HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-07-19, Page 28Page 28 Times -Advocate, July 191989 2 }-for ertt THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals, including weddings, meetings, banquet room,, lectures, exhibitions, films etc. Kitchen facilities available. phone 262-3027 or 235-1020.(10tfn) O'NEILL CRANE RENTAL LTD. Wm. J. O'Neill R.R. #4, Parkhill Mobile Phone Residence 661-8671 294-6186 23 Wanted To Rent ONE OR TWO BEDROOM HOUSE OR APARTMENT es soon as possible. Centralia College area. Phone 1-519-368-7380 or 368-7329. Ask. for. Diane.(26-29cy MODERN 3 bedroom house in the Exeter/Grand Bend area. Available Sept. 1, 1989. Phone 235-2504. (29:30c) 24 Property Wanted WILL PAY IMMEDIATE CASH for smaller, older three-bedroom, reasonably priced home in Exeter. Reply with address and asking price to Box 89P, Exeter Times Advocate, P.O. Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S0 (19tfn) HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY For Janitorial Services and Snow Removal at 400 Alexander St., Brussels OH1 Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 8.m. local time. Wed- nesday. August 9. 1989 by the Huron County. Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5, (519) 524-2637 from whom details and speci- fications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARI- LY ACCEPTE=D. 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the estate of ELIZABETH SCOTT BATTEN, deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Scott Batten, late of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron, who died on or about the 15th day of June 1989 are required to file particulars of same with El- mer D. Bell, Solicitor, Exeter, Onta- rio by the 29th day of July 1989 of -- ter which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for the Executor Exeter, Ontario NOM 1SO NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CARMAN RALPH ROESZLER deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Carman Ralph Roesz- ler, late of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron, who died on or about the 3rd day of May 1989, are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, Exet- er, Ontario by the 29th day of July 1989 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for the executors, Exeter Ontario NOM 1S0 .. 29 Yard & Garage Sales SALE: Antiques, collectibles etc. Bayview Subdivision, half mile south - St. Joseph's. Sat. July 22 - 9 a.m. (29*) MOVING SALE - Saturday, July 22 - 7 a.m. -? Washer, dryer, fridge, queen size bed, mechanic tools, bike, swing vet, furniture, lawn mower, etc. Everything must go, make an offer. 529 William St. S. Exeter 235-0375. (29c) GARAGE SALE - Sat. July 22, 8 a.m. 235 Marlborough St. Exeter. Lots of good stuff. (29*) YARD SALE - Sat. July 22. 254 Marlborough St., moving, household appliances, yard equipment, clothes, household items, VCR. (29*) GARAGE SALE -- Sat. July 22, 8 Kingscourt Cres. 8 a.m. Children's books, toys, misc. (29c) GARAGE SALE - 266 Churchill Drive, Exeter. Sat. July 22. Lots of items. Household, collectibles, Bo- nat hair dryer chair, bicycle parts THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TENDERS ADDITIONS TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS •Scaled tenders properly identified for the General Contract for the Ad- ditions to the followingschools in Huron County addressed to the Hu- ron County Board of ucation, will be received Eby the Board Office a 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario, NOM ILO, before 1:00 p.m. lora time on Thursday, July 27, 1989. Blyth Public School Brussels Public School Walton Public School East Wawanosh Public School Turnberry Central Public School Bid Bond or Certified cheque in the amount of 10% of the Tender f ria. must accompany each tender. The successful contractor shall provide a 50% Performance Bond and Labour and Materials Payment Bond. Tender documents arc available at Kyles, Garratt & Marklevitz,516 llu ron Street, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 517 or at the Board Office upon de posit of $100.00 per set on July 19, 1989. General Contractors may submit tenders on one school only or any combination of schools. Contracts will be awarded on the basis of tenders received on each indi vidual school addition. LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. John Jcwltt Clair Huron Public Education Opening Qp the World Bcb Allan ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER Notice to Equipinent Owners - For Winter Maintenance Operations TANDEM AXLE TRUCKS - INQUIRY No. 30-89-09 1989-90 Season Equipment owners arc invited to bid on the supply of Tandem Axle Trucks with operators - minimum G.V.W. 21,800kg, with frame length and spread,suitable to accept an M.T.O. power sand- ing unit without alterations to the sander. The equipment is re- quired for one season at the following locations: Patrol # 7, New Sarum - 2 units •--e p r, ".