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Times -Advocate, September 13, 1989
in Exeter Oct. 1
EXETER - October 1, 1989 will
mark the 5th National Walk-A-Dog-
A-Thon. Canadians in many cities
and town across Canada will be
walking 10 km. with their dogs to
raise funds for Canine Vision Cana-
da, a training centre for guides dogs
for the blind and visually impaired.
- Exeter will be a host to the event.
Our local Walk will begin at 12
p.m. at MacNaughton Park. Regis-
tration is a half hour before the
event begins.
Want to walk along? It's easy!
Just pick up a sponsor form and•get
as many pledges as you can, then
on October 1 come and walk our
scenic route as far as you and Fido
can. Sponsor forms are available
from Municipal offices or call your
Lions Club member.
Many of the 53,000 registered
blind Canadians as potential candi-
dates could be provided with a free
dog guide with the money raised at
this Walk. Last years walkers raised
$210,000, and this year we have set
our goal to $500,000.
Canine Vision Canada is a non -
The following Is a list of
corrections for the Fall
and Winter Catalogue
Page 26 - Product #60-
3969-4 - 8 Hp Snowthrow-
er" Copy reads: 6 forward
and 2 reverse, should read: 6
forward, 1 neutral, and 1 re-
Page'56 - Item 9 - Product
#44-2198-4 - Copy reads:
GE dual alarm clock radio.
Should read: GE alarm clock
Page 59 - The keys on illus-
tration: 1 and 2 should be
Product #44-0215-6 -
"Pulsar AM/FM dual cassette
stereo" Copy reads: With re-
mote control, this unit does
not have a remote control.
Page 67 - Product #65-
0890X "GE rechargeable bat-
teries" Price should read
Region 4
Page 14 - Items 3 - Product
#28-0250X - "Anti -wear hy-
draulic Oil": Copy reads;
$2.99 Should read $3.49.
Sorry for any inconvenience
this may have caused you.
profit organization that was founded
by the Lions Foundation of Canada.
It is supported by private and corpo-
rate donations. National sponsors
for the Walk-A-Dog-A-Thon are
Ralston Purina Inc., Bank of Mon-
treal, and Lions Foundation of Can-
If you would like to make a dona-
tion or more information about the
school, please write Canine Vision
Canada, Box 907, Oakville, Onta-
rio, L6J 5E8.
Mt. Carmel CWL
MT. CARMEL - The regular
monthly meeting of the Mt. Car-
mel C.W.L. was held Tuesday,
September 5 in the church meeting
Father Murphy our spiritual di-
rector and parish priest, spoke
briefly to all in attendance. Presi-
dent Theresa McCann, outlined the
proposed program for 1989-1990
Eaclicounsellor and her group
were asked to be responsible for the
activities during that month that
was assigend to them.
The C.W.L. of Mt. Carmel in-
vite everyone to a panel presenta-
tion on "Care For The Sick and
Dying in the Family Home:. Mrs.
Jackie Wells, a district V.O.N.
Nurse and co-ordinator will host
this program. This will take place
inthe Mt. Carmel School gym
Sunday, September 17 at 8 p.m.
Everyone welcome.
Rental Vehicle
Sealed tenders will be re-
ceived by the undersigned
until 12:00 noon Wednesday,
October 4, 1989 for one, 1/2
ton, cargo van for the Huron
County Library.
Particulars and specifications
will be provided upon re-
Lowest or any tender not ne-
cessarily accepted.
B.G. Hanly
Secretary -Treasurer
Huron County Library Board
Court House Square
Goderich, Ontario
N7A 1M2
Notice to
Exeter Public Utilities Commission
Water Consumers
Please be advised that restrictions for watering of
lawns and gardens have been cancelled.
The Commission wishes to thank the customers for
their co-operation.
H.L. Davis, Manager
:;_�Qo•M�e4=,. Township of McGillivray
Thursday. October 12th, 1989 - 8:30 p.m.
