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Times Advocate, 1989-06-21, Page 30
II SATURDAY, JULY 1199 Granton by Muriel Lewis GRANTON • - Congratulations 1 from the Granton community to Jim and Evelyn O'Shea on the occa- sion of their 50th wedding anniver- sary. Many local people' attended the open house at the Lucan Com- munity Centre on Saturday even- ing. Congratulations also to Hermon and Dorothy Foster, formerly of the Granton area, who celebrated thein - 60th wedding anniversary Sunday at their home in Exeter. - John Herbert of Waterloo, Lois and Helen Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Waugh and Rod Johnston, all of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins. The community extends sympa- thy to the family -of Wilma •Beau - cage of Blyth and formerly of Gran- ton who died on Saturday, June 10. The funeral was held on Monday from the C. Haskell and San Funer- al Home, Lucan, with Rev. Bruce Pierce officiating. Interment in the Granton cemetery. Mr. and . Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins attended a fiftieth wedding anniver- sary dinner for the latter's brother Mr. and Mrs. Herman Langford, held at the Scout Hall in Lucan on Saturday evening, June 17. Later, friends and relatives enjoyed a social time at the Langford residence. At St. Thomas' Anglican Church on Sunday, June 18 the anniversary service was- held. Rev. Beverley Wheeler celebrated the Eucharist and the homily was about being thank- ful for what has been. Christians should say and mean what they be- lieve and not take faith for granted, the minister noted. The lessons were read by. Jim Hodgins and Rev. Wheeler. Special`music was provided by the Arise Group from London namely Carol Hughesman, Richard Miron and Peter Daniels. At Granton United Church on Fa- thers' Sunday, Rev. Bruce Pierce entitled his sermon "Are you a God- ly Father". The lessons were from Ephesians 5 and•Proverbs 4. Jean Bryan was the bulletin stew- ..ard. Flowers were placed in the church from the funeral of Wilma Beaucage and from the fuheral of Lillian Swanson who is the mother • of•Mrs. Ken Ellis. U.C.W. The UCW quarterly meeting was held at the church on Tuesday even- ing, June -13. Members of Unit one took charge of the program when Eileen Sum - COMING EVENTS STRAWBERRY AND HAM SUPPER.- Wednesday, June 28, 5- 8 p.m. • Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Lucan. Adults $6.00, Children (12 and under) $2.00, Pre- schoolers free. 24,25(26)c CROMARTY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HAM AND STRAW- -BERRY SUPPER - Wednesday, June 21, 5-8 p.m. Take outs availa- ble. Adults $7. Children under 12, 53. Pre-schoolers free. 24,25c CROMARTY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICE - Sunday, June 25, 11 a.m. Rev. Jim Dickey, St. Andrews, 'Stratford will be guest speaker. A fellowship hour will follow. 24,25c REBEKAHS & ODD FELLOWS POT LUCK STRAWBERRY SUPPER - Lodge Hall, Thursday, June 22, 6 p.m. Everyone please bring first course. Rest supplied. 