•i^"'",. 4 unit Patrol # 17, Nilcstown - 4 units NOTE: Standby rate is $15.00 per day. Only vehicles with licences to carry "Road Construction Materials" will be considered. Specifications and Tender Documents may be obtained at the Min- istry's District Garage at 707 Exeter Road, London, from Mr. L. Canipbeii, Suppiy Supctvigot,'at-teiephone utliiibet (5)19)) 649- 3059 Scaled tenders on forms and envelopes supplied by tIc Mia try of Transportation will be received by Mr. C. A. Hennuht, Distr -ct Wednesday, August 16. 1989, at thc following address: 659 Exeter Road, London. Tenders to be opened at 2:00 p.m. the same day at the Ministry's London Dis- trict Garage. • Mailing Address: Ministry of Transportation P.O. Box 5338, Londoh, Ontario. N6A 5H7 Lowest or any tender not -necessarily accepted S 1 Ontario Ministry of Transportation 4 t • Peach treats Peach Mini -Pavlovas: Fill store- bought meringue shells with whipped cream or vanilla ice-cream. Top with chopped or sliced Ontario Peaches and garnish with a few raspberries or blueberries. MATER PROBLEMS? „JARMO WATER CONCERNS? ...TASTE A ODOM iiANDA1LIMISTY? FREE YOUR MAN WATER ANALYSIS (No Obbgation) Sernng your COmmunrly for over 35 years IAN MORTON • OOOERiCH Ile MUNE CALLA FOR WOMAN oIlT Goa tw. 1.001-�IiR OS Visit South Carolina and Eastern U.S.A. Sept. 6 to 16, 1989 Opening ceremonies - Members of Ailsa Craig area scouting troups were flag bearers in the opening ceremonies of the Gala Days in Ailsa Craig Friday night. No beds for south Huron By Bill Henry CLINTON - One year after a study recommended that Huron County's Huronview Home for the Aged in Clinton be rebuilt at three locations, both the province and the county have agreed to go ahead with at least part of the proposal. But there will be no extended care home in the south of the county, and consequently no additional ex- tended care beds in. -the south, be- yond the private care now available there. Construction could begin within a year on a new central facility at the Huronview site and a smaller county home for seniors some- where in the north of Huron Coun- tyThe proposal approved 30-1 by council Thursday calls for a total of 180 extended are beds, four respite care beds and 40 alternative hous- ing units split between the two fa- cilities. That's exactly how many beds the county had asked the province to approve, Huronview administra- tor Wayne Lester said Friday. But instead of spreading them be- tween three facilities, the Ministry of Community and Social Services refused to fund county beds inthe south, largely because of Zurich's privately -operated Bluewater Rest Home. That facility has recently been expanded and is already funded by the province. South angry The ministry's refusal of a third county home of 60 beds in the south has angered county council and led to several delays during the last year of negotiations between the two governments. And some southern representatives remained angry last week. "We in the south need beds just as much as anyone else," said Exet- er Deputy -Reeve Lossy Fuller. "It's taken the ministry a year to make up their minds, they can wait two more months." Instead, Huron again said it want- ed a 100 -bed facility at Clinton and 60 beds in both the north and the south, while incorporating 40 alter- native housing beds within the. Revival Centre Lucan Revival Centre LUCAN - Bruce Henry conducted the Sunday morning service. Henry introduced Rev. Brian Richardson, a Christian counselor from KomOka, as the morning's guest speaker. Rev. Richardson said Christians have to be careful what they watch on TV, and watch what they read so as not to compromise their Chris- tian standards. Rev. Roger Mason, back from vacation, -conducted the evening ser- vjr•n "I•he aka ttort iblc School -- from August 21 to 25 for the con- gregation's children. In March, ministry officials told council the three -home plan would not be approved, and asked council to submit a new proposal which would incorporate the