HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-06-21, Page 32Patrolling on bikes - To make it easier for them to get aroundin heavy traffic jams, the Grand Bend detatchment of the Ontario Provincial police. has started to ride around the streets of Grand Bend on mountain bikes. Trying the bikes out here are, from left. • Constable Mark Gransden, Sergeant Les Weir. New Lions Officers - These members of the Grand Bend Lions Club were elected officers for the new year. Front row, (left to right), Emerson DesJardine, secretary, Steye Kadlecik, Jack Bannon, presi- dent, Elgin Hendrick, past president, Fred Willert. ,Back row, (left to right), Jim Hoffman, Frank Allis- ter,' past zone chairman. Prosper Van Bruaene, first vice president,. Doug Riddell, treasurer. WI visit Huron By RoberT Walker GRAND BEND -- On Thursday, June 15, the ladies of the _Grand BendWomcn's Institute took -a trip to Godcrich. Fir:4t; everyone- en- joyed a delicious buffet luncheon at the "Candlelight",Restaurant. Then they proceeded to the new museum, accompanied by a pleasant and knowledgeable guide to explain the exhibits as they went froin one - floor to another. As many rooms are still incom- Times -Advocate, June 21, 4989 • Pag"33 Councillor sure ceiling is asbestos cars GRAND BEND -- Grand Bg►nd councillor John McDowell sato at the, regular meeting of :village council Monday night that he is 100 per cern a That the ceiling in the beach 1house will have to be rippe ut because it contains asbestos. At the June 6 meeting councillor Bruce Woodley had said he thought . the ceiling may be asbestos but he wasn't sure and wanted it to be looked into. , Council earlier in the year d trouble obtaining quotes to no- vate the bathhouse because f all e plumbing repairs that had to be done and after some substantial de- lays, finally got it in operating condition, but the quotes received from Johnson Plumbing never con- tained any stipulation of replacing the roof. • . McDowell also said in his report the municipal parking •lot is finally receiving its car detection device'for people, trying to sneak into the lot without paying, and should be in place sometime this week. - . . He also said he was havingtrou- blc finding ;someone to be in charge of the parking lot an�ath- house and suggested.tocoun it that by-law enforcement officer handle both places and council seemed to - . V ppermans request. think -that was a good idea, • • . * "I think that will work out great • .With the provincial government because he is there- mostly on the leaving it up to the individual mu - weekends anyway,' said McDowell, nicipalities to decide whether or not *• • * • * they want to have Sunday shop - Council heard presentations -from ping, Grand Bend council decided. Jud Bumstead from the Toronto Do - not to change their bylaw and will minion Bank and Marty Dick from continue to have wide-open Sunday - the Bank of Montreal for getting alt shopping: of the village's banking business (-- held statutory public -meeting was - for thc next three years. After some. held in March on whether they deliberation, council decided to ac- - cept the proposal , from the T D bank. * Jim Love, Bylaw Officer for Grand Bend United Church was" in' attendance as a delegation to express concern over the -increasing noise problem at the church during Sun- day service. - Love said mot, sts on Main street and Queen st.,,ct are revving their cars and running them fast on the streets and d'sturbing Sunday services. . '4 Also, that some members of the church arc finding tickets on their cars if they arrive for church by -10:15 a.m. and don't leave until the ice -is -over To help alleviate this problem, reeve Bob Sharcn suggested that churchgoers make a little •sign or sticker for their •car saying they are attending service and the by-law of- ficers will leave them alone. He also suggested giving guest stickers to anyone attending the service as a guest. , As far as the noise problem, Love was suggesting he wanted a partial barricade of traffic on Queen street while church is in session. "All we are asking from them is .to be a little more courteous when they are 'passing the church and especially next month when we • start open-door services," said Love: Council passed the motion.. ban-' ning traffic on Queen Street while church is in,al subject to approv from the OPP and the-. Highway Traffic act. . - • - * *• Rev,, Duke Vipperman, from St. John'By The Lake Anglican Church was also in attendance to ask cotm- cil's permission'to use a small sec tion of the beach to run a co- operative Bible School, along with the Grand Bend United Church and the Grand Bend Church of God. . The dates asked for welt July 10- 14 and from 1:30-3 p.m., for chit dren 5-12 years old: . This is a programme open to the public and that is why they were asking for a spoton the beach, and they will not be soliciting for • - funds. Council later, granted Rev. County -museum sery plete, thousands of articles arc..not yet on display, -but the ladies were still