HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-05-24, Page 13Top sales - Huron Tractor has beep recognized as the number one sales leader for combines in Cana-
da, and number two overall in NoAmerica. Herb Verbeek (left), and Jack Van Bussel were on hand
last Tuesday to see sales territory manager Bob McCallum present the award to the dealership's Don
Jones and Frank Winters.
Complete leadership. program
GUELPH - Thirty somewhat tired
but enthusiastic men and women
left Guelph in mid-April after com-
pleting thefirst seminar of the Ad-
vanced Agricultural Leadership Pro-
gram (AALP).
Among them was Steve Twynstra
of RR 1, Ailsa Craig.
This seminar was the first in a se-
ries which will cover a total of 55
days over the next two years and
which is designed to develop the
leadership skills and abilities of
young men and women involved in
agricultural business and organiza-
The Advanced Agricultural Lead-
ership Program was -initiated by the
Ontario Federation of Agriculture,
the Foundation for Rural Living, -
the University of Guelph -and the
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and
Food with funding from the public
and private sectors:
' This leadership program exists as
a response to a need for future lead-
ers in Ontario's agricultural com-
munity. • The program will be pre-
paring these future leaders to deal
with issues such as changing con-
sumcr perceptions and needs, free
trade, globalization of markets, ag-
riculture and the environment, sup-
ply management and many others
presently facing rural communities
and businesses.
Steve Twynstra
During the Guelph seminar par-
ticipants focussed on leadership
skills and how to adapt their own
leadership style to the needs of a
group. They emphasized involve-
ment style to the needs of a group.
They emphasized involvement and
commitment. The seminar also in-
cluded visits to ARC Industries and
the Guelph Correctional Centre.
These visits served as a stimulus
for discussion and debate about is-
sues in the community as partici-
pants quickly became acquainted
with each other.
Guest speakers Peter Hannam,
President of the Foundation for Ru-
ral Living and Dr. Burton Mat-
thews, Past President of the Univer-
sities of Waterloo and Guelph
challenged AALP members to ac-
cept the responsibilities of leader-
After three days and 33 hours of
concentrated learning members of
the group headed for their homes
across the province tired but eagerly
looking forward to the next seminar
which takes place in Sudbury in
OTTAWA - How many acres are
'seeded to whcat or soybeans this
year? Are cattle numbers on farms
continuing to increase? How have
operating costs changed since the
previous year? The answers to these
and similar questions will be pro-
vided by Statistics Canada's annual
National Farm Survey to be con-
ducted between May 23 and July 7.
Data derived from this survey will
be used to make estimates of crop
areas, livestock numbers and farm
expenses at the Provincial level.
The federal and provincial depart-
ments of agriculture use these Sta-
tistics Canada estimates for market
analysis and agricultural outlook re-
ports which arc then provided to
farmers through agricultural organi-
zations and farm media.
Governments use the information
to negotiate international sales and
trade agreements and to assess the
need for agriculture policies and
programs at both the national and
regional levels.
About 17 percent of the farms in
survey on
Canada will be surveyed, which
means that about 50,000 farms will
be contacted by mail, telephone or
personal interview.
The survey will be carried out in
two stages; some farmers will be
contacted in late May and early June
so that estimates of crop acreage
can be published soon alter seeding
this week
is completed. Later in June and in
early July interviewers will be con-
tacting farmers to get livestock
numbers and farm expense informa-
Statistics Canada gratefully ac-.
knowledge the continuing support
and co-operation of farmers in this
and other survey programs.
Judging competition fo r
4-H Saturday. i,n Clinton-
CLINTON - "For these reasons I
place this class....". This will be a
familiar line as once again Huron
County 4-H member, ; ut their
judging skills to thr. t -rt the an-
nual Judging C lition.
Registration • at - a.m. at the
Brussels, N1 —is Commu-
nity Centre ....russets on Saturday,
May 27. The competition begins at
10:00 a.m. sharp with the 4 -Hers
judging dairy cows, bccf, swine,
sheep, horses, poultry and grain.
Reasons will begin at 12:45 p.m.
Each member will choose four out
of the seven classes to give rcasonc
on placing the class the way thc
did. Top finishers in each class wil
be announced on CKNX radio ant
T.V. on Saturday evening.
All leaders, parents and friends art
invited to attend. "For these rea-
sons, I place this class 1, 4, 2, 3."
• Nick Geleynse
Rural Organization Specialist
w, 4
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New sponsor for Soil and Crop
GUELPH - C -I -L Inc. and De-
kalb Canada Inc. in cooperation
with the Ontario Soil and Crop Im-
provement Association are pleased
to announce the joint agreement to
sponsor the "1989 Ontario Forage
Master's Competition". C -I -L and
DeKalb are financially supporting
this competition to: recognize per-
formance rest/king from excellence
in forage management; recognize
performance resulting from sound
forage feeding in livestock pro-
grams; identify producers to serve
as forage spokespersons.
The competition is open to mem-
bers of local Soil and Crop Im-
provement Associations across On-
tario. John Lawrence, General ,
Manager, DeKalb Canada Inc. says,
"DeKalb is pleased to co-sponsor
the Ontario Forage Master's Com-
petition which increases awareness
of, and interest in good alfalfa for-
age production. I believe this is
very important, because to my way
of thinking, alfalfa forage is one of
the provinces most underrated re-
To ensure competition at the lo-
cal level, a minimum of five grow-
ers, up to a maximum of twenty
must participate. A grower may
compete in the hay or silage com-
petition, but not both. A predeter-
mined point system based on har-
vest and storage quality, agronomic
factors and protein content, will be
Looking for a
summer job?
CLINTON - Still looking for a
summer job? Would you like to get
away from home for awhile? Do
you need a valuable work experience
to use on your resume.
Well the Junior Agriculturalist
Program will give you these and
more. This summer you can "live
and work on a farm for eight weeks.
You will learn valuable job skills
as well as an appreciation of the ru-
ral way of life. All of this and you
actually get paid for it.! -You will be
one of approximately 165 Junior
Agriculturalists working in Ontario
fartns this summer.
Anyone from 15 to 24 is eligible
to apply. If you don't have farm ex-
perience and you would like an ex-
citing summer job, contact your lo-
cal Ministry of Agriculture today,
or ask your high school guidance
department for an application.
Brian McKinnon,
Regional Supervisor
(Bruce, Huron & Perth)
Junior Agriculturalist Program
used to judge each contestant. Fields
entered must be an alfalfa based
mixture,pf not less than ten acres.
Winners of local competitions are
invited to the Royal Agricultural
Winter Fair where the Ontario For-
age Master will be chosen. The
competitors will be judged on their
techniques and commitment to
growing superior forages for im-
proved livestock feeding. "The com-
petition is creating a great deal of
interest and enthusiasm at the local
and provincial level" notes Glen
McCann, Agronomist, C -I -L. The
panel of judges will consist of rep-
resentatives from the C -I -L, De-
Kalb, the Ontario Soil and Crop
Improvement Association and Onta-
rio Foraee Council. The "Ontario
Forage Master" will be presented at
thc awards banquet that follows the
In 1988, eleven Associations were
represented at the competition. With
an increasing interest by farmers to
product high quality forage, the
numbers are anticipated to'be much
greater in 1989.
Doug Wagner, Secretary -Manager,
OSCIA says "The Ontario forage
Master's Competition provides an
excellent opportunity for OSCIA to
work with and benefit from the ex-
pertise of these two leading Canadi-
an companies":
Local associations will have reg-
istered in the Provincial competi-
tion by June 1.
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