HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-09-20, Page 20(ALmnR) 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles Page 20 Times -Advocate, September 20, 1989 NOW You Can Place Your Ad Anytime olesstonal ad vrson Qf °�sona l he e Mon ' �' IIS Pr et' ou 'Orr' e, '1 n rs no co ren,ent to talk to us se ,1Oall err r onswerrng voce curl anyway 5 anat,me d we II hove then II take ,our message forger to lea• e y moth ,nees, ,ssue anti tuber for your na in the ess and charge car auto name outautomat.,bIhn 9 CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $7.25 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSER- TIONS $6.25 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT Charges are based on the num- ber of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or pric- es count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $8.00. 15¢ per word there- after. SUBSEQUENT INSER- TIONS - No copy changes,20 words $4.00, 15¢ per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $8.00. 20 words $4.00, 15¢ thereafter. MARRIAGES .- Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $8.00, each additional word 150. IN MEMORIAMS - $9.00 plus 25¢ per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $8.00, each additional word 150. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS = 30 words $8.00, additional words 10¢ each. Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. VISA Phone 235-1331. Fleet Maintenance Person Must have own transporta- tion and good driving record. Successful applicant will be repairing and driving school buses. Group plan available Murphy Bus Lines 660-8200 Help Wanted DRESDEN INDUSTRIAL CO. Now accepting applications for general labourers Apply at Front Desk to: Dresden Industrial. Co. 187 Wellington St. N. St. Marys, Ontario 23443330 Help Wanted Person required for full time position immediately Experienced carpenter need- ed for installation of windows and doors and service. Includes good benefit pack- age. Reply to: Dashwood Window and Door Centre 137 Thames Road, East Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S3 235-0390 WITH OUR $8 SUPER AD!! Advertisers want one thing ... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SUPERAD with us. For only one low fee of S7.00 wet' run yotr ad h our newspa- per Intl you get the results you want. Ad you do is cod us by Friday and ask for SUPERAD. You can take up to 40 (Private noncommercial ods only) Words and we reco=mmend you use a pkae for whatever you are odverthshsg. If you do not get results by the fol- lowing weekend, col us on Monday and vols gladly re- . . . peat the ad at no charge. And well keep running the ad! as long as you want. (Ilyding real estate)! Plus Your Ad Will Reach Another 10,000 Extra Readers In Our Sister Paper, The St. Marys Journal -Argus At No Extra t 1 Charge . • CALL YS AT 235.1.331 !E€ VISA classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Ilelp Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 1 Lost, Strayed MAN'S GOLD RING with diamond. Downtown Exeter. Reward. Phone 235-1349. GOLD RING, with purple stone and two diamonds on each side. Lost on Main St. between Polka Dot and SAAN. "Reward". Phone 235-2179. (38*) 2 Found DOG - male large collie type. Mostly black and some tan, long hair in Liman area. Phone 227-4782. (38c) 3 Situations Wanted WILL DO HOUSECLEANING. Call Denise 263-2344 after 1 p.m. (38c) Full time work available catching chickens. Night work only. Start immediately. Sunday nights to Thursday nights. Phone 1-800-265-1178 or 1-800-265-3034 HELP WANTED Person required for full time position immedi- ately. Duties include custom- er sales, must be relia- ble, neat, self motivat- ed, flexible, good benefits package ft of, s p••••Ii11'i V V11e O• ant•11SA Farmers Supply Ltd. 228-6638 i 3 Situations Wanted WILL BABYSIT in my home Monday to Friday. References available. Call Bev at 228-6190. (38,39c) JOB WANTED! Homemaker and house cleaning, flexible hours. From Monday to Friday, please call Mary Adair between 6 to 8 p.m. 294-6293. (37:38*) EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER looking for children to babysit in her home, references. Call Evelyne at 228-6375. (38c) WILL BABYSIT in my home. Phone 235-1901. (37,38c) RELIABLE MOM will babysit in my home. Receipts