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Times -Advocate, September 13, 1989
New arrivals - Norm MacPherson, centre, principal of the Grand Bend Public School welcomed two
new staff members for the start of the school year last week. Left, Janet Stubbs, who will teach
grades 2-3 and secretary Janet Robbins. MacPherson also noted that enrollment is higher than he ex-
pected, up to 134 this year, up about 12 over last year.
Residents busy over the holidays
SHIPKA - Annie Zielman and
Angie, . accompanied by Ruth and
Mandy Zehr, of Zurich, spent the
holiday weekend in Essex and
Leamington, visiting friends there.
Angie remained in Leamington
with her Aunt Susan to take her
studies for Grade 11 and 12, at the
Leamington Mennonite Educational
Ken and Ortha Baker attended
Grandma Emma Schilbe's annual
barbecue for family and friends,
numbering over 100 folks, at Uncle
Laird's bush retreat, Sunday Aulgust
John and Beverley Keller, Sherri -
Lynn and Stephen enjoyed a camp-
ing holiday in August, spending a
week in Restoule Provincial Park
and a week in the Parry Sound area.
Stephen and Sherri -Lynn also spent
two weeks holidays at their grand-
parents at Rothsay.
Less and Beatrice Locke, of Tren-
ton visited recently with Ken and
Ortha Baker, and Labour Day week-
end visitors with the Bakers were
Sandra and Tony Regier, Chris,
Heather and Jill of Mount Clemens.
Anyone interested in a one day
but trip to Toronto Harbour for a
boat cruise, on October 6 please
phone 238-2948.
Sunday guests with Hugh and I
were a number of cousins for an an-
nual reunion on my mother's side
of the family. Attending were Peter
and Maureen Jackson, Toronto, D
nelda and Louis Gable, Pittsburg'`
P.A., Mrs. Beverley Ford, Grand
Valley, Art and Mary Finlayson,
Seaforth, Bill and Norma Coleman
and granddaughter Suzanne, Kippen.
Verna Hay, Exeter and Don Jack-
son, Hensall.
In the afternoon we all enjoyed a
slide presentation of Peter and his
family's 15000 mile trip in Austra-
Beverley Ford, spent the weekend
with us and on Saturday attended
her niece Vickie Miller's wedding
and reception. Vickie is daughter of
Hubert and Vesta Miller, and groom
is Robert, son of Gordon and Isa-
belle Hutchinson, with wedding at
Zion Lutheran Church Dashwood.
Rally Sunday at United Church
CENTRALIA - Sunday school
teachers and leaders were installed
for the coming year during Rally
Sunday at the United Church. Re-
ligion in Life Badges and Certifi-
cates were presented to Crystal
Knee, Heather Snell, Melissa Snell
and Tracy Wilson.
Everyone was welcomed back fol-
lowing summer break.
On Thursday evening of this
week 6-8 p.m. Teen Youth Group
will gather at the church for a trip
to Grand Bend for pizza.
The same evening the UCW will
met at 8 p.m. at the church with
guest speaker Julie Lee from Survi-
val Through Friendship House in
Faith Tabernacle
The Teen Sunday School class of
Faith Tabernacle spent Saturday at
Canada's Wonderland. They went by
bus with their faithful driver Bill
Graham at the wheel. They report a
wonderful day. (Our grandson Clyde
. Lucan Seniors and Busy Buddies
LUCAN - The first meeting of
the Lucan Seniors and Busy Bud-
dies took the form of a pot luck
dinner at 12:30 p.m. We opened by
singing Oh Canada with Hazel
Cunningham at the piano. Harry
Noels asked the blessing after
which we all partook of a delicious
There is to be a Fashion Show at
the new Seniors Building on Sep-
tember 16 from 1 - 4 p.m.
An announcement was made of
the 125th anniversary of McGilliv-
Our meeting opened with the
president Hamilton Hodgins in the
choir. Happy birthday was wished
to Hamilton Hodgins.
Miss London contestant - Grand Bend's Connie Desjardine, a stu-
dent at the University of Westem Ontario, will be a contestant in
the Miss London pageant September 29.
was among the class. He spent the
weekend with Tom and me.)
Personals .
