HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-07-12, Page 33New equipment The Lucan volunteer fire department received this brand new heavy hydraulic equipment last week to improve their rescue capacity of car accident victims. Ed Beck (left) pre- sented Glen Dutton of Rescue Tech with a cheque from the Lions Club last Tuesday paying for the new aparatus. St. Patrick's graduation LUCAN Wednesday, June 28, O'Leary received the Nancy Ryan 1989, St. Patrick School held their Memorial Award for ladyship and grade eight graduation. The evening Gary vamlerPloeg received the Mi - started off with a delicious meal chael VanderLoo Memorial Award for gentlemanship. The Maslen Family Award for all-round girl stu- dent was presented to Joanne Lan - sink. the John VanderLoo Memori- al Award for all-round boy student was awarded to Rob Pattyn. Kathy Wallis of C.F.P.A. did an excellent job as guest speaker. The evening ended with the graduates performing some songs. A ;.i)ecial thanks goes to Thelma Kenny the C.P.T.A. for the fi- nancial su port for this evening. prepared by the grade seven moth- ers. The students then received their diplomas, graduation plaques and gift from the C.W.L. and the K. of. C. Some special awards were pre- sented. Becky VanGeel and Jason Feddema received best progress awards. Lauralee Hamlin and Micah Bourdau received high academic awards. Nicole Mc.auhlin was awarded the C.P.T.A.'s Personal Achievement Award. Melissa Lucan Revival Centre LUCAN - The Women's Minis- tries of Lucan Revival Centre held their monthly meeting Wednesday evening in the church. President June Henry announced the bake sale at Shady Pines campground netted $243.50 towards the Haitian project to build a native's pastor's house. Martin Butler, accompanied by Lorraine Armitage playing the piano, led in chorus singing. Mrs. Jane Bende sang God is Able. In recognition of Jeanette Shink- Icshock's faithfulness, the ladies ptesented her with a gift of a.boo kt Rev. Pieter Schinkelshoek•assi ed by his wife and June Henry served communion to each lady. After the meeting, the ladies en- joyed fresh strawberry flan for re- freshments. Upcoming- events On Sunday July 16, at both ser- vices Christian counsellors, Brian and Angela Richardson will be ministering. Don't forget the com- munity Daily Vacation Bible School running August 21 to 25. Why is DeutzAllis the oconly CO� ring full line of combines and tractors with long-term warranties? 1N1 itOLUCM:&. - - . !MTRnot rrINE; 4-YEAR/4,000-HR: 5-YEAR/5,000-HR. WARRANTY• ..- a- -.Osal13ANTY• 3 up in and see for yourself how Int-1,►lli : -!,co f4,.0r these Tong -term warranties across the full:lin�,or�: tough Deutz -Allis is hili)ril.-, ; ;°ei'i'u'rotary Gleaner • I:<� Lundy Compare performance. compare features...and now compare warranties. See all of what sets us'apart, and you'll see how we can help you increase productivity. --•47-.7-7:„ .,.,. ...r .aerw..:r,",trc.viYrr can help you lower the cost of owning and operating new, more productive machinery. Stop in today! •De iuc nbles apply after one year toes not apply to tractors under 40 hp Ask us for complete details - HYDE EROS. "Two Locations To Serve You" "H" - Hensall Store - 519-262-2605 (Bob or Terry) "R" -Rannoch Store - 519-229-6700 (Murray) See what sets ue apart osu r 1 9 Purchase road grader LUCAN - The township of Bid- dulph has approved the purchase of a new motor road grader. At the June 21 meeting of coun- cil, the lowest of two tenders was accepted from Champion Road Ma- chinery Sales Limited for a Class 7 motor grader in the amount of $107,784. At the same time, the decison was made of buy a one-way safety trip snowplough from London Ma- chinery Company Limited for $3,537. Deputy reeve Jim Shipley report- ed that progress was being made re- garding the .possibility of hiring a joint building inspector for several municipalities. Three building permit applica- tions were received and approved. They were for the village of Lu - can for complete renovation of an existing residential dwelling at Lot 25, Concession 4 ; Joe Morkin, a garage at Lot 30, Concession 9 and Gary Barker, a new fireplace, chim- ney and rebricking of an existing residence at part of Lot 25, Conces- sion 5. An invoice has been sent to the Ministry of the Environment in the amount of $3,002.93 for township expense incurred in the recent un- lawful spill on township roads. The Ministry had indicated they would only pay for costs which were a direct payment or machine time used to clean up and repair the damages. Administrative