HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-05-03, Page 3111 Granton By Muriel Lewis GRANTON A number of Granton ladies enjoyed the mu- sical melodrama "The Saloon kecer's Daughter presented at the town hall by the St. Marys Community Players* on the opening night Friday, April 28. The Granton Women's Insti- tute executive met at the home of Florence McRobert on Mon- day, April 24 to plan the pro- gram for the coming year. • - Muriel Lewis attended the Huron Diocesan A.C.W. An-' nual Conference held at Si. Paul's Cathedral in London on Saturday, April 29. John Herbert of Milton and Dani Roloson of Waterloo both spent the weekend at their respective homes. Bridal Shower Cathy Riddell was honored with a miscellaneous bridal shower' at the United Church on Monday evening, April 24. Anne Marie Nixon opened the program with a reading atSout husbands and Cindy Bilyca ladies enjoy musical sang a solo "Today" accompa- nied by Becky Bryan. _ Diane Hartwick gave a recipe for Married Women's Cake. ,Kathy Cocquyt, Linda Scholl and Christine Jones assisted Cathy when she Has opening her gifts. She conveyed her thanks and appreciation to eve- ryone present after which sever- al of the ladies served lunch. . • Court Valentine. The ladies of Court Valen- tine Forbsters Lodge met at the park pavilion room on Tuesday evening, April 25. Special guest was Brother Judd Milburbn who is a mem- ber of -the Executive committee of High Court from Brantford an also a member of Court Benmiller. - Other visitors present were District. Deputy Bob Johnson, also members of Court Ame- thyst and Court Banner, all of London, Court Bluebell, near Strathroy and Court Keyser. A draw was held inaid of the Cancer Society and a donation made to Ester Seals. It was de- cided to order balloons for Fun Day. Edith Youngson and Vi Coward were to be in charge of serving the Lion's dinner on Wednesday evening, April 26. A social time with lunch concluded the occasion. There was no service at St. Thom- as' Anglican. Church on Sunday, April 30 but a number form the con- gregation attended the parish com- munion service at St. Paul's.church, Kirkton. Rev. Beverley Wheeler spoke in keeping with Rural Aware- ness Sunday. Her message was in sympathy for farm families who have suffered financial stress. The lessons were read by Alia Blackler and the minister. • . A breakfast brunch followed in the church halt, served by the Kirkton congregation. At Granton United Church on Sun- day April 30, Rev. Bruce Pierce's ser- mon was entitled "Beginning to turn it Around". The lesson was from Matthew 21. 'Paula Wallis was the bulletin ste- ward. Exeter council briefs Town administrator Rick Hundey assumed his new duties Monday and was officially welcomed by council members the same night. * * * * * Joanne Bowen of the Exeter Heri- tage Society will be invited to the next executive committee meeting to discuss the Old Town Hall as the agreement with the town expired Decemebr 31, 1988. * * * * * Five tenders were received for the town's janitorial duties contract for the municipal building, police sta- tion and library for a period from May 1, 1989 to April 30, 1992. The tender of Mark S. Laye of Cre- diton for S12,000 per annum was accepted. A presentation will be made by the town to Harold Wolfe who held this position for many years. * * * * * Summer hours for the works de- partment will be from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. andfor the winter months be- ginning December 1 will be from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. * * * * * The contract for town gardener for 1989 was let to Fred Mommcrstceg for S3,328. Councillor Ben Hoo- genboom commented, " He has been doing an excellent job. for the last three or four years that he has had the job." * * * * * A rebate in the amount of S5,442.79 will be made to the Ex- eter Minor Hockey Association. This money is to be used ,to de- crease 1989-90 