HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-05-17, Page 11Lioness Yard Sale - The Exeter Lioness club staged a yard sale Saturday at the Lions Youth Centre. Above, Marilyn Luther makes a purchase from Lioness members Mary Lou Becker, Marian Rider and Liz Bell. Welcome back familiar faces GRAND BEND -. This summer, the Huron Country Playhouse will welcome back some familiar faces. Former Huron Country Playhouse Artistic Director, Ron Ulrich will take time out from his duties at ,Stage West in Edmonton to return to the. Playhouse to direct Neil Si- mon's, Last of the Red Hot Lovers. Mr. Ulrich was Artistic Director at the Playhouse from 1983 to 1986. and during that time he was respon- sible for commissioning many new. Canadian works, bringing to frui- tion the first professional season in Playhouse II, and directing the ma- jority of the main stage produc- tions. [an Deakin, will return to .the main stage at Huron Country Play- house this season for two -produc- tions; Agatha Christie's Witness for Speaker. at Exeter UCW EXETER - "Thcy call Hcr . Blessed" was the theme of the after- noon unit of U.G.W. Exeter United. Church on May -ll in the church parlour. A good attendance enjoyed the program with Rev. Sheila Macgre- gor showing pictures relating to the life of Jesus' mother Mary. She told of the Virgin Mary's parents. Hcr mother. was .St. Anne. Mary had a good religious up -bringing. There are many ways of describing Mary's love, faith and obedience. She was a great example of motherhood. Scripture passages were read by Mrs. Gertrude Hamilton and Mrs. Kay Green. Meditations were given ' on these passages by Mrs. Ruth Ellwood and Mrs. Doris Sillcry, Mrs. Hakel .Miller .read a prayer. poem. A quartet of Mrs. Maxine_Sereda, Mrs. Norma Hooper, Mr. Par Skin- ner and Mr. Carfrcy_Cann rendered two numbers. Mrs. Laura Dickey conducted the business. The general meeting of U.C.W. is to be April 29 at 8 p.m. The next meeting of .the afternoon unit will be Junc 1. Friendship Tea is June 8, and Westminster weekend June 9to 11. The meeting closed with a social hour. Store Location Hwy. 83, just west of Dashwood 237-3561 / HAYTER'S ` NEW Hours TURKEYS TURKEYS Featuring • Ground Turkey • Wings • Drumsticks • Smoked Turkey • Sausage • Cutlets • Sausage • Turkey Burgers • Breast Roast Monday -Friday 9:00 - a•3n Monday - Friday 5:30 Saturday 9:00 - 5:00 SPECIAL THIS WEEK FILETS 3.59 lb. (while quantities last) Fresh Frozen Turkeys available 10 Main St. Grand Bend 238-2412 "FULL SERVICE SALON" HAIR CARE - SKIN CARE - MANICURES - NAIL TIPS - HOT WAXING - MAKE-UP - EAR PIERCING HAIRSTYLISTS ESTHETICIAN OPEN - 9 .am. - 9 p.m. Mon. - Fri. Sat., 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. WALK-INS WELCOME Prop: Lorelei Battram the Prosecution and Ray Cooney's -Run For Your Wife. His role in Run For Your Wife will mark Ian's second performance in a Ray. Cooney. play at Hurn Country Playhouse. In 1985, 'Mr. Deakin played Alistair Spinlow in "Move over Mrs_ Markham", one of Huron Country Playhouse's most success- ful non-musical productions. The Playhouse will also. be wel- coming back Shelley Peterson in her role as Barbara Smith in Run For Your Wife. Ms. Peterson was a member of the HCP 'company in the days when plays were performed -under a rented big top tent. Ms. Pe- terson appeared in the Huron,Cou - try Playhouse productions of "Un- der the Yum Yum Tree" (1973), "Bus Stop" (1973), "The Star Span- gled Girl"- (1916), "The Miracle Worker" (1983), and "Bedroom Farce" (1984). Actor, Director: -Writer, Jack Northmore will return in August to take the stage'as The King in Rod- gers and Hammerstein's, The .King and I. Jack's list of credits at Huron Country Playhouse is long and dis- tinguished. He is best remembered for his performances as Norman Thayer -in "On Golden Pond" (1983) and Matthew in "Anne of Green Gables" (1985). Last season Jack wrote and starred in the Playhouse II production "Mercer! Beaucoup!", a tribute to song -writer Johnny Mercer. Ron, Ian, Shelley, and Jack are all old favourites -at Huron Country Playhouse, and are sure to contrib- ute to a successful season of sus- pense, laughter, song and dance. Forthcoming marriage - Ron and Beamice Cote and Eugene and Carol Willard are pleased to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of.Lise and Doug on June 10, t989, at St. Mary's Church, Bryanston at 3:30. A pre -wedding dance is planned for May 27. Phone 235-275-6. Everyone welcome. Forthcoming marriage Mr. itnd Mrs. Keith Volland, Hensall, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Lisa Marie, to Robert Scott Pedlar, son of Mrs. Iola Pedlar, Sarnia, and the late Wil- liam Pedlar. The wedding will take place -at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church on May 27, 1989 at 3:00 p.m. Open re- ception to follow in Hensall. Times -Advocate, May 17, 1989 Lioness Club learn wardrob'c basics By Lioness Laurie Dykstra EXETER - The Exeter Lioness Club met for their regular meeting at the Exeter Masonic Hall on April 24 at 7:00 p.m. A delicious meal was topped off with a mouth- watering dessert.. Vicki Morrison spoke to the Lio- ness members on picking out the basics for a wardrobe, so that col- ouring, body shape and clothing personality may be chosen to suit each individua4Building wardrobes around mix and match pieces or co- ordinates can truly spread the cloth- ing dollar. - Clothing personality can be ex- pressed by those categories: Dra- matic, Romantic, Classic and Natu- ral. Individuals express themselver. in different ways for•many different occasions. It's best to pick and choose well, since the item of clothing could be worn for many years, if properly coordinated. The SAAN store of Exeter in cooperation with the Exeter Lioness and Lions had a promotional week from May 1 to 6, where they would donate 10 percent of all sales to the Club.,The proceeds from sales was almost $3,000 and proceeds from -Breakfast and Hot Dog Stand was $600. This money will be donated to the Exeter Lions Youth Centre. The Exeter Lioness Garage Sale was May 13 in the morning, at the Exeter Lions Youth Centre. Homecoming. Days and Ball Tournaments at the South Huron Community Centre are scheduled Laughter heard at May UCW AILSA CRAIG - Peals of laugh- ter could be heard in the Sunday School room of the Ailsa Craig United Church when the U.C.W. met there for the May meeting. -The shouts and laughterwerepart of the Win, Lose or Draw program when Miss Paris Green (Betty Su- therland) of Paris in her flowery hat was the guest artist.' - All her art work consisted of Bib- lical scenes and the audience did very well at guessing what they were. - Thcn, to make our minds work, Mary Clark, who was in charge of the programme provided us with Bible Bingo and two contests. During the worship service pre- sented by Mary Clark and Betty Su- therland we sang two hymns. Donna Cox presided for the busi- ness meeting. Treasurer Mary Scafe, reminded everyone that the money from the mini -fundraiser, the April calendar should now be given to her. All the members agreed they would like Yvette McGregot to plan a U.C.W. outing in August. During the social time we sang Happy Birthday to Marie Campbell. Jean Maguire and her helpers served a delicious lunch. - To the next meeting we will bring articles suitable for the Can- cer Cupboard. The U.C.W. will meet again on Junc 13 at 6:30 p.m. for a pot luck picnic at Victoria Inn, Carlisle. At that time we hope that the ladies from Brinsley U.C.W. and Carlisle U.C.W. will meet with us. for June 9, 10 and 11, 1989. The Exeter Lioness will be manning the food booth in the Exctcr Agricultu- ral Building. Enjoy the good home cooking, while attending the ball games. - Two Life Memberships in Lions Foundation of Canada were donated in the names of Exeter Lioness Mary Jane MacDougall and Joan Hunking, Remember to get involved and support your local Lioness/Lions Club functions in the upcoming months: The money raised is donat- ed to projects within the communi- t for our cn'o tment. Page 11 Engagement - Roxanne and • Derek Hippern .are happy to an- nounce the engagement of their mother, Sheila Hippern of Grand Bend to Ron Romphf of Sylvan. Serving - Refreshments were included in ,the price of admission to Nightbeat '89. Among the SHDHS student waiters were Melanie Jones (left) and Brenda Wilkinson. IT'S STANDARD TRUST SAVINGS TIME AND WE'RE GIVING Receive a Seiko, Pulsar or Lorus watch.just for opening a new Savings Account of $2,500 or more t:\%tntmum 911 days, And ...tor our regular customers in this branch a special draw for a Bulova "Regulator" wall clock. Complete rules are -available at all branches. \V' want you to try your "Hometown Savings Centre", so were offering: Your choke of Men's or ladies Watches. lust for opening a new savings . account of: I„I . IIIb%% •1•I,MI 1•••_iII 1,1 STANDARD TRUST 386 Main St. S., Exeter NOM 1S0 • 235-1060 SWITCH TD WHERE THE SMART MONEY IS GETTING MORE. 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