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Times -Advocate, September 20, 1989
Ministerial meets - The South Huron Ministerial got together for a breakfast meeting on September
14. Shown are Rev. Bob Peebles, treasurer; vice-chairman Rev. Bob Arbogast, Christian Reformed
Church, Exeter; guest speakers Sandi Caplan and Gord Land; Rev. Sheila Macgregor, Thames Road,
member at large, and chairman Rev. Don Rogers, Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle. '
Ministerial meets for breakfast
EXETER - The South Huron
Ministerial Association held its
first meeting for the 1989-90 sea-
son last Thursday morning at the
Three AAA restaurant in Exeter.
Over breakfast the members attend-
ed to various matters of business
under the leadership of Rev. Don
R. Rogers, president of the mini-
Rev. Arthur Birch of Stratford
spoke for a few minutes about
"The Mari from Aldersgate", a one-
man play that tells the story of
John Wesley, the eighteenth centu-
ry Anglican missionary to North
America. The play comes to Strat-
ford's Festival Theatre on Monday,
October 2.
Loraine Elisen spoke briefly
about Redeemer College, a Chris-
tian liberal arts university in An -
caster, Ontario, and about scholar-
ships for study at Redeemer.
After those brief presentations,
Gordon Lang and Sandi Caplan of.
Pathways in London, Ontario ad-
dressed the ministerial at length.
They spoke about helping others
deal with grief.
Grief, according to Lang, is the
highly personal response to loss.
Grief cannot be fixed. It must be ac-
knowledged and worked through by
the person who has experienced
Through their organization Path-
ways, Lang and Caplan offer work-
shops and training programs for
volunteers, professionals and clergy
who work with the grieving.
UCW motors to Mitchell
By Rhoda Rohde
THAMES ROAD - Thirty ladies
motored to the Cross Winds Re-
staurant in Mitchell last Monday
evening for supper and then our
meeting in a room upstairs.
After supper Karen Etherington
welcomed everyone and gave the
Call to Worship. We sang "Jesus
Shall Reign" accompanied by Jean
Hodgert on Yamaha electric key-
board donated by Sharon Passmore.
Alma Ballantyne read the Scrip-
ture Matthew 6:5-12. A reading
'How Tall Are You" by Helen Web-
ber. Helen Webber and June Stewart
received the offering with prayer by.
Karen. A reading Reduced Prices by
June Stewart, also quotes from Job
and Galations.
Karen Etherington introduced
Mrs. Paul Truemner (nee Wilma
Vanderlaan) of Mitchell, who
showed how to make ribbon roses,
several ladies tried their hand at
them. Alma Ballantayne thanked
Wilma and presented her with inter-
esting gifts.
June Stewart opened the business
part of the meeting with a poem
The roll call was answered with
your last grade of school and where.
Minutes, correspondence, Treasur-
er's report, manse report and Board
of Steward's report were received.
It was mentioned we have three
weddings and lunches in April, May
and June which the UCW ladies are
Visiting committee for the next
four months are Group U. Jean
Coward, Group C. Marilyn Pym
and Group W. Janis Richardson.
The regional at Centralia will be
September 18.
• Tag day for South Huron Hospi-
tal is October 5. Our ladies are do-
The annual meeting is to be held
January 22 or snow date January
Bridal shower
About 70 ladies and girls gathered
at the church on Thursday evening
to honour Joanne (Hodgert) McIn-
tosh bride -elect of August.
The basement and the platform
was decorated with rainbow stream-
ers, school books, bells and a
branch with paper McIntosh apples
decorating it.
Jean Hodgert played music while
Margaret Johns escorted. Joanne to
the chair on the platform. Kay Hod-
gert welcomed everyone and asked
Joanne to introduce the guests on
the platform.
A humorous reading "The Way-
side Chapel" by Lorraine Alexan-
der. Marilyn Vanderbussche played
two selections on the piano and
she also sang to her own accompa-
niment which was much enjoyed.