relatively new concept of alternative housing and would not expect a facility in the south. three facilities, Lester said. But council was told Thursday that Huron could lose funding for the whole project if it did not soon accept the offet of 50 percent pro- vincial funding for 224 beds split between just two facilities. "The minister is adamant that there will be two homes funded in the county, one north and one cen- tral," Warden Dave Johnston told council. Johnston also said that Hu- ron MPP Jack Riddell had also said "he would find it inadvisable to de- fer the matter when (provincial) funding is already in place." Avoids losing grant Council agreed not to risk losing funding through further delay, but to instead accept the ministry's terms, get started on the project and continue lobbying the province for a third home in the south. "I think that we would be very wrong if we did not accept the pro- posal that's before us today," said Goderich Deputy -Reeve John Do- herty. An architect is expected to be chosen by September, while getting drawings completed and approved could take as long as one year, said Lester. He also said the Huronview com- mittee has not determined how the beds will be split between the two facilities, or where in the north the satellite home would be located. Until the architect's drawings and estimates are approved, he added, it's unclear how much the project will cost. The proposal approved by the county in February was expected to cost more than $14 million over the next eight years, for the three facilities. The 100 -bed facility in Clinton was expected to cost $6.5 million, with each 60 -bed facility costing $3.9 million. RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 WED., JULY 19 AT 6 P.M.: Modern furniture and ap- pliances, 3 water beds, table saw, band saw, lawnmower, pia- no etc. to be held at the Brus- sels Arena for Steven Sholdice. THURS.? JULY 20 AT 6 P.M. Antiques, furniture, appli- ances, set of Royal Nippon dishes, piano, handmade quilts, to be held at the Blyth Arena for Marion Wright. SAT. JULY 22: Furniture, appliances at Lobb Barn in Clin- ton for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pyke • us additions. 1o.Rf _1?.clia4t-`<E -le tied. • BOB HEYWOOD AUCTIONEER 235.0874 Thursday Evening , Jul 27 at 6:15 p.m. at South Huron Rec Centre We will be dispersing the household effects of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Black of Lucan along with additions including antiques and collectibles, furnishings, china, appliances, etc. Watch next weeks-.papeksfer-a.Ialt- listing. r Pinery ire Fy at Pinery Auction Barn, on Hwy. 21, 4 miles south of Grand Bend We will be se ng a arge selection o antique a modern fur- nishings, collectibles, hand and power tools, lawn and garden equipment etc. etc. Auctioneers Pat and Phyllis Lyon 243-2713 WX,rfYdihoG76a.ta.+'. i 1 1 1 ra .. Huron County's 50 percent share ($7.1M) was expected to be about $900,000 each year during the eight year, construction period. Meanwhile concerns linger over what will become of the existing Huronview building. That has not been decided, although the Huron County Health Unit moved intc part of thc building earlier this year and renovations are underway to al- low Clinton's OMAF office to move to another wing. Currently, Huronview has 181 ex- tended care beds and 74 residential care beds, Lester said. With increasing home care servic- es making it more feasible for sen- iors to live longer in their own homes, fewer people are requesting admission to residential beds. In fact, the province is no longer funding additional residential care beds, Lester said. Once the two new Huron facilities are built, neither will offer residential care beds. In- stead, there will be extended care and alternative housing units, which will likely be,similar to the small, self-contained apartment -like units built recently at Zurich's Bluewater Rest Home. Join our hosts Iry and Lois Arm- strong on a relaxing holiday to the east coast of the U.S.A. TOUR INCLUDES: • deluxe motorcoach transporta- tion throughout • deluxe accommodation for 10 nights • baggage handling throughout (one piece) • entrance to Harper's Ferry His- toric site • tour of Brookgreen Gardens • ticket to Carolina Opry Show • shopping and sightseeing ex- cursions • full day tour to Historic Charleston, South Carolina in- cluding guided -city tour, visits to historic houses and planta- tions, tour of Charleston Har- bour and Fort Sumter • visit to Sellersville Bell Factory • dinner at "Plain & Fancy" fa- mous Amish Restaurant. COST: Twin - $839. Can. per person Triple - $749.Can. per person Quad - $709. Can. per person CaII Ellison Travel 235-2000 Toll free 1-800-265-7022 *******************************44 PROPERTY SOLD * CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT ETC. * For Dunsford Farms, Ltd. (Maurice Robson). * From St. Marys take Rannoch/Fullarton Rd. (Co. Rd. 18), turn east at * Motherwell Church, 1 mile, on the Motherwell Rd. Wednesday Evening, July 26 - 6:30 p.m. * TRACTORS: M.F. 1080 diesel with cab, M.F. 165 diesel. ' MACHINERY: J.D. 7000 4 row corn planter complete with insecti- ▪ cides, Lely 1500 gal. manure tank with tandem wheels and vacuum * pump, 15' packer, Int. 44 plate wheel disc, triple K cult. with 3 t. h. and # • rolling harrows, smaller 3 pt. h. cult., J.D. #145 4 fur. plow, J.D. 15 run • grain and fert. drill, G.W. 250 gal. sprayer, harrows, flat rack and wag- * • on, G.W. single auger snowblower. Only very few small articles, plan to • be on time. *TERMS: Cash sale night. Lunch booth. ' "• Hugh Filson Auctioneers Tom Robson • 666-0833 666-1967 No WHITING sir ioneer TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE of household furnishings antiques and misc. Items on Thursday evening. July 20. 1989 - 6:15 p.m, Behind Whiting, Miller Carpet & Drapery, 63 Main St. Ex- eter, Ontario for Rick and Cathy Skinner HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS & BUILDING MATERIALS: Co- lonial couch and chair, 2 pc- sectional, love seat, occasional chairs, coffee table, odd tables, wicker love seat, wood table and 4 uphol- stered chairs, Targe buffet, metal and wood beds, oak typewriter office desk, school desk and chair, aquarium, bird cage, truck tool box, wood lathe, table saw, 16 windows, odd doors, used aluminum, roofing, 2 stair railings, iron stair rail, several pcs. of 4'x4', 1/2 dry wall, vanity, propane water heater, odd building materials, split rails, garden tractor; push lawnmower, T.V. aerial, air hockey game, several bicycles, skis and more. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, parlor Boston rocker, Parlor corner chair, pump organ, trunks, planter, sewing machine bzr.e, bath tut, harness, corn and bean seeder, culti- vator, lobster trap, apple peeler, Beaver sealers, Heart crown jars, 4 crocks, typewriter machine, and more. For further information contact: Auctioneer Norm Whitln , Exeter Auction Sale Car, modern furniture, some antiques to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pyke plus additions. Saturday. July 22 at 10 a.m. CAR: 1986 Plymouth Reliant SE 4 door sedan with 4 cylinder auto- matic, air, AM/FM radio, run 67,667 kms., safety checked, looks good nwnpliby, Evoln► senior cniz or:..Being. offered subject to a reasonable reserve. HOUSEHOLD: 30"gas stove, Kenmore fridge, 30" electric stove, Simplicity washer and dryer, microwave oven, dehumidifier, 2 kerosun heaters, Speen Queen vacuum with power head, dining table with jack knife leaf and six matching chairs in good condition, Duncan Phyfe double pedestal drop leaf dining table with 3 leaves, 4 matching chairs end china cabinel winq t:)111,wifh 3 drawars and one door, 5 piece white bedroom suite with box spring and mattress. Maple 5 drawer chest, .night table and double bed, 3 piece bedroom suite, chest of drawers, 3/4 size mattress, Duncan Phyfe drop loaf single pedestal dining table, modern chesterfield and chair, like new, older colonial style chesterfield, recliner chair, upholstered chairs, maple coffee and 2 end tables, modern oval kitchen table and 4 matching wooden chairs, round pedestal lamp table with drawer, chrome table and six chairs, pool table, 2 section bar, 2 bar stools, octagonal end table, an- }ir1IlA yam rn r�hn',�rn rri /•n1 nnn f/rnn. 1,1*, l fpi,' n • '^-2.. num door 1 3/4 d winder mowe Cole dish NO , 2:33 1/2x39"slider windows with storms, '2-35 3/4x94 1/2" x oors with six windows, odd small tables, old furniture, wool old phonograph, old spoolod ladies chair, Yardman gip lawn - r, one year old, camper toilet and wagon wheel light fixTure„old man kitchen lamp with white shade and pump, Carnival bowl, a few es. Another good offering. TE: Due to small offering of dishes, furniture will be sold early. ease be on time. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D.• AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 482-7898 • e =1CSL-u."h-f,JY :tlIT.54�?.Miic.:�.. .• '.-c•.