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town-
ship of McGillivray will hold a public meeting on Thursday, Octo
ber 12th at 8:30 p.m. in the Township Municipal Office to consid-
er a proposed official plan amendment under Section 17 of the
Planning Act, 1983.
The purpose of the proposed amendment is to incorporate re
.vised. land iviP,f-7n:r, .
�. �s ...vs�ittJ u.v '.�w� ++ii �a.y UlU lV IC111�`-
ment lot and farm family severances. The new policies would ap-
ply to all areas currently designated Agricultural on Schedule "A"
to the official plan.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make writ-
ten or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition
to the proposed amendment.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to this matter is available for
review at the Township Municipal Office during regular office
Mrs. Shirley Scott,
Township of McGillivray,
R.R. #3,
Ailsa Craig, Ontario
Telephone: 293-3686
The first Ann Brodie and Jean Murray are
eter United Church's elevator dedicated at
Looking on is Tom Prout.
the first to use the Ex -
last Sunday's service.
Kirkton Fair results
Beans: Mike O'Shea - 90; Bill
Morley - 85; Albert Weernink - 84;
Rob Morley - 81; Harry Weersink -
80; Gary Urquhart - 98; Burns
Blackler - 78; Mervin Shute - 77;
Aubrey Ross - 75 and Jeff Bryan -
Corn: Gerald Poel - 84; Tim
Shute - 82; Bill Morley - 82; Jeff
Bryan - 81; Mike O'Shea - 81;
Murray Switzer- 81; Rob Morley -
80; Albert Weernink - 79; Burns
Blackler - 78 and Gary Urquhart -
Wheat: Albert Weernink - 92;
Murray Switzer - 91; Jack Parnham
- 90; Harry Wcersink - 89; Ken
Bearss - 88; Rick DeBrabendere -
85; Gerald Poel - 85; Marvin Shute
- 83 and Bill Stephens - 81.
Pet Show: Biggest Dog - Chri-
sten Brandt; Perkiest Dog = Holly
Zwaan; Biggest Kitten - Pauline
Brandt; Biggest Ears - Adam Grif-
fin; Longest Hair - Millisa Griffin
and Nicest Eyes - Rebecca Griffin.
Bale Rolling Winners: A -
Winston Mills and South Pcrth Jr.
Farmers; B - Fair Board and Opti-
Voucher Draws: Staffens
Food Voucher Draw: Gerry Poel,
St. Marys; Knechtel Voucher Draw
- Clarence Priestap, Mitchell; W.F.
Douglas Voucher - Karen Foster.
Parade: Best Decorated Trike:
Melissa Griffin, Melissa Chaffe,
Elsa Pihl.
Best Decorated Jr. Float: Jason
Swan, South Pcrth School, Jr.
Best Comic Vehicle: Miss Piggy
- Ulch Transport, Blanshard Insu-
rance, Chris Watson.
Best Clown: Candice Bradford,
Carolyn Bradford, Bridget Bradford.
Best Commercial Float: O'Shea
Farms, Joanne Meta, K.W. Farmers
Best Decorated Bike: Pauline
Brandt, Rebecca Griffin, Anthony
Best Decorated Float: Womens
Institute (Kirkton), 4-H Safety
Club (Farm), K.W. Winter Carni-
Flowers: Kirkton Horticultural
Special - Loralee Marshall; Best
Plant in Show - Jean Ratcliffe, Ger-
trude Willis.
Ladies Work: Best Quilted
Item - Florence Heard; Best Quilt -
Isabel Annis; Most pts. in Young
Teens - Karen Foster; Most pts. in
Crafts and Hobbies - Eleanor Lease;
Most pts. in Sewing - Joan Robin-
Field Crop: Whcat - Albert
Weernink; Beans - Mike O'Shea;
Com - Gerald Poel.
Pumpkin Patch: Prince - Ja-
mie O'Shea; Princess - Crystal
Baking Queen: Senior Jean
Bryan; Junior Hilary Hardeman.
