Times Advocate, 1989-09-13, Page 18w Page 18 Times -Advocate, September 13, 1989 ry WITH OUR $8 SUPER AD!! Our piofessro nal advisors ore or the office Mon 10Fri until Sp rn to give You personal Ser f ,I.s nor convemenr to talk to us vice hcaanytime Our answering then ea toll all anyweY message and we If hove II tone Your Issue Don r forger ro leave yrmachine0�" next and charge cord number for Your od m r mess a Your Home billingautomatic CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $7.25 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSER- TIONS $6.25 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT Charges are based on the num- ber of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or pric- es count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $8.00. 15e per word there - .after. SUBSEQUENT INSER- TIONS - No copy changes,20 words $4.00, 150 per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $8.00. 20 words $4.00, 150 thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $8.00, each additional word 150. IN MEMORIAMS - $9.00 plus 250 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $8.00, each additional word 150. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $8.00, additional . words 100 each. Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. VISA Phone 235-1331 Advertisers want one thing ... RESULTS. And that what we guarantee when you place a SUPERAD with us. For _ only one low fee of $7.00 we'1 run your ad In our newspa- per &anti you get the results you want. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPERAD. You can take &,p to 40 (Private non-commercial ads only) words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you ate advertising. If you do not get results by the fol- lowing weekend. call us on Monday and wo ll gladly re- peat the ad at no charge. And wel keep runNng the ad' as long as you want. (chiding real estate). Plus Your Ad Will Reach Another 10,000 Extra Readers' Extra In Our Sister Paper, The St. Marys Journal -Argus Charge!! CALL YS AT 235.1331€TVISA classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Ilelp Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 1 Lost, Strayed LOST CAT - Grey with white front and legs. Neutered male. Scar on nose. Friendly. 235-0679. (37*) 2 Found FOUND in Hibbert Twsp., purse of money, no identification. Owner must identify. Phone 345-2398. (37c) 3 Situations Wanted WILL BABYSIT in my home Monday to Friday. References available. Call Bev at 228-6910. (37:38c), JOB WANTED! Homemaker and house cleaning, flexible hours. From Monday ,to Friday, please call Mary Adair between 6 to 8 p.m. 294-6293. (37:38*) EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER looking for children to babysit in her home, references. Call • Evelyne at 228-6375. (37c) WILL BABYSIT in my home. Phone 235-1901.(37,38c) Residential housecleaning available Phone 235-2759 anytime. Part Time Retail Sales Position Mature person Please bring resume in person VuertV.s SHOES 0t.+',rr And SO..,re Since ,918 Exeter 235-0611 Clinton: 482-%92 i Linda Wuerth Quality & Service since 1938 John Wuerth 369 Main St., Res: 235 2886 'Exeter. Ont. NOM ISO i Hydro Learner Linenerson T110 Public Utilities'Comfttfsslon of the Town of Exeter- requires, a • Learner lineman/lineperson - ii ,.. - ' iffy Knowledge of electricity and be prepared to attend the training school a Orangeville for a peri- od each year. The applicant must have successfully completed Grade 12 (On- tario) or equivalent. Some knowledge of Water Systems and Pumps would be be- neficial This applicant, with the successful completion of work in the field and at the Orangeville School, would eventually obtain an M.E.A. certificate for a Journeyman Lineperson. The successful applicant must have or obtain a Class "D" driv- er's license and must be prepared to reside in Exeter and even- tually take service duty. Remuneration for this position is excellent and many fringe benefits are available. Interested parties should write or come in to the Commission's office at: 379 Main St. S., Box 579, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 for an application form. Closing date: September 30, 1989. i 3 Situations Wanted RELIABLE MOM will babysit in my home. Receipts given by request. Phone Cheryl at 262-2442. (37,38c) 4 Help Wanted CAREER IN TRUCKING - transport. drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A licence. For free information session and job placement information contact Mery Orr's London 1-800-265-3559. (35tfn) BABYSITTER required, Grand Bend area, 9 year old girl, approx. 