HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-09-20, Page 11Band entertains - A dance and concert Thursday featured Grade 9 A Blood Red Sky band is shown in action.
Orientation Week at South Huron District High School. The Under
Elimville WI begins fall with dinner
'By Shirley Cooper
ELIMVILLr - The Elimville
Women's Institute started their fall
meetings Wednesday evening with a
turkey dinner served by the United
Church Women.
Huron South District president
Marian Dougall and district secre-
tary Marilyn Pym where guests for
the evening.
President Shirley Cooper read a
poein "Autumn is a Thankful
Time." The roll call was answered
by "A lesson I learned the hard
The meeting was turned over to
Education and Cultural Activities
chairperson Verla Allen. She
opened with a poem "The Little
Things". Marie Brock read the mot-
otto "Don't be critical of your chil-
dren - remember who brought them
up" which had been prepared by
Millie Fulton. Verla read a poem
"Teachers" and then introduced the
guest speaker Mary Ellison. Mary
told of her job teaching English as
a second language. Her students
ages range from teenagers to seniors
and different nationalities. Jean
Lynn thanked Mary and presented
her with a gift.
The Fall Rally will be held Octo-
ber 2 at Ethel. The delegates will be
Jean Lynn and Shirley Cooper. The
delegates to the Area Convention at
Embro will be Isabelle Fletcher and
Shirley Cooper.
Grace Pym reported that Susan
Jaques, Laura Hem, Linda Johns
and Nancy Cooper had attended 4-H
leaders training school that day. The
project is "Good Food - Fast". Any-
one interested in 4-H may contact
any of these leaders.
Clandeboye WI hear talk
CLANDEBOYE - The Clande-
boye Women's Institute opened
their fall season at the home of
Mrs. Gerald Lynn. Fourteen mem-
bers and one visitor answered the
roll call, "A By -Product of Sheep".
Program convener, Eleanor Kestle
introduced her neighbor, Corinne
Rosch, who talked about wool from
the sheep to the finished product.
She keeps a few sheep on their
small acreage and after having them
sheared, the wool has to be washed,
then carded, before being spun into
She also showed us how she pre-
pares the wool for the comforters
she makes. She brought her spin -
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on wool
ning wheel along and demonstrated
spinning wool into yarn. She had
several hand knit sweaters, hooked
rugs and pictures on display.
Helen Cunningham completed the
program .with several interesting
readings, "It's September," "Life"
and "The Joys of Aging".
During the business, an invita-
tion to attend a Tweedsmuir History
Tea, in Ailsa Craig, on September
21, 2-4 p.m; and 7-9 p.m. was read.
Delegates were chosen to attend the
London Arca Convention at Embro,
in October. Hazel Cunningham re-
ported on our W.I. bus trip to To-
ronto in November to enjoy the
—Dinner Theatre" and shopping, all
at Cullen Barns.
President Marion Hodgson report--
ed that the leaders for the 4-H fall
project attended training school last
• week.
Ruth Hill and Jean Hodgins,
lunch conveners assisted the hostess
for the social time.
Marion Hodgson and Hazel Cun-
ningham, representing Clandeboye
Women's Institute were guests of
the, Western Fair Association at the
noon luncheon last Monday.
Dianne Cunningham, M.P. for
London N., was the guest speaker.
Times -Advocate, September 20,1989
Page 11
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