HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-06-07, Page 14Page 14 Times Advocate June 7 1989 Lucan Scouts hold second annual trooping -up LUCAN - Friday evening the sec- ond annual Scouting Trooping -Up Ceremony was held in the park out- side the Lucan Scout/Guide Hall. The celebration started at 6:00 p.m. with hotdogs barbecued by the Ven- turers. Living Word LUCAN - What an exciting day it was after all the rain as the Liv- ing Word Congregational Church met again Sunday at the Lucan Public School Auditorium. The day was just beautiful. Sunday school started things off with a couple of songs and actions, "When You're Happy and You Know It" and "I Am a Promise" and reciting two verses of scripture Mark 10:45 and John 1:29 then off to their classrooms. The message was quite different but, extremely interesting and was. shared by Bruce and Jan Karr as well as Muriel Cobleigh. They were at the 164th Annual Confer- ence of the Congregational Chris- tian Church in Ontario. - The real message of it was "Coming Together, Freedom and Unity in the Spirit". This group of churches is what our church plans to join in a few months down the road. Rev. Darrell Shaule was in- stalled as a Minister of the Congre- gational Christian Churches in On- tario and Larry Cruttenden was installed as a Lay Minister. What an exciting day we had to- day and June has more to come. Tuesday night Bible Study will continue as usual. For more infor- mation please call Rev. Darrell Shaule at 227-1296. At 7 p.m., the Trooping -up cere- mony began, where boys who had grown in their section and were ready to move on to the next, were sent on with encouragement from leaders and chums to be received and welcomed by members of the next section. Swimming. up from Bea- vers to Cubs were: Dax Biendi, Ja- son Cox, Chris DeHaan, Ben Dob- bie, Craig Goosens, John Grose, Ryan Jenkin, David Knip, Ryan Rees. and Andrew Stansell. Scouts received Chris Cox, John Dickie and Jason Mawdsley from Cubs. Entering Venturers was Fraser Gatt. Congratulations also to Fraser who was presented with his Chief Scout Award by Scout leader Dale Froats. The campfire was then officially Revival Centre news LUCAN - Lucan Revival Centre held their annual Church Family Picnic Saturday, June 3 at Market St. Park. The picnic meal was a varied smorgasbord of salads, hot main dishes, andappetizing des- serts, which members enjoyed out of the rain. The rain quit after the meal, ena- bling the children to enjoy their games. They ran from little ones, to juniors, to parents, in sacks, wheel barrow races for candy prizes, which the children enjoyed. While playing the washer box game, rain hit again, ending a happy picnic. • June 4 Sunday morning Mrs. Judi Ross told about Biblical Safari to seek the Spn, for children 2 to 8, to be heldduring church time. Rev. Rog- er Mason ministered from Acts 8:1- 19. Disagreements and controver- sies on interpretation of the Bible can cause misplaced religious fer- vor. The wrong belief that becom- ing a Christian means an easy life is proven wrong by Matthew 5:11- 12 that there will be trials. Lucan Optimists stage annual bike roadeo LUCAN - The bicycle roadeo that was held at the Lucan Arena on Sat- urday, June 3 -was a great'success with 97 participants, the most ever attending. A The Lucan Optimist Club would like once again to congratulateall the winners and to the rest of the participants we wish you better luck next year. Finally the Lucan Optimist Club would like to say thanks to Consta- ble T.R. Chapman of the Ontario Provincial Police, Lucan, for his assistance in staging this bicycle roadeo. Winners of the four bicycles (free draw) were Pamela Richards, Sarah Ferguson, Jason Cox., Robert Rut- ledge. • Winners of the Girls Under 9 bi- cycle roadeo: Paula McLaughlin, Rebecca Blanc, Rachacl Ferguson, Kristen Moore, Lynn Cowdrey. Winners of the Girls 9 and Over bicycle roadeo: Carolyn Jeffrey, Heather Dickie, Lesley DeHaan, Lindsay Hodge, Denise Cowdrey. Winners of the Boys Under 9 bi- cycle roadeo: Derek Scott, Kelly Dale, Craig Leyes, Robbie Silver, Justin Chittenden. Winners of the Boys 9 and Over bicycle roadeo: Chris Cox, Kenneth Carter; Jamie Froats, Greg Langen- dyk, Jcff Disher. Matthew Heffernan and Mrs. Jane Bend joined Rev. Roger Mason to lead in worship in song. Rev. Ma- son spoke from Acts 8:4-25. Some Christians underestimate the power . of the devil. Jesus defeated the pow- er of the devil. Jesus gives Chris- tians power to defeat the devil also. Upcoming events - Sunday eve- ning June 11, will be an outdoor service in Market St. Park spon- sored by Lucan Ministerial. All welcome. Daily Vacation Bible School Au- gust .21 to 25 at Lucan Revival Centre. opened by (;roup Committee chair- man George Gatt. The songs and skits