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Tun le, w.ocatc, July 26, 19$9
Horse show - The Zurich Fair knows how to put on a horse show, which included these Ha/flinger
horseand carriages. Shown here is a contestant in one of the wagon races.
Lucan OPP at three accidents.
LUCAN - During the past week,
Ontario Provincial Police in Lucan
investigated 54 occurrences and
three motor vehicle accidents. None
of these incidents were major in na-
ture and approximately 15 percent
involved criminal actions.
Four thefts were reported and in-
cluded money, securities and high-
way signs. Two incidents involved
vandalism and two involved break-
ins. One residence in London town-
ship was entered and a storage at
SL James Church, Clandeboye was
opened. Two lawn mowers were
taken from this location.
Alcohol related occurrences re-
sulted in four persons being
charged with Liquor License Act
offenses and one person being ar-
rested and charged with impaired
driving: The majority of the re-
maining investigations involved
general incidents such as intrusion
alarms and driving complaints.
Two of the motor vehicle acci-
dents resulted only in property
damage and one was categorized as
having minimal personal injury.
Several driving complaints are still
being received. These complaints
involved speeding, improper pass-
ing. following two closely and oth-
er similar hazardous moving viola-
tions. Please- drive carefully and
arrive safely.
Because many complaints are re-
ceived by police, it may be useful
to list what information is both
useful and necessary to aid police
in their investigation of these inci-
dents. Police request that you note
carefully the description of both the
suspect person and vehicle, if one
is involved, when reporting suspi-
cious or careless occurrences.
For persons, note the particulars
concerning height, weight, sex,
age, hair, eyes and clothing. For
vehicles, note the make, model, co-
lour, and especially the correct li-
cence plate number.
If possible write down these de-
scriptions as soon as possible cath.
Revival Centre
LUCAN - Tim Kritzer led the
song service Sunday morning.
Rev. Roger Mason invited Dan and
Cheryl Wuerch and Tom and Rose
Merrigan to come forward express-
ing their desire to join the church.
Everyone joined in singing We
Love You with the Love of the
Rev. Mason spoke from Ephe-
sians 4;11-16. Some Christians are
not committed to a local church.
.Tbas they are n
order. Joining a good church brings
spiritual stability, maturity, truth
and love.
icing a diui-61 il�ips `ti Gillis=
tian to minister to others. A Chris-
tian has to be rightly related to God
Sunday evening Rev. Roger Ma-
son ministered from Acts 2:42-47.
This new testament church prac-
ticed commitment to God and to
one another. They continued in
communion and Christian practic-
es, prayer, worship and meeting to-
Upcoming events: Sunday, July
30, Miss Betty. Butler, missionary .'
to Haiti, will be guest speake1.'
August 5, Bake Sale, at Shady
Pines Campgrounds by the men
and ladies of the church. This bake
sale is to raise money for the pro-
ject to build a home for a native
pastor in Haiti. A team of workers
plan togo inTannary ttl Haiti.
er than relying on your memory.
Many times, the complainant must
be able to identify. the suspect(s) in
order for police to successfully in-
vestigate these types of occurrenc-
Community welcomes new pastor
By • Roberta Templeman
STAFFA - Anne Marie Allen
has moved into the manse this past
week. She is the new pastor at
Hibbert United Church, and we
welcome her to the community
To celebrate Matthew Simon's
fifth birthday on Saturday, his par-
ents Tony and Carolyn entertained
all this friends from Nursery
Mrs. C. Murdock is returning to
her home in Scotland this week af-
ter visiting with her daughter, Car-
olyn and Tony Simons and fami-
Carrah Templeman is holidaying
for a few days with her Aunt Carol
Stewart and Jane Robinson in
Family and friends helped Arthur
and Margaret Kamp celebrate their
50th wedding anniversary on the
weekend. On Friday evening Rus-
sell and Margaret. Miller and Bob
and Bernice Norris, entertained
them to dinner in Goderich, and
family members, Ed, Eleanor,
Mark, Erin and Ryan Lawrence,
Milton and David, Audrey, Christe-
na, Robert and Alonna Kemp,
Clinton, had dinner with them at
their home on Saturday. The fami-
ly all attended church together at
Hibbert United on Sunday morning
and later enjoyed a family dinner in
St. Marys.
Marion Ritchie WMS
B Lou Norris presided at the
July ting of the Marion Ritchie
W.M. . meeting on Tuesday even-
ing opening with a few lines on
"Freedom" which was the theme of
the meeting.
The worship service was given
by Edna Stoneman, taking the
meditation from John, Chapter 8
beginning at verse 21 and then ex-
pressing her thoughts on freedom
and closing with prayer. The offer-
ing was received by Mary Elliott
and dedicated by Betty Lou Norris.
Members answered the roll call
by answering what freedom means
to them.
Hazel Harburn presided for the
business when members were re-
minded there was no meeting in
August and the September meeting
was reviewed. She gave as her top-
ic "What does an Elder Do?" taken
from a Presbyterian Record. Lillian
Douglas gad the study book dealing
with the Economy, Domestic Pro-
ductivity and Export of South Afri-
After closing with The Lord's
Prayer, a social hour was enjoyed.
Thames Roadby Rhoda Rohde
By Rhoda Rohde
THAMES ROAD - Before the
service at Elimville commenced and
during the service, Laverne Rodd
and Loi' Elford played the mouth
organ anl Cliff Jaques the violin,
accompanied by Marjorie Johns on
the pian", which was much en-
Rev. Sheila gave the children's
message about prayer, and the
meaning of the different coloured
ministers shawls eg. green, purple
and red.
The sermon was entitled "Mary
and Martha: Sisters in Provocation"
given by Rev. Sheila.
Ann Delbridge and Tammy and
Karen Rohde served lemonade on
Sunday after the church service.
Coming events
On Sunday July 30 the annual
Pot Luck dinner picnic will be held
following the church service at 10
a.m. at the Morrison Dam. In case
of rain the service and picnic will
be held Lt Elimville church. Please
bring la +/n chairs, table cloths,
cups, plaits, cutlery and picnic bas-
kets. Beverage will be supplied.
Sunday August 6 at 10 a.m. the
regular church service will be held
with Elimville congregation and the
Kydd relatives to attend. Refresh-
ments will be served after the ser-
A meeting to discuss plans for
our Youth Group in the fall will be
held at manse on Tuesday, August
1 at 8 p.m. If you can give one eve-
ning a month, please join us.
Rev. Sheila Macgregor. and Alex-
andra spent a few days last week
with the formers parents Mr. and
Mrs. Ian Macdonald of Windsor. -
Bill and I had supper with Mrs.
Marguerite Gibson of London 6n
Thursday evening.
Mr. Ge^rge Kellen returned home
on Frida' • from South Huron hospi-
tal Exeter after having been a pa-
tient there for almost two weeks.
Get well wishes are extended.
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