HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-06-21, Page 20Times -Advocate, June 21, 1989 Page 21 Large crowd at Osborne Central School 25th anniversary By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD - A large crowd of people attended the music recital of students of Agnes L. Bray, A.R.C.I., R.M.T. on Wednesday evening in the church. Rev. Sheila Macgregor was in charge of the church service at Exet- er Villa on Wednesday afternoon. Those assisting were Lorraine Alex- ander, Kay Hodgert, Mary Row- cliffe and Helen Webber. Rhoda Rohde played the piano for the hymns. A Burge crowd of people attended the 25th anniversary dance of Os- borne Central School at Kirkton Woodham Community Centre on Friday evening and also the pro- gramme on Saturday afternoon at Usborne Central School Personals Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stewart and Matthew of Newmarket, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sullivan of Elora spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Van Allen and Rachel of Kitchener spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stew- ard Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moran, Bren- dan and Alyssa Erin of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne and Wendy. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne and Trivitt yard sale - Shown displaying articles at Saturday's Trivitt Anglican Church yard sale are Phyllis Humphreys, Fred Dobbs and Rev. Duke Vipperman. Retirement - Francis Westlaken was honoured by staff and stu- dents of Precious Blood School last week as she retires this year from 10 years at the school and 14 with the Huron -Perth Board. With Westelaken are principal Marg Nelson (left) and students Theresa Wilhelm and Brianne Czypyha. i Mr. Harold Beaver of Exeter werc Sunday supper guests with the Bal- lantynes. Lesley Baxter of near Mitchell spent a few days with her grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan while her parents Mr. and Mrs. Rob Baxter attended a wedding at Dry- den. Jimmy Dunlop of London spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bray while his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dunlop and his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Don Bray attended a wedding 'at Dryden.. . Many people from this arca called at the Hopper -Hockey Funeral 'Home on Sunday to pay their re- spects to the late Beth Batten. Sym- pathy is extended to her family and relatives. Church service The Sunday School Anniversary was fairly well attended on Sunday morning. Rev. Sheila gave the Call to Worship. The service was called "Noah's Ark". The Sunday School members sang "Who Built The Ark". A skit "Noah's Roll Call" was given by Noah - Jon Passmorc and Smith - Erin Richardsdn. The different scriowres from Genesis were read by Cheryl Ballantyne, Tammy Rohde and Lisa Kernick. Tammy and Lisa received the of- fering and the choir sang "Hear The Pennies Dropping". Tim Parker gave the offeratory Dedication. Agnes Bray played the organ for the hymns and Marilyn Vanden- bussche played the piano for the choir. Karen Etherington is the superin- tendent of the Sunday School and offered prayer. Much credit is due to her, the Sunday School teachers, Marilyn, and Agnes for such a good service.• There will be no services at Thames Road Church next Sunday owing to Elimville Anniversary. - The Summer Worship services will be at 10 a.m. The first one will be at Thames Road July 2 and at Elimville July 9. Messengers will meet June 23 at the home of Nancy Smith, Elim- ville, from 7-9 p.m. and bring June is busy month at Lucan United Church LUCAN - June continues to be a busy month for activities in the Lu - can United Church. On June 4 was Flower and Awards Sunday. Sunday School Co -Ordinator, Barb Coughlin, was in charge of theservice, the theme, "Spring Means New Beginnings". Spring flowers adorned the church as well as cages with baby rabbits, kittens and budgies. The S.S. classes presented the program and the youth choir sang. The Awards were presented by the teachers. This ends the Sunday School year until September. Induction Service In the evening of June 4 the Ser- vice of Induction of Rev. Stephen A. Shelstad, B.A.M. Div. and The Rev Susan A. Shelstad, B.A.M.Div. was conducted by the Chairma%of Middlesex Presbytery, Rev. Dr. R. Edward Sam, of the Il- derton-Bur charge. Mrs. Ada Johnston of Middlesex Presbytery presented the Shelstads to the congregation and Rev. Doug McLeod of Ivan-Vanneck-Komoka charge was the guest speaker. Taba- tha Froats read the scripture and or- ganist Chris Punter and the choir supplied special music. Refresh- ments were served following the service. General U.C.W. Marj. Park showed slides on her trip to the Orient, at the General U.C.W. on June 6. Orders for flow- er bulbs are being taken by the Friendship Unit until the end of June. The quilters have completed several quilts and have more orders to do. - The Session and Steward Board have met to complete any business before the summer recess. At the 127th Anniversary service, of Lucan United Church on June 11, Rev. Stephen Shelstad was the speaker. There was a special offer - A NEW SERVICE IN EXETER INSTANT ■ The Times Advocate asked "Why Not?" and here it is - a naw Fax machine has been installed in our office enabling you to contact any other Fax Machine in the world... instantly. The Times Ad- vocate will offer the service of the Fax for a cost of $4.00 per printed sheet for the first one plus $1.00 per additional sheet. (Overseas Rates are $7.50 for the 1st three minutes plus $1.50 per additional minute). In addition our number is yours so if you want to be reached instantly - we will receive your messages for $1.00 per sheet. (Confidential services available). THE ONLY I AX TO REMEMBER IS 519-235-07.66 Plus we can suggest a few benefits... 2. INSTANT FAX.... Your 1inancials'have been drafted... send a copy before the It's mom and dads first grandchild - serif a copy o1 baby's final statement is"printed. first picture. 3. INSTANT FAX.... The dears closing and you need a signature... send the pa- petwortt by FAX and relax. 