24,25c mens read the scripture from Gene- sis one, followed by a meditation on Light by Doreen McRobert. Madeline Hardie and Ruth Cook sang a duet "Let the love lights be burning", accompanied by Ann Bryan. Unit one members then gave a presentation about the Sunshine Foundation. This is a charitable or- ganization that grants seriously ill and disabled youngsters a special wish. These dreams include meet- ing a famous person, seeing a spe- cial event, having a specific pet or taking a trip with their families. Other children have been included in special one day trips to Disney World. A doctor and medical team also go along with the children en- suring their safety and well being. The program closed with every- one singing "Jesus bids us shine'. The offering was donated to the work of the Sunshine Foundation. Hurrah! Summer is here DECORATION DAY .- Exeter Public Cemetery, Sunday August 13, 1989 at 2 p:m. 24,28c SEAFORTII LIONS -presents the first annual Bigfoot Music Festival featuring The Pirahnna Brothers and U -Can -Too at 8 p.m., Saturday, July 15, Seaforth and District Community Centre. Tickets $7 advance, 59. at the door. Available from McLaugh- lin Chev-Olds and Bob and Bevy's, Seaforth. 24,25c - urt7t�5LEY.... ANGLICAN CHURCH STRAWBERRY AND HAM SUPPER, Thursday, June 22, 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. 23, 2,(25)c BRINSLEY UNITED CHURCH CI1{CKEN BARBECUE - W-cdrie- - day, July 12, 5-7 p.m. Advance tick- ets only until July 6. Admission $7.50 adults, 6-12 S3.00. Phone 293-3195 or 293-3180. 25,26,(27)* BLYTH FESTIVAL - Perils of Persephone: June 22, 23, 27, 28, 29 (matinee, rush seats only) July 1; Sticks and Stones: June 22 (matinee, rush scats- only), 24 (rush scats only), 26, 29, 30. Unless otherwise indicated, all performances are at 8:30 p.m., matinees are at 2:00 p.m. • Box Office 523-9300/9225. 25C WOMEN AGLOW - Mary Jo Pat- terson, wife of a United Church' min- ister in Cannington, will be the , singer and speaker at the June 26 meeting of Women Aglov • .Thrc,; non -denominational mt• •t arc held monthly •lic Schciol. Soc, I Icy Q:ol) • HIGHLA .D t;A Irda . June 24, at Glebe f'.Irt t burtotl Village. Pipe Band mpctition, Highland Dancing, Ceilidh ,'Ian to attend. Call 1-800-461-7677 toll free for information. Rough camping available. 25* HALIBURTON REGION BLUE- -GRASS FESTIVAL, August 11, 12 and 13. GlehcFPark, Haliburton. For information and tickets 705- 457-2571 or P.O. Box 129, Halibur- ton, Ont. ICOM 1 SO 25• Pineridge Snowmobile Club Members and Landowners • Camp -Out July. 7 & 8 Old Homestead Bayfleld Pot Luck Supper Sat at 6 p.m. For Campsite Reservations call 263-5264 or 237-3445 by June 30 EXETER TAVERN It's "The Inn" Place • ENTERTAINMENT THURS., FRI. and SAT. EVENING This Week • AFTER DARK Saturday Afternoon Matinee .3-5:30 Bring your instruments, loin the fun The Family o1 Jim and Mildred Chalmers invite you to attend an Open House in honour of their - 40th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday, June 25 from 2 to 4 p.m. Exeter Masonic Lodge Best wishes only 21st Annual Heywood Faanity Reunion Sun., June 25 Potluck lunch - 1:00 p.m. -Riverview Park, Exeter. STARLITE Gland Band 238.2464 Bac Offb. Opens a 810 p.m air GRAND BEND CHILDrrEN UNDER /2 IN CARS FREE FRIMY , SATURDAY, SUNDAY — JUNE 23,2412S CHEVY CHASE - America'sfavorite multiple personality is back!. Albatross Tavern Huron Park 228-6733 Thurs.,I '.& Sat June 2023, 24 NOMAD MEMORIAL SERVICE Crediton Cemetery Sun, June 25 - 10, a.m. Zion United Church Speaker: Rev. R. Peebles Special Music: Visscher Family - knmm! aaal Kirkton Woodham Community Centre Sat, June 24 Serving 5 - 8 p.m. Adults $8.00 advance $8.50 at door Children $4.00 advance $4.25 at door Tickets available at Gentle- man's Choice, Kirkton Market, Woodham Store, Board Members 25th Wedding Anniversary Reception for Jim & Mary Dougall Combined with a Buck & Doe for Peter Dougaff--- and, -Beverley Thompson June 2.4 Exeter, 8:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. For information call: 235-1778 or 235-2657 f.