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Times -Advocate, May 17, 1989 _
Man of many hats - Norm MacPherson, second from left, principal of Grand Bend Public School,
donned a chef's hat to help the students in a fund raising barbeque in the parking lot of the Sun-
shine Village IGA in Grand Bend. They were selling hamburgers for $1 to help fund a grade 7 & 8
field trip to Toronto next month.
News from
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - Sunday marked
the Feast of Pentecost at Im nacu-
-late Heart of Mary Church tin Grand
In his sermon, Father Beck ex-
plained that Easter and Pentecost
celebrate the Resurrection and its di-
rect result - the coming of the Holy
At the close of the Mass, special
Confirmation plaques were awarded
to all those young people recently
confirmed by Father Beck. The
plaques were donated by the CWL.
Thursday May 18 will be a spe-
cial Mass, with a Rosary and
hymns to honour Mary during the
month of May. Marion Devotions
beginning at 7 p.m.. Next Sunday
is the Feast of the Trinity.
Congratulations to all Mothers
on their special day. Congratula-
tions also go to Ross Esley Mom-
mersteeg, infant son of Joe Mom-
mcrstecg and Krisan Datcrs, and to
Raymond Johannes Seelen, infant
son of Raymond Seelan and Sherry
Ann Smirle, who were baptized
into the Catholic Community on
Algarva #168 welcomed three
new members into the Order of the
Alhambra on May -7. Several
members of the local Caravan ac-
companied the three neophytes to a
special induction ceremony in De-
troit. Jerry O'Brien of Grand Bend,
Bruno Pachlarz of Grand Bend and
Mike Ryan Jr. of Mount Carmel
arc now officially Alhambrans.
On May 10, Algarva #168 bade
goodbye to one of its founding
members, Sirnoblc Jim Dalton. In
addition to local parishioners and
friends, the entire Algarva #168 at-
tended, joined by Alhambrans from
Windsor and London, to pay their
last respects to their much loved
"Senior Stateman" of the Order.
The funeral Mass on Wednesday
was con -celebrated by five priests,
Fr. Bill Coughlin, C.S.B.; Father
Douglas Boyer, Fr. Elwin Morris,
Fr. Angelo Bovenzi C.S.B. and
Paster Father Paul Bcck. The eulo-
gy was given by Father Bill Cough-
lin, Jim's brother-in-law. A funeral
luncheon was provided afterwards at
the Alhambra Hall by members of
the Catholic Women's. League.
Church of God
Several guests were present at the
morning service of thc Grand Bend
Church of God, as it was a special
day in honour of our mothers and
- the dedication of a new stained glass
window in the foyer of the church.
The window was. placed in the
church in memory of the late Ken-
neth MacGregor by his wife Doro-
thy and family.
The artist has depicted Jesus the
Good Shepherd carrying a Iamb, in
brilliant colors of blue, red and
green. It is a beautiful memorial to
a faithful church member.
Special music for the service was
provided by a men's choir singing
"In Times .Like These You Need a
Saviour". Michelle Vincent played
an offertory "He's Only a Prayer
Away," and she accompanied the
general hymns, with Morley Desjar-
dinc at the organ.
Rev. Stan Dcsjardinc's sermon
was taken from 2 Timothy 1:1-7, a
passage in which the Apostle Paul
writes to Timothy, encouraging
him in his faith. Paul reminded
young Timothy that his mother and
grandmother had guided and taught
Timothy in thc'way of Christ:.
At the conclusion of the service,
thc congregation gathered in the
foyer for a prayer of dedication for
the new window. Each mother re-
ceived the gift of a small begonia
In thc evening service, Lueillc
Vincent led the hymns and Pastor
Desjardine began a Bible study on
Temptation. Every Christian will
be tempted by Satan to stray from
the path of following Christ, yet
God allows such temptation to test
our faith and thus strengthen us.
Bible Study
There were 15 ladies out to Bible
Study at Sauble Court last Tuesday
morning. Eleanor Durie called the
GB churches
ting t order.
Vera B own led thc Study 9 on
"Is It True that Happiness Is a
Warm Puppy?" from the Workshop
of Philippians. They considered
Paul's reasons for rejoicing in his
association with the . Philippian
Church. Theydiscussed what it
was that made Paul rejoice and how
we can experience that same joy.
UCW meeting
The United Church Women mct
last Thursday afternoon with 18 la-
dies in attendance. The opening
worship was given by Annie Mo-
renz, on a "Mother's Day Theme".
She opened with a reading "A
Mother's Home and Heaven."
Claire Watson was pianist for a
hymn sing. Reading from "A
Mother's Source Book of Informa-
tion'. Mrs. Morenz paid respect to
mothers. She also read. poems
about Mothers-in-law, and excerpts
on "Mothers Who Made History".
For the program, Verna Lovie
read items on South Africa from
Mandate Magazine an the United
Church Observer. It was asked
"What Is South Africa's Future?"
Very few blacks own property, and
atrocities are committed against
blacks daily.
President Elizabeth Norris con-
ducted the business. Roll call was
answered by naming a mother in
the Bible.
Plans were finalized .for the
UCW's thankoffering Sunday, to be
held on June 4. Norma Carey gave
a report on visits to several sick and
Norris closed with two poems,
"Mother's Wages" and "Mother-
hood." Greta Luther and Norma
Walper were lunch hostesses.
Grand Bend United Church
A communion service was held at
the Grand Bend United Church on
Sunday morning. Rev. Ted Smits
dealt with the topic of Pentecost in
her sermon, choosing Acts 2:176
for his text, "I will pour out my
spirit upon all flesh." People
crowded Jerusalem for the Feast of
Tabernacles, when the Holy Spirit
descended upon the disciples, who
had been gathered together in
prayer. They began to speak in
tongues, converting 3,000 people
and founding Christ's Church on
The Holy Spirit guides people,
encourage them and gives them vi-
sion. Even today we can be amazed
about the growing understanding
between Russia and the Western
World, and wonder if the Holy Spir-
it is guiding the minds of men. -
In the children's story, Rev.
Smits talked about mothers and
their influence on children. Many a
person has asked "What would my'
mother say ,about this plan?" and
very often he or she has dropped a
foolish action.
CWL Diocesan Convention
The 69th annual Diocesan Con-
vention of the Catholic Women's
League was held in London on May
2 and 3 at the Radisson Hotel (for-
mer Holiday Inn). There were 385
registered for the two day event,
plus 660 attending the banquet held
on Tuesday evening.
The keynote speaker .was Sister
Margaret Ferris, a pastor of theolo-
gy, teacher, principal, professor and
counselor in the Diocese of Lon-
don. The topic was "Women Shar-
ing In the Life and Mission of the
The Church needs women and
this is our challenge, leading us
into uncharted waters, guided by the
faith and love of Christ our Lord.
Tuesday afternoon session, Eu-
gene DuFour was the guest speaker,
addressing the topic of "pastoral
care for patients with AIDS". Du -
Four is a consultant and Family
Therapist at hospitals in London.
He related his experiences, confront-
ing his own biases and pre-'
conceived ideas about AIDS and ho-
mosexuality, in the face of dying
patients. There are about 3,000 re-
ported cases in Canada; about 40
cases each in London, Windsor and
A resoution on "Equal funding
for Separate School" was passed
unanimously by the assembly, rec-
ommending that Corporate and
Business taxes should be based on
the percentage of R. Catholic chil-
dren in that given area. •
A second proposed resolution re-
ceived much debate, but eventually
passed, with an amendment on the
subject of "Street Kids". Citing
the growing problem of runaway
children who become hooked on
drugs and exposed to the dangers of
prostitution and abuse, the resolu-
tion calls for families to be helped
by counseling and that all citizens
support "Safe Homes" for adoles-
cents in crisis. It also compliments
the Provincial Minister for Com-
munity and Social Services for his
work on Bill 107 and asks him to
consider the problem of children's
inability to consent to treatment
and the inability of service provid-
ers to hold on to ("confine?") chil-
dren for proper treatment.
A special Bursarywas created for
adult CWL members who require fi-
nancial assistance for retraining or
education to cntcr the job market.
Each council was asked for a dona-
tion to create a $100,000 bursary
for this purpose.
London Dioccsc Auxiliary Bishop
Fred Henry was the guest speaker at
the closing luncheon for the con-
Jacqui Herman, first Vice Presi-
dent of the Ontario CWL, closed the
convention with the message "Sup-
port your members". If we want
good, active members we must use
our net working system in the
CWL to share our experiences,
skills and strengths and create op-
portunities for growth!
OPP ready .for biggest
weekend of the season
GRAND BEND - This is the
most exciting w; ekend of the year
for this lakeside resort. If the
weather cooperates, hordes of pco-
plc will celebrate the Victoria Day
weekend in Grand Bend, awakening
the community from its winter
slumber in a hurry.
While the Victoria Day weekend
kicks off the commercial tourist
season to the delight of business
owners in Grand Bend, it is also
the first weekend of operation for
the summer detachment of the
Grand Bend OPP.
Sergeant John Carson heads the
unit this year and says that while a
holiday weekend is not his favorite
way of breaking in a new detach-
ment, he will have all 21 officers
on duty along with six extras bor-
rowed for the occasion. When
combined with the RIDE team,
about 30 officers will be patrolling
Grand Bend all weekend, 24 hours a
As in past years, Carson expects
the main enforcement targets will
be liquor infractions.
"I'm new here," he said. "I'm just
going on past history."
The police will also be keeping a
close eye on the village's traffic
flow, in light of parking and high-
way access problems.
"If there's a need to direct traffic,
we will direct traffic," said Carson.
The Pinery detachment will also
have their full complement of offi-
cers on duty.
Sergeant Harold Melton points
out that while Victoria Day repre-
sents the detachment's busiest
weekend, much of the worry is les-
sened by the return of the liqupvban
in the Provincial Park.
"It basically moves people from
the park...and down the road to
Grand Bend," said Melton, noting
that the village offers a more con-
trollable atmosphere for revellers to
Parking garage discussed
GRAND BEND - Village coun-
cillor John McDowell reported to
council at their regular _ meeting
Monday night that he thinks they
should consider purchasing an elec-
tronic control system for the mu-
nicipal parking lot at the beach.
The vehicle detection machine
would be installed in the ground for
directional counting for people go-
ing the wrong way into the parking
All installation charges for this
equipment will be included in the
purchase price. McDowell said it
will cost under $6,000 and could be
funded by the parking lot reserve
fund and should pay for itself with-
in three years of purchasing it.
He also thought it would be a
good idea for a pop-up type display
cash register to show on the ticket
how much is paid for parking and i:
will be neccessary to supply an
electrical outlet at the parking lot to
allow the cash register to be in-
McDowell told council if it is or-
dered immediately it could be oper-
ating by the middle of June.
McDowell also told council he
was talking with John Agnew from
University Hospital in London
about the parking garage there and
was checking the possibilities of
patting a similar in one in Grand
Bend, as a possible solution to
Grand Bend's parking problems.
He said the garage in London
,Wends in with the surroundings and
is very attractive. Many details were
discussed with Agnew and Agnew
supplied names of people to contact
Around the Bend
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - The 4-H Club
activities will be starting again
soon, and this one is called "Let's
Landscape." If any girls are inter-
ested please call either Sue McKay
(238-8490), Marg Patterson (238-
2046) or Susan Gill (238-2088 after
6 p.m.) to register. Learn how to
create beauty outsidethe home too.
The Grand Bend Beavers will be
celebrating the "Swim Up" of their
White Tail Beavers to Cubs, at a
ceremony on Thursday, May 18 at
the Grand Bend Pu Iti_chool. The
meeting starts at 7 p.m.
The Grand Bend Beavers are una-
ble to participate in the annual Bea-
verce at Benmiller this year, due to
a lack of parent volunteers, unfortu-
nately. However, they'll be wind-
ing up the season with a day -long
outing at Philip Walker's farm. We
hope there will be enough leaders
for the Beavers and Cubs to start up
again next year.
Don't forget the annual meeting
of Women Today on May 25, 7:30
p.m. in the Clinton Town Hall.
