HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-09-20, Page 27s
Rec Centreboard teams of une
EXETER - The South Huron Rec
Centre board has a pleasant surprise
for the people of Exeter. After re-
viewing the budget at the board's
monthly meeting Thursday night,
the Rec Centre expects to be about
$23,000' in the black for the first
time in a number of years.
The estimated1989 budget for the
Rec Centre was $440,410. With
many of the summer programs now
*Of 22 movable buildings, *
*mink and fox raising equip -31
* ment, farm machinery, tum- *
* ber, fork lift trucks etc.
*For Baird Mink Ranch Ltd.,
*with additions from Baird *
*Lumber, Main St. East, St. *
*Marys, Ont. (Watch for signs) *
*Wed., Sept. 27 - 10 a.m.
* Further information phone *
*284-3873 or the Auction-
* eers
* Filson & Robson •*
* 666-0833 666-1967
completed, expenditures are expect-
ed to be $417,564.
Some of the summer programs
didn't go quite as well as expected
while others went very well. Roller
skating was disappointing. As
some playground programs were
cancelled, wages were only $3,843
instead of the estimated $6,000.
About S7,000 was budgeted for pro-
gram development but that has
now dropped to just $4,000. The
swimming pool went $1,000 over
budget because of repairs to the
pool when it opened a week late in
One of the largest decreases in ex-
penditures will be for administra-
tion of the arena, hall and grounds.
The capital budget was $15,600 for
the year and the revised -year end fig-
ure for that will be $8,883.
Rec Centre secretary Joanne
Fields points out that could be re-
duced even more once grants. that
have been applied for come in.
Fields said early registration for
the fall programs has been going
well and almost all classes, except
for early -morning dancing, are full.
The board approved the hiring of
the staff that will be teaching those
fall programs.
Saturday, September 30 at 11 a.m.
on location in Elimville (1 1/4 miles south of Exeter on #4
Hwy. then east 3 3/4 miles)
We will be dispersing a clearing farm and household sale for Messrs.
Amos and Herman Herdman who have taken up residence in Exeter. In-
cluded in this offering are tractors, farm machinery, tools, primitives an-
tiques, collectibles, furnishings and appliances. Everything is clean and
in excellent shape. Watch next weeks paper for the full listing•of this fine
Denfield Livestock
Sales Ltd.
Fat cattle sale every Tuesday at 11 a.m. with
stocker sale following. For on the farm inspec-
tion or sorting call Bruce Coulter 238-8000.
Hugh Filson 666-0833 or Denfield Yards 666-
1140 ►
Special Stocker Sales
Thurs., Oct. 5 and -
Thurs. Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m.
To consign call Bruce Coulter 238-8000,
Hugh Filson 666-0833, Ron Swartz 228-6209
or Denfleld Yards 666-1140
of House and lot, furniture and antiques, dishes, snow-
mobiles and miscellaneous articles
for Charles Hodglns at his premises 301 1st Ave., North,
Chesley, Ontario
on Saturday, September .23rd at 1:00 p.m.
G.E. auto washer and dryer (stacking apr. style new), G.E. dehumidifi-
er, Moffatt side by side refrig. and freezer, Crosby -Gourmet elect.
stove and oven, Windsor refrig. Husqvarna 2000 sewing machine and
double cabinet, Admiral 19" t.v., chrome table and four chairs (new), 2
people loungers, glass front china cabinet, pine drop leaf table, exten-
sion table, chesterfield and chair (like new), Krug 7 piece solid bedroom
suite, Krug 4 drawer chest, cedar chest, 4 drawer chest and matching
cabinet, 3/4 size roll out cot, occasional chair (new), 4 chrome stack-
ing chairs, 6 folding arm chairs and table, corner table, oil painting, hall
tree, TV tables, Krug 4 piece bedroom suite, steamer trunk, quantity of
patterns and material, 2 hanging closets, day bed, 3 drawer filing cabi-
net, Mason Risch pump piano, antique wood recliner, barber's chair,
electric :awn mower, caddette model "85" riding mower, 8 1/2 h.p., alu-
minum extension and step ladders, extension cords, paint shaker,
metal utility shed 6' x 6', large roll of plastic 1/2" pipe, exercise bike,
rowing machine, 1984 Yamaha 250 snowmobile, good condition, 1982
Yamaha SRV snowmobile good cond., dishes, bedding, and a quantity
of misc. articles.
PROPERTY: 1 1/2 storey frame house, 3 bedrooms and bath up-
stairs, kitchen, dining and living room and sitting room plus 2 piece
bath downstairs, full basement on spacious lot 66' x 330' plus an ad-
joining lot 66' x 330' (house well kept in good condition).
TERMS: Cash with clerk day of sale - cheques accepted with I.D.
REAL ESTATE: 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days selling subject
to a moderate reserve bid.
