HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-05-10, Page 15Hurricanes project - Brent Mills and Sean O'Reilly are shown with their project on hurricanes at the recent Biddulph Central School Science Fair. Light colours - Chris Revington displays his Biddulph Central School Science Fair project on the affect of colours of light on plants. Pressure of water- Julie Carroll and Melissa Hardy show their Biddulph Central School Science Fair project on a manometer. Alcohol occurrences up LtJCAN - Alcohohrelated occur- rences increased over the past week in the Lucan OPP detachment area. Two persons were charged with im- paired driving, seven persons were charged with Liquor Licence Act of- fences and one person received a 12 hour driver's licence suspension af- ter registering a warn on an ALERT test. All of these charges resulted from vehicles being stopped during regu- lar patrol except for the one im- paired charge which resulted from an accident. Normally drinking and alcohol offences begin to increase at this time of year, especially around the GIC Rates 2 •NOCh4F F EES � • •NO Ch ARGES •FUNDS TRANSFERARIE 1 Yr. WA CUARTERED BANK INVESTMENTS 524-2773 ood.nen 1-600-265-5503 holiday weekend in May. Drinking in vehicles; almost always ends with liquor charges being laid and A.L.E.R.T. tests being adminis- tered. If a WARN or FAIL test re- sults, twelve hour suspensions or arrest will follow. Drink responsi- bly and don't drive if you do drink. Other -investigations for the week included: two thefts, a break-in and two occurrences involving nuisance and threatening telephone calls. There were four motor vehicle acci-' dents investigated; one classed as a non -reportable and three involving minimal and minor injuries only. The week of May 14 to 20 is Po- lice Week. During the week, many activities throughout Ontario will be taking place to promote good re- lations between the public and po- lice. There will be a mall display at Masonvillc Mall in London from May 18 to May 20 by the Ontario Provincial Police. Anyone wishing to tour Lucan Detachment arc inva•h ed to visit -the office on Monday, May 15 between -9:30 and 11:00 a.m. White Westinghouse, Danby, General Electric, , Moffat, Inglis and Wci6ds •• freezers. All on sale for slirc+kstf"hces picked up with old unit. Delivery can be arranged. Man.. of Lucan lukewarm over county restructuring LUCAN - Lucan Village Council have not given a warm welcome to the province's plans to restructure county governments. The plan, which calls for the integration of small municipalities, received mixed, reviews at council's regular meeting last Tuesday. Councillor Tom McLaughlin pointed out that the restructuring proposal calls for municipalities with no less than 4,000 as a popu- lation. "Lucan, Biddulph and Granton would give us just over 4,000," he said, noting that Lucan and Bid- dulph have a fair number of ongo- ing disputes. Reeve Norm Steeper agreed. "The interests of the rural and ur- ban municipalities do not coincide and you always have those frictions on council," said Steeper. Councillor Larry Hotson doubted a larger joint -municipality would accomplish any more for the tax- payers. 'Bigger does not necessarily mean better," he said, suggesting Lucan and Biddulph councillors work harder for their voters than London Aldermen. In other business. council consid- ered a petition asking for both a stop sign or "children playing" signs in Lucan's Whitfield Acres subdivision at the intersection of Willow Avenue and Gibson Cres- cent. Nearby homeowners complain of motorists speeding in the subdivi- sion. Council argued that the only sensible solution would be a stop sign because "children playing" signs have little meaning when children play near all Lucan streets. The public works committee will be discussing a course of action at their meeting. Council approved a bylaw setting new mill rates for the 1989 budget. The residential mill rate increased 9.63 percent to 76.002 from last year's 69.324. However, the vil !age's portion of the $712,632 bud- get increased only 4.57 percent to $239,999. The bulk of the increases came from the Middlesex County levy which went