HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-08-16, Page 12Page 12 Times -Advocate, Au, st 16, 1989
At Cadet Camp - Gen Forbes West (center), President of the Army Cadet League of Canada, Ontario
Branch, talks with Cadet DwyaaQe John of Scarborough and Cadet. Kevin Glavin of Crediton during a
recent visit to the Army Cadet League paid to Ipperwash Army Cadet Camp on July 26. Cadet John of
1888 RC(Army) Cadet Corps in Toronto and Cadet Glavin, of 2923 RC (Army) Cadet Corps in Huron
Park are both members of Charlie Company in the six week Cadet Leader Course. The Cadets are
spending two days in the field doing Watermanship training.
Lucan Revival
LUCAN - Rev. Roger Mason
conducted the Sunday morning ser-
vice at the Lucan Revival Centre.
Rev. Pieter Schinkleshoek stated
that tithing has gone back to patri-
archs in the Bible. In Genesis 14
Abraham gave 10 percent of the
spoils from the battle to the priest
King Melchizedek.
In Genesis 28:10-23 we read
when Jacob was wonderfully
blessed by God," he promised to
give a tenth of all that God would
give him. In Matthew 23:23 Jesus
talked about the tithe. Every Chris-
tian should be willing to pay.the
tithe, but also to surrender his tal-
ents to God.
Rcv. Schinkleshoek said that
when he was first married,making
S55 a week, they started tithing,
and they have never been in want.
Tithing shows God you appreciate
all He has given you.
Rev. Pieter Schinkleshoek con-
• ducted the Sunday evening service.
Mrs. Heather Holland read Psalm
139:13-16. Starting from the diffi-
cult start she had as a baby, suffer-
ing brain damage in birth, Mrs.
Holland told of being sexually
abused as a very small child by a
neighbour. Because of her mother's
unhappy childhood, Mrs. Holland's
mother verbally abused her.
This caused her to suffer two
emotional breakdowns as a teenag-
er. Her family was told she would
not learn in school. Her mother's
drinking worsened; with both par-
ents abusing her.
Friends invited her to a church
where she was shown love, and the
way of salvation. Upon graduation
from high school, a friend made her
a dress. When she came home from
high school, her suitcases were on
the front lawn.
A Christian family took her in.
Mrs. Holland heard about Chris-
tianvicw Bible College, where she
went for two years. While there
Mrs. Holland met John, her future
husband. Mrs. Holland received
healing from brain damage. Bring a
_Christian has enabled her to forgive
those who had hurt her.
Matthew Heffernan read -1 Thes-
salonians 4:3-7 before stating God
has a plan for each of our lives.
Heffernan was brought to Sunday
School by friends. His parents did
not get along. In only grade 6-7 he
thought it big to smoke and drink,
as his father did. In high school he
got into drugs, as others did. Mixed
in with this was an interest itchard
rock music.
Heffernan plans to take some
courses at the Bible College this
fall to further his future work in
ministry for Goii."He closed reading
1 Timothy 4:10-12.
Upcoming. events: August 21 to
25, Lucan Community Vacation
Bible School. August 25, Closing
Program for V.B.S.; August 27,
Farewell service for Rcv. Pieter
Schinkleshoek at 6:30 p.m.
Lucan OPP incidents down
LUCAN - The number of crimi-
nal occurrences investigated by the
Ontario Provincial Police in Lucan
were reduced over the past week
with oriy four of the 36 occurrenc-
es being criminal related.
One wilful damage to a vehicle in
Birr was reported but no thefts or
break and enters occurred. As well,
investigations were initiated for a
harassing phone call complaint and
for a minor assault in the Lucan
The remaining incidents handled
by members of the Lucan O.P.P.
were general in nature but two sep-
arate events resulted in charges be-
ing laid. Gordon Bieber, RR2 Lu -
can, was arrested on August 12 for
a • warrant for failing to attend for
fingerpricting on a previous im-
paired drkving charge. As a result,
he was charged for driving with a
radar detecting device and charges
are now pending regarding an
ALERT refusal.
On A:igust 13, in the early morn-
ing hours, police attended at a noisy
party in the llderton area on County
Road 16. Several youths were
charged with Liquor Licence Act vi-
olations and one young offender
was arrested and charged for bcing
drunk in a public place. 1-L was lat-
er released to one of his parents.
Six motor vehicle accidents were
reported to Lucan O.P.P. during
this period but none involved more
than minor injuries. Two of these
accidents involved only property
damage and one accident was classi-
fied as nci(-reportable. .
The On'ario Provincial Police in
Lucan ha ie responded to 122 intru-
sion alar ns so far in 1989. All of
these i terms were false. False
alarms expend a great deal of time
for the p.,lice as well as increasing
risks to the police and public while
officers are answering these alarms.
If you presently have an alarm,
pl a ensure it is working proper-
ly. I ou are contemplating having
an alarm installed, make sure you
get a reliable alarm from a reputable
company. Alarms deter break-ins
and thefts and also add security to
your property.
Please make sure your alarm is
accurate and not causing false emer-
gencies. Excessive false alarms may
result in a lower priority response
by police.
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