HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-09-13, Page 250 PT - ANNOUNCEMENT le family of HILDA PAYNE invites eryone to an Open House in honor her 75th Birthday on Saturday, September 16, 2 - 4:30 p.m. at Hen - fall United Church. Best Wishes only please. Stephen Twp. Arena Public Skating 1 - 3 p.m. Sundays Starting Sept. 17 Final Solo Flight for Paul "Roscoe" Hodgins Fri., Sept. 22 For Information call 227-4370 Buck & Doe for Laurie Mills & Larry Dolmage Fri., Sept. 15 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. For Information Phone 229-6780 or 235-1726 Lunch provided • QUEEN'S," SEAFORTH This Month's SPECIAL EVENT AT FERGIE'S Saturday, Sept. 16 'Out Of The Blue Playing BLUES at its BEST Picture I.D. Required No Cover Charge Before 9:00 Thurs., Fri. - Sept. 14, 15 `Layden Riff' 41, Alcohol and the Family A presentation by MA VE CONNELL Maeve Connell is currently em- ployed by the London Board of Education and is in private prac- tice in Guided Interventions with families of alcoholics. She was for a number of years a Commu- nity Consultant with A.R.F. and worked as a high school teacher and counsellor. She holds de- grees from several universities Including McGill and Toronto. Clinton Town Hall Wed., Sept. 20, 7:30 p.m. In conjunction with the Annual Meet- ing of the Huron -Perth Centres for Children and Youth. The business meeting will follow the presentation. 1}E • AIN A Wald Wide Prttures release in cote Featuring BILLY GRAHAM W t 1 a message of Moe Zurich Mennonite Church - -Sun: Sept.1.7 7:30 p.fn. Liman Community Bingo Wed., September 13 Bingo Starts 7:30 Regular Games $1000 Jackpot Game Total Prizes $2300 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 16 allowed to play Licence #537495 Love and Best Wishes i Mom, Dad and Kim BARN DANCE Fri., Sept. 15 Singles Dance Lee Davidson & Sagebrush Sat., Sept. 16 Country Versatiles No Blue Jeans, Please! 349-2678• Group Reservations Welcome Gospel Concert "The Torchmen” at Zurich Mennonite Church Sept. 24 7:30 p.m. in Zurich Tickets: Adults $5.00 Children $3.00 Tickets available at Selah Book Store, Exeter, or call Earl Oesch 236-4368 reasure Chest BINGO Thursday, Sept. 14 Zurich Community Centre JACKPOT $1,000.wdr Bonanza Game in 58 calls Estimated Value $1000 Over $2800 In Cash Prizes Doors open at 6:15 p.m. Bingo starts at 7:30 p.m. No one under 16 eligible to play BLYTH FESTIVAL OF ENTERTAINMENT FALL SERIES BUY NOW AND SAVE! ADULT SERIES Set ,Oct. tuN,Ip.•. • s10 o1ALS CRY • A safaedy. Sea., Nsv. 12/N, I p... - THE ROMAN IACS -A masted iaargaiMrd Sat , Dsc. IAN I p... - SECOND CITY - Imprsv csaady M IU lest. CHILDREN'S SERIES Sat.. Mer. uN, t p.m. -ROBERT MINDEN ENSEMBLE - SlaryiNYq Mask Matas Sat.Nsv.11/N,2p.m.-GLENN BENNETT Papular ckttdrsa's utarlarasr. Sat. pec. 2/N, 2 p.m. - KALEIDOSCOPE STORY THEATRE • Esdttag theatre to ds. Adult Series C Mersa' Sodas 3skew far R2S 3skews ter112 INFORMATION HOTLINE lie 15191 523.9300425 JO -READ DANCE STUDIOS ACRO -GYM, TAP and JAZZ 1� )( - FULLY QUALIFIED TEACHERS - LUCAN COMMUNITY CENTRE Registration September 14 AND LONDON - HURON (at Webster) Registration September 12. PUPILS are prepared for Examinations (not compulsory) in all Branches of Dance. Students are examined by Qualified Examiners of Recognized Dance Teachers Association. B.A.T.D. Classes commencing September 19 For further Information call: 472-5559 SIGNS, WONDERS and MIRACLE SERVICES Dr. Bill Basansky Thursday. & Friday Evenings Sept. 21-22 Lamplighter Inn 591 Wellington. Road S., London, Ont. 7:15 p.m. Men's Special Leadership Luncheon Fri., Sept. 22, 12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lamplighter Inn - London Sponsored by: Victory Christian Centre, London (519) 633-6070 (519) 663-5026 1-111 rrrii Erb's GouRt;Pr Kit cIeR Open. Daily Sunday Brunch 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Smorgasbord 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Hours: Mon. - Sat. 6 a.m. - 9 Air Conditioned LL1censed Under L.L.B.O. • Homecooked Meals UR HOSTS: CHUCK, TANYA 8 PHIL ERB 16 Main Street • Zurich, Ontario • 236-4812 p.m. ?IBI`t'•. r7'1 Clip and Sive. LEGION WEEK 50th anniversary of World War II 18th to 23 September, 1989 Open House - General Public - noon - midnight Enjoy our recent "retfuvaiions and air conditioners Meet the men and women who serve our community all year round. Events 0) td Monday, Sept. 18th TueSday, Sept. 19th Wednesday, Sept. 20th 1:11I hursday, Sept. 21st ▪ Friday, Sept. 22nd Saturday, Sept. 23rd - OPEN 7:00 p.m. Seniors euchre 7 p.m. .-1:00 p.m. Seniors shuffleboard - members sports (evening) 1:00 p.m. Seniors Shuffleboard Darts, euchre, pool, crib (evening) OPEN Legion members - early bird dues. Fxpirg.30.199vember 19R9. 