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Times Advocate, 1989-06-07, Page 33
NORM WHITING auctioneer] Best at SHDHS - Lisa Ellerington and Larry Miller were named the top night. The winners are surrounded by the other candidates. Students of the By Michelle Ellison EXETER - Friday, at South Hu- ron District High School's formal, "Midnight Enchantment the 1988/ 89 male and female students of the year were announced as Lisa Eller- ington and Larry`Miller. Ellerington, the daughter of Judy and Tom Ellerington was this year's student's council president, while Miller, the son of Earl and Marilyn Miller, was actively involved in athletics and many other aspects of school life at South Huron. This year's formal, with the theme of "Midnight Enchantment", was a grand affair with formal appa- rel, entertainment and even the oc- casional limousine. As usual, the RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 482-7898 SAT., JUNE 10 AT 10 A.M. Appliances,- furniture, antiques at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton for Alvin Proctor plus °Mer consignors, 5 incinerators from Huron Board of Education schools. SAT, JUNE 17 AT 10 A.M. Riding mower, Targe modern din- ing suite and bedroom suites, appliances, furniture, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's.Auction Barn, Clinton for Mrs. Emerson Kyle of Kippen, No additions. students at SHDHS Friday year chosen evening was rated a huge success among. the students as attendance reached about 300. The co-ordinators, consisting of Traci Tryon, Deb Lawrence, Jean- ette Hayter, Jana Turnball, Jen MacGregor, Patty O'Toole, Stepha- nie Peters, Jennifer Cook, Shelly Dalton, Leanne. Ducfrarme and Diane Currell, spent many hours organizing and decorating for the event. Head co-ordinator, Traci Tryon, commented that "Everything went perfectly. Nothing was dam- aged." As a memorable touch to.the eve- - ning, the first 250 students received wine glasses with the formal theme and year engraved. Hors d'oeuvres, prepared by Jenny Rowe; were served. The Toronto-based hand Passion Storey were the entertainment for the night. Although some muy question the expense of a one-night blitz with dinner, tuxedos, formal dresses and even limousines, obviously most students found it worth it. One rGilmore Auction 4 Services Listowel & Zurich Ontario Phone for Spring Sale Dates Bob 291-3489 or 236-4152 or Doug 291-3421 Large Auction Sale 5 incinerators for Huron Board of Education, boat, annaues. furniture, appliances, etc. to be held at Richard Lobo's Auction B.im. Clinton. Complete contents of Goderich home plys good additions Saturday, June 10 at 10 a.m INCINERATORS 5 incinerators of various ages and sizes from Huron County schools. NO RESERVE. HOUSEHOLD: Curio cabinet, bowed glass china cabinet, nine piece dining room suite, 4 matching pressback chairs. antique pump organ, drop leaf dining table w/4 matching chairs, oval drop leaf kitchen table w/4 matching chairs, 2 door wardrobe, 2 modern bedroom suites, mod- ern sectional chesterfield like new, modern Rattan loveseat w/2 match- ing chairs, 2 matching high back fan style rattan chairs w/ottomans, captains chair. wicker arm chair, modern- rocket, 3 trunks, caboose stove, treadle sewing machine, cedar chest, cedar blanket box, smok- ers stand, small tables, 3 older chesterfields, large modern end table, recliner chair, 2 floor lamps, 3/4 size box spring and mattress, double box spring and mattress, 2 dehumidifers, humidifier, wringer washer, 2 vacuum cleaners, square model fridge, beer fridge, chest freezer, ap- prox. 15 cu. ft. 24' electrib stove, 21" electric stove, older 3 piece bed- rom suite, Philco colour TV, 12" B & W TV, 5 lanterns, 12 milk bottles with names, 2 Clinton CP cream cans, mirk can, a few occupied Japan pieces, Royal Albert cups and saucers, crock beer tray, dishes and glassware, including antique pieces small appliances, kids goalie pads, 11 ft. inflatable boat, cost $240. New. Picnic table, 2 push lawn mowers, wheel barrow, ladies bike, antique beam boring tool, electric snowblow- er, electric hedge trimmer plus