Congratulations to Frank and Jan-
et Hicks who recently celebrated
their 45th wedding anniversary.
Mrs. Helen Overholt of Zurich
spent Sunday with Von Overholt.
Jean Clark of Dunnville spent a
few days last week with Tom and
Mary Kooy. On Monday evening
Clayton, Alice and Clyde Kooy of
Huron Park, Bonnie Kooy and Rus-
sell Ball of London visited with her
here and Tuesday we spent the day
at Klondyke campground as guests
of Helen MacDonald at a family
gathering and on Wednesday we vis-
ited our cousin Carrie McGavin at
Huronview and Eileen Carroll at
Exeter Villa.
ray Township. Anyone born there
and having pictures should contact
the council.
A note of thanks wept to Jim
Bert for refinishing our tables dur-
ing the summer.
Harry Noels reported on the Sen-
iors Games and appointed Hamil-
ton Hodgins as his assistant with
JIm Davis as alternate.
It was decided to have a pot luck
dinner at the first meeting of each
month and no lunch the other
Hazel Cunningham repotted on
an upcoming bus trip to Mildland
on October 2- Alsn 4n
for the Christmas lights on De-
cember 8. We adjourned for cards
and crafts.
by Mrs. Heber Davis
SAINTSBURY - Rev. Beverly
Wheeler conducted Holy Commun-
ion at, the eleven o'clock service.
She spoke to the children on the
family tree, explaining the set up.
She took her text from the Gospel
of the day.
Sheryl Carroll was pianist and led
in ..practicing a new hymn. Julie
Cation w -s: r-aird Nadine Be-
dell read the lessons.
Service for the parish next Sun-
. YT*;; ti 11,1• ii ivilk ill
St. Thomas' Granton. The follow-
ing Sunday September 24 St. Par -
tick's plan to observe their Thanks-
giving service, everyone is
welcome to attend. ,
From last week
On Tuesday Hazel Davis was
hostess to the pool party for the
Sunday school. Twenty-five chil-
dren and mothers all enjoyed a pot
luck lunch and a swim.
I enjoyed the holiday weekend
with my granddaughter Nancy and
Ron Cunningham April and Tom at
their home near Mar.
Earl and Marguerite Greenlee en-
joyed a weeks holiday in the Mus-
koka area.
4-H exchange experience
By Roberta Templeman
STAFFA - Weekend visitors at
the Templeman's were Scott and
Barb Bonikowsky, Oakville, Don,
Darlene, Sean and Meghan Ellison,
Goderich, Gem, Jennifer and Jessica
Neilson, Kitchener, Ruth Temple-
man, Stratford, Terry Templeman,
Mitchell, Linda and Christine Pow-
ers, Boston, Mass., Nancy, Kim
and Danny Bertens, Fullarton, Da-
vid, Karen, Lindsay, Mallary and
Niki, Templeman, Mitchell, Fay,
Michelle, Julie and Becky Martyn,
Russeldale, Wanda Martyn, Russel -
dale, Paul Van Bakel Dublin, Mar-
garet Ann Ryan, Dublin, Mary
Jane, Cassandra and Stuart Parsons
and Rob, Bev, Carrah, Cain and
Cohen Templeman, Staffa.
Many from this area attended the
Mitchell Fall Fair on the weekend.
School children and adults partici-
pated in the competitions.
Congratulations to both Karen
Norris and Joan Kerslake for their
participation in the Queen of the
Fair competition.
4-H exchange
The following is contributed by
Joan Kerslake.
Two weeks in August, filled with
entertaining activities, unusual ex-
periences and memorable moments,.
shared with people from another.
province,all of this ending with
lifetime friendships, more knowl-
edge and lots of souvenirs.
This is what I had the opportuni-
ty to experience this summer when
I, along with others from Ontario,
went on a Openhouse Canada ex-
change to Cardston, Alberta.