� WALTON INN Blyth Theatre Tickets and Accommodation Spend a night in the country See live theatre at Blyth Sleep over at the Walton Inn and enjoy I! 1.1, "bre..'.i- in ti: morning All for the price of $23.00 per person (Double Accommodation only) BED G BREAKFAST Phone 587-9517 7 miles east of Blyth Tickets available for Perils of Peresphone Thurs. June 22 - 8:30 p.m. Sticks and Stones The Dor{nellys Part I Sat. June 24 - 8:30 p.m.' Treasure Chest BINGO Thursday, June 22 Zurich Community Centre JACKPOT $1,000. MUST Bonanza Game in 52 calls Estimated Value $300 Over $2800 In Cash Prizes Doors open at 6:15 p.m. Bingo starts at47:30 p.m. • No one under 16 eligible to play Fish lives itroms t KI "A non-stop bellyfull of laughs!" FOOD CHARLES DE NIRO . GROOM MIDNIGHT MONDAY to FRIDAY — JUNE 26 to JUNE 30 IIOH \1.‘\ CRUISE RAIN MAN Ih ACCOMPANINDIT Flirt kUH Slam SottsWt 4/n 111Mu[1+11,n..stw. Will %tmt .tY11 unr...ale hum \tini-r I,mybn.I:rt.,fi. UJ,44IDI11 ok4 And GABLES TAVERN, Present: the 1st Annual Beach Bash! (At the Gables!) W@do9 JU[t @ 209 9 'M [ow© Caa@pcanwn Featuring: I3©tJ JJ • Get an Official Party T (Available at :the door for $10) Everyone Welcome EPlis�„, GoaRtP2 I4itchea SUNDAY BRUNCH w 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. iSmorgasbord 5 p.m, - 8 p.m. ••• NMI 1E1E1 5ESISI HIM 11=11 1111•11 . NOON • LUNCH SPECIAL Regular Dinner Menu • Mon. - Fri. 6 a.m. - 10 -p.m. Licensed under L.L.B.O. tar r r r lir aim mod tar Home cooked meals Your Hosts: Chuck, Tanya, & Phil Erb Reservations appreciated - 16 Main St., Zurich . 236-4812 Times -Advocate, June 21, 1989 Page 31 Community Centre Bingo Kettle Point Mondays & Thursdays 7 p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. 3500 Board Bonanza Lucky 7 Starburst it( BARN DANCE Fri.. June 23 Singles Dance Country Versailles .Sat. June 24 Lee Davidson and SAGEBRUSH Sun.. June 25 - 'Walter Rehberg Jamboree for C.N.I.B. (1:30 P.M. - ??) No Blue Jeans, Please! 349-2678 Group Reservations Welcome a IN s Q Q V ATI celebrates its Third Anniversary and Completion of the Retirement Home Second Stage with an OPEN HOUSE Sunday, June 25 - 2 to 4 p.m. Pie Social $2 per person - Music by: The Main Street Jug Band Happy Senior Citizens Month THE GOOE IChH & DISTRICT OPTIMIST CLUB 10TH ANNUAL Music Festival Family & Friends JUNE 29, 30, JULY 1 i r"/ WITH r THURSDAY, JUNE 29tS9 J 1 • Gary Edwards Myrna Lorne Carmen Westphal Dale Burt Mane Bottrell Terry Sumston - FItDAY, JUNE 30/S9 J Free Stage Matt Minglewood Megalyth T.W & The Allstars Mercey Brothers Children's Matinee - Endless Summer Rick McGhie Rev ,Ken and The Richard Knecht& Lost Followers Pulse Creek B W. Pawley MELD AT THE OPTIMIST RIVERSIDEPAIN —GODERICH— Fuld under the authority of a Special Occasion Permit ALL PROCEEDS TO COMMUNITY SERVICE 1 ENJOY AND HAV aSSen1atit Country 'Inn NEW BEER GARDEN OPEN Summern igh tfezt June 30 - July 1 - The Hornets July 7 & 8 - The Romeros Live Entertainment with Famous German Bands. * * * * * Free shuttle service * * * * * Exeter and area minimum of 20 people and up to 48 to and from the party Dance and Buffet Dinner FRIDAY and SATURDAY CaII for information or Reservations Telephone 236-7707 Limiwiwy. #21, 1/4 mile north. of St. Joseph 1