able to view many interesting - artifacts, including antique farm ma- chineAy, bicycles, buggies, organs, a huge locornotive, and antique clothing'asnd fui}i�uiture. • When the tour was completed. Brenda Love, the vice-president, - held short business meeting. A . few momentt of silence were ob- served in memory of a departed member, Mrs. Elva Turley. Sodbusters meet By Roberta Walker GRAND BENp Hi 4-H fans, welcome back!'On Thursday, June 15, the Grand Bend II "Sodbusters" gathered at Sue Gill's home for Meeting three of the .4-H CLub "Let's Landscape" to find out how. we "measured up". :They learned how to plan for land- scap'fng, a p cess- that involves a lot of thinking - in metric, of course - no help from the "inch . worm". • They began by measuring Sue Gills' tcroperty lines and house; us- ing a measuring tape in both units, to add to the confusion! Once the measurements were taken, they dis- cussed prdbiens-that can occur through improper planning, like imbalanced gardens and crowded trees and shrubs. They adjourned the meeting at 9 p.m. and everyone went home with a sense of "founda- tion". Press Reporter Karen McKay Model visitors centre - Terry Crabe, visitor services programmer for the Pinery Provincial Park, stands behind the model of the new Pinery Visitors Centre which is scheduled to be built in the park starting next month. Minis4y of natural resources minister Vince Kerrio will be on hand June 29 for the official sod turning at the site. A workshop "Practical Christmas Gifts from the Kitchen" by Gwen Dykeman is to be held on October 25. Fall. Fair articles are to be in by July 10. The September meeting will.bc held at the Pinery Park. We are still waiting for a Northern On- tario Institute Group with which to twin. Finger puppets are needed for the Children's. Hospital of Western Ontario. • Bertic Kcyes conducted an interest- ing contest "How observant are you?" Winners were Donna Lovie. Brenda Love and Nola Taylor. "An interesting afternoon" reported by all! Churches By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - Services for Church of God began with Sunday School ai 10 a.m., followed by morning service at 11 a:m. with guest speaker Rev. Simpson giving the message. Lucille Vincent was in charge of the program. In the afternoon, many of the con- gregation attended the dedication of the new Mennonite Church in Zu- rich at 2:30 p.m. Others observed. Decoration Day by attending the •special memorial service in the Grand Bend Cemetery. The evening program was cancelled. '` - Please remember the prayer meet- ing on Wednesday everting at 8 p.m., with Rev. Peebles as speaker. There is a Lawn and Bake Sale on Saturday, June 24 at the chsirch. tinned Y'liur^r Members of the Grand Bend United • Clitarch wetie greeted at the door on, Sundayby Elizabeth Norris -and • . Dianne Rice. The choir sang- a beautiful anthem "I Have a Wonder- - ful Saviour". Bertic Keyes read the . scriptures. .• • - .In the children's story, Rev. Ted Smits told the tale of a stingy land- - lord whose heart was touched by the smile of a child, and he wound up .. donating all that lie had to the poor. The bible says "A little child shall lead them." For his sermon, Rev. Smits used as his text St. Luke 16:19 "there was 'a rich man who feasted sump- tuously every day." He lived well, yet never helped the poor, like Laz- arus, the beggar. Both men died, • but the rich man went to hell, for the sins of omission. We have a duty to help our fellow man. There is a correction: the young lady who played piano for the Sun- day school last week was Alisha Jennison: - In coming events, a Thank -You Reception for Rev: Tcddie Smits will be held next Sunday, June 25, immediately following the service. Please plan to join Rev. Smits and his family for a time of fellowship, to thank him and wish him well on his retirement. All are invited to at- tend. A new pastor, Rev. Colin Stover, will be coming from out west, to assume his duties on July 1•. Fireworks GRAND BEND - July 1, at dusk, will sec the skies over Grand Bend's beach lit up by Sky Bangers with exotic names such as Moon Walk- ers, Jungles of Africa and Galaxies. - The Chamber of Commerce Fire- works committee, headed by Nick Carter, is once, a * in offering the Giant Fireworks Display and hop- ing for record crowds. The '89 show will feature mortars and shells named Mammoth Niaga- ra Falls, Hula Dancers and Echo Chambers, which reflect off thc wa- ter for a spectacular show. In case o ram, e s ow wi go on un - day, July 2, at dusk. To round out the Canada Day weekend, a Sundaoncert will be offered on the beet', featuring Bar--_ ney Bcntall from 2-4 p.m. • wanted to)ceep their by-law or ban Sunday shopping to get the public's opinion on the issue. - - Grand Bend will now have compe- tition for the Sunday -shopper as the village of Zurich,recetitly approved Sunday shopping there,. Council also heard a letter from Nick Carter who was asking coun- cil; on behalf of the chamber of commerce; to donate the proceeds from