We started off our week in Alber-
ta by climbing "Bears Hump",
Don't be fooled by the name; if you
are not used to climbing, this so
called "hump" seems more like a
What would a trip west be with-
out attending a barn dance and a
hike to Waterton at Red Rock Can-
yon? This ,hike took all afternoon
because most of us were not used to
travelling .22 km. on foot, but it
was well worthwhile, because we
saw a bear, came within a few feet
of a deer, saw several mountain
goats, along,:. with unforgetable
A trail ride on horseback at
Mountain View was great when
over 60 horses and riders were in-
We entered afloat in the Cardston
parade, winning third prize and at-'
tended a rodeo that was filled with
constant excitement. We inter-
viewed the mayor of Cardston and
toured the Remingtoq Carriage
When our delegates returned to
Ontario we certainly did our share
of entertaining our hosts from Al-
berta. Everyone attended the 4H
bus trip to Sarnia for a boat ride
and slide rides. I think "Kiss Me
Kate" at the Shakespearean Festi-
val may have been one of the high-
lights for everyone, along with the
special backstage tour.
The Kitchener Farmers Market,
the St. Jacob's meeting place and
the J.M. Schneiders tour was one
full day of activities. To our dele-
gates, Canada's Wonderland was an
unforgettable experience.
We concluded our two week to-
gether with a party at the Grand
Bend Pinery with everyone return-
ing to my home for a final fare-
well. •
This was a most enjoyable ex-
perience and I would recommend it
to anyone who has the opportuni-
ty. Our special thanks to our par •
ents, our chaperone Dianne Stei-
nacker and the 4H program.
Without all these people the ex-
change trip would not have been
possible. .
Zurich Scout registration Sept. 19
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - Registration for this
season's Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts
will be held at Zurich Public
School next Tuesday, September 19
at 7 p.m.
The Beavers group is welcoming
boys of ages 5-7. The Cubs are for.
ages 8-10, and Scouts are aged 11-
Women's Institute
The Zurich Women's Institute
met September 4 for a discussion of
legislation and citizenship. The
new president for this season is Kay
The Institute meets the first Mon-
day of each month at the Township
Hall at 7:30 p.m. New members
and visitors are always welcome.
The next St. Boniface CWL
meeting i& to be Tuesday Septem-
ber 19 in the school auditorium.
The guest speaker is Gord Lang
from the Bereaved Parent's Associa-
tion of London. He will speak on
coming to terms with death.
The Mt, Carmel CWL are invit-
ing those from Zurich to a panel
presentation on care for the sick and
dying in the family home. It will
be presented by Jackie Wells, a
VON nurse, on September 17 in
the Mi Carmel school at 8 p.m. •
Rest Home Auxiliary
The ladies auxiliary met last
Tuesday when a profit from the
Bean Festival Booth of $391.94
was announced. The quilt draw net-
ted the organization $506.
Ina Neeb displayed the next quilt
pattern and material that will be put
to use this winter for the next Fes-
The auxiliary will be holding a
bazaar and tea at the Rest Home on
November 11. The next meeting is
October 3.
Several local couples were mar-
ried last weekend. St. Peter's Lu-
theran Church was reported to be
filled to capacity for the wedding of
Jody Hay and Wayne Schilbe on
Patti Rau and Doug Barlett ex-
changed their vows at St. Peter's
Church in St. Joseph, also on Sat-
Vicki Miller and Robert Hutchin-
son were married in Dashwood at
the Lutheran Church.
Deb Ducharme and Dave Feeney
were married at the Mt. Carmel
Church on Saturday also.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
go to Theresa Hartman and Tom
Ryan who are patients in South
Huron Hospital and St. Joseph's
Hospital respectively.
We see that members of the Zu-
rich Mennonite Church enjoyed a
pot -luck picnic at Ken Gascho's
park on Sunday afternoon.
Nora Corriveau of the Spruce Vil-
la Apartments was in North Bay
last week to visit her grandson
Mark, his wife Kelley and their
three children.
New teacher - St. Boniface school in Zurich has two new teachers
this year. In the grade eight room is Phillip Ingoldsby and with
the grade twos is Sister Susan. Glabb pictured here. This is
Glabb's first year of teaching.
Stan -Lee Club starts
By Joan Beirling
VARNA - The Stan Lee Club be-
gan their fall activities with a visit
to Chuter's mink farm on Septem-
ber 5. Sharon Eric and Jeff gave
the group an interesting tour. This
year they had over 1800 females.