A humorous reading "About a
Dashwood by Bernice Boyle
DASHWOOD - Calvary United
Church Women met Tuesday, Sep-
tember 12 with President Karen
Tieman having the 15 members re-
peat the UCW Purpose.
After the business pari of the
meeting seven ladies from the Cre-
diton.U.C.W. joined the group to
hear the special speaker, Debra
McCann. She is the Liaison officer
with "Safe Home for Youth".
Debra gave a very informative
talk on the adolescents of our
times, and the problems they deal
w itfram ng boys anti girls ages 16
to 18. This program is funded by
community dnnatinns (1 would
recommend Debra to all local or-
ganizations as she gave an excel-
lent insight to the happenings in
our own area.)
Russell and Emily Hoperoft, Wa-
terdown visited with Shirley Tie -
man and attended the Miller-
Hutchinson wedding Saturday.
They also visited George in South
Huron hospital.
Dashwood residents extend sym-
ympathy to Nola Love in the loss of
her husband, Ross.
Clayton Pfile's auction sale took
place on Saturday and he is now a
resident at Blue Water Rest home.
The sympathy of the community
is extended to i'ie family of the late
Mrs. Karen Pedersen. Attending the
funeral were her sister Mrs. Signe
Drake and dauglitcr Mrs. Bctiy
Breebe, Crasco, Isroa, Lorie Peder-
sen and family, England and Karen
and Bill Nolan, California.
Garden" by Helen Webber. Kathy
Bray conducted a couple of con-
tests, "Do you know Huron Coun-
ty?"and a Bride's First Grocery List:
A humorous reading "An Engage-
ment" by Jean Hodgert.
Viola Hunkin read a nicely word-
ed address and Lori Kemick, Laura
Miller, Rebecca Miller, Jayne and
Jo -Dee Rowe carried in many beau-
tiful and useful gifts.
After Joanne had opened her gifts
and replied, she invited everyone to
their reception at Kirkton Com-
munity Centre on Friday evening.
All joined in singing "For she's a
Jolly Good Fellow". A,delicious
lunch of cake and ice cream were
partaken of which brought an en-
joyable evening to a close.
Church service
Rev. Sheila Macgregor was in
charge of the regular church service
Sunday'morning with a fair atten-
Rev. Sheila gave the children's
message "Am I Special to God?"
The children's Scripture verse was
Luke 15:26 "This man receiveth
sinners and eateth with them.
Rev. Sheila read 1 Timothy
1:12-17. Her sermon was entitled
"Lost and Found". The choir sang
"Joy Is Like The Rain."
The first meeting of the Com-
municants class will meet at the
manse on Thursday September 21
from 4 to 6 p.m. Please bring a
pen and notebook. Please plan to
attend the play, The Man From Al-
dergate on Monday October 2 at
the Festival Theatre in Stratford.
A joint session meeting will be
held at the manse on Tuesday Sep-
tember 26 at 8:45.
Mrs. Ian Macdonald of Windsor
is visiting with Rev. Sheila and
Richard Macgregor and Alexandra.
Announce results of
fair field crops
EXETER - Roy Pepper, a di-
rector of the Exeter Agricultural
Society this week released the re-
sults of the field crop competi-
tions held in conjunction with
the 1989 fair.
The judges reported the quality
was excellent in the white bean
division with' the winner Allan
Powe scoring 99 out of a possi-
ble 100 points.
Close behind in second spot
with 97 points each were Allan
Rundle, Cliff Hicks and Pete
Tuckey while Rene Van Bruaene
scored 95 points followed by
Gordon Jones at 93, Dawson
Farms and Tom Triebner 92 each,
John Thomson 89, Bob Down
and Wayne Hern 86 each, Bruce
Shapton 84 and Ray Cann 77.
In soybeans Allan Rundle was
the leader with 85 points. Murray
Dawson was the runnerup with
79.5 points and Gerald Dearing
was a close third with 79 points.
