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'age 18
Times -Advocate, September 20, 1989
Zurich hockey has new
team, new hockey school
ZURICH - The minor hockey
season in Zurich will be a little dif-
ferent this year. Not only is the
Minor Athletic Association trying
to enter a Juvenile team into league
Play, but a one-week hockey school
is aiming at getting Zurich players
into better shape before they face
The good news for parents sign-
ing up their kids for hockey this
year in Zurich is that the costs have
not gone up from last year. It sell
costs $120 to put a youngster into
hockey, and for Tykes it even costs
$10 less than last year at $100
The Athletic Association says ris-
ing ice -time costs have been cov-
ered by good profits from the Bean
Festival this summer.
Seven teams will be taking to the
ice this year, including the 18 and
19 -year-old Juvenile team, provided
interest holds up.
Anyone who missed hockey reg-
istration on Saturday can contact
Janet McKinnon at 236-4924.
Also new this year is a hockey
school run by volunteer instructors
Dave Erb, Jeff Memer, and Kevin
Although the school is not con- •
nected with the MAA, Erb says any
surplus funds generated from the
$25 registration fees will be donated
to the Association.
Erb said he thought the five
straight nights of traimng offered in
the October 16-21 session would
give Zurich players of all ages a'
better start on their season of com-
petitive play. The Zurich teams, he
says, have to compensate for the
disadvantage of getting the ice in
the arena at a later date than most
others in the area.
On Saturday, Erb said he was
hoping for 50 students to sign up.
Anyone not yet signed up can call
him at 236-7350.
Handwriting analysis at
Hensall library Saturday
By Susan Hartman
HENSALL - Do you know what
your handwriting tells about you? If
you would like to find out join An-
alyst, Larry Cherns this Saturday
morning from 10 till noon at the
Hensall Branch Library. This two
hour workshop will help you to un-
derstand yourself through your
handwriting. The cost is only $1.00
and tickets are still available at the
Library. Call 262-2445 or 262-
2449 for more information.
Storyhour at the Library was off
to a flying start last Monday with
21 children participating. If you
would like to have your 3,4, or 5
year old join in the fun call 262-
2445 for more information.
United church
Worshippers at Hensall United
Church were greeted on Sunday by
Larry Elder. Rev. Doug Wright told
the children a story about how we
are all different.
Mrs. Janis Bisback read the Scrip-
ture. The choir's anthem was "God
the Father Be Our Story". The
beautiful flowers were from the
birthday celebrations for Hilda
Club Huron are still packing up
the newspapers that are left at the
Join the congregation after servic-
es next Sunday for fellowship and
refreshments. What a great opportu-
nity to meet with friends both old
and new!
The Huron -Perth Presbytery will
meet September 26 at the Kirkton-
Woodham Community Centre.
Come and see the church in action
from 2 to 3 p.m. and join in the
worship from 4:30 to 6 p.m. There
will be a guest speaker from 7 till
Carmel Presbyterian
The sun was shining brightly this
morning, every window on the
south side of the church shone with
the bright colours of the stained
The service began with a greeting
from Rev. Mark Gaskin and the call
to worship, followed by the sanc-
At present we have a visitor in
our choir: Valerie from Ecuador, an,
exchange student who is residing.
temporarily with Bob and Dorothy
Taylor. We welcome her to our
midst as well as another young girl
who joined our choir this morning.
Until further notice, there will be
choir practice on Monday evenings
• at 7 p.m. with organist Miss Caro-
lyn Love at the organ.
We welcome any who are willing
to join in our service.
Congratulations to assistant arena
manager Tom Dickens and his wife
Julia on the birth of a daughter last
Assistant village clerk Ansberth
Willert and her husband Ervine are
also proud parents of a brand new
baby girl.
Shuffleboard scores for September
12 in Hensall: six game winners
were John Pepper -509, George
Dowson-376, and Eileen Dowson -
147,3 Five .varve. ton scorers were".--
Marjorie Richardson -399, Pearl "
McKnight -371 and Bruce Watson -
Three Links Seniors
The Three Links Seniors met at
6:30 p.m: on September 12 for a
pot -luck supper. Following that
there was a business meeting with a
euchre ad chrokingle match -up.
Prize winners were Irene Blackwell,
Elsie Carlisle, Eileen Dowson,
kjargar1!, Mn+r. and Tnyle: It
was decided to begin the monthly
euchre panics- S-epteiiwiier lei' at a
p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. All
arc welcome. -
Open house
Iris Payne and Mary Merritt held
an Open House for Hilda Payne on
the occasion of her 75th birthday on
Saturday, September 16 in the Fel-
lowship Hall of Hensall United
Guests were present from Surrey,
England, San Diego, California, St.
