Times Advocate, 1989-09-20, Page 19Ratepayer wantshis trees GRAND BEND - Joe Nader drove from Detroit to head the list of delegations at -the September 18 meeting of Grand Bend council. He was back to complain about trees that 'were mistakenly cut down ori his property on the river bank east of the bridge in 1987. He said he lost two apple trees, plus more than 20 others with trunks ranging in ,diameter from seven inches down to saplings. Other complaints were an illegal drain on his property that he claims discharges "five times the allowa- ble pollution", and the village's ref- usal to lease or sell him adjacent land so he can extend his dock 30 feet. Councillor Bruce Woodley said the municipality had replaced some of the trees, but agreed the replace- ments had all died. He said the drains, which were on the property when Nader bought it, are not ours, and we won't move them". He added that if the village replaced the trees, they would not lease the abutUpg property to Nader. W6odley explained that the prob- lems between Nader and Grand Bend had been going on for a long time. Woodley had expected that after a meeting attended by Reeve Bob Sharen, Councillor John McDowell, himself and Nader on June 23, Nader would have his lawyer draw up an interlocking agreement outlining the problems and acceptable solutions. "We don't want a hassle every few months," Woodley commented. The situation ended without any resolution. Nader said he would take legal action to have the drains removed, and his property restored to its former beauty. He also would further pursue his attempt to. get land to extend his dock. He said he had consulted a lawyer; and been advised the village could not refuse to lease or sell to him, when they let others put in docks on munici- pal property. Nadersatthrough the three-hour council meeting, then raised the is- sue again. He was ruled out of or- der by Sharen. Bylaw amendment A bylaw to close, stop up and sell part of Heaman Crescent was amended to expunge all references to selling the unopened road allow- ance to adjoining owners. The road closure was to facilitate develop- ment of the property by the Devlon Group. Sharen said the change was made because of a situation that had arisen. Jim Heavey from the Devlon Group and Don Southcott both at- tended the meeting.. Southcott said he would not withdraw his letter of objection. A letter was read from E.D. Kingsbury, Toronto, expressing his concerns about the effects of the road closure. He said it would elim- inate any possible exit to Lake Road unless at least part of the street was made a two-way thor- oughfare. He is also worried about the overall traffic problem which he predicted would only get worse if some 150 housing units are added. He suggested a traffic light will eventually have to be installed at the Lake Road entry. Sharen noted that this letter rais- es some logistics problems. Hea- vey replied that "a private entrance does not preclude public use". Heavy wanted assurance that if the matter proceeds, there will be no difficulty passing over the deed for the block of land. Sharen said that once the situation is clarified, the municipality will act on advice of counsel. Woodley asked what would hap- pen if development does not go ahead, and Sharen replied that the bylaw would be rescinded. Engineer- justifies fees ZURICH - Don Pletch from Hu- ron Middlesex Engineering attended the regular September meeting of Zurich council to justify the engi- neering fees paid to his company for work on the Zurich drain. He prefaced his remarks by saying he was disappointed to read in the pa- per of questions arising from in- voices rather than first being given an opportunity to talk with coun- cillors: The original estimate for engi- neering fees when the company was hired in 1986 was $37,750. By June 30, 1989, the village had paid the firm $41,473.96. Pletch explained that the costs ran above the estimate due to a number of additional and unfore- Varna by Joan Beierling VARNA - The 4-H Project "Good Foods Fast" will be starting on Monday, September 25. Anyone 11 years of age as of January- 1, 1989 or -older who would like to take this project please contact Gail Turner at 263-2382 or Cheryl Tal- bot at 263-5896. Anniversary service Sunday, September 17 at 11 am. the Varna church joined with Gosh- en for a joing anniversary worshop service. Rev: Sam Parker welcomed eve- ryone. Julie Rempel played the vio- lin, Stephanie Zentingh the viola