registration for the 129 residents of Exeter in the local hockey group. * * * * * Deputy clerk treasurer Laurie Dykstra recommended to council that Teresa McCarter of Exeter be hired to fill the position of munici- pal administration student in the town office from May 1 to Septem- ber 1 ata salary of 5200 per week. Dykstra said a 75 percent grant is available on this project. She said the quality of students who applied was excellent and councillor Doro- thy Chapman added, " This kind of report coming to council is super. It makes our decision easy." "YOUR SEED DEAFER" Kg. 82, Kg. Dave RR 8, Parkhill Ont. Pride King Brand Seeds Corn, Forages, Soybean 60 Hodgson,. PS 80 Hodgins NOM 2K0 294-6758 Varna by Joan Beierling VARNA - The Orange Lodge Card -Party held Friday, April 28 had 11 tables in play: Ladies high was won by Bernice Brown and the low prize went to Pearl Eyre. Mer- vin Hayter won the men's high prize and the low went to Ernie Brown. Lucky door prizes were Joan Beierling, Marg Hayter, Joyce Wil- lcrt, Doris Wilson and Al Hog- garth. Next card party will be Fri- day, May 12 at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome! Coming events Varna Youth Group meets at the manse on Friday May 5 at 6:30 to go swimming in Vanastra. Varna U.C.W. meeting is Thurs- day May 4 at 8 p.m. Shelley Dice - man will be the guest speaker. 'She is working with Youth with a Mis- sion and was on the Mercy Vessel Anastasis. - Personals Congratulations to Gail and John Dowson on the birth on their new baby daughter, Alysha Laura Mar- garet. Proud grandparents are Joyce and Bill Dowson and proud great- grandmother is Laura Keys. Barry CLeave, Austin Lund and Raymond Beierling spent Saturday in Niagara Falls touring several museums and viewing the Falls. Wayne and Joan Beierling attend- ed a surprise 25 wedding anniver- sary dance on Saturday evening in Parkhill in honor of Wayne's cou- sins. GB darts GRAND BEND - Pressure! Pres- sure! Pressure! There was lots of it at the Grand Bend Dart League playoffs last Thursday night. The round-robin playoffs ended in a four-way tie, with Tiedeman's team, Terminators, Elbow Benders, and Rollies. Captains Keith, Har- old, Rick and Ron flipped coins to determine partners in the best -two - of -three. Rollies put out Tiede - mans, then Elbow Benders upsct the Terminators. - The year-end banquet will be held on Thursday, May 4, 1989 at the Grand Bend Legion Branch 498, at 6:30 p.m., dinner at 7:00 p.m. We have all the!nputsyouneed- 4-- At Cook's we pride ourselves on being a full-service Part of the Cook's croq_►npLit 74m_ .w...-�..'.,...maamettimeh6,-Qur-6locationshave evcrytl'ririg yucr- mtettro4111' ! 11 _ need this spring, from seed and fertilizer to crop I'm B"�0 p � Kirkton Agri.Sales Representative. protection products - and all at competitive prices. 12 years with cook's But Cook's can give you more ... whether it's . NDeealair crop planning advice, soil testing and blending • 3 years with cook's of fertilizers, crop protection products or Dale Passmore ---- atom-application-£eeltiapre1L LJr nc -- """"""'%tppRtatorbperator. - expertise to help you get the "maximum. economic�.."'� _r,,�,,.,.�*i" inputs this spring, talk .`�..t7--,..1.v..,11.14 - to'the experts at Cook's. Head Office Hensall t51,1‘ 262 2410 " Branches. Centralia (51 2284,661 Kirkton (5I91239.8986 . %% Iton,5IQ)527.1540 Amberley ,5191395:3('0I Al s x'd ,510, 35('-2292 Times -Advocate, May 3, 1989, Page 31 Ailsa Craig seniors meet AILSA CRAIG - Ther Ailsa Craig Happy Gang Seniors met on April 26 at the Legion Hall at 12 noon for our monthly pot luck din- ner. With Evelyn Trevithick at the pi- ano we sang grace and all enjoyed a lovely dinner together. The meeting followed with our President Levi White presiding as- sisted by Shirley Collens as Secre- tary and Harold Gilfoyle as Treasur- er. He reported several of the members had paid their fee for the bus trip to Niagara Falls