HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-06-14, Page 15Still time
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH. - Any children who
missed signing up for the baseball
registration in Zurich can still do so .
by phoning Janet McKinnon at
.236-4924 or picking up a form
from her at the fire insurance office
any time before_: the end of the
• month.
The older kids. play on Thursday
nights at the diamond while the lit-
-tie ones play T -Ball at the public
school. Helpers are also needed for
these games.
Mozart and Julie Gelinas and fam-
ily attended and took part in the
wedding of nephew Kevin Kelly. toy
Karen Ferwerda on Saturday in Lon-
don.at St. Patrick's church.
A surprise birthday supper and
family get-together was held al the
home of Wilfred Corriveau on Sat-
urday when his four children arrived
to help their Dad celebrate his 87th'
birthday which was on June -9.
Another family birthday supper
'Was held on Sunday in Grand Bend
at the home of Irene and Joe
'McCann in honor of her mother,
Marcella Dietrich who celebrated
ter 80th -birthday on June 7.
A bridal shower washeld for Rita
Denomme on Sunday afternoon at
toregister for ball
the Zurich Community Centre.
Rita is the fiance, of Tim Bedour!
The couple are to be married in
Several from town and area at-
tended the K. of C. Communion
breakfast in St. Columbian on Sun-
day with Father Goyeau as the
guest speaker.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
are extended to Beryl Hogg of the
Maple Woods Apts. who -is a pa-
tient in South Huron Hospital.
Congratulations to Mike and
Wendy Masse on the arrival of a
baby boy.
Congratulations to Sheila and
Brian Bookson the arrival of a
baby boy.
A baby shower was held in Lon-
don on Sunday for Cindy Spearing
and little JoDce-Lynn (who was
born on May 25). Those going
from town were Grandma Betty
Ann O'Brien and great -grandmas
Lottie Gascho and Mary Clausius
along with Jerry Kane. •
A chicken barbecue was held at.
Ken Gascho's Park on Saturday for
the members of the Y.F.C. group.
While the Boys Club took part in a
field day in Rockway.
Members of the Lutheran Church
Youth Group held a car wash on.
A winner - Janice Bullock of Shipka was one of the winners in
Saturday's horse show at the Hensall Fair.
Sunday afternoon to raise money
for world hunger.
Auxiliary meeting
A total profit of $888.10 was
made at the last Bazaar and Bake
Sale. The V.C.R. which was re-
cently purchased for the residents
has arrived, so now they can watch
movies of their choice.
A motion was supported to do-
nate $200 to the library towards the
new computer system, since the
residents enjoy its facilities.
Volunteers will help serve dinner
for the residents and their families
at the home on Sunday, June 25.
Another successful bi-weekly bin-
go .was heldat the Community
Centre in Zurich last Thursday eve-
ning with a large crowd.
There were three local people who
won '$100 each. They were Anne
Flaxbard, Marilee Hyitte and Louis
The mystery prizes went to Luel-
la PaBlick of Huron Park and Jan
Hutton, Goderich (each $50). The
jack -pot worth $1,000 was won by
Earl Gass of Hensall.
Another local -winner at the K. of
C. bingo in Lucan a week ago Sun-
day was Rose -Ann Overholt who
was happy .to win the jackpot worth
• • St. Boniface
The grade 6 and 7 students of St.
Boniface School travelled to Toron-
to last 'Friday and had a fun -filled
and exciting day at'the Planetarium
and the Royal Ontario Museum.
The grade 8 students of St. Boni-
face School spent from last Tuesday
to Friday camping at the Parkhill
Conservation area as their end of
the year trip along with teacher
—Lorne_Rideout and principal Dave
Sharpe. On Thursday evening the
parents were invited out to join
them for the evening.
Golden Agers
The Golden Agers-held their June
meeting with a pot luck supper on
Monday at the home of Louis Ivan-
• chenko on the Blue Water High-
CentraliabY Mrs. Tom Kooy
CENTRALIA - There was no ser-
vice in the United Church on Sun-
day owing to Sunday School Anni-
versary at Zion. Worship and
Sunday School will resume next
Sunday at the usual time.
On Sunday, June 25 an outdoor
service will be held on the church
lawn followed by a picnic and
games. Dress isasual. This ser-
vice begins at 11:30 a.m.
