HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-06-21, Page 22Checking the time capsule - Looking over contents of the time capsule which was buried at Us -
borne Central School 25 years ago are former students Judith Parker, Tracey Shute, Sue Selves and
present principal Bill Stevenson.
Usborne graduates of 25 years ago At Saturday's 25th anniversary of Usborne Central School,
the first principal Arnold Mathers welcomes back members of the first grade eight graduating class.
-From the left are Bob Stone, Paul Passmore, Dale Skinner, Rick Etherington and Dennis Duncan.
Taking a look back - Paul Hewitt and Doug Freer look over an Us -
borne Central School year book of 1.971-72 when they were in
grades two and three. They were.back for the school's 25th anni-
versary on the wee,itend. ' y
D pi�
•..Ba oons at Usborne celebration - Robyn Etherington and Sta-
cey Snow hadtheir faces painted and enjoyed balloons at Satur-
day's 25th anniversary of Usborne Central School.
Manure danger
for watercourses
EXETER - Whenever manure is
applied to fields, there is the danger
that the manure will enter water-
courses. Our area Hasan extensive
municipal drainage network and
fields are cropped closely to water-
Manure entering a watercourse
has immediate, serious and dramatic
impacts. Manure harms not only
aquatic life, but also livestock and
human health.
If you witness manure entering a
natural or man-made watercourse,
report the activity immediately.
Time is important. There are three
agencies which you can contact.
Ontario Ministry of the Environ-
ment (OME): Spills Action Centre,
24 hours a day, anywhere in Onta-
rio: 1-800-265-6060
Huron County: 1-800-265-3783
Middlesex, Perth, Oxford and El-
gin Counties: 1-800-265-7672
The OME will co-ordinate the in-
vestigation and clean-up activities.
Local Municipality: Section 83
of the Drainage Act (an act enforced
by municipalities) states that the
don of drains is prohibited and ..,..
for non tion. -
Section 83 states: 83-(1) Except
has authorized by a by-law of the ini-
tiating municipality approved by
the Ministry of the Environment,
no person shall discharge or deposit
or permit to be discharged or depos-
ited into any drainage works any
liquid, material •r substance other
than unpolluted drainage water.
(2) Every person who contravenes
subsection (1) is guilty of an of-.
fence.and on conviction is liable to
a fine of not more than $1,000:
1975, c.79, s. 83.
(3) Ausable Bayfield Conserva-
tion Authority: 235-2610 If the
spill is taking place within the area
of jurisdiction of the ARCA, you
may notify the Authority. Al-
though spill abatement is not part
of the Authority's mandate, the Au-
thority will relay thc details to the
Ontario Ministry of the Environ-
ment and assist the OME upon the
request of the OME.
When reporting a manure spill,
complainant's confidentiality will
be ensured, but please be able to
identify the location of the spill
(lot, concession and township is
If possible, stop the source of the
pollution immediately. Any action.
taken by thc applicator which pre-
vents further damage is a good step.
25 years
Photos by
Ross Haugh
Twilight tours
at Ridgetown
RIDGETOWN - Plan to attend
Ridgetown College's annual Twi-
light Tours on Wednesday, July 12,
beginning at 5:00• p.m. You and
your family are invited to enjoy an
outdoor roastbeef dinner, wagon
tours of soil and crop research
plots, shuttle tours of livestock re-
search facilities, as well as walking
tours of some of the bdst kept orna-
mental gardens in Southwestern
Information sessions on Herbicide
Options in Cash Crops, Super
Sweet Corn Production, Nitrogen
Application on Winter Wheat, and a
Sprayer Calibration Clinic are all
Cost of the meal is $7 for adults
and $4 for children.
Tunes -Advocate, June 21, 1989
Page 23
Two generations of graduates - A number of second generations
have graduated during the 25 years of the existence of Usborne
Central School. Above, Rob Passmsore who was the first second
generation to graduate is shown with his father Paul, the first to
graduate in 1964 and former principal AI Taylor -
Diesel -Tough
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Put a John Deere diesel to work for you today.
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The competition left out
the most important part!
From the outside, the latest competitive.
combine looks ndw,and improved.
In fact, with its bigger, centered cab and
engine in back, it looks a lot like the combine
Case IH introduced more than ten years ago.
t look:-irrssirle;- tfrey cifil4eP :.
most important part therotary threshing
and separating system. -
The Case IH Axial -Flow* combine is designed
to hold onto more of your crop than a con-
ventional machine like theirs. Much more. The
patented multi -pass threshing and separating
system sees tolhat. It moves your harvest
from header to grain 'tank with unmatched
efficiency. And at minimal loss.
The Axial -Flow system is easier on your crops,
too, thanks to the simple, repetitive action of
the Axial -Flow single rotor. -And that gets you
top dollar for every bushel.
So why invest in a combine that gives you
write of the c1vantage se 1H Axial
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