Grains and Seeds: Two top
competitors Ken Bcarss and Tim
Baking: Most points in Bakii.
- Helen Haynes; Most points in
Canning - Violet Coulthard.
Shirley Brintnell Special:
Most points overall - Helen
Haynes. .
Demolition Derby: 1st heat -
winner Pete Fedyk, runner up Scott
Workman; 2nd heat - Pete Suther- '
land, Terry Mickle; 3rd heat - Frank
Edye, Al Brand; 4th heat - Ron
Sanderson, Larry Dubuque.
Consolation trophy - Ed Micding-
cr, Huron Motor Products.
Final champions - Ron Sanderson
$250, Pete Feoly $50.
Best appearance winners - Larry
Dubuque, Dan Campbell.
on Hwy. 21, 4 miles south of Grand Bend
Pat and Phyllis Lyon Phone 243-2713
Gift wrap 50¢ for a package of 2 sheets, baseball caps $1.00, Teflon
spoons 45¢ - b5¢. Playboy steering wheel covers $1.50, CE Chardati-
t I uuk,s G5¢, Miry Waal hooks .tU¢, games from $1.25, children's jew-
ellery boxes $4.50, bottle of nails $1.30, plus thousands of other items
at bargain prices.
Open every Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Furnace loan gets bumed - John Wuerth (left) and Bill Montgom-
ery took part in the burning of the furnace bill at a service in Ex -
ter United Church celebrating the completion of renovations to
the church.
Wednesday Evening, September 27 at 6:15 p.m.
at South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter.
We will be dispersing antiques, collectibles, furnishings, fine china, ap-
pliances, tools etc. from the home of Mrs. Evelyn Brenner of Grand
Bend along with additions from local estates and homes. Watch next
weeks paper for a full listing of this fine auction.
Denfield Livestock
Sales Ltd.
Fat cattle sale every Tuesday at 11 a.m. with
stocker sale following. For on the farm inspec-
tion or sorting call Bruce Coulter 238-8000.
Hugh Filson 666-0833 or Denfield Yards 666-
Special Stocker Sales
Thurs., Oct. 5 and
Thurs. Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m.
To consign call Bruce Coulter 238-8000, Hugh
Filson 666-0833 or Denfield Yards 666-1140
Bob Heywood,
=- --
This. ThursdayEnln , September 14 at 6:15 p.m.
ouv uron Hec centre, Fvntpr
Dispersing from a Grand fiend horde along with additions from severe!.
local homes including an offering from a London china collection.
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Large double pedestal oak desk
with oak chair, several antique rockers - oak, mahogany etc., wash-
stand, birds -eye maple hi -boy chest, birds eye maple bed side table,
cherry sideboard, several antique dressers, 2 hall racks, hall seat, old
settee, cedar chest, oak extension table, 4 dining chairs, round walnut
table with iron base, Emerson phonograph, gingerbread clock, small
pine box, treadle sewing machine, several old radios, Tamp tables, an-
tique store scales, other old scales, lanterns, oil lamps, piano bench,
cane chair, wine barrel, childs chairs, fine china such as Austria, Ger-
many, depression, Occupied Japan, cups and saucers, crocks, bake -
board, linens, several quilts, etc.
HOUSEHOLD & MISC: Chesterfield and chair, vinyl sectional
couch, 4 leather swivel kitchen chairs, Targe coffee table, 2 end tables,
beds - double and single, hostess chairs, chest of drawers, dehumidi-
fier, 2 colour TVs, games table, pool table, telephone table, kitchen
chrome set, folding bar in vinyl, bar stool, magazine rack, several sets
of lamps, smoke stand, chaise lounge, utility cupboard, upright vacu-
um, luggage, stepladder, pictures, garden tools, and hundreds of relat-
ed items.
