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Times -Advocate, September 20, 1989
Expanded canvass area
EXETER - Hospitals are re-
viewed and rated regularly by the
Canadian Council on Hospital Ac-
creditation on all facets of their op-
eration; the governing body, medi-
cal and nursing services, plant
equipment, records, plus safety and
protection of patients, staff and
workers. Did you know that South
Huron Hospital has twice now been
accredited 'Superior', which is the
highest rating given? Did you know
our hospital is scheduled to be in-
spected again in 1991?
Did you know that the money the
government grants each year to hos-
pitals must be spent first to pay
for salaries, medical supplies and
operating costs including heating
and lighting? The money for new
equipment and buildings and for re-
pairs and renovations has to come
from three sources: excess of oper-
ating costs, depreciation on equip-
ment, and volunteer donations.
It is not hard to understand why
South Huron Auxiliary's dedicate
group of volunteers work so hart
throughout the year through thei
two rummage sales, the Gift Shoi
and Tag Days. This year the tag-
ging area is bbing expanded. B
sides Exeter, several other comp
nities served by South Huron HI
pital - Centralia, Crediton, Da,
wood, Elimville, Grand Co
Hensall and Huron Park are bei
These new areas will be ca
vassed on Thursday and Frid ,
September 28 and 29. Exeter w
be called upon the following weep
end, October 5, 6 and 7.
Please welcome these callers
your door. Your support will hI
to ensure that South Huron Hos
tai can maintain its 'Superior' r
Donation - Anne Schade (centre) and her husband Bill, Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron of the Ex-
eter Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, present a $1, 700 cheque to Mary Tyler, president of
the London branch of the Ontario Lupus Association, at a recent OES meeting in Exeter. Mary Lou
Driscoll, RR4 Walton, won the quilt and Les Wilson, Lucan the clock, in the draws on the WM and
WP projects.
Seaforth completes project
SEAFORTH - The Town of Sea -
forth is marking the completion of
its three year Mainstreet Canada
Project with a series of festivities
to be held on Thursday September
7th. Mainstreet Canada, one of the
programs of the Heritage Canada
Foundation, has been in Seaforth
since 1986.
During that time, the Mainstreet
Co-ordinator, as in other towns
across Canada, has been working on
revitalizing the downtown core
through organization, marketing
and economic development as well
as actual building restoration and
streetscape improvement.
As tangible evidence of the suc-
cess of this program, the first phase
of Seaforth's Streetscape'Project,
known as the Town Hall Civic
Court, will be formally opened on
September 7. A ceremony will be
held in front of the Town Hall at
7;30 p.m. featuring a ribbon
cutting by Mayor Hazel Hildebrand
and the appearance, out of the past,
of one of Seaforth's historical fig-
ures, Mr. D.D. Wilson, the first
reeve of the Town of Seaforth.
At 8 p.m., following the official
opening of the Civic Court, D.D.
Wilson will invite everyone to join
him at a wine and cheese repeption
at the Royal Canadian Legion on
main St. near the Town Hall. Dis-
plays will be set up and slides will
be shown highlighting the past glo-
ry of Seaforth, the achievements of
the Mainstreet Canada Program and
the future plans for the downtown.
Tha•Town of Seaforth is continu-
ing its commitment to the revitali-
zation of the downtown by hiring a
new co-ordinator to carry on where
the Mainstreet Program left off.
The town will remain as an affiliat-
ed project of Heritage Canada's Na-
tional Mainstreet Program.
Time to think of flu shots
By Sheryl Feagan
Huron County Health Unit
CLINTON - It may seem a little
early to be thinking about the nas-
ty effects of a winter "flu" bug, but
is isn't. Every year up to one third
of the population may contract the
illness known as influenza and
some will die from it.
Anyone can get the flu and even
for normal healthy people, it can
be severe. It usually keeps people
in bed for several days in an ex-
tremely weakened condition which
can linger for weeks afterwards.
This can leave the person suscepti-
ble to man other winter infec-
Forthcoming marriage - Mr.
and Mrs. Andre VanHooydonk
and Mr. and Mrs. Willy Van-
neste are pleased to announce
the forthcoming marriage of
their children, Nancy Dorothea
and Joseph Willy, on Saturday,
September 23, 1989 at Sacred
Heart Church, Parkhill at 3:00
p.m. (Closed reception).
tions. Classic flu symptoms in-
clude a bad cough, fever, chills,
aches and pains, and loss of appe-
People in high risk groups are in
greater danger of suffering very se-
vere, life-threatening illness from
the flu. These people include every-
one over the age of 65 and anyone
with chronic medical conditions
such as heart, lung or kidney dis-
ease or metabolic disorders such as
diabetes. Residents of nursing
homes or chronic care facilities
usually fall into one or more of
these high risk categories and are at
additional risk because their institu-
tional environment may promote
the spread of the disease.
You should receive your flu vac-
cine in September or October to
Caven ladies
EXETER - The Caven Presbyter-
ian Ladies met on Monday, Sep-
tember 11 for a pot luck dinner fol-
lowed by their regular meeting in
the church basement.
From the study based on the
theme "Poverty in Canada", the la-
dies learned that the gap between
the rich and the poor is increasing.
