HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-07-26, Page 27ANNOUNCEMENTS ......... .. ... BIRTHS BRINTNELL - Rob and Sandi wish to announce the safe arrival of their son and brother for Robyn, Tyler Scott born July 5, 1989 at 6:48 p.m. weighing 8 lbs. 5 oz., 20 1/2 long. Proud grandparents are Russ and Mary Brintnell, Granton and Angus and Kay Murray, Den- field. Great grandmothers are Lois Brintnell, London and Effie Murray, Windsor. Great great grandmother is Irene Brintnell, Exeter. Thank you to Dr. Fellows and staff at St. Jo- seph's Hospital. 30* DIETRICH - Phil and Lisa (nee Becker) thank God for the safe arri- val of their first child, Rebecca Dianne, (Daddy's little trucker). Born July 14, 1989 weighing 7 lbs. 6 oz. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Becker, RR2 Crediton and Mrs. Jerome Dietrich, Exeter. Special thanks to Dr. May- nard and third floor nursing staff at St. Joseph's Hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Lam. 30c GAGNON - Luc and Judy (nee La- gerwerf) of Dublin, take great pleas- ure in announcing the birth of their first born, beautiful baby girl, Erica Lynn, weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz., on July 10, 1989 at St. Joseph's Hos- pital in London. Proms grandparents are Jacob and Iva Lagerwerf of Park- hill, and Antoine and Yvonne Gag- non of McGregor. 30* KLINGENBERG - Matthew, Rich- ard and Nathan are thrilled to an- nounce the safe arrival of Bethany Joy, born July 14, weighing 8 lbs. 6 1/2 ozs. Proud parents are Roger and Carol Anne Klingenberg. Proud grandparents Herman and Janie Van Wieren, Hensall and Jerry and Jean Klingenberg, Gorrie. A special thank you to Dr. Steed and O.B. nurses . at Clinton Public Hospital. 30* ROSEHART - Daniel and Wilma wish to•announce the safe arrival of Kirsten Leanne, 8 lbs. 6 oz. born in Victoria Hospital, July 19, 1989. A sister for Heather. Proud grandpar- ents are Mr. and Mrs. John Neevel, Hensall and Mrs. Theresa Rosehart, Delhi. 30c DEATHS YOUNG - At Victoria Hospital, Westminster Campus on Sunday, July 16, 1989, G. Eldon Young of Lucan in his 84th year. Beloved hus- band of Dorothy (Belling) Young. Dear father and father-in-law of Lyn- da and Larry Lewis of Lucan. Dear grandfather of Leanne and Leasa Jane. Predeceased by one sister Mary and two brothers Earl and Clarence. Rested at the C. Haskett & Son Fu- neral Home, Lucan; where the funeral service was held on Tuesday, July 18 at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Darrell Shaule officiating. Interment St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye. Dona- tions to the Canadian Cancer Socie- ty would be appreciated by the fami- ly. 30c, s CARDS OF THANKS BECKER - Cousin Lorne R. Becker and family of the late Leonard H. Becker wish to express our sincere thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbours for their support, sympa- thy cards, comforting words and cha- ritable donation. Special thanks to Rev. L. Stojkovic, pallbearers, T.H. Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home and the Ladies Guild for serving the lunch. 30c Lorne and Isabelle GARDINER - The family of the late James W. Gardiner, wish to ex- press sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to relatives, friends, neighbours and business associates for the beau- tiful floral arrangements, memorial donations, cards and expressions of kindness shown to the family during the recent loss of our beloved hus- band, father and grandpa. Special thanks to Mr. Harold Paisley and Mr. William Metcalf for the comfort- ing words spoken at the funeral. Thanks also to Mr. Bob Fletcher of Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home for the dignity shown in handling all the fu- neral arrangements. To Dr. Englert and all the nursing staff at South Hu- ron Hospital - thank you for the ex- cellent care given to Dad while in the hospital. Your kindness will al- ways be remembered. 