HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-09-20, Page 28Eager appetities - A large crowd attended Sunday's Lucan-Biddulph firemen's breakfast. Some of
the eager eaters are shown here.
Weekly. Comments from. Syd Daley
LUCAN - It may be in order to
change the caption from Weekly
Comments to read Infrequent Com-
ments. Well anyway here we go.
The Lucan Legion thanks the
many merchants of Lucan and arca
who donated prizes for the recent
Keith Dickson Memorial Golf
Tournament as well as the 100
golfers who participated. An enjoy-
able time was had by all.
The 1989 winners were: Longest
Drive Pat Bondy; Closest to the pin
Gary Morley; Low Gross and win-
ner of the Lucan Legion Trophy
Ron Hessel; Low Net and winner of
the Keith Dickson Memorial Tro-
phy Mike Bondy; Winner of the
Loretta Dickson Trophy for Wom-
en's Low Gross Margaret Polishuk;
Women's Low Net and winner of
the clock donated by Moe Buck" -
Jean Perry; Most Honest Golfer
Women Bonnie Wilcox; Most Hon-
est Golfer Men Lloyd Young.
The fifth Annual Keith Dickson
�' �orial Go'' Tournament"will be
h, it Llyndi hire Golf and Coun-
try Club on Sunday, August- 26,
1990 - so make it a date right
Branch 540 will host the Zone A-
5 Zone Meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 21. Let's have
a good turnout to welcome the vi-
siting Comrades from throughout
the Zone to our Branch.
Getting tired of the end of sum-
mer blaaas - well let me tell you
good old Branch 540 is doing some-
thing about it. Starting on Satur-
day, September 23 at 3:00 p.m. and
continuing for the next few Satur-
days (as participation warrants) the
Lucan Legion is sponsoring an
Amateur Vocal Talent Show with
our good friend Harry Bond supply-
ing the backup music.
The windup will be a contest be-
tween the weekly winners. Sounds
like fun fun fun - so gel those rusty
vocal cords oiled up and make it an
occasion to be remembered. Only
your participation can make it suc-
cessful - everyone is welcome - re-
member the date September 23.
Incidentally have you ever seen
Mother Nature's Wonderland? I'm
referring to the Agawa Canyon, just
north of the Soo where our family
hails from, I have seen it on many
an occasion. The colours are beyond
imagination and they should be in
full colour right now. A word of
Busy week for Lucan OPP
LUCAN - Thirty-five investiga-
tions and seven motor vehicle acci-
dents were hand!ed by Lucan De-
tachment of the Ontario Provincial
Police during the past week.
Criminal occurrences included:
one break and enter, one theft and a
wilful damage complaint at the
Granton cemetery. Assault charges
were laid in connection with a do-
mestic dispute and a drug investiga-
tion involving the cultivation of
marijauna was started.
Six of the motor collisions in-
volved only minor injuries or prop-
erty damage, however one accident
on Friday, September 15, 1989 re-
sulted in claiming the life of a Lu -
can man. The accident occurred
about 7:30 p.m. on Biddulph
Township Concession Rd. 2-3, just
north of Highway 7.,
A 1975 Blue Ford Torino driven
by Elizabeth Edwards, 38, of 196
Water St. Lucan was northbound on
Concession Rd. 2-3 when it skidded
and Icft the road and struck a tree.
Dead is Leroy Logan, 70, of 224
George St. Lucan, Ontario.
Edwards and her husband, Wayne,
a passenger in the vehicle received
Minor tiljurics. Elizabeth Edward
has been charged with Impaired
Driving Causing Death and with
Driving in Excess of 80 Mgs. of
Alcohol. She is to appear in court
on September 22, on these charges.
Under the Criminal Code, persons
who operate motor vehicles under
the influence of alcohol or drugs are
subject to four offences: impaired
driving, driving with a blood alco-
hol level over 80 milligrams and
impaired driving causing either bod-
ily harm or death. Minimum penal:
ties start at S300.00 fines and a
driving prohibition order and range
up to a maximum 5 years impris-
onment. Impaired driving causing
bodily harm or death have penalties
of up to 14 year sentences.
If you consume alcohol so that
blood alcohol levels are over 80
mgs. of alcohol per each 100 milli-
liters of blood then you may be
charged with exceeding the legal
limit. If your ability to drive a mo-
tor vehicle is at all impaired by al-
cohol then you are charged with im-
paired driving regardless of how low
or high your blood alcohol levels
are. For example,if your blood al-
cohol reading is only 40 mgs.. but
your coordination is affected, you
can still be charged with impaired
Any motorized vehicle (including
farm tractors, ATC's) is a motor ve-
hicle and the offence can occur any-
where. Motor boats or vessels are
also subject to these laws. Next
week, the Breathalyzer and Alert
will be discussed.
caution - the black flies are also out
in the numbers. I recommend, dur-
ing the trip up to the Canyon, you
forego the use of any perfumed
product as these attract them and
take along some fly repellent. In
any event a trip up to the Canyon
is a must!!! You will be glad that
you did.
And that's 30 for this time, re-
member - If people keep telling you
to quit smoking don't listen -
they're probably trying to trick you
into living.
Revival Centre
LUCAN - Sunday morning Tim
Kritzer was accompanied by Mrs.
Lorraine Armitage playing the pia-
no, Mr. Doug Butler the synthesiz-
er, Verle Bende the guitar, and Mr.
Dan Wuerch playing his trumpet, as
he led the singing. The trio of Mrs.
Cheryl Wuerch, Miss Lauren Harri-
son, and Matthew Heffernan joined
them. Mrs. Jane Bende sang The
Rev. Roger Mason spoke from
Matthew 7:1-6. The Bible forbids
us to be critical. Negative unrigh
teous ways of judging is wrong. Do
not habitually sit in judgement and
criticize others lest you be judged
and criticized yourself.
Being oblivious to one's own
faults hinders one from helping an-
other overcome faults. This is dis-
honest judgement. To help correct
another's faults, a Christian has to
first assess his own life, then with a
gentle spiritual attitude help anoth-
Rev. Mason closed reading a
poerh, The Wrecking Crew, telling
that Christians are not called to be
wreckers, but builders of lives.
Dan Wuerch led the song service
Sunday evening with Mrs. Cheryl
Wuerch, Mrs. Jane Bende, and Mat-
thew Heffeman.
Rev. Roger Mason ministered
from John 10:26-30, of Jesus as the
Good Shepherd, over the Lord's
sheep, Christians. People become
God's sheep when they believe in
Jesus according to John 3:16-17 and
John 1:12.
The Lord's sheep hear His voice
giving them guidance to obey. Je-
sus knows each Christian as one of
His sheep. Jesus' sheep, Christians,
have been given eternal life, as 1
John 5:11-12 promises spiritual ev-
erlasting life. In John 10:10 Jesus
said He came to give Christians
abundant life, secure in serving
Upcoming events - Saturday, Oc-
tober 7, Yard Sale - on church lawn.
Money raised is to help build a par-
sonage for native pastor in Haiti.
Keep cracking - Sunday's breakfast provided by the Lucan-Biddulph firemen was a huge success.
Shown preparing eggs and pancakes are from the left Don Riley, Steve Jemec, Bob Butler, Evan
Butchart, Al Gillan and Doug Johnston.
22,23, 24
vegetable cce
South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter
Always "Something New" at Exeter Fair
* Doors Open 6 p.m. SHARP
47:30 p.m. Official Opening
* Homecraft Queens
* New Huronia Singers
* Meet the Queen of the Fair Contestants
* Ham Auction, 5 prize winning hams
Admission: Adults $3.00, Elementary Children 500
- Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Midway Rides for the whole Family
Decorated Horse Collar
* 11:00 a.m. PARADE
Judging 10:30 a.m. School
Vehicles and floats form at SHDHS
On foot classes form Exeter United Church
For more information call
235-1923 or 235-2679
* Poultry and Pets
* Horseshoe Pitching
(For all ages) (try your luck)
* Face Painting, Clowns
* Haflinger, Draft, Arabian Horses
* 4-H Calf & Horse Clubs
* Demonstrations-
. Western Cooking, riding attire
Western Flower arranging
Admission: Adults $3.00, Children FREE
1:OQ .m■ pre-S�
hoot puppets
uaos Heavy Horse Pull
* Toddlers Trotter Race (Arena)
3 yrs. and under
Registration - 1:30 p.m.
C.G.S. Goat Show
*Face Painting
*Appaloosa Horse Show
------*S.H.-A- H B.A. Horse Show
*Strolling Clowns
tkUIIll�,iut du t $3_0n;,Childre.n..FREE -
Horse sins
Indoor Exhibits removed at 4:00 p.m.
Commercial Indoor Exhibits
Concessions (Homecraft, school, grain and vegetables)
Indoor Exhibits will remain on display for Sunday