on May f1. Several members- thanked the group for the cards received . The remainder of the afternoon was spent playing euchre. Prizes went to the following: High - Ruth Shepherd, Charlie Rawlings; Lone Hand - Gerrie Hodgins, Mar- garet Dores; Low - Ellen Collens, Harry Shepperd. The next meeting will be May 10 at 2 p.m. All sen - Cromarty by Ruth Laing CROMARTY - The Marian Ritchie W.M.S. met at the home of Alice Gardiner on Tuesday after- noon and viewed the film; Mandela, on the V.C.R. It showed the life of Mandela from when he was a small boy to the present time, also that of Start new church group LUCAN - Thursday evening, April 27, there was a meeting held at the United church to form a new Christian Fellowship group to re- place the former Couples Club. Bob Patterson chaired the meet- ing and plans were discussed on the name for the club, the date to be held -the fourth Thursday of each month and an executive was formed. It is president - Bob Patterson, vice-president - Gordon Froats, sec- retary -treasurer - Olive Simpson. Everyone is welcome. Plans were finalized on the garage sale to be held May 13 at Patterson's, 129. Main Street, Lucan at 9 a.m. Freda Melanson led the worship service. Ed Melanson read the scripture. Dorothy Dedels led in a game of Bunko which proved to be a lot of fun. The evening closed with lunch. LOST Sunday in Mooresville Area Large tame tan coloured sheep dog. Answers to Grisly Dog tag No. 374 Phone 227-4192 or 228-6334 Reward his wife, Winnie and their family. Hazel Harburn presided the devo- tions were in charge of Alice Gar- diner. A Mighty Fortress was sung followed by a meditation on Martin Luther entitled Courageous Chris- tians. Psalm 46 was read alternate- ly. During the business it was an- nounced that Mrs. Alex Nichol of Atwood would be the Presbyterial visitor at the autumn thankoffering meeting in October. Grace Ker- slake, Edna Stoneman, Agnes La - mond, and Doris Miller were named to a committee to plan the bazaar to be held October 28. Since it is a joint effort of the Marian Ritchie and Ladies Aid, it is hoped that all the ladies of the con- gregation will help by donating ar- ticles for the sale. It was decided that each member would donate money equal to her age to a birth- day box to be used to cheer "hospi- talized or ill members. The roll call was answered by naming something grown in South Africa. Following the film, a lunch of angel food cake and straw- berry or elderberry sauce was en- joYed- iors in the arca are invited to join with us. Mickle, Albert Wasson, and George Cantelon. The following people were elect- ed to the Board by the membership: Dorothy Coultes, Marian Dou- cette, Tom Flynn, Murray Hord, Roberta Kloss, Mary Moffatt, Mi- chael Park, Susy Symes, Dr. Bruce Thomasson, Norm Tait, Paul Zur- bnMinutes of the last annual meet- ing were approved. The financial report was presented by auditor Eu- gene Bender. Reports of the Execu- tive Director and the President were presented and -are available on re- quest from the office at 524-7356 or 1-800-265-5198. The Kids on the Block child abuse prevention program was pre- sented to those in attendance. The program uses puppet skits to teach elementary school children about physical and sexual abuse. It tells children how to protect themselves when faced with an abusive situa- tion. RAM SYSTEMS LT Quality Grain Storage Drying & Hand ing Products DESIGN • SALES • SERVICE AL -MAR GRAIN SYSTEMS LTD. • Phone, 241 Weington St W Bo: 550 • Bus (519)235-1919 1S0 Ras.- 019)235-2016 HENSALL MOTORS LTD. "Car and Truck Rentals" Leasing - New, all makes Sales - Used Cars and Trucks 198 Main St. N. (Corner Hwy. #83 & #4) Ed Hearn Exeter 235-2070 • Round up application • Drop nozzle/custom application Call Today Division of Pamsh & Heimbeckcr. limited \\11Cl e ti'011 all trade with confidence.- e.- Exeter District Co.op Exeter Fertilizer Plant Ailsa Craig 235-2081 235-1150 293-3282