given by request. Phone Cheryl at 262-2442. (37,38c) 4 Help Wanted CAREER IN TRUCKING - transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A licence. For free information session and job placement information contact Mery Orr's London 1-800-265-3559. (35tfn) FULL TIME waitresses. Apply to Three Boys Restaurant, Hensall. Phone 262-3336. (34tfn) INSTALLER required for residential and light commercial heating systems. Gas filters also. Transportation • required. Wages negotiable upon experience. Phone 293-3027. (34tfn0 W.T. RAWLEIGH CO. is growing. We need men and women to sell and market our great product line. We also have the best exciting nutritional health for Tula- 'hat are sweeping the natio'. rith the fastest growing sales company with locked in bonus positions, incentives, cruises and much, much more. Call collect anytime (519) 627-1337. (35,36,37,38*) ATTENTION Environmental Science Grads: Recycling Coordinators Intership Program (R.C.I.P.) places unemployed professionals in municipalities to work on recycling projects. Candidates must be eligible to collect or qualified recipients of U.I. benefits. R.C.I,P. increases benefits to S363 per week. This is a six month term position. Candidates should possess a degree or diploma in Environmental Studies, Chemistry, Biology or related. Chances for permanent employment good. For more information contact R.C.I.P. collect at (416) 690-7226. TRUCK DRIVER with "D" Licence needed for tumip harvest. Start the first week in October. Call Frank at Huron Produce Ltd. 235-2650. (37,38,39c) ARE YOU INTERESTED in part-time work? Help required with poultry servicing. Must be physically fit. Call Agnes or Bryon 263-5414. (38•) Wanted Crusher Operator Loader Operator Apply at IVIGLo 4I 111 Redi-Mix Inc. Phone 237-3647 Hydro Learner Lineperson The Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Exeter requires a Learner lineman/lineperson .----- -- .- /._14? Ap iliCani5 _mutt nave suints niiuriiesuyv NI a.r.,.,,,..,.,, -1111- prepared to attend the training school at Orangeville for a peri- od each year. The applicant must have successfully completed Grade 12 (On- tario) or equivalent. Some ktiowiedge of Water Systeliis nits PUMPS would be be- neficial. This applicant, with the successful completion of work in the field and at the Orangeville School, would eventually obtain an M.E.A. certificate for a Journeyman lineperson. The successful applicant must have or obtain a Class "D" driv- er's license and must be prepared to reside in Exeter and even- tually takd service duty. Remuneration for this position is excellent and many fringe benefits are available. Interested parties should write or Come into the Colninission's office at: 379 Main St. S., Box 579, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 for an application form. Closing date: September 30, 1989. BABYSITTER required for three children aged 4, 2 and 10 months, starting February 1990, Monday to Friday, 7:30 - 5 p.m. Your home or mine. Please call 235-0412. (37,38,39c) MATURE PERSON for part time help day and or night. Call New Orleans Pizza 235-0188. (37,38,39c) VARIOUS POSITIONS available including bar tender and waitressing. Colonial Hotel, Grand Bend. Phone 238-2371. (37,38c) RESPONSIBLE MATURE PERSON to babysit in my home or yours. Five days a week, Crediton/Exeter area. Phone 234-6462. (37,38c) WAITER/WAITRESS for part time. Apply in person at Good Times, 235-2601. (37,38c) SUNSHINE VILLAGE is seeking outgoing persons for lift operators, cooks, clerks and other ski season positions. Send resume: Sunshine Village, Box 1510, Banff, AB TOL DCO. OPPORTUNITY! Part-time/full time! Training! Traditional Rawleigh Products! New Golden Pride "Formula for Health". Call Mr. Tobin 1(514) 342-4212. Write: W.T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd., 348 Isabey, St. Laurent, Quebec H4T1W1. BRICK AND brick layers needed in Huntsville. Call: Randy Nickinson Masonry (705)789-5908. HELP WANTED for turnip harvest starting the fust week in October. Call Frank at Huron Produce Ltd. 235-2650. (37,38,39c) RESPONSIBLE PERSON required to babysit in my home or yours, Dashwood area. Phone 237-3730. (38,39c) PARTTIME waiters/waitresses, bartender. Apply in person to Lester's Roadhouse, 58 Main St. N., Exeter. (38c) PERSON TO LEARN