HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-06-14, Page 9J
Ministerial holds ecumenical service in park
Revival Centre
LUCAN - The trio of Mrs. Jean-
nette • Schinkleshoek, Mrs. Jane
Bend a Matthew Heffernan ac-
companikd Rev. Roger Mason as
they led the sonice.
Rev. Pieter hinkleshoek led in
singing Jesus Loves Me, as Mr.
Mark Tyler -Smith' and Rev.
Schinkleshoek's daughter. Cathy
Tyler -Smith brought sons Jake,.and
.Brent Thomas with infant daughter
Rebekeh Rachel to the front. Rev.
Schinkleshoek had the happy occa-
sion of dedicating his grandchildren.
Brent and Rebekeh to the Lord. '
Rev. Schinkleshoek reviewed the
trip he and his wife Jeannette took
recently to Grand Prairie, Alberta.
There is a little church there that
needs a pastor. Rev. and Mrs.'
Schinkleshdek now plan to sell
their home in Ailsa Craig to go
there. '
Upcoming events:, June 24 Bake
Sale at K;O.A. camp sponsored by
Women's Ministries; Vacation
Bible School August 21 to 25 for
all churches for children.
Lucan Ministerial
LUCAN - Sunday evening Rev..
Darrell Shanle, pastor of Living
Word Church, conducted the service
in Market Street Park. Doug Butler
led the singing. From Community
Bible Church Rev. Tim Gregg led -
in prayer. Rev. Susan Shelstead of
Lucan United Church read John
• 6:26-29. Rev. Bruce Pocock, of
Holy Trinitri Anglican Church, read
from Jeremiah. Lucan Revival Cen-
tre pastor Rev. Roger Mason read
Ephesians 2:1-10.
Senior pastor of Community
Bible Church, Rev. Doug Loveday,
told about Andromeda, a fuzzy spot
in the night sky, that is our nearest
galaxy cluster 'to. our Milky Way.
Earth seems so small, yet God
created the whole universe, then
created us to be significant human
beings. •
From Matthew 7:24-29, Rev.
Loveday told the difference of two
house builders. The decisions we
each makes affects how we build
our lives. As houses face storms,
so do our lives. Just as the founda-
tion tells of the house's ability to
withstand storms, so our life's deci-
sion to make Jesus Christ the foun-
dation of our lives tells how we can
stand, in storms of trials. Jesus
Christ is the only . one who can
build our lives firm.
Rev. Steve Shelstead closed in
Living Word
LUC4N - It's on' into June ycs,
but "STOP" take a good.. look
around you. Look at the many
shades of green, the multiple colors
in the flower beds and so on, all
painted by the one and only Heaven-
ly Artist with a background ;of
God's own blue sky. Beautiful isn't
it? while the Living Word Congre-
gational Church gathers to worship
at the Lucan Public School Auditor-
ium on Sunday's, at 10:30-a.m.
Sunday school started with read-
ings from John 1:29, Revelations
17:4-13 and Mark 10:45.,: There
Were two songs, "Clap your hands
and "Praise Him" then they went to
their classrooms.
There was a time for greeting one
another then the scripture readings
were from Psalm 32 and Romans
The sermon was "We cannot af-
ford the price of the cost of sin?.
God loves the sinner but despises
the sin • that the sinner does as it
cost a man His life for yours and
my sin. Jesus gave His life for you
and even though He was pure and
without sin. Romans 6:23 _.
Times -Advocate, June 14, 1989
ways of sin is death, but the gift of
God is eternal life in Christ -Jesus
our Lord..
Which means if you don't know
Jesus isn't it time you did some-
thing about it? Wouldn't you like
to have eternal life with Jesus too?
Tuesday Bible Study continues as
usual' all are welcome as well as
new comers. June has some excite-
ment left yet so stay posted call
v t, •. , i '•
Making a deal - Dashwood fire chief Jim Hoffman at the left and fireman Ted Van Rompaey finalize a
sale with Florence and John Midwell of Grand Bend at Saturday's yard sale.
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Page 9
Lucan OPP
check 48
LUCAN • There were -48 oc-
currences ipvestigated by the On-
tario Provincial Police in Lucan
over the past week.
Most of these occurrences were
general in nature involving such
complaints as intrusion alarms,.
trespassing, noise complaints
and minor disputes.
Criminal investigations includ-
ed a stolen vehicle, two property
damage incidents, three thefts and
one break-in to a residence in
London Township; One liquor
charge was laid and a twelve hour
driver's licence' suspension was
issued during the weekend.
During the week, there were
six motor vehicle accidents re-
ported. Three of the mishaps in-
volved personal injuries but they
were all classed as minimal or
During the next few weeks,
school children willTbe finished
with their studies and be on sum-
mer holidays.' Often times, chil
dren tend to forget safety rules
when on the street. Drivers are
asked to watch out for these
young people' and parents are
asked to discuss street safety
with the r children. Please drive.
and play fely this summer.
Dareys 7Neekty
By Sid Day
LUCAN On Saturday, June 10,
the Lucan and Ailsa Craig Legions
co -hosted the Zone A-5 Horseshoe
tournament with 14 teams from
around the Zone participating. Con-
gratulations to the Lucan team of
Wayne Smith and Ken Zeiglerwho
carne first in the doubles with the
team of Larry Hewitt and Alex _
Hyde coming second.
As a result Branch 540 will host
the 1990 tournament. Who knows
our winners could take the District
A tournament, in this event Branch
540 would•be host to the District
tournament in 1990. We wish you
"Good Shoes" in the District play -
down, Comrades. .
Incidentally, the Lucan Legion
now have six horseshoe pits, if
anyone would like to pitch a few
games, come on over to the Branch
on Thursday evenings the club will. .
make you welcome and you, do not
have to be a member of the Legion
to participate. See you there.
At 9 a.m. Saturday, June 17 the
Lucan Legion will be holding a
garaBG and bake sale. The Lucan
Branch and Auxiliary members arc
reminded to get their baking to the
Legion either Friday afternoon .or
early Saturday morning. We would
also appreciate any contributions to
the garage sale, So get busy folks
clean out your closets, basements
and attics and donate that surplus
you • were going to get rid of any-
Don't forget to attend your gener-
al meetings we need your support
and suggestions. Auxiliary meet
the first. Tuesday of each month.
Branch meet the second Wednesday
of the month.
And that's 30 for this week - Re-
member - Most family arguments
have two sides - but no end. And -
A wife with horse sense never be-
comes a•nag.
Gra . uate - Pat, Mildred and Al-
ison Cronyn announce with
pride the graduation of Jacque-
line from the University of
Western Ontario with her Bach-
elor of Arts in Administration
and Office Management Stud-
tudies. Jacqueline will be attend-
ing Althouse College in Sep-
tember. Well done Jacqueline!
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