HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-05-24, Page 20Page 20 Times -Advocate, May 24, 1989
Review Revival Centre history
LUCAN - Rev. Roger Mason
summarized the history of Lucan
Revival Centre. About 40 years ago
members met in the Orange Lodge.
In 1955 Rev. Joseph Graham, as
pastor for 10 years, and members
built and dedicated the church which
is now Graham Chapel.
In •1964 Rev. Mason as a young
boy first heard the gospel in a Boy's
Brigade under the leadership of pas-
tor Rev. John Sexton. In 1965 un-
der the pastorate of Rev. Evert Gag-
non, the mortgage was burned for
the first church.
While Rev. Gerald Rees was pas-
toring, Rcv. Mason and members of
the Boy's Brigade held a .Coffee
House in the church basement. Rev.
Mason went to Bible College when
Rev. Ray Brewster came. When the
first church was filled, these new fa-
cilities were built.
On April 1, 1979, the new church
was completed. The . weekend of
May 12-15, in 1979, this sanctuary
was dedicated. Now 10 years later
the mortgage is paid off.
Rev. Pieter Schinkleshoek talked
about the future goals of Lucan Re-
vival Centre for spiritual and nu-
merical growth. Rev. Darrell
Shaule., pastor of Living Word Con-
gregational Chords brought greet-
ings from Lucan Ministerial Fel-
lowship, then read 1 Kings 8:22-23;
27-30; 54-61, and Acts 2:42-47.
Mrs. Marlene Thornton, guest
soloist, beautifully sang May This
be the Place. Elder Mr. Bruce Hen-
ry, with pastors Mason and Schink-
leshoek joyfully burned the mort-
gage papers.
Greetings were sent from Doug
Raycraft, MPP. Lucan reeve Nor-
man Steeper, who assisted in the
sod turning over 10 years ago, in
September 1978, said he was glad
_to hear of the planned spiritual
growth of the church.
Former pastor Rev. Ray Brewster
remembered the congregation had
raised S80,000.00 for the building,
with the loan of $102,600.00 which
is now paid off. Rev. Brewster
spoke from Joshua 14:6-15, saying
we have conquered a mountain in
burning this mortgage.
Like Caleb, this church has con-
quered a mountain, now it is time
to conquer another -mountain, in fol-
lowing the Lord -wholeheartedly, as
Caleb did.
Refreshments were served in the
Fellowship Hall after the service.
Service or Celebration
Opening the Service of Celebra-
tion, Tim Kritzer, with trio of Mrs.
Jane Bend, Mrs. Cheryl Wucrch,
and Matthew Heffernan, led in wor-
ship in song.
Rev. Ray Brewster thanked every-
one for their prayers and support
during his missionary travels. After
seeing people lining up to see a 5
1/2 ton gold buddha in Bangkok, he
thanked God for Jesus. In Calcutta
people worship 700 gods; including
rats and cattle. But they have no
Rev. Brewster has started a train-
ing centre for pastors in Hyderabad,
a Moslem capital in India:
Annual Blossom Tea
Mrs. June Henry welcomed every-
one. Mrs. Judi Ross led in chorus
Mrs. Carol Nickelson of Lucan,
talked about home grown vegeta-
bles grown without chemicals be-
ing safe to eat. She discussed ways
of improving the heavy clay soil
for growing healthy vegetables, and
flowers. Her supplier had provided
sample bags of worm manure for
ladies to take home.
Mrs. Judi Ross asked gardening
questions, and gave a little prize to
Prizes may not
.,,,,gv at Chex seem
LONDON - The Better Business
Bureau of Western Ontario received
information this week that Royal
Promotions International has de-
clared bankruptcy. K.T. Promo-
tions will honour all of R.P,I.'s
• Mexican certificates.
K.T. Promotions has just done
another mailing to London and the
Western Ontario arca guaranteeing a
prize of a Blazer vehicle if you pur-
chase specialty advertising items
from them. Another guaranteed
prize is the above mentioned trip to
In actual fact, this prize is a "va-
cation certificate" and winners will
have to pay an $89 processing fee
and a $75 registration fee for a total
of $164 in addition to the cost of
the goods purchased. •
The. Bureau continues to warn
• businesses that their experience in-
dicates that these prizes arc not nec-
essarily what you have been led to
believe and that the quality of the
pens docs not usually compare to
those sold by local specialty adver-
tising firms at the same price.
Beautify your
Get out
on the street.
Take a walk.
ladies who got right answers.
'Mrs. Joy Bradley, accompanied
by Mrs. Helen Stanley playing the
piano, sang Becomes A Rose, after
she read a poem The Seasons of the
Mrs. Henry introduced Mrs.
Becky Brewster, wife of former pas-
tor Rev. Ray Brewster. From John
12:24, Mrs. Brewster stressed to be
a Christian we have to die to self.
In Ephcsians 4:1-3; 25-29; and 5:2
are six exhortations on how to live
worthy of our calling as Christians.
Mrs. Bradley sang The Name of
the Lord. After everyone sang Puri-
fy my Heart, Mrs. Jeannette
Schinkleshoek closed in prayer.
May 21 Sunday
Accompanied by Dan Wucrch,
playing the piano, Mrs. Cheryl
Wucrch led the worship in song
Sunday morning. Rcv. Pieter
Schinkleshoek, from Matthew 5,
spoke about the principles of righ-
teousness. Jesus showed what true
righteousness is.
Rev. Pieter Schinkleshoek, ac-
companicd by trio of Mrs. Jeannette
Schinkleshock, Mrs. Jane Bend, and
Mr. Matthew Heffernan, and Mr.
Dan Wuerch playing the piano, led
in joyful singing. Mrs. Wanda Cur-
tis sang Tell Mc.
Rev. Roger Mason ministered
from Luke 19:11-27. Because
everything we have belongs to God,
we are required to be faithful ste-
wards of all we have. There is a
blessing in obedience in doing busi-
ness God's way.
Upcoming events - June 2 - Be
Radical, Be True, two performances
will be given Friday, at 1:30 and
7:30 p.m. at Lucan Community
Centre, by Youth With a Mission.
June 11 Sunday evening 6:30
p.m. will be an outdoor service.
Top Seniors - These bowlers won individual awards in the Seniors Bowling League at the Lucan
Lanes this past season. Front row, (left to right), Edie Burt, high single, Pat Davis, high average.
row (left to right), Ed Armstrong, most improved, Len Smith high triple, Li!!us Clatworthy, most
improved, Jim Burt, high average.
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