other tools, plus other items, 2 windows 34 x 44". Terms cash or cheque with proper iD Auctioneers Richard Lobb and Burt Lobb 482-7898 o©o_____ ,oro o®on000 �C' S s•���°� Estate Household Auction cfia Pv on Saturday June 10 at 12.30 p.m. "1.s o For the late Mr. Alfred Meidinger on location at 14 Mary SI. at the north - end of Zurich. APPLIANCES: Whirlpool electric range, Admiral refrigerator, Whirl- ; pool -automatic washer, Inglis automatic dryer, Alex microwave, Hitachi o color TV, with remote control, GE humidifier, toaster oven (all like new), electric frypan, electric clock. FURNITURE: Chrome kitchen table with 6 chairs, chesterfield and chair, cherry table, 3 piece wood bedroom suites with mirrors, dressers o and night stand, dressers, iron bed, velvet chair and recliner, swivel chair, woodchairs, rocker, card table with chairs, end tables, wood high chair, table and pole lamps, stereo cabinet, Raymond sewing machine, vacuum cleaner, TV tables, Solvern dishware and table settings, Royal- o vale, Drysdale, Royal Winston 'cups and saucers, English tea pot, cream and sugars, Royal bone china pieces, glassware, glass pitchers, 1 tumblers, many pieces of silverware, cookware, pots and pans and much more. o Mantel wood clocks with brass stands, coal oil lamp,. lantern, sausage press, 1-3 gal. crock, cabbage cutter, picture frames, mirrors, jewelry, feather pillows, quilts, blankets, sheets, linens and trunks. Lawnboy lawnmower, 8 hp, IH Cadet hydrostatic riding lawnmower, 32 tt. ext. ladder, hoes, shovels, rakes, lawn chairs, picnic table and many other lawn, shop and garden tools. Terms cash. Owner and auctioneer not responsible for accidents and loss. AUCTIONEER JOHN FINLAY 236-4814 o®ot ,or au'o®or - ' 10r ,O®o 1 'Grass may lower BF grade thirteen student, who arrived in a white stretch "limo" said; "It wouldn't have been the"same with- out it." He went on to say that shared among a group of formal goers, the cost is really cut down, and this may be the only chance he will ever get to experience such a ride. Overall, "Midnight Enchantment" was definitely a hit for South Hu- ron. Congratulations once again go to Lisa and Larry, students of the year. CLINTON - The Spring -time butterfat blues - Spring has sprung, The grass has 'ris ', Look at where the dairy cow 'is'. Out on pasture, Grazing free, I wonder if there is a fee? Cows that graze, On'green so fine, Are they walking a dangerous line? Too little hay, And fewer cuds, Will cause your butterfat to be a big dud: So, what to do? Well, read below, And you will know, Just what to do. Spring turns the heart to lighter thoughts and carefree action, but wait... they can cost! Turning cows out onto fresh, lush, unlimited pas- ture can cause your butterfat to plummet needlessly. To prevent a plummeting butter- fat on pasture, there are three sim- ple management procedures you can do; 1. Limit the number of hours on pasture during the first week, 2. Feed a minimum of1.5 - 2 kg. of long, good quality hay per cow per day before turning the cows out, and, 3. Provide hay out in the pasture in a shaded, well -frequented loca- tion. Providing long hay improves the "effective fiber' content of the ra- tion and as a result helps to main- tain rumen conditons that are more favourable for butterfat production. By following. these three simple rules, your advancement into sum- mer will be much less depressing (in more .ways than one and defi- nitely more joyous! Have a safe and successful spring! by Annette Moore Dairy Cattle Specialist Dennis Martin Farm Management Specialist for Huron County Two fined in JP court EXETER - Doug Wedlake handed out two convictions in Justice of the Peace court in Exeter on May 30. Geoff Poole, Exeter, was fined 568.75 for careless driving. He was taking his sister uptown on March 23, and ran into an unoccu- pied vehicle parked in front of 134 Sanders St. while reaching for a tape. Both vehicles were badly damaged, and his sister sustained minor injuries. His girlfriend appeared for Jurgen Van Altena, Clinton, and entered a guilty plea to a charge of using plates not authorized for