HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-05-24, Page 39Assault prevention gets $5.4 million TORONTO - New funding of $5.4 million for wife assault pre- vention programs, announced Fri- day, will significantly enhance ser- vices for women and children, particularly those in shelters, says Gregory Sorbara, Minister Respon- sible for Women's Issues. "In support of the government's commitment to maintain safety and .protect the quality of life in our communities," said Mr. Sorbara, "we will be. expanding our efforts to prevent wife assault and provide support for victims and family members.". The new allocation of $5.4 mil- lion and a cost of living increase of about $500,000 brings the prov- ince's 1989/90 financial commit- ment for wife assault to a total of S40.0 million, a 17 percent increase in funds over 1988/89. The govern- ment has now increased funding for wife assault prevention for four consecutive years. $S million of the new funding will go to the Ministry of Commu- • nity and Social Services, primarily. for services to women and children. This $5 million includes; $2.7 million to enhance existing shelter services, such as improved staffing ratios -- particularly for shelters in rural communities; $200,00 to increase the number of child support workers in re- sponse to recent increases in the number of shelter beds, ensuring that every shelter in the province will have at least one full-time child support worker .to address chil- dren's needs; and . $2.1 million for counselling pro- grams in community agencies for female victims of wife assault, chil- dren who have witnessedviolence in their homes, and male batterers. "The increased allocation to my ministry will enhance our shelter system and more effectively respond to the needs of women and children whose lives arc severely damaged by this crime," said John Sweeney, Minister of Community and Social Services. The remaining $400,000 of new funding will be allocated to one new initiative and four on going ones. As a new initiative, the office for Disabled Persons will receive S50,000 which will go towards a study of the incidence of violence against women with disabilities and the accessibility ofgovernment pro- grams for this group. The four ongoing initiatives to receive increased funding are: The Ministry of the Attorney Ontario Forage Masters Competition - John Lawrence (left), General Manager, DeKalb Canada Inc.; Glenn McCann (right), Agronomist, C -I -L inc. in co-operation with The Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Associaton represented by Doug Wagner (cen- tre), Secretary -Manager, are pleased to announce the joint agree- ment to sponsor the "1989 Ontario Forage Maser's Competition". PINERY All CTI ON Saturday, May 27 10:30 a.m. 1 • Annual Outdoor Auction i Selling a large selection of lawn and garden tractors, lawnmowers, trail- ers, cars, commercial vacuums, lawn furniture, restaurant equipment, h .household furniture, antiques and a large selection of nursery stock in- cluding upright and spreading junipers and evergreens. Items are being received daily for this sale. fi , Auctioneers Pat and Phyllis Lyon Phone 243-2713 f l General's Victim/Witness Assis- tance Program will receive an addi- tional $80,000 for the existing programs operating in 10 Crown Attorney Offices in the province; The ministry of citizenship will receive an additional $45,000 to Support existing pilot projects which increase immigrant families' accessibility to wifc assault servic- es through community-based inter- preter services and intercultural training programs; $120,000 in new funds will be allocated to the Ministry of Educa- tion for school programs that raise educators' awareness of wife as- sault, its impact on children, and how schools can play an effective prevention role at the community level; and $105,000 in new funds will go to the Ministry of Correctional Services for counselling programs for male battercrs. The province's integrated ap- proach to wife assault prevention and services, which involves 15 ministries and agencies, is co- ordinated by the Ontario WOmen's Directorate. Funds are allocated to 23 initiatives in three key areas; • law enforcement and criminali- • zaton; • family support programs and shelter services; and public and professional education and preven- tion activities. "The government's determination to protect the quality of life in our communities recognizes the impor- tance of safety and security for women," said. Mr. Sorbara. "That is why we are increasing our pre- vention efforts. There is no excuse for wife assault -- it is not a pri- vate family matter but a -violent crime that affects us all." Gilmore Auction Services Listowel & Zurich Ontario Phone for Spring Sale Dates Bob 291-3489 or 236-4152 or Doug 291-3421 Got a news tip? Call the T -A 235-1331 NO WHITING:..' aa"vtio�r, Auction Sale of valuable Real Estate, Antiques, household furnishings and misc. items 27 Victoria St. East, Exeter, Ont. Saturday, June 17 at 12 Noon Sharp for Dr. Harvey Cowen Real Estate consists of beautiful red brick home, main floor, lg. living room with 2 French doors, lg. dining room, kitchen and sunny breakfast room, 2 pc. bath, small telephone room, lg. front entrance with natural finished hall and open staircase. Second floor, 4 lg. bedrooms with closets and hardwood floors, 4 pc. bath, hall with 2 linen closets, lg. at- tic, full basement, front verandah and one car attached garage. this home is situated on a lot 93' wide by 118.33' lot 80-82 plan #376 of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron. Don't miss this Auction House will be sold at 2 p.m. subject to a reasonable reserve bid. 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days. ull listing in next issue. For Information •or viewing of Real Estate contact Auctioneer Norm Whiting 235-1964 or 235-1931. Bob Heywood, Auctioneer 235-0874 Monday Evening, May 29 at 6 p.m. sharp at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. George Quick, Conc. 4 of Usborne Twp. (2 1/2 miles east of Exeter on Hwy. 83 then north 2 miles) We will be dispersing by auction for Mr. and Mrs. Quick, farm machin- ery,household effects and appliances, dishes, tools and antiques. TRCTOR & MACHINERY: 255 Massey Ferguson diesel with 236 loader (approx. 55 HP), good shape,•7' heavy duty 3 pt. hitch mower, 35 Massey grain drill, Calsa 200 gallon trail sprayer, riding lawn mower, Lin- coln Arc 225 welder, 2 snowmobiles, oat roller with motor, disc, etc. HOUSEHOLD & MISC: Woods chest freezer, Kelvinator refrigera- tor, china buffet with glass doors, wardrobe, double bed, table, vanity dresser, roll away bed, card table, several side chairs, bag scales with brass beams, lawn chairs, antique watering can, corn shelter, hand corn planter, clay ink well, emery, canvas and plastic tarps, several hand and garden tools, motors, power tools, sledge, bolts, ruts, screws, chains and binders, wire, hand sprayer, wheel barrow, fence posts, set of construction books, rabbit cages, furnace fans, ceiling tile, paint, some dishes and china, granite childs tub and misc. items. BOAT: 15' fiberglass Mariner with trailer and 40--H-E-in or• (electric start). Owner and 'auctioneer not responsible for accidents. BOB HEYWOOD AUCTIONEER 235-0874 Saturday stay 27 at 19:30.m. sharp at South Huron Rec Centre We will be dispersing by auction - furnishings and antiques, fine china etc. from the Lucan home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels along with addi- tions from a local estate. Also included in this auction is all the remaining stock of Fisher's Pro Hardware including home and garden sup- plies, hardware, fixtures etc. The store stock will be offered at 10:30 a.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 4 pc. maple dinette suite, walnut dining ex- tension table with 4 leaves and 6 matching chairs, recliner chair (like new), coffee and end tables, 21" colour TV and stand, small china cabi- net, 9 pc. kitchen suite in hardwood includes (2 pc. hutch, ly. table with 4 chairs and 2 benches with backs), kitchen chrome set with 6 chairs, plant tables, 24" elec. range, several occasional chairs, round picnic table and benches, folding lawn table and benches (like new), elec. bar- becue, area rug, several lamps, small appliances, typewriter, beds, dressers, chests of drawers, German 135 mm camera (like new), chaise lounge and, pad, set of 12 good dishes, picnic thermoses, linens, dishes, pots and pans, good clean bedding, several toys in good shape, 2 Ig. boxes material, books, sewing accessories, corning ware, fireplace tools, riding lawnmower, gas mower, etc. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: 2 old wicker chairs (matching), solid oak buffet, several quilts, blanket boxes, dressers, post cards, fine china including Depression, Royal Albert, Noritake, Nippon, Germa- ny, trunks, library table, parlour tables, old lanterns, school desk, ladies desk, sewing table and much more. This is an extremely clean offering, well worthy of your attendance. 1 • Large Auction Sale 1982 Pontiac car run 25,900 kms, antiques, modern furniture and appli- ances etc., 4 riding lawn mowers to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn Clinton for the estate of Gertrude Kaitting, plus good additions. Saturday. May 27 at 10 a.m% CAR 1982 Pontiac 6000 4 door sedan, V6 automatic, air, radio, real clean. Selling certified. Run only 25,859 kms. LAWN MOWERS international Cadet 8 HP riding lawn tractor w/ electric start. Ford LG65 16 HP riding lawn tractor w/hydrostatic drive, John Deere 68 riding lawn mower (real nice), old Ariens riding mower, not running. HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES, ETC. Whirlpool almond fridge 3 yrs. old, like new, Whirlpool almond 30" electric stove with full black glass oven door, like new, 3 yrs. old, 24" gas stove, gas space heater, Kitch- en Aid dishwasher, Kenmore automatic washer, Hoover spin dry wash- er, Filter Queen vacuum cleaner, Zenith Custom series portable TV w/ remote control, 2 yr, old, Gerhard Heintzman upright piano, Farfisa dou- ble key board electric organ, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf dining table and 4 chairs, corner china cabinet, modern hutch style china cabinet, small china cabinet, modern chesterfield and chair, chesterfield w/pull out bed like new, large cedar blanket box w/drawer, cedar chest, modern 3 piece bedroom suite, double box spring and mattress (like new), match- ing dresser and chest of drawers, 2 pressback chairs, 12 hooked rugs, Axminster style rug, oval chrome table and 4 chairs like new, humidifier, dehumidifier, small dining table w/4 leaves and 4 chairs, small tables, upholstered chairs, Windsor type chair, floor lamps, water bed, lots of bedding, mantel clock, dishes and glassware, some corn flower depres- sion pieces, 2 jardinieres, small appliances, pictures, aluminum step ladder, 32 ft. aluminum ladder, Ariens garden tiller, office chair, small desk plus many other items too numerous to mention. Terms. Cash or cheque with proper 1.D. Auctioneers Richard Lobb & Burt Lobb 482-7898 Complete Abattoir Dispersal of Equipment and Vehicles. for Corbett Abattoir on location at Corbett Ontario, on #81 Hwy. between Parkhill and Grand Bend 9n Saturday. May 27 at 2 p.m. Hollymat- ic Globe band saw 2 HP, Butcher Boy 2 HP meat grinder, y is meat grinder -mixer, Hollymatic 200 patty maker, Hollymatic 54 patty maker, Busch Supervac vacuum, Packer GK165, Toledo overhead scale, Alexandria 35 litre sausage maker, 70 lb. saus- age stutter, electric minute steak maker, Hobart auto 2 speed slicer (like new),,Berkel computer scale, digital computer scale, 2 electric 1/2 ton chain hoists, .Kent Master "75" 230V splitting .ik-saw, 2 Atlantic service splitting saws, solid Butcher block, saus- age linker, roast tenderizer, roast nettet, wrapping table, 2 SS utility tables, electric knife sharpener, 15' glass front display cool- er, chest freezer, Keeptite 10' cooler unit, walk-in cooler unit, 2 fan walk-in freezer units, 4' x 8' Teflon sheet, 2 belt driven 3 HP compressors, large quantity of Cryo vac, propane scalding tank, de-hairing machine, knocking box, ass. spices, 200 roller hooks, 4 dr. filing cabinet, Viking Electrohome 15000 BTU 220V air con- ditioner (excellent condition), 8" industrial jointer w/motor , Ah- rens riding mower, 2 push mowers w/rear bagger, Star Master deep fat fryer, Admiral dishwasher, love seat and chair. VEHICLES: 1988 Ford Bronco "Eddie Bauer" loaded with all options. Certified 26,000 mi. 1979 Chev pickup 305 with topper (many new parts), 1985 Dodge min van, finished interior, 2.2 li- tre, auto, AM/FM, tint, boards, selling certified. TERMS: Cash or cheque with ID. Preview morning of sale. Bruce & Brett Coulter - Auctioneers I294-6164 Grand Bend 238-8000 We Do LAMINATING Times Advocate Times -Advocate, May 24, 1989 Page 39 BOB HEYWOOD, AUCTIONEER 235-0874 Saturday, June 3 at 11 a.m. at South Huron Rec Centre We will be dispersing by auction, from the McGillivray Twp. farm home of Mrs. Jesse Lewis, quality antiques, furnishings, applianc- es, fine china and collectibles, riding lawnmower, and hundreds of related items. Watch•next weeks paper for a full listing of this fine sale. *************ltrt>Ir****************** * * PROPERTY SOLD * Auction sale of testaurant equipment, vehicles, etc. for Mr. Harry Ar- * * Hold, Main St. Lucan, Ont. ThursdayY May 25 - 6:00 p.m. * RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT: Bunn triple coffee maker, Blakselee * *commercial dish masher, grills, stainless steel counter with drink dis- * pensers, Universal milk cooler and dispenser, 2 Perfecta pizza ovens, ' .stainless steel counters, Tecma 500 electric cash register, 2 Sweda * ' cash registers, NCR cash register, 2 photo copiers, typewriter, deep * *fryer, Beatty bun warmer, toasters, 3 compartment sink, pot warmers* store 'display freezer, lockers, Beatty fridge, gas BBQ, deep freeze, * *MISC: Commercial sewing machine, assorted hardware, dishes, etc., * * drapes, water pump, gas motors, sump pumps, lawnmower, rubber raft, * * display counters for store, misc. plumbing such as baths, toilets, fit- * tings, table tops, bike, stereo, awning, many suitable flea market * * items, 40 sheets 4x8 drywall, etc. VEHICLES: 1965 Pontiac Catilina hard top, only 11,000 miles, air, in * * excellent condition, 1979 LTD car, 1980 customized -van, 7? Ford * * Club wagon van, 1973 Ford van, 1972 econo=line van, some car parts. * * The above vehicles all selling as is. * HOUSE TRAILER: Kustom Koach 18' bath, stove, fridge, sleeps 6. * * (real good): For further information phone 227-1778. *. * TERMS: Cash sale night. Booth * * Auctioneers * * • Hugh Filson Tom Robson * * 666-0833 Ilderton 664 :967 * ****************it**************** * 14, Farm Credit Societe du credit Corporation agricole Canada Canada FARM FOR SALE The Farm Credit Corporation, via Power of Sale, offers: LOCATION: 10. km North of Lucan on Highway #4 DESCRIPTION: Lot 12, Concession 1, Township of Biddulph, Coun- ty of Middlesex - LAND: 100 acres of. Perth Sift Loam/95 acres workable BUILDINGS: 1 1/2 Storey, 3 bedroom, brick house, beef barn with an addition, implement shed. Purchasers must rely on their own inspection and knowledge of the farm and not on the above or any other particulars or representations made verbally or in writing by or on behalf of the Farm Credit Corpora- tion. Before making an offer, those interested should ascertain that the property can be used and occupied for the purposes intended in accor- dance with Provincial Legislation and Municipal Regulations. Offers should be made on forms obtainable on request from any -Office of the Corporation and must be received by June 14, 1989, at the Field Office listed below. Mortgage financing is available to qualifying purchasers. This must -be discussed with the Corporation's local representative listed be- low,before making an offer. Closing is normally 30 days after accep- tance unless other arrangements are mutually agreed upon. A Certified deposit of $5,000.00. (Five Thousand Dollars) must accompany the of- fer. The highest or any offer will not necessarily be accepted. The Corpora- tion could request new offers to purchase after the above mentioned date, if deemed necessary. Purchasers will be responsible for all taxes and all assessments wheth- er local improvements, tile loans, or otherwise charged or assessed against the said property from date of closing, subject to the usual ad- justments. All offers to purchase and inquiries should be addressed to:. FARM CREDIT CORPORATION, P.O. Box 668, 5 Talbot Road South, Lambeth, Ontario NOL 1S0 (519) 552-325911 no answer call (519) 352-1220 Attn: W. T. Jackson Please refer to File No: 41260-597 Canada ********************************** * LARGE CLEARING SALE - Owners moving * Furniture, collectibles, antiques and implements * (Some horse drawn) * For Warren and Helen Noble *Lot 17, Concession 21, West Williams Twp., at Sylvan on #7 Highway, 6 * miles west of Parkhill - 3 miles east of•Thedford. * * On Saturday May 27, 1989 - 9:30 a.m. SHARP!!