HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-07-12, Page 11Mr. and Mrs. Allan Heyink
Sylvia Joanne DeWeerd and
Allan George Heyink were unit-
ed in marriage on June 17 at
Exeter Christian Reformed
Church with Pastor R. Arbo-
gast officiating. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John DeWeerd, RR #2, Ailsa
Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Heyink, RR #2, Hensall, are
parents of the groom. Anne
Mulder was matron of honour
and bridesmaids were Marian
deBoer and Chris deBoer. The
best man was John Brande-
rhorst and guests were
ushered by Ray Heyink and
Bert Mulder. Melissa Mulder
was flowqrgirl and Nathan de-
Boer, ringbearer. After a. wed-
ding trip to the Muskokas, the
couple is residing at 111
Queen Street, Hensall.
Photograph by Bart DeVries
Off To See The Queen - Exeter Legion members Dave Frayne (left), Murray Greene, Eldon Heywood,
Bart De Vries and Vera Armstrong travelled to London on Friday to be part of a 400 -member Legion co-
lour party that lined up outside Parkwood Hospital to welcome the Queen Mother when she arrived
to officially open the Western Counties wing at the hospital.
Off to see
EXETER - Five members of
the Exeter Legion were part of a
400 -person colour party that
Tined the entranceway to Park -
wood Hospital for a visit by
Queen Mother Elizabeth on Fri-
day, July 7. •
Exeter residents Eldon Hey-
wood, Murray Greene, Vera
Armstrong, Bart De Vries and
Dave Frayne were among the 32
Visscher Farms Country Market
Open 9 - 6 daily,
Closed Sundays
Now Harvesting
Fresh broccoli, cauliflower,
cabbage and turnips
Also fresh fruits and vegetables in season N,;
Baked goods, jams, honey, maple syrup
and apple butter
'Special this week -Strawberry Rhubarb Pie $3.25
3 miles W. of Exeter on Hwy. 83 Phone 237-3442
the Queen
representatives of Zone C;1,
whose 12 Legions include the
local RE Pooley branch. They
assembled with Legion members
from across Southwestern Onta-
rio at the London Duchess of
Kent Branch and were taken to
the hospital by bus, eliminating
parking and security problems.
The official opening was one
of the events arranged during the
Queen's five-day Ontario tour.
The Queen Mother spent more
time at the hospital than was
originally planned, as she wanted
to visit with the veterans of
World War 1 and 2 who call
Park wood home.
Frayne reported later that "it
was - a warm afternoon to be
standing out in the sun".
Through the courtesy of the Boy
Scouts and others, cold water
was available to help fend off the
effects of the heat.
Frayne said the colour party re-
ceived a fast impression of a
happy, healthy, gracious lady,
Forthcoming marriage - Robert
and Henny Morrissey, Crediton,
are pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
daughter, Barbara Maria to Den
nis Ray, son of Don and Marion
Courtis of Ilderton. The ceremo-
ny to take place Saturday, July
15, 1989 at 3:00 p.m. at Our
who looked younger than her 88\ Lady of Mount Carmel Church,
years as Queen Elizabeth droveMt. Carmel with an open recep-
past in an open scar. tion to follow in Lucan.
Times -Advocate, July 12, 1989 Page 7
Want to be in a jam?
CENTRALIA - July is here and
so is jam time. Whether it's
strawberry, currant, peach or elder-
berry - the possibilities for jams,
jellies and preserves are endless",
according to Maxine Innes Holbo-
rough and Barb Klages, home econ-
omists and co-authors of Jams and
Jellies a recipe and handbook for
The book is an excellent sum-
mary of how to prepare the home-
made product either with or with-
out pectin. It features an entire
section on diagnosing what went
wrong when preparing jam or jelly
at home. And it contains many
novel and traditional recipes.
To launch the release of this very
handy publication, Centralia Col-
lege invites you to attend one of
the following evening workshops
presented by Maxine and Barb:
Kincardine, United Church, July
17; Mount Forest, Senior Citizen
Hall, July 18; Owen Sound, West
Side United Church, 310 10th
Street West, July 20; 7:30 p.m. -
10:00 p.m. each day.
These workshops are unique as
each participant will actually be in-
volved in making a jam, tasting
finished jams/jellies and evaluating
the quality of sample jams/jellies.
The cost is $15 per person and in-
cludes a copy of the handbook
"Jams & Jellies", and possibly
samples to take home.
For more information and to reg-
ister for this special in season'jam
session', contact Centralia College
of Agricultural Technology, Huron
Park, Ontario NOM 1YO. Tele-
phone (519) 228-6691, Ext. 245.
Happy Gang Seniors
AILSA CRAIG - On July 5,
1989, the Ailsa Craig Seniors met
for their regular meeting at the Ail-
sa Craig Legion at 1:30 p.m. with
18 members present. With our Pres-
ident, Levi White, assisted by treas-
urer Harold Guilfoye and Shirley
Williams as secretary we held a
short business meeting.
We played 10 games of Euchre
with the following being the win-
ners: Ladies High - Jean McCallum;
Ladies Lone Hands - Laura Axford;
and Ladies Low - Ruth Guest.
Men's High - Alfred Mathers;
Men's Lone Hands - Marjorie Steep-
ers (man's card); and Men's j.one -
Shirley Williams (man's card).
We will meet again in two IA:.1
on July 19 at 1:30 for euchre.
Everyone welcome.
For supporting our optical busi-<�,lroN
ness. We are entering into our
�_c" 15th year in Exeter. A4R
�. The time for us has gone very kyt4
, quickly, the changes on Main
Street have been many. But one
thing remains the same - the toy �Pio
alty. and support of our custom-
Q\.' Without this we would not have etyry
been able to succeed.
Bea, George and Debbie
t"°‘O0NPM cFNt 8444
re. CRp1G Ockt�
375 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario (519) 235-2460