The balance of the scores were
Mike Ryan 76, Tom Hern 74,
Gord Jones and Al Hem each 71,
Ray Cann, Pete Tuckey and John
Thomson 69 apiece, Bob Down
68, Mike Ryan 66 and Bruce
Shapton 61.
In the grain corn competition,
Cliff Hicks was the winner with a
total of 83 points, one morethan
runnerup Gordon Jones. Tom Tri-
ebner was third at 80 points and
Pete Tuckey was fourth at 79.5
and finishing fifth with 78.5
points was Murray Dawson.
Next in line came Allan Hern
and Wayne Hern 78 each, Tom
Herm and Gerald Dearing 77 each,
Miller Farms 76, Brian Pym 72,
Bruce Shapton 69, Bob Down 68
and Allan Rundle 66. '
The silage corn winner was Al-
lan Hern with a total of 83
points. Cliff Hicks was a close
second at 82 points followed by
Tom Hern 80, Tom Triebner 77
and Wayne Hem 76.
The rest of the silage corn com-
petitors were Miller Farms 72,
Bob Down 71 and Allan Rundle,
Hem Farms and Bruce Shapton 68
Happy Gang
AILSA CRAIG - On September
13 at 1:15 the Happy Gang Seniors
welcomed members of the Ilderton
group to enjoy a Dessert Euchre
with them. All enjoyed the lovely
desserts our members brought.
Levi White, our president, wel-
comed everyone and conducted the
business meeting assisted by the
secretary Shirley Williams and Har-
old Guilfoye as treasurer. Levi
thanked everyone for coming and to
our members who helped make the
afternoon such a success.
Due to clue Masons turkey and
ham supper on September 27, we
will only have a euchre that after-
noon instead of our usual pot luck
We remembered our sick and shut
'ins by signing a "get well" card for
We were pleased to have a total
of 70 present so had a total of 17
tables of euchre. Prizes going to
the following: ladies high Myrtle
Maguire, ladies lone hands Sarah
Graham and ladies low Annie Pais-
Men's high Ida McNaughton
(man's card), men's lone hands Joe
Carter and men's low Harold Hod-
The next meeting will be on
September 27 at 1:30 p.m. We al-
ways welcome new members.
A Bioactivator
that Makes a
Difference in
Weed Control
F rom laboratory and field research comes a chemistry that enhances the
activity of weed control products through bioactivation — Enhance.
Enhance is registered for use with Roundup® for improved consistency
of quack grass control. Enhance bioactivates Roundup in several ways:
❑ improves penetration • El improves translocation
❑ improves"stickability"
Enhance gives improved results and greater consistency.
See your farm supply retailer today and
find out how Enhance can improve your
quack grass control program at'Iow cost.
'ELANCO and ENHANCE are registered trademarks of
Eli Lilly and Company
ELANCO Division Eli Lilly Canada Inc is a registered user
'ROUNDUP is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company
Monsanto Canada Inc is a registered user 63500889
Seaforth Hensall Mitchell Ailsa Craig Granton Pt. Albert
345-2545 262-2527 348-8433 293-3223 225-2360 529-7901
Hill & Hill Fames Ltd. Vama
Vama Grain
If White Winter Wheat is in your
plans we have:
Cert. Harus (bagged or bulk)
Cert. Augusta
Weare mein ,y Custom Seed Wheat Cleaning
1989 Hill & Hill Farms Te stPlot Results
Cert. Harus Grade 1 .90.0 bus./ac.
Cert. Houser Grade 3 73.6 bus./ac.
Cert. Augusta Grade 2 • 70.5 bus./ac.
Cert. Harus Grade 1 82.2 bus./ac.
Please contact Pete Rowntree or Bev Hill
at 233-3218 or 233-7908
for your fall seed needs
Hill and Hill Farms Ltd.
