our Light". • Rev. Colin Stover titled his ser- mon "Looking For Love", based on Hosea 11. God becomes angry when we look for love in other places, rather than in God. But the force of God's anger is reined in by God's love for us, the same love re- vealed in Jesus Christ, His Son. The Covenanting Service was held on Sunday evening, as Rev. Stover formally began his pastoral ministry. A reception followed. On Tuesday, churches around the world were asked to join with the United Nations Assembly for a moment of silence and a prayer for peace. At noon, a million Canadi- ans paused to recommit themselves to peace, then at 12:01 church bells world-wide rang out the call for peace. Flowers were placed in the church in memory of Ross Love, who passed away recently. Condo- lences are extended to his family. The Torchmen will be singing at Zurich Mennonite Church on Sep- tember 24 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are: adults S5.00 and children S3.00, available from Sue Pearen (238- 8622). • "Th. Man from Aldersgate", a one-man piay John Wesley, is being performed in stratford at the Festival Theatre on Monday, October -2 at 8 p.m. Tick- ets are S8.00, available by calling 271-2655 or 273-3388 or at the door. Finally, a special thank -you to all those who made the summer services so meaningful and such a blessing to members and visitors. Catholic news Kathleen Charlotte Maxfield was baptized into the Catholic Commu- nity during the 11 a.m. Mass on Sunday at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Grand Bend. She is the infant daughter of William Maxfield and Cindy Srokosz. Father Paul Beck was celebrant of all weekend Masses. The reader for the 11 a.m. Mass was Steven Vrolyk, Roberta Walker was Cantor and Paul Dietrich was organist. Eu- charistic Ministers were Philip Walker and Gent' Bockx. The theme of Father Beck's ser- mon was "Lost and Found" based on the three parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and• the lost son - the return of the prodigal. There is always JOY when some- thing that was lost, is fouhd. God welcomes all who return to Him with Joy. The Alhambrans Algarva #168 will be holding an election meeting on September 28, with dinner and a guest speaker, at 6:30 p.m. in the Alhambra Hall. Bible Study Twelve ladies attended the first Bible Study of the season last Tuesday morning at Sauble Court. Our new study book is "Women Who Believed God" and lesson one was the beginning of Eve. Eleanor Durie called the meeting to order and we had a hymn sing. Nita Sinclair gave an opening prayer and was discussion leader. Eve was uniquely handcrafted by God. She was the first woman, the first wife, the first mothcr and she learned to live, love, to cope, to overcome without any role model to follow. Every generation which followed can call her "Mother" because we able to the deceptions which trapped. her. We can learn much from her life. We study Scripture Passages from Genesis, Psalms, Chronicles, Mat- thew, John, Romans and Hebrews. Ethel Lennox gave the closing prayer, remembering sick and shut- ins. Join in on the horsing around at the Exeter Fair Grand Bend council briefs Terry Crabe resigned as chairman of the Harbour Committee after an in camera session on August 17 to discuss the current status of the Harbour Commiuee, harbour facili- ties, and projects. As there were no volunteers or nominations other than Tom Lawson's, he was ap- pointed as chairman. Crabe will stay on as a member of the com- mittee. * * * * A number of tenders were award- ed. Cobble Design's bid of $3,299.52 to landscape and so the finger dock project was accepted. It was the lower of two bids. Cam and Brian Steckle's company will also create a hedge on Green Acres Road near the variety- store for S310, the lowest of three tenders. Stewart.Wcbb and Sons submit- ted the only tender for mulching and seeding the closed portion of the landfill site at a cost. of 515,925. Topsoil is required for almost three acres of land. The project will be deferred until the village applies for partial funding. Webb will restore the hedge on River Road for $190, the lowest of three bids. * * * * No action on filling the vacancy on Grand Bend c'buncil was taken. at the regular September 18 meeting. The mauer will be addressed at the October 3 meeting, when Coun- cillor John McDowell returns from holidays. • * * * Designating a certain area as a Business Improvement Area was also deferred until all councillors are present. * _* * * A request to allow bow hunting at the waste disposal site was turned down. The ministry of nat- ural resources no longer permits this activity at landfill sites. 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