the vehicle Van Altena was' driving when stopped by police. He was fined $100. CASH & CARRY SALE Pinery Auction Barn Hwy. 21, 3 miles so ith of Grand Bend Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 10 a.m. -6 p.m. STOCK LIC UIDATION OF A LARGE STORE EVERYTHING WILL BE SOLD HALF PRICE OR LESS Parker & Milton Bradley games for the whole family, Playskool baby toys and rattles, beach supplies such as balls ,floats, sand and water toys, kites, sunglasses and visors, head bands, children's books and puzzles, mats, Doodle art, school supplies, school bags, math sets, paper, Crayola crayons and chalk, chalk boards, pencil cases, sharp- eners, erasers, Gremlin school sets, pens, pencils, Karate Kid and Nin- ja sets, Mini crunchies,dolls, trucks, cars, guns, Glo Friends and Ner- fuls galore, Sylvanian families, child's video tapes, beach bags, picture frames, musical dolls, bingo markers, wallets, home burglar alarms, kitchen utensils, pots and pans, knife sets, hardware, paper and plastic table clothes, napkins, doilies,candles, ribbons, bows, tarps, combs, crystal, duck jars and mugs, ruck sacks, sponges, razors, cookie jars, hand tools, cosmetics, clocks, watches, office accessories, cash reg- ister and calculator tapes, Liquid paper, labels, peg board hooks, Teacher's bulletin board sets,- stuffed toys, scissors, ant killer, etc. etc. t ®OOo©or DE 10� ill/,F ; t15 Household and Furniture o pow . AUCTION . on Sat. June 17 in the Zurich .Arena 111 for Mrs: Elgin Adams of Grand Bend Appliances, furniture, garden tools. o Complete listing in next week's paper Auctioneer John Finlay 236-4814 0 -,ar—�a e or is©a®ora 1 Times -Advocate, June 7, 1989 Page 33 0 i Bob Heywood, Auctioneer 235-0874 Thursday Evening June 15 at 6 p.m. Sharp on location in the Village of Crediton We will be dispersing by auction fumishings, appliances, household effects, antiques and china for Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator, who have sold their home. Partial list: Chesterfield with matching rocker, chair and otto- man, 2 recliner rockers, antique dressers, beds, china cabinet, occasional chairs, sofa bed, coloured T.V., 2 -B&W .T.V.s, record player, 2 chest freezers (1-17 cubic ft., 1-21 cubic ft.), 4 burner gas range, crib with springs and mattress, meat slic- er, sewing machine and stand, silverware, cups and saucers, fine and collectible china, Depression glass, pictures and frames, partial set of dishes, old radio, milk bottles, coal oil lamp, old platters, crocks, quilts, lamps, knick knacks, Tupper- ware, sump pump, linens, aluminum storm windows, Coleman lantern and stove, 6" vise, sledge, 1982 Ford van - selling cer- tified (subject to reserve), Honda 10 h.p. riding lawnmower, 36' wooden extension ladder and hundreds of related items. • Watch next week's paper for a full list. Lunch Booth ti Chief scout - Dale Froats, left, presents the chief scout in the Lu - can troup to Faser Gatt at a trouping up ceremony in Lucan Friday night. Looking on in the back row -are, (1-r), Jamie Froats, Warren Elias, Brent Gatt. ********************************1t* * CONSIGNMENT AUCTION * * Filson and Robson - Auctioneers ** sponsored by Fundraising Committee * * • for Ailsa Craig Recreation Centre * * Thursday, June 8 at 6:00 p.m. * * * * Middlesex County Road 19 just south of Ailsa Craig in * * * commercial building on east side of road. * ♦r Arc welder; pto driven 3 wire single phase AC alternator; 5 ft. * * snowblower; 7 ft. New Idea hay mower; set of garden discs; * * 100 gal. high pressure water tank, cement mixer; gas barbe- * 4rcue; appliances; furniture; flea market type goods; some an- ** *tiques; plus much more. * * Will accept items until 12 noon June 8 * * For more info call Jean Shipway 293-3219 * * Bruce Fraser 293-3331 * * or Gerry Naumann 232-4720 * * or page 1-800-265-9255 i.d. 3438 * ********************************** i AUCTION SALE of valuable real estate, antiques, household furnishings and • misc. items. 