HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-07-19, Page 121 Page 12 Times -Advocate, July 191989 Hessenland C Ili �il�i►' N;1111'‘t % Iii OPEN ALL Wagon tours - Hessenland Country Inn proprietor Ernst Ihrig hitched two of his Hanoverian jumping horses to the 16 -passenger wagon he bpilt to take customers on tours through Pinery Park this fall and winter. The four-month old colt is staying close to mom, who is part of the team. Wagon tours this fall ST.JOSEPH - Hessenland Country Inn is adding wagon tours through Pinery Park this fall and winter to the services already of- fered customers. Ernst Ihrig took the 16 -seater wagon he built out for a run last week. For horse- power, -he hitched up two of his Hanoverian jumping horses. The Ihrigs bought a farmhouse on 38 acres just north of St. Jo- seph in 1982, after emigrating from the German province of Hes- lens. Their 120 -seat restaurant, of- fering German and Canadian cui- sine, was opened in 1984. A further expansion came a year later when 15 motel rooms, including. an elegant two-storey tower suite, were completed. A 160 -seat glass -enclosed, air- conditioned beer garden built at the rear of the restaurant last July is home for Summernightfest every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer season. Diners are enter - SWEET CHERRIES STARTING JULY 10th *Montmorency Red Starting July 15 *Pails of Pitted Cherries Orders taken now Ready approxi July 20 "Pick Your Own or.Ready Picked Pitting machine available forNour convenience 828-3100 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FARM MARKET R.R. 1 "Arkona, Ontario. NOM 1B0 1 mi. East of Arkona, County Rd. 12 EXETER. �3B�Io�n�Oh td10 tpGttifflgt SAVE $40 Mens or Jr. Size 15 Speed ALL TERRAIN BIKE $189 71-1316X 9 SAVE 20% All Motorcycle Ac=e, —_- and Rain suits SANDALS 3"a 99-3445X 11 SAVE 20% Selection of Patio In Stock SAVE $20 1 Remote Control TURBO - I• SAVE$4.00 COLEMAN COOLER 85-3417 Expires Ju �o f T eli{,.e�.: .�fiK�C y. 22/89 4 G,. tained by famous German bands, and can sit and tap their toes to the music or get up and whirl around the dance floor in a lively polka or a graceful waltz. A shuttle service was inaugurated June 24, and will be in effect until September 10. Parties of 20 to 48 people are picked up anywhere in the Bayfield=Exeter-Grand Bend area, taken to the restaurant, and brought home later. The shuttle service is free. The tours of the Pinery nature trails will begin after Labour Day. People, wagon and horses will be transported to the Park. Groups may have lunch either before or af- ter their wagon ride. Ihrig believes the new service will be particularly appealing to seniors' clubs looking for a pleasant outing. Exeter 4-H EXETER - Meeting one. Dis- cussed club we were about to begin. We completed meeting one in our workbooks. Meeting adjourned. Meeting two. Opened meeting. Discussed and completed meeting two in our workbooks. We filled in our enrollment cards. We decided we would call ourselves The Landscrap- ers. We took a walk and look at dif- ferent lawns that were landscaped. Meeting three, four and five on June 26 the Exeter 4-H club went to Huron Ridge Acres (nursery) outside of Zurich. We talked about where to plant trees and plants and why trees roots are protected when they are transported. We received handouts from a nur- sery catalogue and discussed them. We found out which chemicals and fertilizers should be used on what plant (we talked about this briefly). Our group saw how to prune trees and bushes and what time of year to prune. At the end of the meeting we received a small evergreen tree each. On behalf of the Exeter 4-11 club, we'd like to thank Huron Ridge Acres for showing us around their nursery. Press reporter Katie Armstrong Tips on peaches Choose those that have a creamy yellow "background" color and a sweet small. The attractive pink blush on a peach is a sign of variety not ripeness. 1. Un iarn' riot -•i,, by the pound (kilogram), in 4-L and 6 -quart baskets. 2. Buy your peaches at supermar- kets, roadside stands, farmers' mar- kets and pick -your -own farms throughout Ontario. 3. For jam -making or baking, the following r'gt)iyR! 'nlc qe 3,414,_ ful 1L '- ful guide: 3 to 4 medium peaches = 1 Ib (500 to 4 medium peaches =.2 cups T.(500 mL) sliced one 6 -quart basket - 101b (4.5 kg) Village throws down challenge AILSA CRAIG - The reeve and municipal council of the Village of Ailsa Craig have challenged their counterparts in the Village of Port Elgin to a pumpkin -growing com- petition. Port Elgin last year weighed in Ontario's largest pumpkin in the World Giant Pumpkin Contest at 428 pounds, but Ailsa Craig, a vil- lage of 900 people 40 kilometers northwest of London, reckons it can do better. "If we weren't confident we can grow a heavier pumpkin we wouldn't be laying our personal cash and the reputation of the vil- lage on the line," said Reeve Don Shipway whose council laid down the pumpkin gauntlet by registered mail this week. "We're looking to Fred Wuarth and his councilors for big bucks to help us build our community rec. e- ation centre," Shipway said. "We need all the financial assistance vre can get, and since we're growing the world's biggest pumpkin anyway, we may as well take those fellows for a few bucks along the way." The wager proposed by Ship - way's council would see Wuerth and each of his councilors paying $5 for a brick in Ailsa Craig's $800,000 recreation centre for which ground is to be broken next spring. "Should our area- experience a drought, plagueor other pesti- lence," the Ailsa Craig challenge. reads, "and our entry not outweigh yours, I and each member of my council will serve you and each member of your council a Middles- ex County beef steak (Cooked over charcoal to your individual prefer- ences) and suitable accompanying dishes from this prime agricultural region, on the front steps of our municipal building at a time and date to be mutually agreed upon by you and members of your council." The World Pumpkin Weigh Off will be held during the second week of October. Port Elgin is an official weigh-in station of the World Pumpkin Confederation, a world- wide organization which last year awarded $3,000 U.S. to Howard Jill of Windsor, N.S., for his 612- [ound entry.. Celebrate birthdays at Exeter Villa EXETER - Hello from everyone at the Villa. This is`the holiday sea- son and we hope everyone is having a safe and happy summer. We have quite a list of birthdays for the remainder of July. Birthday wishes for the past week go to Eliz- abeth Doupe, Rita Smith and staff members Elaine England and Lau- rene Shapton. Upcoming birthdays are Silas McFalls, Anna Messner, Mike Bourne, Irene Smith and staff members Lynne Siddall, Eloise Klungel, Jean Sharpe and Betty McGregor. Happy birthday every- one? We were pleased to have Rev. Mark Gaskin of Caven Presbyterian Church conduct our worship service last week. We were pleased to.mect Rev. Gaskin and look forward to seeing him again in the fall. The Legion Ladies joined us last Monday evening for their monthly Bingo. Thanks to the ladies for their faithfulness throughout the year. Our Baking Groups tried several different projects last week. In the Lodge we made Carrot Muffins. Kirkton 4-H KIRKTON - The fourth meeting of the "Yardwork Yuppies" was held at Marty Klomp's Plantscape World at Stratford on July 11. He showed us the different parts of the nursery, plant cuttings, soils, and the sprinkling system. He picked out four plants suitable for a speci- man planting on a medium size , y�• Sue Selves demonstrated the -- proper way to give reasons when judging plants. We then went on a tour of the flower beds at the Shakespearean Festival and Art Gal- lery where we had our meeting. Sue Selves' cover design and name were chosen for our club. We went back to MacDonald's for lunch. Press reporter Faith Wallis Graduate - On June 16, 1989, Dianne Zachar graduated from the Child and Youth Worker Pro- gram at Fanshawe College. Con- gratulations from your family. PICK YOUR OWN ASP0' t S4 mile east or Benmiler on Hwy. e 1 Open -7a.m.-8 Days Week- • I-6-'1-7'60-8024 - Featuring O`'ifri tick^ • Breast Roast • Schnitzel • Smoked Turkey • Sausage • Cutlets • Turkey Burgers • Filets • Wings 1 t Store Location Everyone enjoyed the treat of tast- ing them in the evening. In the Nursing Home we made oatmeal cookies for our Thursday Bingo and • Mexican Cake for our upcoming birthday party. Even though we have had some very warm weather, Thursday eve- ning pro'ted to be a little cool for our 4; rshmallow Roast. Cool or not v,e had a good turnout and hopefully we will have a warmer evening in August. Thou it for the week: If you think yoi.'re getting too much gov- ernment these days, just be happy that you're not getting all you are paying for. Colleen E. Glasgow, B.Sc. Phm. Kevin W. Glasgo*', M.D. Jim and Jean Glasgow are pleased to announce the gradation of their children Kevin William, and Colleen Elizabeth. Kevi graduat- ed with honours from the Faculty of Medicine at the Uni rsity of Western Ontario in June, 1988. He is presently in the se nd year of his family medicine residency at Queen's University in ingston. , Colleen graduated with honours from the Faculty of Phar acy at the University of Toronto in June, 1989. She has accepte tem- porary position as staff pharmacist at the Hotel Dieu Hosp al in Kingston. Now Harvesting Fresh broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and turnips Also fresh fruits and vegetables in season Baked goods, jams, honey, maple syrup and apple butter Special this week -Blueberry Pie $3.25 3 miles W. of Exeter on Hwy. 83 Phone 237-3442 YOUR GUIDE TO PROFESSIONAL PERSONAL SERVICES. RUMOR'S Unisex Hair Design • Complete Hair Care Service • Open six days a week - Q f?intments not always necessary L:dl: Janet. or Sandy 2.35-0202 Centre Mall, Exeter floycee's UNEX HAIR DESIGN CAII Joyce Maver 235-2. 20 7 James St., Exeter, Ont. CONCEPT 1 ..�=l,6plsr.x..;�clis 235-2455 53 Main St., Exeter (Beside Toal Concept Fonsss Centro) '1I . 83, just wtasi• ryi tratilirroruu Fiei 237-3561 Store Ho' irk: • Monday - Fr' 9:00-5:�u Saturday 9:Or - AVAILABLE Average 15 lbs. Freshly Frozen turkeys available Kip 'N -- K!irt HAIR DESIGN Karen Kinsman Family Hairstyling 262-3048 Appointments not always necessary Main St., Hensel) I gAriond robIC* ANN BAYNHAM Esthetician Facials . Eyebrows Electrolysis Lash & Brow Tints Manicures Suntanning Waxing Cosmetics 235-0421 346 Mein St. Exeter /6117w (I•A•S•tri•o•N•S) Professional Colour &Wardrobe Consultation Service Call Victoria 2362460 Reach Thousands of Potential Customers Call 235-1331 EXPRE5510115 HARMING For appointment colt Carol Gilmour Kim Hem Dolly Creces 235-1703 431 Moln Street, Exeter, Ontario