expenses were not to be included. grey's Weekly Comments Bysidvateg LUCAN - Sorry that I missed a couple of weeks with "comments". However I have a very good ex- cuse, the. Cincinnatti "Terror" was in town and I was kept busy keep- ing track of him. Of course, I am referring to my brother Frank who after his discharge from the R.C.A.F. as a Flying Officer moved to the U.S.A. Nevertheless, he still enjoys coming "home" to Canada and does so several times a year. Congratulations are in order for Comrade E.E. "Red" DeGraw who is now the President of the Lucan Legion. We wish him a successful term in office. As mentioned previously Horse- shoes are the order of the day every Thursday evening. If you enjoy playing then come on over to the Legion where we have six pits to accommodate you and I know that you will be made welcome. Re- member you•do not have to be a member of the Branch to partici- pate. - - Did you have the opportunity to Lucan . OPP have bike LUCAN - Ttie O.P.P. have re- covered a boy's, white bicycle from the Lucan Arena area. It was found on June 27 during the night and is being held at the Detachment until its owner can be verified. If you have lost a bicycle or had one sto- len, please contact the O.P.P. in Lucan to claim the bicycle. You will be reuqired to properly identify it as yours. see the Queen Mother last Friday? Fortunately I was one of the lucky ones to receive an invitation as well as being asked to hold the door open, along with others, when the Queen Mother entered the Counties Wing to speak -with the veterans. Let me say it was a thrilling experi- ence to stand so close to her and have her acknowledge. my salute (Navy type of course). Prior to the visit a num had the pleasure of having ► with the Minister of Veterans Af- fairs The Honourable Merrithely following which he assured us he would be working with the veterans groups in seeking a solution to the housing of our veterans in the Psy- chiatric Institute, Victoria Campus. We were also advised these veterans would be kept together, and his de- partment is seeking those spouses who remarried following the demise of their war disability pensioned husband or wife. In the event these persons become single again they arc entitled to reapply for the pen- sion which was discontinued when they re -married. Good news indeed. oripage ar NEED A MORTGAGE? 1st, 2nd, Multi Family or Com- mercial, flexible terms, fast, confidential service, Call "The Mortgage Mart" London - 433-6666 1-800-265-1508 WE GET RESULTS! Times -Advocate, July 12, 1989 Page 29 Steeper resigns - Norm Steeper (left) resigned his seat as Lucan reeve last week. Filling the position is Larry Hotson, whose seat as councillor has yet to be appointed to another candidate. HY-TT NEWS Customer Appreciation Month June 15 -July 15, 1989 Best in Customer Service Call our customer service represen- tative, Mike Gerrits. Mike will be more than pleased to discuss all of your concrete needs. He can be reached at 1-800.265-1776, 482-3431 or 482-5610 (Home). If you encounter any problems or have a suggestion on how we can serve you better, we encourage you to lel us know. Free Donuts) ' During customer appreciation month, we will be sending free donuts. from uantill's Bakery, with every order of ready -mix Also, feel free to ask our drivers for our pens and matches New Conveyor We have recently installed a new 38 ft Moftet conveyor Our Guarantee For All Ready -Mix Deliveries Order your ready -mix at least 12 hours before the anticipated delivery time and we will -guarantee to deliver your load within 45 min. o1 that time. Should you have to wait more than 45 min. on any delivery, the cost of 1 m3 of concrete will be deducted from your bill. - Customer Appreciation Rattle Gel one ticket for every m3 you use. Winners will be drawn July 17. Three • . prizes are available: - 1st Prize — an all expense paid weekend at Benmiller Inn. - 2nd Prize — a dinner for two at Bailey's. 3rd Prize — four tickets to the Huron Playhouse in Grand Bend. CLINTON 420 BAYFIELD RD.482-3431 82_3431 No Cherie Dial 1-800-265-1776 'T V YOU DESERVE... * Fast Unloading * Accurate Grades * Competitive Prices ` Quick Settlements,,, FOR YOUR '89 WHEAT CRbP .,. y °' ;ire 'Thompson & Sons Elevator nearest you! - "The Home of Augusta Seed Wh .. t" _"r't'+,.,._,.:ria+v.��r..:..rslri,.rA.►irr^"/.Aon-,. _ ... ..s.�,.r �� ^ -- .......,...._,.... ...-•---..�__sw• . - - iiic�tive i-'aT 1 Seaforth 345-2545 Pt. Albert 529.7901 1 Hensall 262-2527 Ailsa Cral9.293-3223 FERTILI ZERS Mitchell 348-8433 Granton 225-2360 ,a.