27 Victoria St. East, Exeter, Ontario Saturday, June 17 at 12 noon sharp For Dr.. Harvey Cowen REAL ESTATE: Consists of beautiful red brick home, main floor, Ig. living room with 2 French doors, lg. dining room. kitchen and sunny breakfast room, 2 pc. bath, small telephone room, lg. front entrance with natural finished hall and open staircase. Second floor, 4 lg. bed- rooms with closets and hardwood floors, 4 pc. path, hall with 2 linen closets, Ig. attic, full basement, front veranda and one car attached ga- rage.This home is situated on a corner lot 93' wide by 118.33'. Lot 80-82 plan #376 of the town of Exeter, County of Huron. Excellent location, ess than 2 blocks from public school, high school, South Huron Rec Centre, and shopping area: House will be sold at 2 p.m. Subject to. a reasonable reserve bid. 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days. ANTIOUES & COLLECTABLES: Settee and side chair, 2 needle needle point chairs, other chairs, foot stools, oval gate leg table, large round table (cut down), onyx and iron table, carved side table, round pedestal, tier table, table with drawer, fancy wood hall tree, floor and table lamps, pictures and frames, 4 pc. bedroom suite, Grinnel Bros. pi- ano, 2 piano benches, old cupboard, 10 x 20 area rug. and 9 x 12 area rug. Large bisque figurine, Dresden figurines, 8 pieces of flow blue in- cluding Ig. platter, over 50 pcs of white and blue milk glass, several pcs. of carnival glass, Royal Nippon, Opal Hobnail bowl, pedestal cake plate, covered compote, 2 Imair bowls, set of approx. 43 pcs. crystal, 13 salt cellars, Bavaria, Nippon, Depression glass, cut glass set of red glass, brass candle holders, tea. pot, jardiniere, etc. 5 pc. beautifully decorat- ed silver tea service, other silver and much more. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: chesterfield and love seat, ches- terfield and chair, 2 side chairs, 2 bedroom chairs, large stereo radio and record player, coffee table, card table and chairs, stools, refrigera- tor freezer, 3 vacuum cleaners, small kitchen appliances, pots and pans, dishes, Targe safe, 4 drawer filing cabinet, hand tools, 4" vise, drill press, many other items. For information or viewing of Real Estate contact Norm Whiting .235-1964, 235-1931 I Farm Credit Societe du credit Corporation agncol-e Canada _ Canada FARM FOR SALE • The Farm Credit Corporation, via Power of Sale, offers: LOCATION: 10 km North of Lucan on Highway #4 DESCRIPTION: Lot 12, Concession 1, Tadinship of Biddulph, Coun- ty of Middlesex LAND: 100 acres of Perth Silt Loam/95 acres workable BUILDINGS: 1 1/2 Storey, 3 bedroom, brick house, beef barn with an addition, implement shed. Purchasers must rely on their own inspection and knowledge of the farm and not on the above or any other particulars or representations made verbally or in writing by or on behalf of the Farm Credit Corpora- tion. Before making an offer, those interested should ascertain that the property can be used and occupied for the purposes intended in accor- dance with Provincial Legislation and Municipal Regulations. Offers should be made on forms obtainable on request from any Office of the Corporation and must be received by June 15, 1989, at the Field Office listed below. , Mortgage financing is available to qualifying purchasers. This must be discussed with the Corporation's local representative listed be- low,before making an offer. Closing is normally 30 days atter accep- tance unless other arrangements are mutually agreed upon. A Certified deposit of $5,000.00. (Five Thousand Dollars) must accompany the of- fer. The highest or any offer will not necessarily be accepted. The Corpora- tion could request new offers to purchase after the above mentioned date, if deemed necessary. Purchasers will be responsible for all taxes and all assessments wheth- er local improvements, tile loans, or otherwise charged or assessed against the said property from date of closing, subject to the usual ad- justments. All offers to purchase and inquiries should be addressed to: FARM CREDIT CORPORATION, P.O. Box 668, 5 Talbot Road South, Lambeth, Ontario • NOL 1S0 (519) 652-3259 if no answer call (519) 352-1220 Attn: W. T. Jackson Please refer to File No: 41260-597 Canada