my business of Financial Planning and Management, who desire above average income, who have management abilities. No experience required. Confidential interviews. Phone days 1-519-482-5425 or evenings 1-519-482-9311. (38c) BAR TENDER wanted full time. Experience preferred but not necessary, will train. Call 262-2012 after 11 a.m. (38c) ASSISTANT HERDS PERSON needed for 325 sow operation. Experience preferred, but will train. Salary plus benefits. Pickwood Farms. Phone 237-3598 days, or 238-2158 evenings. (38,39c) KENPAL FARM PRODUCTS is taking applications for a labourer. There is some heavy lifting. A DZ licence is required and the applicant must have his own transportation. (38c) KENPAL FARM PRODUCTS is taking applications. The applicant must be strong in math skills. One year of agricultural experience would be an asset. There is some heavy lifting. The applicant must be able to work with minimum supervision and have their own transportation. (38c) MECHANICS We have an immediate open- ing for two service mechan- ics, oxperiense-r9qu Yea • Estabistmd and growing firm • Two store operation • Year round employment • Well equipped shop • Insurance coverage on • 11 niform•altowance • 1 raining courses provided • Competitive PLUS wages • Company pension plan • Benefit package includes: - Liie iiisuici ice - Drug coverage - Disabibty insurance - Major medical coverage Are you looking to enhance your career? Apply in person to Bob Becker, Manager Exeter location FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. P.O. Box 820 Main St. S., Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S0 235-2121 5 Business Opportunities YOUR FUTURE starts with... Tri County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Course Fee income tax deductible. 1-800-265-0400 - Cambridge. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class October 20-28, 1989. For information contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, RR5 Woodstock, OntarioN4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. FREE: 1989 guide to study -at-home correspondence Diploma courses in prestigious careers: accounting, airconditioning, bookkeeping, business, cosmetology, electronics, legal/medical secretary, psychology, travel. Granton (SA) 263 Adelaide W, Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. START TODAY! Exciting 'Fashions! Independence! Flexibility! Extra money! A free sample line! Call us collect 416-632-9090/827-2660 Ma Cherie Home Fashions Shows, Est. 1975. TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for class "A" licence. No experience necessary. Proven job placement assistance. Markel Institute of Professional Transport Training. 1-800-265-7173. BOOMING LUCRATIVE burglar alarm industry. Earnings unlimited. We show you how. Full detailed video information 57.95 to Estate Guard, 102-5512 East Hastings Street, Burnaby, B.C. V5B 1R3. GROW FOR IT! Raise. baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odourless. Low investment. We train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) R.R. #1, Smithville, Ont. LOR 1AO, (416) 643-4251, Alliston Area (705) 435-7463, North Bay Area (705) 776-7084. WANT MONEY! Want to have fun! Ladies our Designer Lingerie Home Party Company wants You! No deliveries. Earn $25-$30+ per hour. Seen on Phil Donahue Show. Full/part time positions available. Call 1-800-265-8541 or (519) 273-5308. EXPERIENCED EDITOR and reporter required by multi -paper publisher for newspaper" in Inuvik, N.W.T. Editor's salary 526,000-532,000 D.O.E. Reporter salary 521,000-526,000. Good benefits package and growth opportunity. Resumes to: Managing Editor, Northern News Services Ltd., P.O. Box 2820, Yellowknife N.W.T. X1A 2R1 or Fax (403) 873-8507. 6 Services PAINTING * Guaranteed top quality * Clean work * Low prices * Free estimates Call 227-4298 WOODHAM MEAT MARKET - wholesale and custom killing. S8.00 to kill, 18¢ a lb. cutting and wrapping. Phone229-8966. (3tfn) RIPTIDE MUSIC SERVICES. D.J. service for any occasion. P.A. and sound systems. For office or establishment. Phone 235-1854. (18 tfn) ADVANCED AUTO WRECKERS. Guaranteed used parts. We will install the parts we sell. Reasonable prices, parts delivery and towing service also available. Phone 234-6790. (19tfn) McADAMS ANTENNA & SATELLITE, repairs and installations. Phone 1-236-7780. (38-45c) HOME AND OFFICE CLEANING, experienced. Monday to Friday. Exeter, Hensall and Grand Bend area. Phone235-1388. (38-41c) SQUTH HURON AGRI SYSTEMS PATZ Feeding and Manure Handling Equipment FARM EZE Belt conveyors and feeders MULTI CHOICE FEEDERS BSM Stabling - Hog and Dairy BERG Stable Cleaners, Mixers, Meter Mills FLEX AUGERS RR 2 Crediton 234-6403 �I ~ 1.Quality Grain Storage Drying & Handling Products • DESIGN • SALES • SERVICE 1 1 l.L-UAri GAAIN SYSTEMS LTD. -Ilrans7 (.. 