and Barbara Ann Parker the flute for two musical numbers 'How Great Thou Art", and "Great Is Thy Faithfulness". After the children's sharing and prayer time, children eight and un- der went downstairs for a special program led by Marion Doucette. During the giving of the Offer- ing, Stephanie played the piano and Julie the Violin. Barbara Ann Park- er then sang "That's Where The Joy Comes From". The special guest speaker Rev. Ralph Garbe from Byron United Church, London preached on "You Have a Future". Rev. Parker closed with the com- missioning and the blessing. Or- ganist Shirley Hill and Julie and stephania then provided music. Rev. Sam Parker thanked Rev. Ralph Garbe, Julie Rompel, Steph- anie Zentinggh, Marion Doucette and Barbara Ann Parker for sharing their gifts and talents on this spe- cial Anniversary Sunday. Sunday, September 24 there will be regular services in both church- es. Wednesday, September 20, Varna Youth Group, will meet at the Church at 7:30. Due to the cold and wet carat er tact i itttrv.iovrho rein was cancelled to Bannockburn. They all enjoyed a couple of games of bowling in Goderich and a social time at the manse. Thursday, September 21 Goshen U.C.W. meets at the church a 8 p.m. Barb Bosman is speaking and Varna U.C.W. are invited. _,... •550,000 people work hard to end ri ngered a species. VoricatoS4 . and unmoor 'Ammdb WYVOLNIMente You can help too. gi11R co.woc, oarlesan Mak PorforeMm v 1673 cone monk* (mown crook, K2A 321 (611) Yffi)101 seen occurrences. He listed the preparation of documents for the drainage tribunal (approximately $6,000), revisions to the drain after the plans were drawn up, restaking because the stakes were pulled out (over $1,200) and calling in anoth- er company to prepare a soils re- port. Pletch noted that engineering fees are based on the time spent, adding that the charge to the village was 8.1 percent below the minimum recommended by the Professional Association of Engineers. He said. the. municipality should be asking "Was the level of service appropri- ate?" He wondered if he should have been at the site more, but pointed out that would have added to the cost. He bills $64 per hour forhisservices, Bob Turow charg- es $48, and the bill for a student is. $22. Reeve Bob Fisher said he did not recall asking for an additional in- spection when he and Councillor Dave Gelinas arranged to walk the drain with the engineer, and hadn't' expected the charges for phone calls, as in his business that was all part of the job. He told Pletch the extra $11,000 to $12,000 was a shock to councii, and the money would have to come from the tax- payers. He had talked to a lawyer, and wondered if in future situa- tions courlcil'would get an agree- ment with whoever, so we will know where we stand". One more bill in the $3,000 to $4,000 range is expected for the period from June 30 to the final in- spection on August 31, plus a last charge to have the engineer go over the assessment schedules and grant applications prepared by Zurich's clerk, Maureen Simmons, to make sure all are done correctly. Councillor Dave Gelinas spoke up to say that he had been im- pressed with how well the job on the drain was done, when he in- spected.the drain. Times -Advocate, September 20, 1989 Pape 19 Fall is for Planting Take advantage of our Annual Fall Sale Plant fall blubs now for Spring Flow Hardy Garden Mums 10" pots $3.50 (ea.) 3 for $10 • Shop the Garden Centre for more Specials Sale prices In effect while supplies last. Sale ends Sept. 30th URON RIDGE ACRES Follow Our Signs 11 miles west, then 31/2 miles north o1•Zurich .• OR East off Hwy. 21 South of Bayfield at Stanley Sideroad 15, then take first right DAVE & CAROL STECKLE AND FAMILY R.R. 2 ZURICH, ONTARIO (519) 565-2122 Mon. - Frl. 9 - Dusk Sat. 9 - 5 Sunday Closed • 11►; • 4 a� � ! 11111 v�.4, 4 • gi Winter Home Coinfort FbrNext Ib No mcAcht— iw, 'hoose a modern natural gas furnace from names such as Clare, 1)1MO Industries, Grimsby Stove, or Lennox, and you Gould save hundreds of (1)llar's annually on home heating energy ('ostS 1vhe11 rnnlpared With electricity or oil. When you consider that natural gas prices are lower now than they were in April 1983 - it's easy to understand hoc the savings add up. Add a central air-conditioning system. for all -season home comfort. that simply can't be beat by any other home comfort option. Hot Water Economy That'll Warm Your Heart.. 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