For information call 519-294-6604
Bruce and Brett Coulter Auctioneers
Grand Bend 519-238-8000
Recreation Facilities Commiuee
chairman Jim Chapman informed
the board the broken slide and all of
the playground equipment in the
park around the Rec Centre has
been repaired and the straight slide
replaced with a spiral one at the
same cost. The Lioness Club donat-
ed $100 towards the purchase of the
Chapman told the board all arena
repairs are on or ahead of schedule.
Facilities manager Cam Steward -
son is to obtain estimates for a
buffer strip around the arena to pre-
vent cars from bumping into it
once the steel cladding is on.
Tenders for doing the steel clad-
ding were being accepted at the Rec
Centre until Friday and then - the
job will be awarded.
Chapman said someone asked
Times -Advocate, September 20, 1989 Page 27
about the possibility of putungin
squash and racquetball courts but
the board thought that was out of
the question at the present time. It
would be too costly and there was
not enough interest at the present
The board passed a motion to
meet separately as soon as possible
with representatives from the three
main hockey groups, minor hock-
ey, Mohawks and Hawks and the
Optimists, to discuss floor cost
The board will be discussing the
possibility of purchasing a new
floor to put on the ice during the
Horne and Garden Show so ice us-
ers may play at the SHRC once
the Home show is finished.
Some board members had been
Letters to the Editor
Dear Sir:
I have been reading about the
concerns about the crosswalk at
Main.and Victoria.
There should also be a concern
about the crosswalk on Main and
I work at the Discount Store and
it is very hard watching the people
trying to cross there.
A lot of children and older people
use that crossing mainly those
from the Manor on James St. They
start across and the traffic stops one
way and when they get part way, a
car is coming straight through on
the other side so they are left stand-
ing in the middle.
Some of the older people cannot
move quite as fast and drivers get a
little uptight and start moving
slowly ahead which I think confus-
es some people.
I find this very had to watch eve-
ry day.
I hope that someone will read
this and maybe come up with a so-
lution for the problem.
I personally think they need
some kind of a caution light or big
signs stating it is there.
Phyllis Collett,
Deer killed in
two area accidents
EXETER - Deer were killed in two of the six accidents investigated
this week by officers of the Exeter detachment of the Ontario Provin-
cial Police. -
In the first of three mishaps on September 11, a vehicle driven by
Robert Payne of RR 8, Parkhill, struck a deer on Huron road 5 at
6:45 a.m.
The same day, at 2:45 p.m., vehicles driven.by Margaret Duffy,
Grand Bend and AlbertOke; Denfeld, collided on Highway 83. Both
drivers sustained minimal injuries and a passenger, Maxine Oke suf-
fered major injuries. All three were taken to South Huron Hospital
for treatment.
Also on Monday, a truck owned by George Sereda, RR 1, Central-
ia was demolished on Highway 83. It was being towed by another
truck driven by Perry Sereda when it jacknifed and flipped oyer.
On Tuesday at 3:50 p.m., minor damage resulted in a similar acci-
dent when a vehicle driven by Dieter Heigenhrusur was towing a ve-
hicle operated by Oune Luangkham when a tire blew on the towed
vehicle. -
A vehicle driven by Laurie Edward, RR 2, Clinton, went out of
control on the gravel portion of Hay township sideroad 2-3 at 5:55
p.m. and rolled over.
The next day at 2:20 a.m. the second deer of the week was killed
when it was struck by a vehicle driven by Floyd -Fields, RR 2, Hen-
sall. The accident occurred on Highway 84.
Arca citizens are reminded to "Buckle Up" as October is designate-
das Seatbelt Month and police will be increasing their enforcement.
CLINTON 482-7898
Sat., Sept. 23 at 10 a.m. -
antique furniture at Lobb Auc-
tion Barn Clinton for estate of
Florence Homer of Goderich.
Plus several additions, 1980
Ford LTD, 4 door car.
Sun., Oct. 1 at 1 p.m. An-
tique furniture and glassware,
large 9 pc. dining surto at Sea -
forth and District Community
Centre for the Estate of Norma
Sat., Oct. 7 and 14 at 10
a.m. Antiques, furniture, appli-
ances at Richard Lobb's Barn
{ori.. . f elrc.l
o terve
ou Better
Now Open Friday Evenings & Saturdays
a: t i:.�• -p: il?: .
9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Mon. -Tues. -Wed. & Thurs.-9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
118 Main St. N. Exeter 235-2111
ed surplus
approached by same teens who
want to build a skateboarding ramp
to be used in the arena during the
summer months, as is now hap-
pening in Goderich.
The board passed a motion grant-
ing permission, starting next year,
for a ramp to be built by private
concerns arru the board will let the .
teens use the arena floor. The only
stipulations is that users must
wear all the proper safety equip-
ment and behave themselves be-
cause no supervisor from the arena
will be present, just someone on
Bob Heywood,
Wednesday Evening, Sept. 27 at 6:15 p.m.
at South Huron Rec Centre
Dispersing by auction from the home of Mrs. Evelyn Brenner along
with additions from a Lucan home -_household effects, furniture, appli-
ances, antiques ,fine china, tools, wheel chair, etc.