Bev. 233-3218
Varna Pete 233-7908
Winners from
Carter's Farm Equipment
Gr_a_nd Opening
MoI Gingerich, Zurich John Neevel, RR1 Hensall
Courtney Dignan, RR 2 Zurich Jack Essery, Exeter
Lanus Yeo, RR 3, Clinton John Branderho st. RRA. Hasne.0
Brittany GenovegA .-w:..a--- - .;- rIr,v!US, HIV I lensall
Jim Kerslake, RR 1 Centralia Harry Jeffrey, RR1 Hensall
Ross Hodgen, RR 1 Woodham Made Webster, Varna
Max Ducharme, Zurich Mike Scott, RR3 Ailsa Craig
Bob McNaughton, RR 3 Kippen Earl Gamble, RR1 Granton
Jane Bradshaw, RR2 Bayfield James D. Sharman, RR2 Dublin
Russell Brown, Exeter Jim Murphy, Lucan
Donna McBeath, RR3 Kippen Bob Hovius, RR1 Hensall
Tony Galati, London Ed Ryan, Lucan
Marjorie Pike, Windsor H. Finkbeiner, RR2 Dashwood
Chas Kernick, RR3 Exeter Derek Etherington, RR1 Hensall
Elsbeth Aisenpreis, RR3 Kippen Hilda Dorsch, RR5 Brussels
Wayne Becker, RR3 Dashwood • Peter Dorsch, RR5, Brussels
Frank Jolliffe, London Moritz Roth, RR3 Cinton
Richard Aisenpreis, RR3 Kippen Glen Gamble, RR1 Granton
Narlina Aisenpreis, RR3 Kippen Don Blaney, RR2 Beamsville
Bill Coleman, Kippen Larry barker, Seaforth
Garden" by Helen Webber. Kathy
Bray conducted a couple of con-
tests, "Do you know Huron Coun-
ty?"and a Bride's First Grocery List:
A humorous reading "An Engage-
ment" by Jean Hodgert.
Viola Hunkin read a nicely word-
ed address and Lori Kemick, Laura
Miller, Rebecca Miller, Jayne and
Jo -Dee Rowe carried in many beau-
tiful and useful gifts.
After Joanne had opened her gifts
and replied, she invited everyone to
their reception at Kirkton Com-
munity Centre on Friday evening.
All joined in singing "For she's a
Jolly Good Fellow". A,delicious
lunch of cake and ice cream were
partaken of which brought an en-
joyable evening to a close.
Church service
Rev. Sheila Macgregor was in
charge of the regular church service
Sunday'morning with a fair atten-
Rev. Sheila gave the children's
message "Am I Special to God?"
The children's Scripture verse was
Luke 15:26 "This man receiveth
sinners and eateth with them.
Rev. Sheila read 1 Timothy
1:12-17. Her sermon was entitled
"Lost and Found". The choir sang
"Joy Is Like The Rain."
The first meeting of the Com-
municants class will meet at the
manse on Thursday September 21
from 4 to 6 p.m. Please bring a
pen and notebook. Please plan to
attend the play, The Man From Al-
dergate on Monday October 2 at
the Festival Theatre in Stratford.
A joint session meeting will be
held at the manse on Tuesday Sep-
tember 26 at 8:45.
Mrs. Ian Macdonald of Windsor
is visiting with Rev. Sheila and
Richard Macgregor and Alexandra.
Announce results of
fair field crops
EXETER - Roy Pepper, a di-
rector of the Exeter Agricultural
Society this week released the re-
sults of the field crop competi-
tions held in conjunction with
the 1989 fair.
The judges reported the quality
was excellent in the white bean
division with' the winner Allan
Powe scoring 99 out of a possi-
ble 100 points.
Close behind in second spot
with 97 points each were Allan
Rundle, Cliff Hicks and Pete
Tuckey while Rene Van Bruaene
scored 95 points followed by
Gordon Jones at 93, Dawson
Farms and Tom Triebner 92 each,
John Thomson 89, Bob Down
and Wayne Hern 86 each, Bruce
Shapton 84 and Ray Cann 77.
