Times Advocate, 1989-09-13, Page 8Page a Times -Advocate, September 13, 1989 Fashion show - Pat Venton (centre) was convener of the fashion show organized by the Ladies Guild of the Huron Country Playhouse, with fashions from The Red Pump Boutique and Undgr The Cover, Bayfield. Guild members Jackie Silverthom (left) and Milvi Iskauskas were two of the models. Fashion - Jill Carradine models a sweater and skirt set. Casual wear - Jackie Silverthom is dressed for 114sure in blouse and slacks. Attendance awards given at Thames Road service By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD - The Sunday School teachers and children were part of a special service marking the beginning of the new term at Thames Road United Church. Taking part were Vanessa Bray, Tim Parker, Brian Richardson, Jackie Morgan and Loi Kernick. Sunday School Superintendent Karen Etherington lit a candle on behalf of the Sunday School teach- ers as a. symbol of the promises made. Attendance awards were presented as follows: Intermediate Class: Teacher Barb Ballantyne; S.S. members - Cheryl Ballantyne, Jon Passmore (11th year seal), Lisa Kernick (9th year seal), Erin Rich- ardson (9th year seal), Tammy Roh- de, Jillian Collings. Graduating into Intermediate: Tim Parker (9th year seal). Junior Class: Teachers Joan Mor- gan and Janis Richardson; S.S. members are Brian Richardson (8th year seal), Lori Kernick (7th year seal), Jackie Morgan (7th year seal), Rebecca Miller (8th year seal), Jayne Ballantyne, Jo -Dee Rowe, and Jody Hodgert received a Bible. Graduating into Junior Class: Derek Ethcrington (4th year seal), Erin Parker (6th year seal), Lori Richardson (6th year seal), Amanda Hodgert. The four mentioned above all received Bibles. Primary Class: Teachers arc Ju- dith Parker and Ann Kernick. S.S. members: Laura Miller (4th year seal), Vanessa Bray (5th year seal), Amy Hodgert (Diploma), Brenda Miner (2nd year seal), Ryan Parker (4th year seal). Graduating into Pri- mary Class: Brianne Webber, Ro- byn Etherington (4th year seal), Ann Marie Hodgert (Diploma), Da- vid Vandenbussche (Diploma). Kindergarten Class: Teachers Mclonie Miller and Laurel Miner. S.S. members: Megan Parker (2nd year seal), Maggie Miller (2nd year seal), Kristy Bray (3rd year seal), Heather Morgan (2nd year seal), Ja- son Batten (Diploma). New mem- bers are Sarah Miller, Jessica Bray, Paul Morgan, Susan Miner. New Youth Group Leaders arc Larry and Melissa Dawson and Rick and Karen Etherington. Coming events Sunbeams will meet Wednesday, September 13 at 9:30 a.m. in Thames Road Church. The South Huron Regional Meet- ing will be held at Centralia Church on Monday, September 18 at 6:30 p.m. Joint Session meeting on Sep- . tember 26 at 8 p.m. at the manse. The first meeting of the Commu- nicants' Class will be held at the manse Thursday, September 21 from 4-6 p.m. Youth Group supper to follow at Kentucky Fried Chick- en at 6:30 p.m. Please bring $3.00. Miss Barbara Miller, formerly of Toronto and now of Vancouver, spent a few days recently at her home here. Bill and I accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Clarencce� Thomson of Wood- ham on Thuktlay evening to the Bardsly Funeral Home, Norwich to pay our respect to our cousin the late Bob Ladbrook. Bill and I were guests recently with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rohde of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann and Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hod- gert in honour of their 35th wed- ding anniversary on Friday evening at Sir Joe's Restaurant, St. Marys. They all returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann where the nieces and nephews had gathered for a social evening. The ladies of Elimville and Thames Road catered to the Ducks Unlimited Banquet at Kirkton Woodham Community Centre on Wednesday evening. Proceeds were for the Manse Fund. Bill and I accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert to London on Saturday evening for supper and then to a show on the occasion of their 35th wedding anniversary and our 41st on September 11. Quite a number of people attended the Fiddlers Jamboree on Sunday af- ternoon at the K.W. Community Centre. Among those who played were the Usborne Guild. Mr. and Mrs. Wilt Pickett of Jamestown, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Wetter of Alganac, Michi- gan, spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffery. Mi. Doug Jeffezy of Windsor at- tended his aunt Mrs. Erma Krueg- cr's birthday recently. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Passmore were treated to a rousing chivari on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgen at- tended the Celebration Day in Exet- er United Church on Sunday. Golden Agers meet in soutncott pines GRAND BEND - A pleasant af- ternoon was spent by Grand Bend Golden Agers club when they met last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Carl and Phyllis Nieber- gall in Southcott Pines with 27 in attendance for their September meeting. President Loreen Gill opened with a reading on "Autumn's Wonder- land'. Carl Nicbergall and Ron Dann gave a report on the Senior Games held in Huron County last June. A hearty round of applause was given to the Golden Age Bowlers who won a Gold medal for bowl- ing. There was some discussion about getting a group together again for bowling, and possibly a few other sports, with a session once or twice a month to practice their skills for next year's competi- 0 tion. Plans were set in motion for a bus trip to be taken on October 6. Lorcen Gill closed with a poem, "Simply Caring." The group in charge of the pro- gram conducted some guessing games. Lorcen Gill guessed "how many candies in a jar" Phyllis Ne- bergall guessed the contents of a mystcry box. Lucky leaf game win- ners were: Clayton and Hazel Lo- vic, Ron Dann, Lloyd and Gloria Mousscau, Eileen Higgins, Verna Lovic and Annie Morenz. Oral triv- ia questions about the Grand Bend arca proved interesting too. Games of euchre, solo, crokinole and bridge were played. Lunch refreshments, tea and cof- fee brought the afternoon to a hap- py close, enjoyed by the club mem- bers outdoors on a perfect sunny day. News from by Roberta Welker GRAND BEND - Rev Colin Stover welcomed the congregation back for the first service held inside the church at 11:15 a.m on Sun- day, after the end of outdoor sum- mer services. Joan Eagleson read the Scriptures from Philemon and Luke, and the choir sang the choral anthem "Everywhere I Go". Rev. Stover's sermon was titled ►The Price is Right", about the subject of trust. The Grand Bend afternoon unit of the United Church Women will meet on September 14 at 1:30 p.m. in the Sunday School rooms of the Church. The roll call is "Childhood Recollections of Sun- day School". Bring cookies for Thameswood Lodge. The Covenanting Service formal- ly starting Rev. Stover's pastoral ministry will be held on Sunday, September 17, 7:30 p.m. at the Grand Bend United Church. A re- ception will follow, and everyone is welcome to attend. The Greenway Session will be meeting on Thursday, September 14 at 8 p.m. Rev. Stover and his wife recently got the opportunity to meet par- ents of the Grand Bend Nursery School whose session are held weekdays in the Church basement. Sunday, September 17 will be "Installation of Teachers" for the Sunday School, as part of the wor- ship service. New members are in- vited to join Grand Bend, with a special "Welcoming of New Mem- bers" in October New members are also being sought for the church choir, who meet to practice each Wednesday night at 7 p.m. Join them and raise your voice in song and praise to God. Catholic news Onunday morning Father Paul Beck welcomed visiting seminari- ans from St. Peter's in London and a youth group from St. Marys to the 11 a.m. mass. Carol Luther was reader, joined by her husband Larry Luther, to serve as Eucharis- tic ministers. Roberta Walker was the Cantor, and sang a solo at Communion, "Sing for Joy." The topic of Father Beck's ser- mon concerned the "price of disci- pleship". Congratulations to Dan Reidy and Barbara Sheill, who were mar- ried on September 9. Also congrat- ulations to Kyle William Baltes- sen, infant son of John Baltessen and Janet Hendrikx, who joined the Catholic community in baptism. There is a CWL meeting on Sep- tember 18 at the Alharmbra Hall, at 8 p.m The executive will provide the lunch and the newly revised lunch lists will be distributed to all members. The CWL of Mount Carmel in- vite all parishioners of Grand Bend to a panel presentation, "Care for the Sick and Dying in the Family Home"on Sunday, September. 17 Mount the Carmel School gym, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Jackie Wells, a Dis- trict VON nurse, will host the pro- gram. Parkhill cWL of Sacred Heart in- vite all cWL members to a meeting on Thursday, September 21 at 8:15 p.m. with guest speaker Father M. Tournament By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - Last Wednes- day, September 6, was the Grand Bend and Thedford Vegetable Grow- ers annual golf tournament at Oak- wood Inn and Golf Club. Forty- three participants met on a hot, hu- mid afternoon at Oakwood for a game of golf and prizes for all. Rob Mannen won the trophy, do- nated by Branson, for the best 18 holes. Nick Vandenberk won the Grand Bend Produce Trophy