HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-07-19, Page 3mes-Advoeste, July 191939
Woodley fills deputy reeve seat
GRAND BEND - To fill the va-
cancy on village council after
George Kadlecik's death, Bruce
Woodley, a seven-year member of
council, was sworn in as deputy
reeve at a special part of the regular
meeting Monday night:
Kadelick passed away July 6 after
a long battle with cancer, leaving
his seat on council vacant. At the
meeting Monday night, the remain-
ing four members could not unani-
mously agree on how to choose a
replacement so reeve Bob Sharen
asked for nominations from the
present council to fill the deputy
reeve's chair. Woodley received the
only nomination.
Councillor Shirley Mitchell
asked for an abstention from voting
and Woodley received a vote from
the remaining members of council,
which then left Woodley's seat on
council vacant.
Sharen said council didn't have to
fill the seat right away, but had
three options to find a replacement.
The first was to hold an election,
the second was to appoint the run-
ner-up from the previous election
and the last was to outright appoint
Sharer' and Woodley didn't think
having an election was the right
way to go because the village is so
far over budget right now and an
election would be too costly. They
also said it wouldn't be fair to
bring the new clerk in an election
right away. The clerk was hired last
week to replace former clerk '
Dianne Mollard.
Former reeve Harold Green, who
was in attendance at the meeting
questioned why the council didn't
want to have an election to fill the
"I bet you $100 that no one from
the previous council will ever get
that opening," said Green. Sharen
then told Green he was out of or-
Woodley suggested council place
an ad in the two locals papers to
fill the vacancy, and to make it
known the position has to be
Mitchell then passed a letter sug-
gesting council fill the vacancy
with the runners-up from the previ-
ous election because it was only
seven months into the three-year
"It is important that the people
Breaking bridges - The Centralia College of Agricultural Technolo-
gy's Ag Venture program was breaking bridges on Friday as the 24
students got a chance to see how much load their popsicle -stick
creations would bear. 1'on Fleming of the Clinton OMAF office,
placed 177.5 lbs on this bridge built by Anita Wein and Michelle
Parkinson of Exeter.
Tulip -trampling
proves expensive
EXETER - "Tiptoeing through
the tulips is reserved for Tiny Tim"
was Judge RGE Hunter's comment
in sentencing three people who
pleaded guilty to mischief in Exeter
provincial court on July 11. The
trio had done $540 damage by
tramping through the flower bed in
front of the library on May 9.
Mike Fred Smith, Huron St.,
Exeter, Patty Bierling, now living
in Listowel, and Mary Ann Kenny,
Main St., Exeter, admitted drinking
too much at the time, and didn't
feel they alone were responsible for
all the damage.
Each was fined $100, placed on
probation for six months, and or-
dered to make restitution of $180
to the town within six months, at
a rate of $30 per month.
Five people pleaded guilty to
BACs over the legal limit.
Milton Webb, Grand Bend, was
stopped on Decernber 26 after po-
lice observed a vehicle that went
off the road twice, and wandered
across the centre line along High-
way 81 in Stephen township. Two
breath samples gave readings of
100. He was fined $650 and had
his licence suspended for 12
Glen Stewardson, Crediton, was
found to have counts of 190 and
200. Police had received a report of
a vehicle being driven erratically in
Exeter on April 15. As the accused
had a previous conviction on the
same charge, he was sentenced to
14 days in jail' and a recommenda-
tion that the time be served under
the temporary absence program
which means a person may work
during the day and return to jail at
night. Stewardson's driving privi-
leges were suspended for two years.
Breath samples taken from Julie
Tieman, Exeter, after she was ap-
prehended on Stephen sideroad 20-
21 on April 30 gave readings of
160. She was handed a $650 fine
and a 12 -month driving prohibi-
Daniel Dawe, RR2 Crediton, and
Christopher J. Ingram, Hensall,
also were each fined $650 and for-
bidden to drive for a year. Dawe
was picked up in Stephen township
on April 29 and had a BAC of 140.
Ingram failed the ALERT after be-
ing stopped by police on June 4 in
Usborne township. His BAC was
Donald Claus, Huron Park, was
fined $100 for possession of a cigar-
ette with cannibus resin. He had
been a passenger in a car searched
on June 3 in Usbome township.
Eugene M King, Stephen town-
ship, was sentenced to a total of 90
days in jail. He pleaded guilty to
possession of narcotics and to
breaking a probation order to be of
good behaviour and keep the peace.