30c Velma Gardiner Dave, Mary, Shauna and Jenny Charles, Miriam, Sarah and Judith Ben, Jan, Aaron, Joel and Jordan CIWRELDIRE(TORY CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 68 Main Street South 235-2784 Minister: Rev. Mark B. Gaskin Sunday, July 30 11:15 Worship Service & Sunday School No Services in August Everyone Welcome Nursery Available ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Dashwood Pastor LARRY STOJKOVIC Sunday, July 30 9:30 a.m. Congregational Christian Education 11:00 a.m. Church Service Everyone Welcome EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Main St North Minister Rev. Robert Arbogast Sunday, July 30 10:00 a.m. Worship Sunday School - (Preschoolers) 7:00 p.m. Afternoon Service Nursery Available Everyone Welcome Listen to The Back to God Hour CKNX Dial 920 - 10:30 a.m. Television Faith 20 - Global 6 (cable 3) TRIVITT MEMORIAL EXETER UNITED CHURCH Corner of James and Andrew St. Minister: The Rev. Richard W. Hawley Staff Associate: Mrs. Bev Robinson Minister Emeritus: The Rev. Grant L. Mills Organist and Choirmaster Mr. Robert Cameron Summer Worship 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship Junior Congregation for Children 10 and under Courtesy Car for July 30 Chester Dunn -235-1400 Courtesy Car for August Frank Boyle 235-2677 Nursery Facilities Available Everyone Welcome EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP Sunday, July 30 9:45 a.m. Communion Service 10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship 11:00-12:00 noon Family Bible Hour A Nursery is provided for the above services Tuesday 8:00 p.m. Bible Study All Services held at Usbome Central School Huron St. East Everyone Welcome EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev. Don Rogers Youth Pastor Rev. Kevin Rogers C.E. Director Mrs. Verona Snider • Sundnv .fitly an . ----'-A"""-"YI?'uu' a.m. Sunday School r f" 1i t.. n 11:00 a.m. Worship Service (Anglican) 7:00 p.m.Evening Service Main Street at Gidley ' Wednesday night 7 Exeter Fam Might r`tuyantisIG, a)Iages • - Sunday; July 30 Nursery available for all swrvirsA -- - '- -- "-- _Tt:1., a.iri. MI* Luuiaii'st �" ' Evetyono Wwira,ni Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost An,• tat." - ..,,,..,,nidrt _ _' - . Nursery Everyone Welcome EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W. Exeter PLstor Rev. Kevin Rutledge 235-2661 Sunday, July 30 9:45 a m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.Moming Worship Service Guest Speaker Dr. David Wilson 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Wednesday 7 p.m. Family Night Everyone Welcome BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East, Exeter Minister REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN Sunday, July 30 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:10 a m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Worship Nursery available Everybody wekome Come and Worship with us CARDS OF THANKS BILCKE - Many thanks to my rela- tives, friends and neighbours, also my employer W.G. Thompsons & Sons in Hensall for their support during my stay in St. Joseph's Hos- pital. Thank you all for the cards, visits, goodies and flowers since re- turning home. A special thanks to Dr. Steciuk for his fine care and the fine staff of South Huron Hospital during my stay there. Also thanks to Father Frank Murphy. Your kindness will always be rememberd. 