presented by each sectionin- cluding the Brownies and Guides were entertaining for all. Cub lead- ers, Ken Rees and Peggy Prefon- taine, were thanked on behalf of the Cub pack and presented with camp jackets by Terry Mawdsley, for their time and efforts given. Dale thanked George for his three years of leadership with Group com- mittee. Group Committee and leaders would like to thank all who sup- ported our year's Scoutin events. Special thanks are extended to the leaders, who gave of themselves to plan and conduct the meetings, camps, outings, and events and all those "behind the scene" activities; without whom the year could not have been as successful and fun - filled. Branch 540 installed - The 1989-90 executive of Lucan Legion Branch 540 was installed recently. Back, left, Sam Craig, Len Maslin, Ed Armstrong, Lori Armstrong, Larry Hockey, Gord Clubb, Jim Mur- phy, Tina Sigsworth, Diane Rummell and Larry Morley. Front, Marcia Rydall, Zone Commander Glen Magee, past president Gayle Riley, president Sid Daley and vice-presidents Emerson Degraw, Wes Hickson and Joan Morley. Town &.Country June 7 - June 13 Store Propane tank not included Great Savings for outdoor Cooking Assorted barbecues Discount Prices Perfect Cat Food 99 10 kg. Lucan Auxiliary officers - The new slate of officers of the Ladies Auxiliary to Lucan Legion Branch 540 was installed recently. Back, left, Stella Fisher, Amy Lee and Sandra Melton. Front, past president Anne Craig, president May Murphy and Zone Command- er Frieda Calcutt. Daley s 'Weekly Comments By Sid Daley LUCAN - On Saturday, June 3, the executive of Branch 540 were well and Wily installed in their vari- ous offices under the capable direc- tion of Zonc A-5 Commander Ray Magee and Deputy Zone A-5 Com- mander Charlie Grieves while the Ladies Auxiliary Zonc A-5 Com- mander Freda Calcott installed the Ladies of the Auxiliary. It was an impressive ceremony and we thank the dignitaries for their efforts on our behalf. Personally I wish to thank my Comrades of Branch 540 for the honour they bestowed on mc. I thank them sincerely for giving me the opportunity, as President, to lead them into the 90's. I promise to do my utmost to be worthy of the trust placed in me and with the assistance of you, my Comrades, we cannot help but succeed. Also on Saturday 13ranch 540's Senior .golfers came third in the Zone A-5 golf tournament held at Wardsvillc Golf and Country Club and now progress on to the District A Tournament to be held later sometime in July. We wish them good luck and good golfing. Remember the Executive mcct at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 7 fol- lowing which we will meet with the Ladies Auxiliary at 8 p.m. We have much to discuss and you are all urged to make a special effort to attend. On June 1 six representatives of the Lucan Legion attended the 'change of command of the Huron Middlesex Cadet Corps at Huron Park. We were most impressed with the progress made by the corps over the past 15 years when it was formed under the joint sponsorship of the Exeter and Lucan Legion Branches. We congratulate the Offi- cers and Instrtors for their dedica- tion and for a job well done. Finally I would like to get my hands on the culprits who, during the hours of darkness on Saturday night, decorated my home with placards, balloons and streamers. To the 'Guess Who' Comrades thank you from the bottom of my heart, I love you all. And that's 30 for this week - Re- member - The man who succeeds in life is not the one who is always putting others in their place, but, more often, the one who can put himself in the others place more of- ten. Lucan Seniors LUCAN - The regular meeting of Lucan Seniors and Busy Buddies met in the Scout Hall opening by singing 0 Canada. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. The clubs will donate S20 a month to Palliative Care to be paid twice a year. Hamilton Hodgins gave a read- ing. We adjourned for cards and crafts, the winners being Ladies High - Mildred Hirtzcl; J..adies Lone Hands - Helen MatDonald; Ladies Low - Verna lbbitson; Mcns High - Mur- ray Carter; Mcns Lone - Mary Scott (playing a mans card) and Mens Low - Arnold Daamcn. Crafts - Mabel Needham. Olympic Stain Buy three - 4 Titre g.,, Free 4 for the price of three Quantities limited to normal family usage MEADOW GREEN 7-7-7 A good all-around fertilizer 99 for lawn and garden use. 10 kg. 503-150 Co-op reg. $3.49 Ea. All Planters & Flower Pots off Cedar Octagon . Picnic Table Kits 99 P.T. Octagon Picnic Table Kits 179 95 C.I.L. Exterior House Paint 2599 4 L. r,ii r 1 .O.OP 1I ' iq /hl 1i11)t!)('tit(11"1 Items may not be exactly as Illustrated. All items are r of available at all locations. EXETER? DISTRICT CO-OP Exeter 235-2081 221 Brock St., Ailsa Craig 293-3282 ' t