1989 Rev. Walter (Duke) Vipperman Phil Campbell, President Lorne Kleinstiver, 1st Vice President David Frayne, 2nd Vice President Vera Armstrong - Past President John Brintnell - Secretary Glen Robinson - Treasurer Phil Campbell - Service Officer Vera Armstrong - Membership Murray Greene - Sgt. - At -Arms Cliff McDonald - Sports Officer Eldon Heywood - Seniors Programs Greg Pfaff - Poppy Chairman - 1990 Executive David Frayne - Publicity and Community Services Clay Murray - Youth Education Chairman JIm Merrylees - Leadership and Planning Clay Murray - Track and Field Phil Campbell - Votr,rrrna ar,A> tt>! .., Harvey Hillman - Entertainment Lee Webber - House Chairman and Property Lorne Kleinstiver - Canteen Chairman Bart DeVries - Nevada Chairman Cathy Pfaff - President - Ladies Auxiliary District Commander - Don Standon Zone Comf'nander - John A. McDonald Provincial Service Officers - Mel Harper, Ed Neal Legion Phones 235-2962 - 235-0442 (upstairs) •Clip and Save i 0 m m Times -Advocate, September 13, 1989 r i -Clip and Save 97,4_ anima asooatvvl Page 25 Centre Mall 414 Maln St., Exeter 235-2601 Business Persons Luncheon (Clip and Save so you know our specials for the week) Mon, Beef Stroganoff (with egg noodles) Tues., Chicken Cordon Bleu (mushroom sauce) Wed,, Veal Cutlet ( Spanish sauce) Thurs., Red Snapper (with lemon butter) Fri„ Lasagna and Ceasar salad Above orders include soup of the day, potatoes, roll Daily specials $4.95 Highlights of EXETER FALL FAIR September 22, 23, 24 "FOCUS ON HORSES" FRIDAY - Evening program - Ham auction - New Huronia Singers SATURDAY - Parade - Horseshoe Pitching { (come try your luck) Cooking demonstrations Face painting Giant Midway Friday, Saturday, Sunday Always "Something New" at Exeter Fair ILO 4 • WEPNEWAr ;iitrRsvAi -*IMO :fie Don't miss the variety show afternoons el 2:00 p.m., starring the Incredible Acrobats of China, presented by Mark Wilson. FREE* GRANDSTAND ATTRACTIONS plOES ROLL! E GOO FRIDAY Ay 1101),,t."I� e�l,f, [ , , Rock legends come to life tonight at the Grandstand. Its Jukebox Heroes at 7.00 & 9.00. Catch their uncanny imitations of such groups as The Beatles. and singers like Ricky Nelson. Buddy Holly. Elvis and the California sounds of the sixties. 11 you missed the originals. don't miss the Heroes'. You'll be In stitches tonlgM at the Grandstand. The Ou7en n1 Comedy herself. Phyllis Diller Is onatTOO A9.00. i tom SA sumo"Y, 4 See all the big top action of the Ian M. Garden Circus al 2.00. 7 00 A 9.00 Afternoon - Juno award winner Sand,. Beech at 1.00 for children of all ages. Don't miss a spine -chilling moment o1 the dynamic Figure a Demolition Derby at 2.30 Evening - GM reedy 00, Juno award winner Frohn Ghost tonight at 9.00 on the Grandstand THERE'S SO MUCH FREE TO SEE WESTERN FAIR ROCKS! Labatts Blue Live labatl% & FM -96 in the Rock Stop at the West End Around the grounds entertainment • Happy Date. the Western Fr Clown • Date Page and Ms rnotarted calliope • Woodwind a lather and daughter huts and mermba duo • Professor BA Steed and • Chopper Motorcycle and Frog ftypnosrs • Grandpa Cratcha • Garland Parnell and his monkey • Lenny the clown • Mo Vint and ors Musical Engine awe Vair 4A.V,. "—.4. and hilanous. loony lam4y portrayal d Charlie Ch4nan entertainment leatunng the Frog • Great train show featuring the Fashion Dov,ow. Miss Wald magical world of Lionel trains Hopper riding her Whopper Agrtcufture Ilnks up WIM Space eep, See how the spew program has benefited farming In this tl • truly Interesting NASA display. Midway Specials Ng Addisoys Over 50 different rides, two KIddeMands, new games. Bingo and lots of NM food, new one-person rids... The Dynetron defies gravity Two -For -One Day Thursday, September 14 will be two-for- one daylYro persons ride for tit price of one. .rzinjj.] EnIoy food aemptes al the E MA display In the Progress S eeding. Samples win b• sold ala nominal sum with the entire proceeds donated to the Children's Hospital of Western Ontario ..-y i.,;ASolfon Backstage pfesented by CKSI 141 in The Paddock CD MARKET LIVESTOCK GENERAL ADMISSION Adults - 55.50, red✓C? Y 54.50 before 4 p.m. weekdays. CMldran 5-12 - 52.00. Under 5 - Free. HOURS- Grounds open at 10 00 e m nervy each evening 81 10.30 p m COMPETITION Prize-winning market livestock competition sponsored by AAP NEW, livestock 2000 Competition iEntoy the esClIeMent Of MIN NORSE SNOW TY -London% Stage 10 Watch the exciting Youth Talent Search plus square dancing. step dancing end old time Nddling. Scratch 'N Win Valuable Prises Everyone who purchases an admission has a chance to win -nth Grrr.h 'N Win r..h awards Pnte. Yui abo,l.::;i range from free admission and Midway tickets t0 5100 cash swards Children's cash awards will be 525 00 ta`P'eRnrevnwse-s. r 9 p