30* Andy DESJARDINE - The family of the late Alexander (Alex) Desjardine sin- cerely thank relatives, neighbours and friends for their many cards, vis- its and prayers, during our brother's and uncle's illness and during be- reavement. Special thanks foa the floral arrangements, memorial dona- tions, cards, visits and food. To Rev. Stan Desjardine and Rev. John Campbell for their comforting words, T. Harry Hoffman and Sons Funeral Home, also pallbearers and ladies of the Church of God. To the nurses of Exeter South Huron Hospi- tal and Dr. P. Englert and also doc- tors and nurses of 5th floor 16 W. University Hospital. A special "thank you" for all your acts of kindness. 30c GEOFFREY - I would like to thank my family and friends for their cards, gifts, prayers and visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, Third floor. A very special thanks to Dr. Wyatt, and to Doris and Al Regier for their help with transportation. 30* Ted HARRIS - I cannot say in words my thanks to my family and friends for such a wonderful birthday. Also cards, gifts, phone calls, I really did not know I had so many well wish- ing friends. It was a birthday to re- member. I was overwhelmed. Thanks to so many great friends. 30c Clara STEPHEN TOWNSHIP MINOR HOCKEY - The winners of the Ste- phen Township Minor Hockey Ball Tournament, July 21-23 are "A" Champions - Crediton Rooters and 'B" Champions - Wild Children. A special thankyou to all teams for their co-operation, to the umpires, to the volunteers who helped, to all those who helped clean up, and to the Executive who helped organize and ruin the weekend. 30* Ray Mills President, S.T.M.H. SQUIRE - We wish to express our sincere gratitude to all our relatives, friends and neighbours for their gifts of food, cards, flowers and dona- tions. Special thanks to Dr. Jadd and the nursing staff at South Huron Hospital; Rev. Deborah Carter for her• prayers; the pallbearers and flower bearers; the R.C. Dinney Fu- neral Home and the Centralia United Church ladies for the lovely lunch after the service. Your visits with the family, concerned enquiries and offers to help meant so much to us. Bernice, Elaine, Don and families Nelson IN MEMORIAM 1 BECKER - In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Violet Becker (nee Volk) who passed away on January 13, 1989. Sadly missed along life's way Quitely remembered every day No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts you're always there. Memories are like threads of Gold They never tamish or grow old With tender love and deep regret We who loved you will never forget. Lovingly remembered by daughter, Marjorie, son-in-law Howard, grand- children, Freal and Linda McKoy, Gary Becker, Roger and Velma Beck- er, Ann, Russel, Elizabeth, Shirley McKoy, and also by great grandchil- dren, Tina, Randy McKoy, Nancy Becker. FAIIRNER - In loving memory of a dear mother who passed away July 21, 1987. Sadly missed along life's'way Quietly rerrt!!mbered every day. No longer in our life to share But in our hearts, she's always there. Lovingly remembered by son, Cal- vin. 30c LEE - In loving memory of a dear son Russell and daughter in law Dar- lene. We little knew when we awoke that *tea,: �'r►Y�r3� To part with one we loved so dear We did not know the pain he bore, We did not see him die, We only knew he passed away, And never said good-bye. _ 5uuiy lifssed by Dad, 'Momand family. 3Q! IN MEMORIAM WALDRON - In loving memory of a dear husband, father, grandfather and brother John Waldron who passed away five years ago on July 26, 1984. . . Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voice we loved to hear; Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach. Sweet to remember him who once was here And who, though absent, is just as dear. Lovingly remembered and deeply missed by wife Thelma and family, Cathy and Gary, Gail, Jeff and Chris, Thelma, Den and Mervyn. 30* COMING EVENTS 1 LIBRARY PATRONS and friends are invited to Exeter Branch Library on Friday, July 28 from 2-5 p.m. Please join us for cake and coffee to offer best wishes to Dorothy Moffatt who is retiring. 