The probation had been ordered on
June 12, 1987, following a convic-
tion and $2,000 fine for unlawful
trafficking in narcotics. The judge ,
recommended that the sentence be
served under the temporary absence
Karl Eric Brunner, Hensall, was
fined $150 for causing a disturbance
behind the Hensall Hotel on No-
vember 24, 1988.
of Grand Bend are represented by
someone who expressed an interest
in running for council, or someone
who has previous experience on
council" said Mitchell. She recom-
mended, Dennis Snider, Marsha
Lemon or Lloyd Guillet, all runners
up in the reeve, deputy reeve and
councillors races respectively last
Page 3
Mitchell's suggestions were re-
Council then passed a motion to
run the ad in the papers to say they
will be accepting applications until
July 28 and will decided at that time
how to fill the vacant seat.
Youth sentenced
GODERICH - An 18 -year-old
youth was sentenced in young of-
fenders' court here Wednesday to
three years in secure custody on
charges laid following a double fa-
tality near Pinery Provincial Park.
The youth, who cannot be identi-
fied under the You'Yig Offenders Act,
pleaded guilty in May to two charg-
es of impaired driving causing death
and one of leaving the scene of the
September accident.
The youth was 17 at the time of
the accident. Two bicyclists from
Michigan were killed.
Judge Gary Hunter sentenced the
youth to 2 1/2 -year concurrent
terms on two charges of impaired
driving causing death and an addi-
tional sixmonths for leaving the
accident scene.
He prohibited the youth from
driving for two years after his re-
lease from custody.
One cyclist, Marilyn ROI- Lar-
kin, 26, of Berkley, Mich., was
pronounced dead on arrival at hospi-
tal in Exeter. The other, Harsha
Vardham, 35, of Detroit, Mich.,
died the next day in hospital at Lon -
The two were struck on Huron
County Road 5 near the park. The
youth was traced through a licence
Town& Countr
July 19 - July 29 •
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Air Conditioners;:
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12" Oscillating
Council deadlocks
airport parking
GRAND BEND - Reeve Bob
�tiarc u's oupus-di to use the Grand
Bend Airport as a parking lot and
run shuttle buses to the beach met
with some unexpected opposition at
the regular meeting of council
Monday -nig: . -.. _
Sharen proposed at the July 4 reg-
ular meeting that the council look
into using the airport as a parking
, lot to help ease the parking burden
in the.village because the people
would be bussed from the airport to
,the beach. -
Ybhtt Ernwmarr, tlte-ownerof
the airport and obtained some cost
estimates for the Civic Holiday
' ; ,!.' .roc the village
$5,000 fur the lu~is 4r.dpt.
a cost of $5 per car it would mean
the village wuulu ..a.:; to 4 ave
1 000 cars park there over t_he three-
New deputy reeve Bruce Woodley
said he thinks council should give
Sharen's proposal a try but council-
lors Shirley Mitchell and John
McDowell said they were opposed
because of the cost involved and
didn't think it would be easy to get
the people out to the airport.
"I think $5,000 is a lot of mon-
ey.. We ad.verticr wr have parking.
heftina the legion, there's parking at
the bank, there will be lands dedi-
cated to us from the Rice Group,
but I think at this time of the year
would be too much," said Mitchell.
Sharen then reminded Mitchell it
would only cost $5,000 if they
didn't put any cars in -the lot.
"I have seen people park as far
way as Stephen "B" Line and walk
into town so I think they would be
willing to park a little farther away
and pay $5 to take a bus into
'own,' saki ylw,:i!s 14- -- ,
"I would like to sec us get into
some more detail and really look at
it because its kind of late in the year
and it seems to me to be a long way
, have: people. nn. " caidIvis?J.l...
Woodley ' ,+ then wanted to see a mo-
tion brought forward to support the
proposal, subject to an overall max-
imum amount of money they can
Even by-law enforcement officer
Keith Crawford was skeptical about
'atiY Lal�'fPt'E"jit-Yhi* - •�",
airport than reminded them they had
about the same numbers in the
Beach Place Parking lot last year
a;'d •that didn't seem to help the
.prettitm"Last year we hada worse parkinv, ,
problem so if you are going to get
only 300 out there I'm not sure its
worth the time and expense. You
have to get an awful lot of cars out
there to get rid of the problem," said
The proposal was deadlocked be-
cause council has only four mem-
bers at present. ("The death of dcputy
reeve George Kadlccik last week left
a vacancy that has yet to be filled).
f olpril felt. thn1,v€2&.d•:'iLIZ air) -
thing for the rest of this summer
and said they would start looking
into it for next year. With the pro-
posal deadlocked it was then agreed
they would set up a committee to
look at the problem. The committille,
would consist of two members of
council, two members of the cham-
ber of commerce, and, after some
convincing from someone in atter,
dance at the meeting, two resident*,
of Grand Bend.
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