Like the Israelite people of the Old
Testament, the people in the higher
income bracket in today's world
seem to show less interest and care
less about the poor as the rich be-
came prosperous. The ladies were
told that Christians must speak
with one voice and be advocates
and prophets for the poor.
A noon hour luncheon will be
held at the church on Thursday, Oc-
tober 5. Tickets are available from
the members.
The next meeting will be held on
Tuesday, October 10.
73 x 84 including valance $144.
84 x 84 including valance $164.
6 colours to choose from
Sale ends September 30/89
(519) 235-1964
give your body time to build up
immunity before the flu season
starts in November. If you are over
65 or in any other risk category, an-
nual immunization against influen-
za could save your life. Call your
doctor today.
Exeter UCW's
fall session
EXETER - The afternoon group
of Exeter United Church U.C.W.
opened their fall session with a pot-
luck luncheon with Mary Neil's
group in charge. Thirty-two mem-
bers enjoyed a delicious lunch.
Laura Dicky chaired the meeting.
Alma Godbolt requested members
to knit for the Christmas Bureau,
slippers and mitts for adults needed.
The members were reminded to
prepare articles for our bazaar No-
vember 11.
Leone. Brock reported several
quilts ready to quilt starting in Oc-
Marion Dougall took the Devo-
tional stressing to be loyal and
faithful to family and friends. Al-
myra Ford read scripture from He-
brew 11 verses 1-10 and Luke 10
verses 38-40. Hymn Blest be the
tic that binds was sung.
Sharon Wurm, leader of the Safe
Home for Youth project, gave a
most interesting outline of her
work. Children learn what they live
but must learn to shoulder respon-
Visitors - Carl Mills, Past Grand Representative of Scotland for
the Exeter chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, poses with
some special guests who attended a recent meeting. Shown
(from left) are Grace Perry, Grand Representative of Ontario, Nancy
McVee, Markham, Grand Representative of Scotland in Ontario,
Elizabeth Walkingshaw, Scotland, Grand Representative of Onta-
rio and Scotland and Marie Woodword, Past Grand Matron of the
Order of the Eastern Star.
Exeter Vida
EXETER - Hello from everyone
at the Villa. We are approaching the
last days of summer. Fall officially
arrives on Saturday.
Happy Birthday this week to
Hugh Hutchinson and Frieda Bier -
ling. Belated Anniversary to Jim
and Rita Smith, who have been
married 41 years.
We have had a busy week. The
Legion Ladies started us off on the
right foot with their monthly Bin-
go. We were also very pleased to
have Car Rides with the Outreach
Committee from the United
Church. The rides were so popular
in the spring and were just as popu-
lar this fall.
Rev. Kevin Rutledge of the Em -
manual Baptist Church conducted
our weekly worship 'services.
Thanks to the members of his con -
Bart DeVries
Portrait, Wedding and Commercial
Place your order for
oven ready
Order now for early
Erich & Cheryl
Phone 237-3351
�udootd a��ca.
383 Main St., Exeter 235-1412
Jacquelines is pleased to announce the appoint-
ment of Sharon Fraser as our new store manager.
Sharon share with us 10 years of specialty
rental sales and management, primarily in the
Sarnia area.
Please drop into our Exeter shop and meet her,
feeling free to discuss your total dressing needs
with her for fall/winter '89.
Fashions arriving daily
ion co-ordinator to
to greet you - a new fash-
help with your choices!
es 14-44
'/2 - 24'/,
gregation their help.
We had our monthly
ties for bothfor Nursing HomeBirthday andpar-
Lodge last week. Celebrating this
month were Ida Watts, Irene Johns,
Johanna Brand, Erna Allison, Hugh
Hutchinson, Frieda Bierling and
Jim Mawhinney.
Thought for the week: One good
thing about the "horse and buggy"
days: when you took a horse to the
blacksmith to be shod, he didn't find
40 other things wrong with it. .
Visscher Farms Country Y ar et
Open 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Daily
Closed Sundays
Now Harvesting
Fresh Broccoli, cauliflower,
cabbage, potatoes, sweet corn
Also fresh fruits and vegetables in season. Baked
goods, jams, honey, maple syrup and apple butter.
Field Tomatoes $8.50 bushel
Mac Apples $6.50 bushel
3 miles W. of Exeter on Hwy. 83 Phone 237-3442
: 4
Unisex Hairstyling
• Styles • Highlight • Perms
Open Weekdays 9 - 9
Appointments not
always necessary
50 Thames Rd. E., Exeter
Valu -mart Plaza
Unisex Hair Design
• Complete Hair Care
• Open six days a week
• Appointments not
always necessary
Coll: Janet, or Sandy
Centre Mali, Exeter
o cee's
Joyce Maver
7 James St.,
Exeter, Ont.
II �e
•Unisex styling • Waxing
_ A nr n
53 Main St , Exeter
(Be410e Taal Concept Fitness Centre)
Klip 'N Kurl
Karen Kinsman
Appointments not
always necessary
Main St., Hensall
Facials Eyebrows
Electrolysis Lash & Brow Tints
tvtdltii,urvy ountann,ng
Waxing Cosmetics
346 Mein St. Exeter
For appointment can
Carol Gilmour
Kim Hern
Dolly Creces
431 Moir) Street, Exeter, Ontario