5. INSTANT FAX.... The list is 300 items long (ie, auctioneer) and the long dis- tance charge will be horrendous... FAX it and relax 7. INSTANT FAX.... Your daughter needs a favourite recipe (or any information). for an important engagement... FAX it to any Purolator of- fice where they will contact her for a charge o1 $1.00 - in- stantly. 1. INSTANT FAX... 4. INSTANT FAX.... There's been a death in the family, send the complete de- tails for the obituary by FAX. 6. INSTANT FAX.... Fall's stock order is complete and they'd better not ship the wrong goods.... try FAXING and relaxing so everything will be correct. 8. INSTANT FAX.... Your prize winning hogs have interested buyers in brazil.... relax and FAX the registration to verify blood lines. CaII us at 235-1331 for details THE ONLY FAX TO REMEMBER IS 519-235-0766 ing for the M&S Fund, as part of the "In Faith I Gave" appeal. The same day at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Susan and Rev. Stephen Shelstad participated in the Lucan Ministeri- al Ecumenical Service held at Mar- ket Park with a good representation from the congregation attending the service. A Meat Pie -Making Bee by the U.C.W. last week brought out lots -of volunteers to prepare -the turkey and beef fillings on Monday, and on Tuesday made the pies, three hun- dred and four, all told. Orders were taken in advance, so all were sold. The Friendship Unit has arranged for 25 ladies to journey to Blyth on Wednesday evening, June 21 to sec the play "Sticks and Stones", The Donnelly's Part I while the Dorcas Unit are having their "Day Out" on Friday, June 23. They will travel to Lambeth to have lunch out, visit the Rose Show a`s well as the Doll Museum at "Bygone Babies". All ladies of the congregation are invit- ed, please register with Bernice Lockyer. The Dorcas Unit is catering for the Lucan Seniors "Lunch Out" this Wednesday. Sunday, June 18, Rev. Susan Shelstad chose as her sermon title "Amazing Grace". As she went through each verse of that beautiful old hymn, she explained the many ways God's Grace is bestowed upon all of us. With Susan playing her guitar, the congregation sang the hymn "Amazing Grace". • It being Fathers Day, there were several visitors at the service. Next Sunday, June 25, will be Commun- ion Sunday. Upcoming, the Christian Fellow- ship Club is having a barbecue at the home of Bob and Helen Patter- son on Thursday evening, June 29. Please bring a salad or dessert, cut- lery and lawn chairs. The Shelstads will be on holidays during the month of July but ser- vice will be held each Sunday at 10 a.m. (note early time) with each or- ganization of the church being re- sponsible for one Sunday during the month of July. Dale Froats has booked the Mar- ket Park for a ball game each Mon- day night, 7-9 p.m. throughout the summer, so come and have some fun, weather permitting. Have a good summer and we will update our activities in early Sep-• tembcr. 'graduates Peter and Joyce Sovereign of Lucan, are proud to announce the second gradua- tion of their daughter Leanne. Leanne received her Executive Secretarial Diploma in 1988 and recently received her Office Systems 'Administration uipio- ma, both from Fanshawe Col- lege. She has recently accepted a position with the Middlesex - London Health Unit - Home Care division. We wish her all the best' in the future. Congratula- tions Leanne!!! SI.00 for expenses. Marriage Preparation Event on Saturday, June 24 from 3-5:30 p.m. at the manse. Fnday, June 30 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Youth Group to meet for BBQ and pool party at Cheryl Ballantynes. Again its B.Y.O.S. PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORTERS TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH & VILLAGE OF HENSALL YOUR VOTE FOR FRANK FALCONER TRUSTEE FOR HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. WOULD BE APPRECIATED ° MONL*1JUNE 26, 1989 TRUSTEE FOR HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 1980 - 1985 ELECT Allan Carter For Trustee Huron County Board of Education representing The Township of Tuckersmith and the Village of Hensel! ON MONDAY, JUNE 26 Your support would be greatly appreciated For information call 233-7458 • on June 26 VOTE Yvonne Reynolds To represent Hensall- Tuckersmith on the Huron County Board of Education For questions, concerns, or rides to the polls CaII 263-2636 Huron County Board of Education Tr_ystee David Cooper. -has . experience --he's involved in our community --and he'll give careful consideration to all the issues. For transportation to the polls, on June 26, call 263.5024 DAVID COOPER NOTICE. OF POLL Township of Tuckersmith A poll will be held in the Township of Tuckersmith to elect: 1 TRUSTEE TO HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION for the Township of Tuckersmith & Village of Hensel) • • POLLING DAY will be Mo?iday, June 26, 1989. Polls_wili be open from 10:00 o'clock in the morning and will close at 8:00 in.the evening at the following locations: POLLING SUBDIVISION 1 POLLING SUBDIVISION -2 POLLING SUBDIVISION 3 POLLING SUBDIVISION 4 POLLING SUBDIVISION 5 — POLLING SUBDIVISION 6 — Bethel Bible Church •Egmondville Bethel Bible Church Egmondville Alex Townsend's Residence Lot 40, Conc. 3, LRS. Rena & Jack Caldwell's Residence, Lot 9, Conc. 11 HRS Huronview Vanastra Recreation Centre ADVANCE POLL Will be held for the purpose of receiving the votes of electors who expect to be unabte to vote on the regular Polling Day. The Advance Poll will be held in the Recreation Centre, Vanastra Park, on Saturday, June 17th, 1989 and Thursday, June 22, 1989. The Advance Poll will be open at 10:00 o'clock in the morning and close at 8:00 o'clock in the evening. PROXY VOTING A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the Clerk not later than 5 o'clock in the afternoon of Polling Day to receive a certificate to'vote by proxy for the Polling Subdivision in which the person appointing the voting proxy is entitled to vote. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND this 14th day of June, 1989 J.R. McLachlan, RETURNING OFFICER TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH