HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-06-07, Page 3Biddulph approves extension to Friars for mobile home use LUCAN - A request from the Fransican Friars of Mary Immacu- late for an additional 12 month ex- tension for the use of a mobile- home obilehome was granted by Biddulph towns' ip council. Council agreed to allow the Friars to use the mobile home as a residence until September 30,199() or until construction of the new friary is completed. The approval is subject to the performance bond being extended by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation. At the same time, a building permit ajplication from the Mid- dlesex Board of Education was ap- proved to permit the installation of a new portable classroom at Biddulph Public School. The approval is subject to the location of the portable classroom meeting the township setback from County mad 47 of 33 metres from the centreline of the road. Aublic meeting has been called for June 21 at 8 p.m. -to consider an application from Jerry Martens to rezone part of his prop- erty roperty at part of Lots 26 and 27, Concession 9. Martens adivsed council that as they were aware his farm machin- ery business was located on High- way 7. He explained that at this location he was short of Space and it was extremely difficult to un- load large trailers. He therefore purchasd the proper- ty on Concession 9 with the hope he would be permitted to locate his business on it. The part of the property he wishes to rezone has a frontage of approximately 550 feet on the cast side of Highway 23 and a depth of 675 feet. Martens advised council he would eventually demolish the ex- isting residence on the property and construct a new home. The application requests . the property be zoned in such a man- ner so as to permit uses in the general agricultural ,lone plus farm equipm...tt salts, service, repairs and restoration including welding, ` sandblasting and painting. Recommendations from a Fire Underwriters Survey regarding the fire defences of Biddulph township as far as the area covered by the Granton arca fire department were received and copies will be sent to the township of Blanshard and the Granton fire board. Taxes up 12 percent VARNA - Stanley township rat- epayers face a 12 percent tax hike. The preliminary budget presented to councillors on Tuesday, May 30 sets a 1989 mill rate of 17.81, up almost two mills from last year's 15.957. Each mill raises S89,000. The county levy is up 19 per- cent. The public elementary school tax is up nine percent, the secondary school 12 percent, and comparable figures for separate schools arc six and 23 percent. The Ausablc-Bayfield Conserva- tion Authority increased its de- mands by 14 percent. The town- ship's levy is up 10 percent. • Stanley's total tax bill is com- prised of S282,409 for the county (up 19 percent), public school sup- port $781,012 (up 10.5 percent), separate school levy S103,314 (up 14.5 percent), ABCA"$12,477 (up 14 percent) and the township's req- uisition is S427,379 (up 10 per- cent). Clerk Mel Graham broke down the. municipal budget figures to show the allocation to various de- M.obile parks Continued from front page their function. In other words, larg- er volume streets might be wider than very low volume streets. From a functional standpoint, the 50 foot right of way and street widths as they currently -exist seem adequate for local two-way traffic contem- plated in this development. B.M. Ross and Associates "has not disputed the adequacy of their design of the roads but argues that a 66 foot ROW should be required in light of the possibility that the de- velopment's roads may at some fu- ture point become a municipal re- sponsibility (the . concern being Provincial roads subsidy). While that cautionary note is un- derstandable, it should also be borne in mind that Mobile Horne Parks are intended to have development standards that may be less onerous than conventional subdivisions. This can be explained in a num- ber of ways. First, Mobile Home Parks are alternative housing devel- opments that provide more modest and more affordable housing. Sec- ond, such developments arc, to a de- gree, self-contained communities and third, the occupants are frequent- ly part-time residents, retired or of small household size. These three factors suggest it is appropriate to reduce some develop- ment standards. Therefore the 50 foot right of way seems appropriate. (I note as well that the stage for de- velopment of phase III has been, to a large extent, set through phases I and IL" Hundcy concluded, "As far as I' am concerned those streets arc ade- quate for two-way traffic. They mcct the needs of self-contained develop- ment." parunents. Roads take 41 percent, administration 23, reserves 18, fire protection 11, landfill site 4 and the conservation authority 3. The process of obtaining a water pipeline along Highway 21 has ad- vanced to the environmental'as- sessrnent stage. After this has been advertised for 30 days a bylaw set- ting out the rates will be passed and circulated. Graham is hopeful that construction will begin in the spring of 1990. The council is gathering informa- tion on recycling. Graham predict- ed that the township will eventually begin to separate and recycle some of the garbage that now goes to the landfill site. Road superintendent Bill Taylor has been authorized to prepare tend- er forms for the purchase of a new grader. . Only one tender was received to in Stanley operate the ball diamond booth for the summer. An $80 bid from San- dra and Matthew Turner was accept- ed. Councillors Richard Erb and Bill Dowson declared conflict of interest while five tenders were opened to take hay off township land. John Dowson's bid of $1,560 was accept- ed. Rental increases for recreational facilities were approved. Hall rental goes from S130 to S150 Mondays to Fridays, and from $180 to $200 on Saturdays. Kitchen rental will go up $10 to $60, day meetings to 575 from $50, and part days from S25 to S40. The charge for family gatherings (S100), Bar rental ($40) and the charge per glass (250) re- main the same. About three miles will be paved on the second concession, starting at the town line and going north. Top Lucan Legionnaire - Sid Daley, a Royal Canadian Legion member for 47 years was named Lucan Branch 540 Legionnaire of the year Saturday night. Presenting a clock to Daley are Gayle Ri- ley at the left and Jim Murphy at the right. New permit fees EXETER - Council Monday night passed a bylaw to set fees for applications received under the Planning Act. The charge for a consent applica- tion where no lot is created will be S200 and $400 where a new lot is created. A minor variance fee will be $250. A zoning bylaw amendment ap- plication will be worth $500 and the charge for an official plan amendment will be $600 while a joint official plan and zoning by- law amendment will be $900. Charges of $10 each will be le- vied for an occupancy permit, copy of a zoning bylaw and a copy of an official plan..A zoning certificate will cost $15. To lease at Huronview CLINTON - Minister of Agricul- ture and Food Jack Riddell an- nounced Friday that approval has been given to negotiate a lease with the County of Huron for office space at the Huronview complex. "I am pleased that my Cabinet colleagues gave their approval to this project. Huronview will pro- vide the agricultural community of Huron County with a high-quality, This Father's Day, treat your dad to a little something from Sugar and Spice Chocolates ... chocolate ties, Father's Day plaques, creamy fresh fudge (5 flavours), assorted nuts, old fashioned candy, collector plates ... and much more! SUGAR AND SPICE Downtown 235.1211 The Factory • 235.1283 =3) 565.2474 F centrally located office," Riddell said. The Huronview complex, owned by Huron County, is located on 100-acreslof land on the southern outskirts of Clinton. The agricultu- ral office is currently in crowded quarters in downtown'Clinton. "This is another step in my min- istry's commitment -to upgrade its county and district offices. I want to express our appreciation for the great co-operation we have received from the County of Huron in this proj ect." -qrC .SSSSXIT�, •M�.4.4�"MSL N /[Y Y:.�.-f�'�`` 1S }SSI NsT' '- proximately 10,000 -square feet in the Summerhill wing of Huron - view. As well as providing the addi- tional offices required to meet the ministry's program needs, the build- ing will also feature a boardroom, a committee room and a client re- source centre. Huron County will be responsi- ble for remodelling the wing to suit the ministry's needs, although final details and costs have yet to be ne- gotiated with the county, Riddell said. Preliminary plans have been prepared and will be coMpleted by August. Construction should be completed by January, 1990. Times -Advocate, June 7, 1989 Page 3 TWO GREAT REASONS TO- SHOP �ioaskett Rpon FURNITUR$ CI It's Our Annual T 1 SALE Friday, June 9 - 9:00 a.m. - Midnight Saturday, June 10 - 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Entire Stock Reduce up 50„ to Inclue 1 every ofa, chair, I'oveseat, wing chair, recliner, occastkm ral table, glider rocker, dinette set, buffet hutch, corner cabinet, entertainment centre, bedroom suite, curio hall console, picture, lamp, sculpture, mattress, box spring and more. Including fine furniture by Brentwood, Concordian, Cooper Bros., Kroehler, Serta, Deilcraft, Shermag, Strathroy Furniture, La -Z -Boy, Bogdon & Gross, Lane, Craftline, Sklar Peppier, Burris and more. PLUS Pj Fire hall Continued from front page Middleton went on to say, "Exeter is hosting a meeting of the Huron Mutual Aid on the third Monday in November and I would hope the new facility would be ready." The chief pointed out that the new hall will be located quite centrally for most members of his department not only from their place of em- ployment, but.where they live. He added, " It will also be, fairly convenient to get out to calls any- where in town and also in the neighbouring townships." - We have just checked our Serta Mattress and Foundation stock and have found odd pieces that just don't match. Serta price reductions of quality Serta bedding in mismatched sets mean big savings for you! Hurry while supplies last. TWIN QUEEN 2 pc. set $239 . 2 pc. set $299. 2 pc. set $$69. Serta Perfect Sleeper 40% Off All Models FREE DELIVERY �E. Jt)akett soon FURNITURE 188 MAIN STREET, LUCAN 227-4688 Established 1882