In soybeans Allan Rundle was
the leader with 85 points. Murray
Dawson was the runnerup with
79.5 points and Gerald Dearing
was a close third with 79 points.
The balance of the scores were
Mike Ryan 76, Tom Hern 74,
Gord Jones and Al Hem each 71,
Ray Cann, Pete Tuckey and John
Thomson 69 apiece, Bob Down
68, Mike Ryan 66 and Bruce
Shapton 61.
In the grain corn competition,
Cliff Hicks was the winner with a
total of 83 points, one morethan
runnerup Gordon Jones. Tom Tri-
ebner was third at 80 points and
Pete Tuckey was fourth at 79.5
and finishing fifth with 78.5
points was Murray Dawson.
Next in line came Allan Hern
and Wayne Hern 78 each, Tom
Herm and Gerald Dearing 77 each,
Miller Farms 76, Brian Pym 72,
Bruce Shapton 69, Bob Down 68
and Allan Rundle 66. '
The silage corn winner was Al-
lan Hern with a total of 83
points. Cliff Hicks was a close
second at 82 points followed by
Tom Hern 80, Tom Triebner 77
and Wayne Hem 76.
The rest of the silage corn com-
petitors were Miller Farms 72,
Bob Down 71 and Allan Rundle,
Hem Farms and Bruce Shapton 68
Happy Gang
AILSA CRAIG - On September
13 at 1:15 the Happy Gang Seniors
welcomed members of the Ilderton
group to enjoy a Dessert Euchre
with them. All enjoyed the lovely
desserts our members brought.
Levi White, our president, wel-
comed everyone and conducted the
business meeting assisted by the
secretary Shirley Williams and Har-
old Guilfoye as treasurer. Levi
thanked everyone for coming and to
our members who helped make the
afternoon such a success.
Due to clue Masons turkey and
ham supper on September 27, we
will only have a euchre that after-
noon instead of our usual pot luck
We remembered our sick and shut
'ins by signing a "get well" card for
We were pleased to have a total
of 70 present so had a total of 17
tables of euchre. Prizes going to
the following: ladies high Myrtle
Maguire, ladies lone hands Sarah
Graham and ladies low Annie Pais-
Men's high Ida McNaughton
(man's card), men's lone hands Joe
Carter and men's low Harold Hod-
The next meeting will be on
September 27 at 1:30 p.m. We al-
ways welcome new members.
A Bioactivator
that Makes a
Difference in
Weed Control
F rom laboratory and field research comes a chemistry that enhances the
activity of weed control products through bioactivation — Enhance.
Enhance is registered for use with Roundup® for improved consistency
of quack grass control. Enhance bioactivates Roundup in several ways:
❑ improves penetration • El improves translocation
❑ improves"stickability"
Enhance gives improved results and greater consistency.
See your farm supply retailer today and
find out how Enhance can improve your
quack grass control program at'Iow cost.
'ELANCO and ENHANCE are registered trademarks of
Eli Lilly and Company
ELANCO Division Eli Lilly Canada Inc is a registered user
'ROUNDUP is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company
Monsanto Canada Inc is a registered user 63500889
Seaforth Hensall Mitchell Ailsa Craig Granton Pt. Albert
345-2545 262-2527 348-8433 293-3223 225-2360 529-7901
Hill & Hill Fames Ltd. Vama
Vama Grain
If White Winter Wheat is in your
plans we have:
Cert. Harus (bagged or bulk)
Cert. Augusta
Weare mein ,y Custom Seed Wheat Cleaning
1989 Hill & Hill Farms Te stPlot Results
Cert. Harus Grade 1 .90.0 bus./ac.
Cert. Houser Grade 3 73.6 bus./ac.
Cert. Augusta Grade 2 • 70.5 bus./ac.
Cert. Harus Grade 1 82.2 bus./ac.
Please contact Pete Rowntree or Bev Hill
at 233-3218 or 233-7908
for your fall seed needs
Hill and Hill Farms Ltd.
Bev. 233-3218
Varna Pete 233-7908