3 days week 4-6:30 p.m. Must be picked up at bus stop. Your house or ours. 238-8800. (33tfn) FULL TIME waitresses. Apply to Three Boys Restaurant, Hcnsall. Phone 262-3336. (34tfn) INSTALLER required for residential and light commercial heating systems. Gas filters also. Transportation required. Wages negotiable upon experience. Phone 293-3027. (34tfn0 PART TIME PERSON wanted - for steel yard. 2-3 days per week. Brander Steel 235-1462. (35-37c) FULL TIME WAITER/WAITRESS 11:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, weekend off. Apply in person, 4 Way Inn, Exeter, Ontario. (37c) W.T. RAWLEIGH CO. is growing. We need men and women to sell and market our great product line. We also have the best exciting nutritional health formulas that are sweeping the nation with the fastest growing sales company with locked in bonus positions, incentives, ' cruises and much, much more. Call collect • anytime (519) - 627-1337. (35,36,37,38*) CREDITON REBUILD . SERVICE requires mature mechanic's helper. Phone 234-6453. (36,37+) Simpson Construction requires Experienced Crew Foreman 3 - 5 years, residential, commercial work Phone 235-2519 between 9 - 11 a.m. Simpson Construction requires Construction Labourers Experienced in residential framing, drywall and boarding Phone 235-2519 between 9 - 11 a.m. BACKHOE OPERATOR and labourers needed for farm drainage installation. Full time, seasonal, until mid December. Phone 1-293-3645. (37c) PART TIME HELP required to include work on weekends in our cleaning department. For more information call Oakwood Inn 238-2324.(37c) - TRUCK DRIVER with "D" Licence needed for turnip harvest. Start the first week in October. Call Frank at Huron Produce Ltd. 235-2650. (37,38,39c) HELP WANTED for turnip harvest starting the first week in October. Call Frank at Huron Produce Ltd. 235-2650. (37,38,39c) BABYSITTER required for three children aged 4, 2 and 10 months, starting February 1990, Monday to Friday, 7:30 - 5 p.m. Your home or mine. Please call 235-0412. (37,38,39c) MATURE P,ERSON for part time help day and or night. Call New Orleans Pizza 235-0188. (37,38,39c) FULL-TIME POSITION for reliable person to work on turkey growing/processing, beef and cash crop operation in Dashwood area. Duties could involve any one or all areas depending on the ability of individual. For job description call 237-3561 or evenings 237-3730. (37c) 4 Help Wanted SMITH PEAT ROOFING is looking for persons to train as Commercial Roofers. The openings we have are for permanent full time employment. Excellent wage and benefit package. Premiums paid for A or .D driver's licence. Contact Smith Peat Roofing, Exeter 235-2802. (36,37c) RECYCLING COORDINATORS Intership Program (R.C.I.P.) places unemployed professionals in municipalities to work on recycling projects. Candidates must be eligible to collect or qualified recipients of U.I. benefits. R.C.I,P. increases benefits to $363 per week. This is a six month term position. Candidates should possess a degree or diploma in Environmental Studies, Chemistry, Biology or related. Chances for permanent employment good. For more information contact R.C.I.P. collect at (416) 690-7226. WORK WITH SENIORS - Live-in Manager/Couple - small retirement home - general homemaking/caring. Free living - salary - excellent future. Health Care experience desireable. Box 576, Minden, Ont. KOM 2K0. PART TIME STUDENT to work weekends.' Duties would include boat cleaning and general shop tidy up. Contact Steve Riddell at Warner Auto Marine, Grand Bend. Phone 238-2391. (36,37c). Llcenced Sheet Metal Workers or 4th and 5th term apprentices Call JDJS Mechanical Ltd. 235-1911 days 235-0185 evenings Labourer/Fore Person We are looking for a person experienced in or willing to (earn agricultural millwright- ing, mechanically inclined in- dividual or welding experi- ence an asset. Wages negotiable Limes) GRAM SYSTEMS LTD 244 Wellington St. W., Exeter, Ontario 519-235-1919 After hours 235-2018 Craigholme Nursing Home Part time on call Cook required Preference will be