244 parq.on at W Bar 580 Bu. (5191235-1919 Easier. o 10 NOY 190 Am (551912382059 6 Services MORRISSEY DEMOLITION * Custom bulldozing • Take down silos - no dynamite • Will move buildings of any 'description • All type of used building materials for sale BOB MORRISSEY RR 2 CREDITON 234-6783 7 Livestock LARGE SELECTION, good quality, aggressive working boars, York, Land, Duroc, Hemp, Spot Hemp x Duroc, York x Hamp, Duroc x Spot. Also bred and open gilts. ROP tested. Reasonably priced, guaranteed breeders. Delivery available. Richard Stroebel, RR 2 Granton, (519) 225-2587 or 284-2628. (3tfn) PUREBRED YORKSHIRE, and Hampshire, Duroc Boars and Gilts, ROP tested, Government Health Inspected.Ted Schendera 225-2734. (21 tfn) LAMBS, one goat, rabbits and 15 new double cages. Phone 284-3498 after 4:00 p.m. 8 Farm Machinery COMBINE 300 Massey Ferguson, cab, bean and grain equipment, quick attach, excellent condition; 9'x3' vegetable washer/dryer unit; Holland 2 row transplanter; 2 h.p. refrigeration unit; turnip harvester; tractor 504 Farmall. Phone 235-2366 after 6 p.m. CASE 1070 TRACTOR, 2750 hours; 5 furrow plough; 18 ft. cultivator; gravity wagon, 130 bushel. Phone 229-6202. (37,38*) MERCURY MOTOR 2-2 h.p. outboard motor. Used very little. Cost 5745 and tax. Sell for 5500. Phone 236-4488. 27 FT. 1978 YELLOWSTONE TRAILER c/w 20 ft. awning, bath, 7x8' steel shed, deck, second fridge and mise. asccessories. Located four miles south of Grand Bend on a 40 x 60' treed lot paid for remainder of season. Contact Kevin at 284-4266. MOTORCYCLE - 1979 Honda. 16,000 kms. One owner. Mint. Liquid cooled drive -shaft. Phone 349-2454. 750 KAWASAKI GPZ, 51700.00. Phone 235-1205 or 263-2509 after 6:00. JEEP OWNERS! Parts, accessories. Jeeps 1942 to 1989. Fiberglass bodies, tops. Paying too much? Call us! Gemini Sales, 4736 East Hastings, .Burnaby, B.C. V5C 2K7. (604) 294-2623. MOTOR HOME - 1979 21 ft. Shamrock, immaculate condition, low mileage and many extras. Phone 236-4732.(38*) 14 FT. 1979 SURFMASTER ski boat and trailer, 55 h.p., 52500.00 or best offer. Snowmobiles: 1980 Spitfire John Deere 340 cc; 1978 Spitfire for parts, 5500.00 or best offer for both. Phone 229-6693. (38,39c) ONE PAIR of Bauer Supreme skates size 4, excellent condition. Call 235-2231 days or 235-2726 evenings. (38c) 11 Cars, Trucks JOHN McKENZIE'S Auto Auctions, Wednesday 10:30 a.m., Thursday 6:30 p.m. Buy or sell over 200 cars per week. Associated Auctioneers Inc. London 453-7182, 1-800-265-1906. (11tfn) 1984 AUDI 5000S. Sapphire with blue interior. Very well maintained and in excellent condition throughout. Fully loaded including 2 -way power sun roof. 510,800 with cellular phone orS10000 without. Call 235-0303. 1977 CAMARO 305 V-8, 4 barrel, ps, pb, new paint, tires, bra and spoiler. Good condition, 53000.00, certified. Call 235-2394 anytime. (37,38,39c) 1983 FORD ESCORT, 4 door, ps/pb, charcoal grey/red interior, good clean car, will certify. Reason for selling, giving up driving. 53200, good mileage, clean condition. Can be seen at 37 Carrall St. St. Marys. Call 284-1607. 1987 FORD RANGER, 81000 km., 5 speed, 4 cylinder, 56200.00, certified; 1985 Ford Tempo, loaded, air, 4 door, automatic, 63,000 km. 57000, certified. Phone 236-7263. (37,38,39c) 1981 FORD 4x4 auto p.s., p.b., trailer with brakes, topper, s.r.w., AM/FM cassette, cense. 556(10 certified. Phone 235-2005. (37-39..) 1982 DODGE RAM VAN, Moon roof, fenders, engine in excellent shape, new tires, 56500.00. Can be 235-1369.(38,39•) General Welding 5111 i 9 Manufacturers of Custom built Trailers and Truck Bodies MacGregor Welding Ltd. 235-1273 HENSALL MOTORS LTD. "Car and Truck Rentals" Leasing - New, all makes Sales - Used Cars and Trucks 198 Main St. N. (Corner Hwy. #83 & #4) Ed Hearn Exeter 235-2070 ---..1,-..111..1,"=