Antiques, appliances, furniture, 2 pianos, antique glassware to be
held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton for the Estate of Pearl
Straiton of Goderich, plus Bayfield and Seaforth homes.
Saturday, September 16 at 10 a.m.
Floor model colour T.V., Maytag automatic washer, Inglis dryer, like
new, 24" electric stove, fridge, old Maytag wringer washer, small
chest freezer, Heintzman upright piano, looks and sounds excellent,
antique flat top piano, 2 -antique pump organs, unusual antique dining
table with end pull outs and drop support legs, bonnet chest with mus-
tache pulls, 2 antique marble top dressers with large mirrors (ornate),
antique store counter 10 ft. 7 in. x 2 ft. 3 inches out of Bayfield post
office, bevelled walnut antique chesterfield with drawer and end cabi-
nets, old 6 ft. long store cupboard 7 ft. tall, antique high head board
bed and matching dresser with mirror, drop front secretary, fancy old
three piece bedroom suite, cedar chest, hall rack with mirror, hall
trees, buffet with mirror, treadle sewing machine, baking boards, Bos-
ton rocker, blanket box, antique wheel chair with caned back, lamps,
two fancy wicker chairs, small tables, fancy old music cabinet, piano
stool, organ stool, iron bed with brash settee, maple love sea' and
chair, modern open front hutch, mink lady's hat, Persian Iamb 3/4
length coat, 2 drop leaf kitchen tables, several crocks and jugs, six
oil lamps, pillar mantle clock, silver tea pots, cream and sugars,
trays, etc., depression glass, old tins, pictures and paintings, sad
irons, Bennington bowl, plus a fine interesting offering of collectibles,
glassware china, etc., set of Alsace pattern dishes, plus many other
items too numerous to mention wooden chairs, step ladder, extension
ladder, a few tools, etc. Another good auction, plan to attend.
TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D.
oc�� r r m
34oM.te____�__ AUCTION __SAI
of antiques, furnishings, collectibles and tools.
on Saturday September 16 at 10:30 a.m.
For Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile who operated a successful shoe
repair and wallpapering business for many years. Located at 142
Roland St., across from the firehall in Dashwood.
Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table with 4 chairs, wood armed rocking
chair, French Provincial chesterfield, wood chairs, parlor arm chair
with matching rocker, color console TV, Kelvinator refrigerator
and stove (white), McClary deep freezer, electric clocks; chester-
fields, and arm chairs, wall and corner tables, plant stands, wood
telephone chair, waterfall wood bedroom suite with 2 dressers,
,_van,ty and stool wood spool hed, wood dresser, 3/4 bed with
headboard, dresser wiiii mirror, wood night stand, hall tree, cedar
chests, blanket box, lamps, card table, mantel and cuckoo clock,
pocket watches, wood frame hall mirror, wood captains chair,
many pictures and frames, corner wall shelves, jewelry box, Tay-
lor large lire proof, combination. -floor safe, kiS�hen table and
chairs, ornaments, vases, knick knacks, 184/ Hogers community
silver plated, 8 piece silverware set and wood case, wood china
cabinet, antique cash drawer, old school books and music
sheets, hooked, woven and braided mats, pillows, linens. blan-
kets, wood stools, antique magazine rack, wicker baskets, kitch-
en appliances, pot and pans, dishes, Filter Queen vacuum clean-
er, pitcher with basin, metal lawn windmill, birdbaths, lawn
ornaments, bird houses, lawn chairs, picnic table, extension and
wood step ladders, forks, shovels, rakes, gardening tools, lum-
ber ( 2 x 4, 2 x 6), saws, carpenters tools, wood clamps, wallpa-
pering straight edge with rule, wood antique leather and harness
vise, coal skuttle, 2 dolls, milk can, sealers, jars, baskets and
many more items. .
Terms cash. Property sold. Lunch booth
Owner and auctioneer not responsible for Toss and accidents.
Auctioneer John Finlay 236-4814
This offering of older furnishings is in very good condition..