given to those with a cook certificate or quantity cooking experience. Reply by Sept. 20, 1909.to: Food Service Supervisor Craigholme Nursing Home 221 Main St., Ailsa Craig, Ont. NOM 1A0. Large A0 - Large local manufacturing company Full -Time Permanent Position Candidates MUST have a minimum of two -years experience in one, of the following areas: • accounts'receivable processing • accounts payable processing • hourly payroll processing Experience in computerized systems in any of these areas would be a definite asset. Candidate MUST have a minimum of Grade 12 education. Starting salary would range from $15,000 to $17,000 depend- ing on candidate's qualifications Excellent employee benefit programs. Interested applicants apply to: Box 1.512 c/o Exeter Times Advocate, Box 850 Exeter, Ontario NOM 3S6 4 FULL TIME - help wanted immediately on dairy and mixed farm operation, , some farm experience preferred, Mitchell. Phone 348-8084. (37,38,39c) VARIOUS POSITIONS available including bar tender_ and waitressing. Colonial Hotel, Grand Bend. Phone 238-2371. (37,38c) Full time work available catching chickens. Night work only. Start immediately. Sunday nights to Thursday nights. Phone 1-800-265-1178 or 1-800-265-3034 HELP V1ONTED Person required for full time position immedi- ately. Duties include Custom- er sales, must be relia- ble, neat, self moti.vat- ed, flexible, good benefits package Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. 228-6638 i Id/anted Crusher Operator Loader Operator Apply at McCann : Redi-Mix Inc. Phone 237-3647 Tenders are now being accepted for the position of Caretaker at the Dashwood Community Centre and Pavilion. A full description of the du- ties is available by calling Mary Ellen Greb at the Ste- phen Township Office from 9:00 - 5:00 at 234-6331, with duties to commence October 1, 1989. Deadline for tenders is Sep- tember 20, 1989 at 5;00 p.m. at the Stephen. Township Of- fice in Crediton. Lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. Community Living - Central Huron has an opening for a SENIOR BOOKKEEPER/ SECRETARY This 23 week position, com- mences at the end of Octo- ber, 1989. The successful applicant will have strong ver- bal and written communica- tion skills. A thorough knowl- edge of and experience with computers, all facets of bookkeeping, payroll and a fa- miliarity with employee bene- fit packages is essential. For more information please contact: Rosemary Foran at 524-7362 Closing date, Sept. 20, 1989 Apply in writing to: Brad Davey, Executive Director, Community Living - Central Huron 60 Lighthouse St. Box 527 Goderich, Ont. N7A 4C7 Experienced Seamstress required Apply in person 483 Main St., Exeter 235-2273 Corporation of the Village of Ailsa Craig TENDER Tenders for the position of Animal Control Officer for the Village of Ailsa Craig will be received until 12:00 noon, September 29, 1989. Please include your resume, remuneration expected and mark your envelope "TENDER FOR ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER." Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Please forward to: Joyce D. Coursey, A.M.C.T. Clerk -Treasurer, • viiiage ifsa-Oraig, - P:0. Box 29, Ailsa Craig, Ontario NOM 1A0 1 Electrician $14.52 - $14.89 per hour (under reviewl_ Undertake this challenge with the Ontario Development Corpo- ration, Huron Industrial Park, to maintain electrical services to Industrial/dnmmercial buildings. residential units and airfield. You will: install and maintain electrical services, circuitry and associated equipment, monitor and service fire -alarm and hearing -control sys- tems; service and repair electrical pumps, motors and controls ra wa- ter -distribution and sewage -disposal systems. Location: Huron Park. Qua lifications: Completion of recognized electrical -trade appren- ticeship and appropriate certification by the Ontario government; dem- onstrated experience with Canadian Electrical Code and Industrial Safety Act specifications/guidelines; good physical condition. Please send application/resume, quoting file DC -9/89 by Sept. 29 1989 to: Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tech- nology, Human Resources Branch, 900 Bay Street, 9th Floor, Hearst Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 2E1. - Ontario Public Service Dedicated to Employment Equity