the municipal- parking lot July 1 to the fireworks fund, after 6 p.m. that day. Carter also said he contacted de- veloper -limes Hevey about using his beach property parking lot and donating the funds from jhat lot as well. Hevey said he had problem with that. . Carter also said the chamber would supply volunteer attendants and charge a flat rate for the even- ing. . Councillor Bruce Woodley saidhe 'didn't think it *vas a good idea for the council to, helpwith the Hevey lot' because. Heevey wouldn't -let ,council use the parking lot during the summer, and it may become a competing problem with any other 'non-profit ogranization that may contact Hevey to use the lot. "I thin} we should run it and turn the money overto.them when it is over," said Woodley. Crediton by Mrs. Stan Preszcator CREDITON = Members of the Sunday School were,in charge of the Children's .Day service Sunday morning at Crediton United Church. Superintendent Harry Schroeder was chairman for the variety of songs and recitations provided by the students. The guest speaker was June Do- naldson of Arva who brought a message by way of her puppets. This coming Sunday Decoration Day service will be held at the - church at 10 a.m. with Rev. Robert Peebles bringing the message. Eightmembers of the -Crediton Women's Institute attended the 75th anniversary celebration of the Zu- rich W.I. on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator moved into their -new home in Clinton on Monday, June 19. Their new phone number is 482- f So long to all our fricnds, neigh- bours and relatives. Come see us • soon either in Clinton or at the 1 Keine Point•Trailer Park. Shirley and Stan Preszcator, Lioness Officers - These are/the new executive for the Grand Bend Lioness Club, after their installa- tion at the Oakwood inn Thursday night. front row, (left to right), Flazel Willert, Lorraine•Blachard, president, Donna Hoffman. Second row (l -r), Betty Flear, Roxanne Marshall, Bonnie Ducharme, Dale Ridley, Valerie Martens, past president,' Marie Bannon, second'vice president. Back row,' (l -r), Karen Humer, Gail Oke, bulletin editor, Betty. Riddell, Lorraine Butterworth, Treasurer. - . • Siid�rs thrbs trip • By Roberta Walker = Tin Woodsman, Jodie Glavin as the - GRAND BEND - A large group of Cowardly Lion and -Tara Conlin -as Grand Bend senior citizens enjoyed the Scarecrow. Tiny Levi Lane was a "Mystery" bus tour last Tuesday, a brave, loyal little Toro: • and wound up at the Ontario Agri- .. ,The costumes were very good -too, cultural Kamm in Milton. - • • 'and the entire student body, tcach- Students• from Our Ladd of'Mouni ers, 'add parents who- assisted - in Carmel School put on -Several per-- . - makeup, props,,etc-, are to be com- formances of the musical play, . mended on a very successful endcav- "The Wizard of Oz", on Tuesday, or. The Wizard of Oz was a real dc - Wednesday and Thursday. Teacher light! ' Gloria Miotto-Wilkes handled the . The Flowers of Hope Campaign direction and teacher Susan Kraft- for 1989 is over, and with a few check directed the music and dance more 'donations arriving yet by portions of the program. mail, they have exceeded the goal, Selected art students from Grade 6 at over S21,200!! All Of the volan- to 8 painted the beautiful sets, from tcers worked very hard to make this the enchanted forest to the wicked fund raiser so successful. and arc to witch's scary castle, the green- be commended for their dedication. turreted Emerald City ..of Oz and The mentally handicapped children Dorothy's moveable house from adults of our community will Kansas, • r+ benefit from your.gcnerosity. The cast contained students from As team captain of Grand Bend and Grade 3 up; to perform as Munch- Southcott Pines; rtiy personal kips, flying monkeys, soldiers, and thanks go to my great team of will - all the other charmin characters in ing workers: Frances Rclouw, Pat g Desjardinc; Bettie Keyes, Anne Re - the land of Oz. abum, Marg Baxter, Judy and Bill The demanding role of Dorothy Uniac, Noreen McCann, Sally was played by talented Jennifer Re- Johnson, Sheila Tiedeman, Anita aburn, whose sweet soprano made Gratton, Yvonne Clay, Anne Cann, her solos a delight. Fiona Walker Madge Costello and Margrit Breuer. dominated the stage as the evil Many thanks to ail of you! it was Wicked Witch of the West, even a fine job and we exceeded our col - frightening kids in the audience! lection from this area fompared to The twisty trio of friends•supported last year, 1988. Team Captain'Ro- Dorothy well, with Kristie Talon as bcrta Walker. .ti Congratulations Sandy Page • Russ and Verna Page, Grand Bend, are very pleased and proud to announce the gradua- tion of their daughter, Sandra Marion, from the Developmen- tal Services Worker Course at Fanshpwe College on June 16, 1989. Sandy is a graduate of North Lambton Secondary. School. She is now employed at Oxford Regional Centre in Woodstock. Proud grandpar- ents are -Joe and Helen Moon, Santa Ana California, and Jean Page, Grand Bend, Well done, Missy!