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & MISC. Sectional couch, 2 solid maple
end tables, Roxton maple dining table, 2-4 drawer chest of drawers,
coffee table, small glass front case, several side chairs, console TV
and stereo in beautiful maple cabinet (as is), 2 electric ranges (1 apt.
size), refrigerator, several lamps, pictures, foot stools, stereo, large
fan on stand, elec. bug light, hot dog machine, stainless steel restau-
rant bowls, exercise bike, tool box for.pickup truck, dishes, records,
pots and pans, 4 bottle liquor dispenser, small appliances, Targe 3
wheel bike with rear carrier, tools - hand and garden, single waterbed,
several rugs.
ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES: Poster bed with box spring
and mattress, small oak commode, 4 matching pressback chairs,
nesting tables, Jacobean parlour table, East Lake lamp table, hall
table, double brass bed in good shape, low boy dresser, parlour chair,
telephone table and chair, fancy bevelled mirror, wicker cradle, glass
front bookcase, 3 drawer chest, mantel clock, art deco lamp, floor
lamp with brass and marble, old frames and prints, 7 MC Coolidge dog
prints, desk, carved lamp table, antique plate rack.• piano bench, Hires
root beer thermometer, tub stand, pine chest, several stencilled box-
es, old tools, fancy vases, lg. toilet bowl and pitcher, cheese dishes,
silver pcs, fine china such as Germany, Austria, depression, Occu-
pied Japan, 31 day mantel clock (new), Balda German camera and
case (like new), Coleman stove, 2 sheets fir plywood, and hundreds of
related items.
(Note: This sale is on a Wednesday evening).
Car, trailer, antiques, furniture, piano, appliances, cement mixer, jog-
ging cart, hay wagon, tools, misc. etc to be held at Richard Lobb's
Auctin Barn Clinton for the Estate of Florence May Homer of Goderich,
Estate of Joseph Boland plus other consignors.
Saturday, September 23 at 10 a.m.
CAR - 1980 Ford LTD 4 door, V8 automatic w/radio, looks good, sell-
ing as is, run 101416 kms.
TRAILER ETC. Old 15 1/2 ft. x 6 ft. 4 inch cabin trailer, John Deere
wagon and hay rack, jogging cart, cedar posts,cement mixer with
electric motor, lawn cart.
right piano, piano stool, round dining table w/centre pedestal, 6 match-
ing chairs and buffet w/mirror, captains chair, fainting couch, Hoosier
kitchen cabinet, vanity dresser and stool, antique 3 drawer chest,
treadle sewing machine, trunk, parlour table with drawer, small 5 draw-
er chest, 5 dollar dime bank, slag glass lamp shade, blanket box, 2 ar-
row back chairs, 4 drawer chest, 2 fur coats,several oil lamps, lan-
terns, rocking chair, 2 vacuum cleaners, bridge lamp, Zenith portable
colour TV, small B&W TV, 2 electric clothes dryers, modern Simplicity
square tub wringer washer, 2 chesterfields with pullout beds, wall unit, .
chrome table, modern 4 piece bedroom suite, 9 1/2 ft. x 11 1/2 ft. car-
pet, spinning wheel, babycrib like new, dresser, electric sewing ma-
chine in stand, dehumidifer, electric stove, wooden kitchen table and
4 chairs, small washstand, desk, drop leaf table, Hoosier top, chrome
table and 4 good chairs, electric stove, modern hutch bottom, fancy
iron bed with brass knobs, milk bottles with names, cups and saucers,
dishes and glassware, pots and pans, small appliances, swag lamps,
bedding towels and linens, Cooey 22 single shot rifle, 2 air guns, 4
fiddle cases, butter box, 2 gas lawn mowers, electric and push mow-
er, 3/4" drive socket set, small barn jack, 2 chains, roll of electrical
wire, electric drill, tool box, plus many rtems too numerous to mention.
Another large interesting auction. Plan to attend.
Terms Cash or cheque with proper ID•
Auctioneers Richard Lobb and Burt Lobb 482-7898
Remo Mancini
4n January, 1990, Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
premiums will be replaced by the new
All employers with permanent establishments in Ontario will
be required to pay this tax through monthly or quarterly
instalments based on total calendar year gross payroll.
44/ j — sible for administering this new tax, mailed an
INFORMATION REQUEST to Oatario°empk vers nn
August 28, 1989. Information provided by employ - rsty-thic -
Ministry will be used to determine if tax is payable. As well,
the ivlinistrywill'send'elioyers-further information as it
becomes available.
if you are an employer in Ontario and have not yet received
an INFORMATION REQUEST, please call the Ministry,
toll-free, at the numbers listed below: -
• for all area codes - 1-800-263-7965-
• for users of.a
Device for the Deaf