for the best nine holes. When it came to being "closet to the pin", Tony Mennen got the prize, followed closely by Paul Backx and Gornenz Holden. There were hidden prizes too, for certain scores, won by John Baltessen, Tom Vlanimix, Ron Carothers, Robert Webster and Ter- ry Fitz Patrick. Organizer Tom Vlemmix and his committee would like to thank all the sponsors for their contributions to the tournament. Allen Stubbs, Thedford; Archie 'EMA Thedford; Arkona Machine Shop; Bank of Commerce in Thedford; Clark's Ga- rage. Charlie's Gas }ter; Coutlis ,:.0mtscr, iiireSidc. Inn nn(i Gilpin Furniture, all of Thedford; Havidi- man Centre, Northville, Harmony Farms, Harrower's, Hurontario and Telephones, Don Johnson Insu- rance, Lakeside Grain and Feed, Ma- cLachlan Insurance, Don Mason- PctroCan, Ratings Automotive, Rumford Canary Lines, S & J Fam- ily Clothing, Van Gorp Welding, Wilsie Sunny View Farms, all of Thedford, the Thedford Co-op, and Thedford Auto Body Shop. From Grand Bcnd, the LOEB - IGA, the Tenderspot, DeJorlg's Clothing, Klondyke Farms, Ausable Produce, and Grand Bend Decorating Centre. Also Cargill Greenway, Forest Travel, Andex of Exeter, McGee's Fertilizer of Parkhill, Parkhill Co- op, Hensall Co-op, As Grow Seeds, and John Timmcrmans Crop Insu- rance, Parkhill. A special thanks to Oakwood Inn for their cooperation and hospitali- ty. Grand Bend churches Kayackers, about Catholic maga- zines and periodicals. There will be a choir rehearsal on Thursday evening after 7:15 p.m. Mass, and new members are wel- come .Any choir member intetesSelin attending the workshop in Regi. na Mundi College, London. 0. September 30, please call Dolore :ghe, 238-8947. Fall activities begin By BERNICE BOYLE DASHWOOD - The Women's In- stitute held their first fall meeting September 5, at the Community Centre. Delegates, Sherry Edwards and Katherine Becker will attend the London Are Convention, Thursday, October 12 in Embro. The Fall Rally is to be held at Ethel, October 2 with Martha Wei- gard and Vema Becker as delegates. The Family and Consumer Af- fairs group were responsible for the program. Verna Becker gave the motto: "There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching to help others." The guest speaker_ was Shirley McAllister of Zurich, who gave each person a challenge to do,all we can to improve the environment by re -using, re-ducing, re -cycling and the recovery of your household gar- bage. She gave many examples of Law so many daily household prod- , ucts can cause problems 500 years into the future. The Good Companions Sr. Citi- zens first meeting is Monday Sep- tember 18 at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome. The Dashwood Ur ted Church Cemetery decoration day service was held at the church on Sunday. Ten members of the Dashwood- Seaforth band played before the ser- vice. They also joined the choir i singing "When we all get to Heav en" and "When the Roll is Calle4 up Yonder". The morning service in Calvar. United Church was taken by the In terim Minister Rev. David Mack His sermons for the next three Sun- days will be leading up to the church anniversary. Titles of the sermons will be Liv- ing God, Living Work and Living Fellowship. Trustee, Bill Weber thanked all who participated in demolishing the manse barn. Sunday school will resume sep- tember 17. More teachers and help- ers would be appreciated. Phone Ginger Weber, 237-3211. Earl Guenther is now a resident of Queensway Nursing Home in Hen- sall. The community extends sympa- thy to the families of the late Karen Pederson. The funeral was held Monday, at T.H. Hoffman, Funeral Home. The 4H training school will be held September 13. Girls in the area who are interested please contact Sheila Miller 237-3424 or Margaret Mill. The program will begin the last week of September so if you are 11 years old as of July 1/89 you can register for "Good Food Fast". Winter attire - Margaret Hill, formerly of Exeter, models a fur -lined coat from The Red Pump Boutique. CARRIER AND 'BALI . F'Y$ of GfiENSAI,l. 7.tr1. CARE ENOUGH TO GWE YOU 1,1,)S 2500 J urI e:ee. NEATIyyG, u til . It feels soon good when someone cares. And Carrier cares to the tune of up to a $425.00 REBATE on natural gas efficiency. Simply install a total ''Carrier Home Comfort System con. sisting of a High Efficiency Natural Gas Furnace, Central Air Condition• ing, the 31SX Electronic Air Cleaner and a Power Humidifier. Then save again And again with natural gas... the economical alternative. How's that for cuing? CARRIER CARES OLitr valid September S -October II. 191#9. 262-2020 ■, ve., • 00..!.••••.. s.rrMe b Freed hese owe mums roll Dow bar6Wd.16-V abort., See your de