*_ * For Information phone 2194-0285 *FARM EQUIPMENT: #454 Int. tractor, 3 cyl diesel, 45 hp, 2000 hrs., * *60" rotary mower (3 ph Ford plow), (3 ph Ford disc), 72" 3 ph scraper * *blade, 72" 3 ph boom, 16' flat tack wagon, trailer, logging chains, fan * *mills, 12 cords mixed hardwood. * *HORSE EQUIPMENT: cutter, bobsleds with 14' rack, wooden wheel * *wagon with box and seat, 7' Cockshutt mower, Democrat, Massey Har- * *ris #10 walking plow, Massey scoop scraper, 2 seat rubber tired cart, * *wooden wheel racing cart, harness parts, gates, brass bells, whiffle * *trees, breaking cart, iron wheels, set of sleighs, wagon seats, cast iron * *seats, 1 row cultivator, coni planter. *GARDEN EQUIPMENT, TOOLS & FURNITURE 18 hp Roper * *garden tractor with 42" mower, 30" blade, -plow, tire chains, weed eater, * *rales, shovels, electric hedge trimmer, 18" Roper trailer, round picnic * *table, lounge and chairs, Big 13ear chairs, 3 man tent, fence stretcher.- * * SHOP TOOLS 10" table saw, 18" band,saw, 250 amp welder, welding* *and cutting outfit with cart, belt sander, drill press, skill saw? 1/4" drill,* *3/8" drill, jig saw, tool box with tools, wood vice, 4" vice, forge, anvil 200* *lb. tables and benches, box stove, chain saw, cement mixer, bolts,* *screws, 5 ton hydraulic jack, many hand tools, beer fridge, lumber,* *propane torch, soldering kit, 3" power plane, saw horses, bench grind- * *er. * *FURNITURE & ANTIQUES wooden planes, hay knife, bag carts,* *cowbell, Singer treadle sewing machine, sewing machine, coffee grind-* *er, hand irons, rectangular dining room table and side board and 6* *chairs, dining room table, sideboard, buffet, china cabinet and 6 chairs,* *drop front book case writing table, bow front china cabinet with mirror,* *several occasional tables, several drop leaf tables, 6 pressed back*. *chairs, dressers, wardrobe, washstand, trunks, cedar chest, pine box-* es, mirrors, all sizes of antique picture frames, library table, quilt frame,* *lamps, milk cans, wash boards. wooden ironing boards, dough box,* *wicker love seat, wooden washing machine, copper boiler and stand,* *ginger bread clocks, childs pressed back chair, childs rocker, childs* wicker training chair, old wagon and sleighs, various scales, large cast* *iron kettle, cast iron tea kettle, butter churns, apple peeler, rail road* * lanterns, oil cans, harness repair kit, shoe repair kit, bottle capper, egg* scales, candling light, saws, cross cut saws; country pine table and 6* :chairs and china cabinet with hutch by Kroehler, several other tables* :and odd chairs, wicker basket and chair and stand, 2 pine bar stools* coffee table, several rocking chairs - 2 with heat and vibrator, almond* *automatic washer/dryer, almond fridge with side freezer and 4 burner* 'electric stove - 3 yrs old, wood and coal cook stove with reservoir - ap- * *prox. 4 yrs old, (antique style), -numerous books, old magazines and* old post cards,old lace and linens, blankets, sheets, curtains, drapes. * * CHiNA: Bavarian, Noritake, Nippon, Occupied Japan, cobalt blue-* *grass, pressed glass, oil lamps, figurines, china horses, crocks all* sizes, silver, brass and pewter items, old Foley commemorative china,* * wash bowl and pitcher set, clan Gordon tea-pot, and other odd tea pots, * ' real McCoy cookie jars, china bell, jugs, butter bowl and ladles,.butter * press, silverware. Numerous misc. articles not listed. *Terms - CASH or cheque. Lunch booth. * *A very interesting sale - plan to attend. Owners or auctioneers not re- * * * * sponsible for accidents sale day!! AUCTIONEERS * t1.:..". !u..�.. * * Tom Robson • •- �•• - 666-1967 Denfield 666-0833 ,�• ****•****************** a ***********