A very enjoyable time was had on
Sunday at Springbank Park when
the Neil Clan descendants of the late
Richard and Elizabeth Neil, former
residents of Centralia in 1900 gath-
ered. An afternoon of games, races
arid ball game followed by a pot
luck supper.
Jim Neil is president and also
looked after the sports assisted by
his wife Bev. The 1990 picnic will
be held the second Sunday in June
with place to be announced later.
Maurice Neil of Michigan was the
oldest mcmbcr present. Tom and I
attended as I am a great granddaugh-
ter of the Neil's.
At the euchre at Heywood's re-
staurant on June 5, prizes went to
High score - Helen MacDonald, Ed
Warm; Lone Hands - Jessie Lewis,
Tom Kooy; Low score - Olive Ost-
land, Derwin Bcatson. Next gather-
ing will be June 19 at 2:30.
A mother and daughter banquet
was held at the community centre
on Thursday evening of last week
for the Brownies.
,Brent and Jean Caslick travelled
to Marathon, Ontario to attend the
wedding of Jean's youngest brother
Dan and his wife Deb. They left on
Tuesday travelling through Michi-
gan, crossing atthc Soo. Greg and
Dan stayed with their grandparents -
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Caslick in Car-
At Wonderland
By Michelle Ellison
TORONTO - Last Tuesday,
South Huron District High
School's choir and vocal band trav-
elled to Toronto to participate in a
Music Festival.
The non-competitive festival was
held at the Cantebury Theatre at Toa
ronto's well-known amusement
park, Canada's Wonderland. With
one adjudicator present, the choir
performed three numbers which
many would have recognized from
South Huron's Showcase '89.
Director, Bob Robilliard said,he
was pleased with his group's perfor-
mance adding that, "There were
many positive comments made by
the adjudicator." '
For the rest of the day, the group
enjoyed a day in the park taking in
the rides as well as the entertain-
ment such as "The Heart of Rock
and Roll" and "Live at the Palace".
Once again, South Huron's music
department has shown its potential
as a competitive group of •musi-
cians. •
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Times -Advocate, June 14, 1989
Page 15
To judge a sheep - Glen Thomson sizes up the best of the 4H junior flock as Cassie Paine," the win-
ner, and Donna Benedict try to keep a grip on things. -
Show Chinese cut paper work
By Mary Davis
SAINTSBURY .- Rev. Beverly
Wheeler conducted Holy Commun-
ion at St. Patricks' Sunday, with
Julie Carroll server, Sheryl Carroll
pianist and Mary Davis read the two
Rev. Wheeler showed the children
cut paper work done by people in
China, it was so fine and beautiful
she offered prayer for the people of
She -spoke on "Visions 2001" and
said our efforts will be futile and
- worthless unless we are informed -
by the Holy Spirit in this venture
an she asked each of us to pray for
guidance from the Spirit, as our
church prepares for 1990 and be-
The board of management had an
estimate on repairing the - colored
glass windows that vagrants broke
out with stones recently.
Mary Jelferies has,invitedthe mother Dorothy Dietrich. -
members of the A.C.W. to her Katie Scarlet MacGillivray Lucan
Service was a Sunday guest with her grand -
home Tuesday evening.
next Sunday is to beheld at St. parents.- Hugh and Hazel Davis.
Thomas Granton, their anniversary Courtney MacGillivray spent Sun -
service: day with one of her girlfriends and
Thursday evening Mike and Sur Joined her grandparents and Katie
zanne .Davis and family spent the Scarlett Sunday evening. Courtney
evening with Earl and Marguerite is observing her 9th birthday Mon-
Grcenlee. On Saturday evening day, June 12. -•
Earl and Marguerite spent the even -
m sorry to report Mabel Need-
ing with Marguerite's mother, Mary heel med cf err g f We wishreaction
Friday_Mike Davis joined the an- . speedy -recovery.
nual bike ride for "Sight" to Min -Mrs. Greta Gibson and Mary Da -
den, -Ontario . The group raised -a vis were lunch guest's with their
goodly sum of money for the blind. cousin- Alma Godbolt, Exeter on
Friday evening 'Suzanne Davis Saturday at the County Mouse on
and family attended -a house warm- I highway 4. - ' -
ing party in Crediton for her brother Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis spent a
Tom Dietrich and Saturday Suzanne few: days lastweekat Mt. Forest
.attended a bridal shower for Sherrie where Hugh attended the Wellington
Stade in Dashwood. Chrystal Da- County Road Superintendent Trade
vis cent the night with her grand- Show.
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