30* SINGLES DANCE Friday, July 29, 9-1 a.m. Continual music for your dancing pleasure by Starlight, D.J. Service, at White Carnation Hall, Holmesville, 482-9228, $4.00 per person. 30c - BULLOCK REUNION to be held at Ailsa Craig ball park on Sunday, August 13, sports at 2 p.m., bring a picnic lunch. 30* TO ALL MEMBERS I.O.O.F. Oddfellows Lodge. Special meeting called for Tuesday, August 1, 1989, 8:00 p.m.. Lodge Hall. Members are urged to attend. Charles Atthill, Recording Secretary. 30c SHDHS REUNION of 1969. Au- gust 12. Dance Exeter Legion Hall. Call 235-0430. 30-32c Wedding Reception for Jack Forrester & Kathy Kenney Sat., July 29 In Exeter For information call 235-2601 Exeter Pool Midnight Swim Thus., July 27 9 - 11:30 Families welcome Huron County Pork Producers Pork barbecue FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1989 at the BLYTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE • SUPPER from 5:30 - I:00 p.m. ADULTS: CHILDREN (6 - 12) $10. $5. CHILDREN UNDER 6 FREEI Spon.ond by IM Huron County Pork Producer, rickety .,alae+• thorn Courtly Directors Ballet Jazz Tap Classes Exeter Town Hall Saturday mornings Registration on Sar., September 9 9 to 10 a.m. Cost will be $45.00 for ten lessons Classes begin Sept. 16 For further information Call Anne Mullen In ('ar. ..ktl.-.►I4 *Into ,.,Fri.,. after July 15 "Moripls wanted for the Unit- ed Way Fashion Show, all ages to come to two rehearsals in August" rA MEMORIAL OF LASTI NdAEAUTY TAIIFT - 30" long by 6" thick by 24" high, in Mountain Rene granite. RASE - 36" long In matching granite with Yaw cA i e id 'envying kyles and de+br. NELSON MONUMENTS Ltd. Your Assurance of • EXPERT CRAFTSMANSHIP • FINEST QUALITY GRANITES • FRIENDLY SERVICE • OUTSTANDING VALUE • REASONABLE PRICES Local Representative Jim & Donna Hoffman 237-3763 for further Information 1-800-265-2677 A 100% ONTARIO PRODUCT. Times -Advocate, July 26, 1989 Buck & Doe for Tracey Coward and lan Gillespie Sat., July 29 Lunch provided For more information call 235-2895, 229-8743 EXETER TAVERN Page 27 It's "The Inn" Place ENTERTAINMENT I 0 THURS., FRI. and SAT. • EVENING Q This Week j RADIO 0 Lucan Community Bingo Wed., July 26 Bingo Starts 7:30 Regular Games $1 000 Jackpot Game Total Prizes $2300 - Due to the licence regulations, no one under 16 allowed to play Licence #537495 30th I Wedding Anniveruy. OPEN HOUSE (Nee Allison Yearley) Edward and Flora Gackstet- ter of Exeter, were married July 31st, 1959. To cele- brate this special occasion, family, friends and neigh- bours are invited to join in an Open House on July 29 - 2-4 p.m. at Larry's Town and Country Inn, Crediton. Best wishes only please. Albatross Tavern Huron Park 228-6733 July 28, 29 Rock with the New Cookin' 4 piece band Every Wed. night, Ladies night 50th Wedding Anniversary Open House 43brA1 • Clarence and Beulah Hardy (Nee Hodgins) Clarence and Beulah Hardy, Lu - can, Ontario, were married July 29, 1939. To celebrate this occa- sion the family invite friends, rela- tives and neighbours to an Open House on Sunday, July 30, 1989, from 2 - 5 p.m., at the Lucan Com- munity Centre. Best wishes only, please. Exeter Legion Auxiliary Bingo Thursday, July 27 New Starting Time 7:30 p.m. GUARANTEED JACKPOT "Letter i; $50.06 Full Card $500.00 Early Bird, 10 regular games, 2 specials, share the wealth, Mini Jackpot No persons under 16 allowed to play NOW AIRCONDITIONED Licence number 681018 D .TVE-4N cm T. W- ���ry ul KL Yuay nil in Auttust "COME AS YOU -ARE - SIT IN YOUR CAR" Aug. 6 Earl Sault & The Bluegrass Gospelaires Aug. 13 The Prouty Family - Heart & Soul Youth Choir Aug. 20 Sandy & I3onnie Bender Aug. 27 The Kivell Family f Time: 7:00 p.m. each night Location: Valu Mart Parking Lot Hwy. 4 and 83, Exeter Sponsored by: Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle