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Times -Advocate, May 17, 1989
Five generations - The recent arrival of Stacey Consitt in the Varna
area completes five generations for the family of Beatrice Young. in
the above picture, Stacey, now four months of age is held by
grandmother Barb .Consitt. At the back from the left are father
Scott Consitt and great grandmother Grace Evans with great -great
grandmother Beatrice Young at the front right.
Conestoga expanding
child care facilities
KITCHENER - Despite all the
bad news recently heard about pros-
pects for expansion of child care fa-
cilities, Conestoga CoLge is push-
ing forward and dc‘ eloping this
important community resource.
Conestoga has systematically en-
larged its'Early Childhood Educa-
tion activities over the past 18
months and will now build a second
lab school/child care centre at its
Waterloo campus.
What makes the 90 -space centre
unique is its partnership arrange-
ment, which involves the College,
Ontario's Ministry of Community
Forthcoming marriage - Mr.
and Mrs. Ron Watt of South-
cott Pines, Grand Bend are very,
happy to announce the forth-
coming marriage of their son
Dean Robert, to Nancy Darlene
Ackersviller, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Ackersviller of
RR1; Stratford. The wedding
will take place May 27, 1989 at
2:30 p.m. in Stratford Bethel
Pentecostal Tabernacle.
and Social Services and The Manu-
facturers Life Insurance Company
(Canadian Operations division) of
Of the S856,000 cost to build and
equip the centre, $638,000 will
come from the Ministry and
$218,000 will come from The
Manufacturers. In return, employ-
ees of The Manufacturers will have
first right of refusal on up to 30 of
the spaces. As well, a certain num-
ber of spaces will be reserved for
children of those needing assistance
with daycare costs and a certain
number will be reserved for handi-
capped and special -needs children.
The 6,400 square foot centre will
benefit all parties. Conestoga will
have a lab school for Early Child-
hood Education students based at
the Waterloo campus. The Manu-
facturers --located just north of the
campus --will have nearby, available
spaces for employees' children.
Community and Social Services
will be creating additional needed
child care spaces in north Waterloo.
For more information on this
project, contact any of the follow-
ing: Donna McKenna, Chair of
Early Childhood Education at Cone-
stoga College, (519) 748-5220, ext.
391; Larry Himmelman, Child Care
Program Supervisor at the Waterloo
office of Community and Social
Service,' (519) 886-4700; Patty Le-
wis, Public Affairs Manager at The
Manufacturers, (519) 747-7000.
Beautify your
Get out
on the street.
Take a walk.
Aawn014:70 7
• Swimwear • Sportswear • Dresses • Accessories
1 1/4 miles South of Grand Bend on Hwy. 21
Phone 238-2818 Open 7 days a week 10 - 6
Keenagers inaugurate 'Birthday Bash'
AILSA CRAIG - Something new
has begun at Craigwiel Day Centre
for Seniors! The first Monday of
each month, we have a Birthday
Bash to celebrate all those who
have a birthday during that month.
Although the third of April was a
chilly day, the special guest for our
first birthday celebration warmed us
with his poetry. We enjoyed Art
Gingerich so much we had him
back later in the month even
though it wasn't .a party. His
poems evoke so many memories
and awake an awareness of the beau-
ties around us in our usual worlds.
That's not all that's new. Marga-
ret Robinson has joined our staff.
She comes in to do baths and now,
thanks to her expertise, we will be
able to offerfoot care each day we
are open! Her friendly smile and
quiet humour have added a touch all
their own to our days here at the
Since April was designated Na-
tional Humour Month, we celebrat-
ed by watching some old comedies
such as "There's No Business Like
Show Business," and the hilarious
"The Unsinkable Molly Brown."
Last fall we enjoyed discovering
St. Marys so much we decided to
investigate some other towns and
their history. Exeter was the first
on our list for '89 and we spent two
successive days there with a total of
21 people. We even saw one of
their famous white squirrels!
The Times has always played an
important part in the life of Exeter.
If you young people thought you
had the ultimate in kissing tech -
Reunion for RNAs
KITCHENER - To mark the 20th
anniversary of the Nursing Assist-
ant program at Conestoga College -
- the first such program at any On-
tario college -- and to explore devel-
opments in this valuable health care
profession, Conestoga College will
hold a combination 20th reunion/
professional development day at its
Guelph campus on Saturday, June
Cost for the day is only S20,
which includes all sessions and ma-
terials, and lunch. Registration
deadline is Monday, May 30.
Keynote speaker is John Fryters,
a 1975 Nursing Assistant graduate,
on the topic of Stress Management.
He is a recognized expert on addic-
tion counselling and management,
is founder and Executive Director of
Serenity House of Quinte in Belle-
ville, and is currently one of the Di-
rectors of the Alcoholism and Drug
Addiction Foundation of Ontario.
The day's other session focuses
on current issues in RNA practice.
and features three speakers: Verna
Steffler (former President of the On-
tario Association of Registered
Nursing Assistants) on Current Is-
sues and Certification, Carroll Valli
(noted AIDS educator) on AIDS in
the RNA Profession and Roxcna •
Smeltzer (1978. Conestoga RNA
graduate) on Returning to School.
There will also be displays of me-
morabilia, looking back on the pro-
gram's 20 years at Conestoga, plus
ample opportunity for participants
to reminisce and renew friendships.
Nursing Assistant is a popular
and successful program, producing
90-100 graduates each year. Cone-
stoga also offers postgraduate educa-
tion for RNA professionals.
To register for the June 24 event,
or for more information, contact
Conestoga's Alumni Affairs office,
299 Doon Valley Dr., Kitchener,
Ontario N2G 4M4, (519) 748-5220,
ext. 463/474.
One century - Mabel McNichol, a resident of the Exeter Villa, cele-
brated her 100th birthday on April 9. Her descendants include
nine children (two deceased), 30 grandchildren (two deceased),
56 great-grandchildren, and a number of great -great-
John Deere's new STX suburban lawn
tractor looks and feels right at home
on your lawn. Built with an overhead
valve engine and tight turning radius.
the STX lawn tractor has enough power
and manueverability to get you through
thick and thin.
And you can get an STX with John
Deere quality at a price you can afford.
Come see our complete line of STX
lawn tractors today.
Nothing Runs like a Deere' .a. NI el
HWY NO. 4. N.
(519) 235-1115
Lawn &Garden
(A Division of Huron Tractor)
Sprina Store Hours;
Mon. thru Fri. 8 to 8
Saturday 8 to 3
HWY NO. 4, N.
519 523-4244
niques, you should look up the
1874 issues of the Times!
Twice we've visited East Wil-
liams School. The first time was
to see the gymnastics team do their
routines and the'skipping! Double
Dutch was enough for most of us
to conquer, but try it while skip-
ping your own single rope! That
was just ONE of the feats they ac-
complished. A week later we were
back to watch the "Trial of the Big
Bad Wolf'.
A whole van -load had a night out
when we went to the Lamplighter
Inn to the final night for the Com-
munity Club Awards. We came
home $235 richer and celebrated on
the way home with donuts that
blew some diets to smithereens.
We made all the curfews though, so
no one was locked out!
With our bazaar coming up May
26, we're painting up a storm. Not
only ceramics, but we're adding silk
scarves to our repertoire! At the end
of our first day of painting those
scarves, our fingers were almost as
colorful as the scarves themselves,
but it sure was fun!
We'll be open bosh afternoon an
evening on the twenty-sixth, so
we'll hope to see many of you
Full size or ball croquettes,
excellent party snacks.
Prepared from old country recipe.
Now available locally.
Call to order. 234-6798
414 Main St. S., Exeter 235-1522
Get ready for summer
! It's Bathing Suit Time!
Lose 5 to 15 Inches in
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European Body Wrap
- all natural
- no water loss
- reduce cellulite
Also available
Six exercise tables to
- package deals available
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