up 25.74 percent, and the secondary school levy which in- creased 24.32 percent as opposed the elementary budget with only a 0.11 percent increase. Living Word Church LUCAN - Living Word Congre- gational Church in Lucan continues to meet in the Auditorium of the Lucan Public School at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday. Morning worship began with Sunday school children singing songs with actions and reciting Bible verses, Matthew 1:21, Luke 2:11 and John 1:1 closing with prayer then on to their classrooms. The service began by greeting each other then singing old and new favourite songs. The message was The Giver of All Good Gifts. Scrip- ture was Ephesians 4:1-13. We are studying spiritual gifts and we find that each believer is given certain gifts by God Himself. What gift has God given you? As believers we realize God has given us a gift and that we should make use of that gift towards others. The Bible Study groups continue to meet this week along with the Youth Group as well. Today was Communion Sunday which is a re- minder that man called Jesus, at one time human like you and I gave His life for each one of us. In closing, don't forget the big garage sale May 13 at Don and Beth Miller's from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Lucan. Come on, come all and have fun. For further information please call Pastor Darrell Shaule at 227- 1296. Family picnic LUCAN - Sunday morning, pup- pets announced the Church Family picnic for Saturday, June 3 at 4:45 p.m., at Market Square Park. There will be games for all ages. Rev. Roger Mason announced Mr. Pieter Schinkleshock was ordained Satur- day, May 6 to the ministry. Rev. Roger Mason ministered from Ephesians 4:25-32. The first principles in disagreement is to be honest and maintain respect for the feelings of the other person. Dis- honesty is very destructive in any relationship. • Communion was served after the service. Upcoming events: Sunday, May 14 - Anniversary Services at 6:30 p.m. ' Mlonday, May 15 - Mortgage Burning Service at 7:30 p.m.; Tuesday, May 16 - Celebration Ser- vice at 7:30 On. Special speaker for all these ser- vices will be Rev. Ray Brewster, former pastor of Lucan Revival Centre, now Missionary Supervisor for Asia. ' May 17 at 7:00 p.m. - Annual Blossom Tea - Special Speaker Mrs. Becky Brewster. Special mu- sic. All ladies welcome. Saintsbury by Mrs. Heber Davis SAINTS BURY - Church Service was held at 8:30 at St. ,Patricks Sunday morning, prayer service was used. Sheryl Carroll provided music and read the first lesson and Ryan Carroll read the second lesson. In the absence of the teachers, Lisa and Julie Carroll taught the Sunday School pupils. Rev. Wheeler spoke on Jesus' as- cension. She asked if we could real- ize the disciples' feelings when Je- sus ascended and they were alone. The A.C.W. meeting is planned for Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. at the home of Mary Jefferies, and the juniors who had planned on clean up day were invited to the rectory due to the cold weather. Service next Sunday is planned for 11 a.m. Personals Mrs. Michael Davis and Crystal, Harley, Travis and Starr attended a birthday party for her brother Bob Dietrich of Zurich at his home. Mi- chael Davis is off to 'the U.S.A. trucking. Mr. and Mrs. John MacGillivray, Lions Head, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacGillivray, Courtney, Katie Scarlet, Caleb and Corbin. Many from this arca attended the fire men's breakfast in Lucan Sun- day. The food was delicious. Several of the ladies from St. Patrick's attended the buffet lunch- eon at Exeter United Church last Thursday. Times -Advocate, May 10, 1989 Page 15 St. Pat's team wins - The junior girls basketball team at St. Pa- trick's School at Lucan recently won the St. Anthony's tourna- ment and consolation title at the Blessed Sacrament tourney. Back, left, Lisa Theunissen, Cathy Damen, Wendy Jansen, Renee Pettypiece, Sheri Lynn McLeod, Jennie Malone and acting coach Don Coleman. Front, Patty Malone, Amy Damen, Kellie Maslen, Meghan Stansell and Meghan Shortt. Missing were Holly Fair- weather and coaches Trudy Dick and Trudy Pronchuk. Lucan Legion news By Sid Daley LUCAN - Here's good news for all veterans, their spouses and or- phans. Mel Harper a highly quali- fied service officer with relation to veterans' legislation will be at the Lucan Legion at 4:30 p.m., May 24. If you have any questions regard- ing disability pensions, war vete- ran's allowance, treatment for enti- tled veterans, benevolent funds, appeals against adverse war veterans allowance decisions or the veterans independence program. s Veterans who are 65 with 365 days Canada service only arc re- minded they may apply under this program (if they qualify). The V.I.P. program is truly an indepen- dence program and helps to keep the veteran in his own home. Remember you do not have to be a Legion member to obtain this free Legion service - just call Sid Daley at 227-4216 for an appointment - You May Be Glad That You Did! ! Congratulations are extended to the following dedicated Lucan Le- gion Auxiliary members who on May 2 were elected to serve for the next two years: President May Mur- phy; Vice -President Joan Penning- ton; and Vice President Liz God- dard; Treasurer Eddie Burt; Secretary • Donna Freeman; Sergeant at Arms Sandra Melvin; Executive Donna Evans, Elaine Quinn, Amy Lee, Stella Fisher; Sports Officer Sharon Craig. Again congratulations Ladies and we wish you all a very .success- ful term in office. On May 4 representatives from all the veterans groups in London and area met with members of D.V.A. and one from the Depart- ment in Charletown where we dis- cussed the future of the Psychiatric Institute of Victoria Hospital and the 112 veterans housed therein. We made our objections to moving these veterans to other facilities ring out loud and clear and we are optimistic our message (may) have been heard. In any event, if you haven't done so as yet, we urge you to get those letters of protest sent in to your M.P. and M.P.P., as was suggested in last week's col- umn. Every letter will help us in our cause to help our less fortunate veteran who served when he was needed -and is still paying for this seryice. A very important date is here Wednesday, May 19. Elections of the members you wish to head the affairs of the Lucan Legion for the next two years - make it a point to attend - make your wishes known with your ballot and not voice dis- approval with the result if you didn't. Remember tonight is the night, let us have a good turnout of members. Lucan seniors plan bake sale LUCAN Lucan Seniors and Busy Buddies met in the Scout Hall. The .meeting opened with singing 0 Canada accompanied by Mary Kooy on the piano. Mr. Pol of Holland was wel- comed as a visitor. Mary Davis gave a reading which we all en- joyed. We adjourned for cards and crafts. The winners being: Ladies High Mary Kooy; Ladies Lone Hands Mary Scott; Ladies Low Elsie Gib- son; Men's High Harry Noels; Mcns Lone Hands Murray Carter; Mcns Low Mr. Pol. We are reminded of the dessert euchre and bake sale to be held May 18 at 1:30 p.m. Everybody wel- come. Washer Dryer Pa'- frr 1 .... 5 ,ade Di;;hwashft,,, from.: ►t...7.95 2 Doo;Iamatic Fridges 529.95 w/trade 8 cu. ft freezers - 329.95 picked up Over 200 units on display A small deposit will hold Electrohome air conditioners from 399.95 Wins old car - A 1961 convertible was the prize at a recent Lucan Lions Club draw with proceeds going to the senior apartments project. Above, draw chairman Rick Blatchford at the left and president Larry Hotson turn over the keys .to the winner Donald Prout of London. Hensall Civic Corner We Service What we Sell Reminder it Drysdale Major Appliances 262-2728 Second Installment Taxes i� Of Hensall Ontario The Place to Buy Appliances Open Fridays till 9 p.m. are due on or before May 15, 1989 Successful firemen's breairf r- ebb Butler, Al Gillan and Doug Johnston are shown preparing the eggs for Sunday's Lucan vol- unteer fire brigade breakfast which attracted more than 1,000 customers. Hensall's 5th Annual Community Wide YARD and GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 27 9 A.M. To ??? (Rain Date: Saturday, June 3) " "Something For Everyone" I Firemen Breakfast 8/ke Rodeo Puppet Show Bake Sales Every Street Has A Sale!