Catharines, Strathroy, Kitchener,
St. Thomas, Clinton and Tillson-
burg as well as from the immediate
Friendship circle
The Friendship Circle met for
their September meeting at the
home of Shirley McAllister for a
pot -luck supper to start the new
Anita Cook was chairperson and
opened with a poem "Halfway to
Autumn." Helen McLean was in
charge of the devotional "Tomorrow
a new experience".
A social time was enjoyed by
everyone. The group looked at old
school pictures and shared memo-
ries of many years ago.
Hostesses were Erla Coleman and
Beatrice Munn.
Hockey school
signs 'em up
New school - Jeff Merner (left)
and Dave Erb, instructors for
Zurich's new hockey school;
were signing up Darcy Scott
(right) for the one-week course.
Faced with the prospect of
paying for his son's season of
hockey was Allen Scott.
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Order your nursery stock now...or the work
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Scouts register - Shawn Wurm (!eft) moves up to the Hensall Ventur-
ers this year and was signing up Thursday evening. Taking registra-
tions were Beavers leader Tim Wilcox and Cubs leader John Kins-
man. The Cubs were hoping for at least 12 boys this year, the
Beavers want 20. The Brownies were taking registration fQr up to
20 girls. The Scouting groups said the have been affected in recent
years by the number of boys more involved in sports. Co-
incidentally, the Hensall hockey teams were registering players the
same night.
Volunteers sought
for seniors' dining.
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - Dining for seniors is
coming to Zurich and volunteers are
needed to help with the weekly
noon meal.
If you think you can spend two or
three hours once or twice a month
for this program, you are welcome
to come out to the community cen-
tre on September 27 at 10 a.m.
Town and Country Homemaker Bev
Brown will be on hand to explain
how the program works in other
communities in the region.
Figure skating
The Zurich and Arca Figure Skat-
ing Club will be holding their an-
nual registration at the arena on
Saturday October 7.
The Ladies' Bowling League is
once again bowling on Monday
evenings. Tcn teams are battling it
out this year, but anyone wishing
to join up as a regular or spare
bowler can call Tony Bedard at 236-
4923. -
Pastor Clayton Kucpfer and his
wife Amy celebrated their silver
wedding anniversary on Sunday and
an open house in their honour was
tut ui 1iiL Ii11.:111u111te Unlit
Relatives and friends from all over
arrived for the occasion.
The family of Juliette Denomme,•
including her 10 children and all
their spouses, held a family reunion
and pre -Christmas get-together at
her home on Sunday. Denomme's
children came from Winnipeg,
Kitchener, Rondeau Park, Zurich,
and London for the event.
Laurene Corriveau and her grand-
children from Goderich went Satur-
day in Milverton to spend the a,
noon with Corriveau's mother and
her aunt, Miss Ada Coulter who
was celebrating her 101st birthday.
Both ladies are residents of the
Knoll Crest Lodge in Milverton.
Several relatives from town at-
tended the wedding of Sandy Hart-
man and Adam Kobarda at St. Pat-
rick's Church in Lucan on Saturday.
Ruby Neeb attended the funeral of
her only sister, Alberta McFarlane,
who passed away on September 9
in Glencoe.
A tidal shower was held for Deb
Creces in St. Joseph ori" Sfrnday._
Creces, from Grand Bend, is the fi-
anc6e of Doug Masse. They are
planning to be married in October.
Wel. rime to own Gloria Allen.
ueenszvay "vews
HENSALL - Monday several of at ^• 1. a musical program with
us travelled to London's Weste,n Edv...,, 'Uassen and his South
Fair. We watched and marveled Amen un Folk Harp and on Sep -
over the acrobats at the grandstand tci, . ' it 7 p.m. our Birthday
show. But everyone's favorite was Part; i Marie Flynn and the Hu-
th^ Agriculture building, For a ►.: s:epda:.;. ,-. - •
dents remaining at our home_._._ - -
Lauie's r�uxiIlaiy held a dingo •l• Pick Your Own
prizes fora .
Fperk I laclntosh Apples
Fun and Fitness ed rest,+encs
up on Wednesday moming as it at
does three mornings each week. A
few rest home resident, window-
shopped uptown in the alk. 'n.
Agri Club member gathen— :n
the Activity room "Brio day after-
noon and were entertained by Many
humorous stories and articles from
the Farmers Almanac.
A trip to the Lambton Museum
was the highlight of our day on Fri-
day. We had a beautiful day to trav-
Coming events at Queensway are
September 22 a trip to Seaforth for
the African Lion Safari Parrot Para-
dise travelling show, September 27
Apple -Dale
RR 1 Lucan
(Corner of Biddulph
Sldoroad 15 and Conc. 4)
We are open Monday to
Saturday 9 to dusk
Sunday 11 - 5
For information or
directions call Lewis or
Bev Cardiff 227.4736
All nursery
stock guaranteed
Phone 235-1678 236-4457 -
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