Eric has invaQtP.r ti.� ��•.-
rifartc�waienng system. They also
grind and mix their own feed. A
large walk in freezer provides stor-
age for the by products used to pro-
duce the feed. Three men are kept
busy caring for the mink.
In mid November they wig begin
to pelt. Starting with pastels and
ending with the darks in December.
They expect to process over 7000
this year.
Everyone is interested in observ-
ing how pelts were made ready for
the auction. All are sold on hang-
ers. Sharon does the sorting. Sell-
ing is by auction in Toronto or
Seaule where buyers attend from all
over the world. Sharon told'every-
one it took 35 pelts to make her fur
jacket and a full leyatji,coat would
requie 4b-50 pelts.
Anna Keys thanked the group for
the interesting and informative tour.
A business meeting followed.
They will no longer receive the Va-
rire Magazine free of charge. It was
decided to order one copy for the
club. Town and Country Home-
makers requested they send represen-
tatives to a meeting' in Clinton on
October 4. Edna Patterson and Jean
Henderson volunteered to attend.
Harvey Hayter has resigned as as-
sistant treasurer and Bob Stirling
has agreed to accept the position.
Varna UCW
At the September meeting the
Varna U.t.W. Life Memberhships
in the United Church Women were
presented to two members, Helen
Taylor and Margaret McClymont
in recognition of their years of ser-
vice to God and this organization.
Eleanor McAsh made the presenta-
tion to Helen and Ruth Johnson
put on her pin. Bernice Reid an4t,_-
r-.ii;< �z w lie presinta.-.
tion to Margaret.
Deb Rathwcll opened the meet-
ing with a poem and presided over
the business. A report and thank
you note was received form the
Bible Vacation school from dona-
tions of money and cookies. Sev-
enty-five were registered, fifteen
each from Varna and Goshen. Mar-
garet Hayter thanked the women
for cards, visits, and the plant
when her mother passed away.
Joan Beierling and Debra Rath -
well spent a rewarding day at
Camp Memesetung in June. The
Fall Rally is at Walton on Sep-
tember 27. The theme is "From
Faith Comes Hope". Rev. David
Moore is the speaker. Varna is in-
vited .ln Goshen nn Thursday Sep-
tember 21 to hear Barb Bosman
speak on "Bereaved Parents".
We re encouraged to attend Zu-
rich Mennonite Church on Sunday
evening, September 24 to hear
"The Torchmen". The Brucefield
UCW is holding their luncheon
card party and bake sale on October
3. Altogether they have sold 285
cookbooks and only two are Left.
Please remember to save your used
stamps and Campbell soups labels
and place them in the box• at the
back of the Church.
The worship service presented by
- Margaret McClymont and Helen
Taylor was on two themes, ste-
wardship and labour, time money
and love are three important com-
up again
ponents of bur stewardship. Simi-
larities and contrasts between Bible
Days and present were given. A re-
sponsive prayer "Song of the
Workers" was given. -
Anniversary service •
n .
lAnniversary Service. It will be a
joint service of Varna -Goshen at
11 a.m. Volunteers would be ap-
preciated for the choir.
The special speaker is Rev.
Ralph Garbe from Bryon, London.
There will also be special music
and a children's program for ages 8
and under.
• Thursday, September 14 the
Youth Group arc going to Ban-
nockburn from 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Welcome to Tracy and Allan
McKnigh't living in the former El-
liot house and to Greg and Val In-
gles and family living in the for-
mer Grant Webster housc.
On September 1 Barry Cleave and
Raymond Beierling left for the
weekend in the North Bay district.
While th.::re_.. ,: y.- viai,t- *tali
friends and toured malls. Lake Nip -
pissing and enjoyed travelling
around the farming district around
Powasson before returning home
on Monday September 4.
Visitors with Wilfred Chutcr over
the weekend were his daughter and
son-in-law, Vivian and Harvey
The windup of the Minor Base-
ball held Sunday, September 10
was a huge success. Players en-
joyed playing against their parents
and the Bantam boys played against
the Dreamers team. The pot luck
supper was delicious as usual
Thanks to Blaine Stephenson for
arranging this family fun day.