There will be discussion of a varie-
ty of topics considered important to
members of Women Today, includ-
ing child care, the environment,
support groups an the problems
faced by farm/rural women. There
will be an update on the Midwifery
Task Force, and information about
an employment support group for
women who are unemployed.
Come and find out what you can do
to change things for the better,
right here in Huron County.
to get addition information.
* * *
By-law enforcement officer Keith
Crawford attended the meeting with
a number of concerns he addressed
to council. Council later passed a
motion approving the hiring of
Crawford's assistants for the sum-
Crawford suggested council look
into purchasing crests identifying
him and his assistants as by-law en-
forcement officers when he is out in
the public rather than wearing
Grand Bend t -shirts as he has in
the past. Crawford said wearing
crests makes him look more offi-
cial, when he is dealing with the
Council then discussed the possi-
bility of purchasing the crests for
the rest of the summer staff in the
village in a uniform -type golf shirt
so everyone would look the same.
Crawford was told the village
doesn't have use of the Hevey Beach
Place lot at the end of Main St. this
year and wanted to know if that lot
could be barricaded up if it is not
being used so pcoplc would be
forced to park in the municipal lot.
Skate board riders have been a
problem in the village in the past.
Grand Bend docs have a by-law pro-
hibiting skateboards on the side-
walks and the roads in the village
and Crawford was unsure what to do
if it continues to be a problem
when people not obeying the by-
Crawford said the pcoplc that ride
skateboards should have a place in
the village that would allow them
to be ridden there, which would get.
them off the sidewalks and the
roads, before someone gets hurt
from a nassine motorist.
* * *
Councillor Bruce wooatey report-
ed that he was in Burlington last
week to meet with Jack Hall and
Dwayne Blanchard of Small Crafts
Harbors and said he has a commit-
ment from them for $15,000 to be
matched by the village for a total of
$30,000 for dredging. Only
$12,500 was allocated in the village
budget for dredging so Woodley said
he will talk with other users of the
harbor to come up with the other
The rest of the harbor employees
have been hired and council passed a
motion approving their employ-
ment. The . three employees arc
Scott Keyes, Pollyanna Soudant
and Lisa Ellerington, said Woodley.
Dan Reidy,the head beach patrol
and Woodley will be interviewing
applicants Friday for one full time
and one part time guard to complete
the summer staff hiring this year.
A pair of delegations from two
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separate upcoming volleyball tour-
naments also attended the meeting
to confirm their dates with council
and had a few other minor requests
Lorrie Avdeeff, of EPI Ski View,
an non-profit group, wanted to hold
their tournament the July 9-10
weekend in front of Sanders -on -the-
Beach, but because it conflicted
with another tournament which ap-
plied prior to EPI, they were
was forced to move their tourna-
ment to the June 24-25 weekend.
Avdeeff said it is the first year for
EPI in "beach volleyball and their
main interest in the first year was
to promote the sport and the tourna-
ment this year will be played at a
recreational level, rather than com-
Avdeef also assured council that
the event will be well supervised
and a four -person crew will set up
early Saturday morning, tear down.
after play Saturday, set up again
Sunday morning and tear down
again after play Sunday night and
the arca will be swept clean of litter -
before they leave each day. '
All equipment will be transported
with a eight -foot trailer which will
be parked on the gravel area in front
of the volleyball courts.
Don Russo representing' another.
group that wants to hold a pair of
tournaments this summer was in at-
tendance to ask permission to have
a pair of advertising signs on the
beach of sponsors of the tourna-
ment. Council agreed, but advised
Russo he should change the dates
for one of the tournaments.
Russo wantcd to hold the first
tournament July 28-29 weekend but
agreed to change it to the week be-
fore because of the large numbers of
people that will use the beach in
the holiday weekend. The second
tournament will be held August 26-
27weekend as planned. Russo was
also asked if he could move the lo-
cation of the tournaments to just
north of the pier near the wind surf-
- ing area and he agreed.
Exeter Lions
to the following for their assis-
tance and support at 5th Annual
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Pathfinders Beverages
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South Huron 4-H Horse Club
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