HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-05-03, Page 27• 16 For Sale NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old Fashioned Apples, pear, apricot, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ont. KOK 2L0. No phone. GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic Gardeners - Get the best selection and prices in Canada plus free shipping program. Buy .from the same source as local stores. Free catalogue. Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9 (604) 682-6636. PIN COLLECTORS! Are you interested in trading, buying, communicating? Write: Pin Pals, Post Office Box 9, Whonnock B.C., VOM 1S0. MEN'S ASSORTED CLOTHING, like new. 1 pr. black dress pants size 44, 1 pr. dark brown dress pants size 44, 1-3 pc. black suit size 46, 1-3 pc. light brown pin stripe suit size 46, 1 beige top coat size 46, 1 light brown leather top coat size 46. Phone 284-3230 after 5 p.m. SWIMMING P(X)L Sale. Top quality in -ground, on -ground, above ground. Profession installation or do-it-yourself kits. Free automatic chlorinator with purchase. Bc early and save. Riviera Pools (519) 747-4399 or (519) 658-0891. Earn $80 Daily Stuffing envelopes Send addressed, stamped envelope to: J.B. Enterprises Box 529, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4C7 Ir. 16 For Sale OFFICE EQUIPMENT: eight tractor trailer loads pf used desks, chairs, filing cabinets, storage files, book shelves, room dividers, priced to sell. K.A. kiammond and Co. Limited, Moorefield,Ontario (519) 638-3063. 6 COLLECTOR PLATES by Rusty Money, Stop and Smell the Roses series first edition: one livingroom chair - colour gold, french provincial style, one oval mirror with fancy gold frame, several pieces of Carmel Depression Glass. Phone 284-3105. UTILITY SHED for sale. 7'6"x8', steel. Asking $300. Phone 235-1619 anytime. (17:18c) NEW FOR SALE: Matching 18th century Ballgowns, new, satin-ty , white, size 11, baby blue, size 13; pink, size 9 and 11; $150 each or $500 for all - suitable for bridal party or grad dresses. Phone 229-8837. 1986 M.T.D. riding lawnmower and snowblower; 1986 slide in camper hard top 7'; 1985 Chevette 4 door; 1984 G.M.C. 1/2 ton S15 long box 7' nut. 40' T.V. antenna and dish and tower. Phone 227-1267. • TO ALL RESIDENTS of the TOWNSHIP of TUCKERSMITH The Council request the cooperation of property owners to refrain from cropping municipal road allowances. You are notified that two widths of the township mower will be cut on all municipal road allowances and crops will be cut. Ratepayers are also requested not to deposit any rocks or debris on road allowances or you can be prosecuted. DOUG POULTON Road Superintendent ✓AyNl:/.iif�'1+*,_p pew' _ l 1842 TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 4:00. p.m., May 16, 1989, for the loading and hauling of construction materials for the Township of Us - bo rn e. Tenders must be submitted on township tender forms which are available from the road superintendent. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ken Parker Road Superintendent R.R #1 Hensall, Ont. NOM 1X0 263-5789 16 For Sale Z YSP-t Traynor. Sibilance Projection speakers suitable for P.A. systems/guitars/bass and all keyboards. Excellent condition 5125. Call Tom at 284-3633. GOLF CLUBS, 11 piece set of Executive clubs like new 5320. Call Bryan 235-1530.(18c) EGGS - farm fresh brown eggs by the case or dozen. Large or extra large. Phone 263-2139. (18:19c) GENERATOR - 1100 Honda, about 50 hours running. 110 and 12 volt. Like new. New one cust $1100, take $595. PHone 1-482-3098. (1 R+) 2 WHEEL TRAILER with rack, new tires and lights, 5475, 5 HP bolen rototiller, like new 5175.00; 2 brass and glass end tables 5100 each and some tools. Phone 284-2629. 16 For Sale 2 TWIN BROWN striped bedspreads with drapes 75"x84", 590; brown drapes 50'x63 520; Multifloral comforter with shams 550; blue double bedskin S15; blue eyelet priscillas 95"x81" S35; spring/sununer matemity clothes size 11, 540; brass curtain rod 52"x90" 520. Phone 229-6843. BOX PLANTS and. hanging baskets. Hank's Market, RR1 Exeter. Just south of Exeter dump road. (18-23c) LOVE SEAT and matching chair, autumn colours, good condition $450; steel office desk and steno chair $150; lady's 5 speed bicycle $100. Phone 349-2770. DRAFTING MACHINE Mutch Jr. c/w 2 scales, good cond. 5K20 Yamaha keyboard 271-2243 after 5 p.m. and weekends. TENDER Tenders are being accepted for grass cutting and trimming at the Dashwood Community Centre Park, for the 1989 season. Grounds must be kept in a well groomed condition on both sides of the creek, with trimming around trees and equipment as re- quired. On tender indicate price per cut, estimated cuts required, and a total price for the season. Also indicate price for additional cuts as required. Equipment to be used must be specified. Tenders clearly marked as such will be accepted no later then 5:00 p.m. May 8, 1989 at the Stephen Township office, Credi- ton, Ont. For further information contact M.E. Greb, after 6:00 p.m., at 228-6574. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. RESIDENTS AND PROPERTY OWNERS OF BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP NOTICE TO DESTROY WEEDS NOTICE is hereby given to ail persons in possession of land in accordance with the Weed .Control Act, 1988, Sections 4, 16 and 23, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of Biddulph are destroyed by date of June 1, 1989, and throughout the season, the Municipality may en- ter upon the said lands and have the weeds de- stroyed, charging the costs against the land 'in taxes, as set out in the Act. The Co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. Hugh Baird, Weed Inspector R.G. Hands Clerk, Township of Biddulph i Times -Advocate, May 3, 1989 16 For Sale 1986 SKODA GLS, 5 speed, r dr. sporty, yet economical, 53600. negotiable; 8x10' Indiand wool' rug, 5200; microwave, brand new, 5300; man's professional golf clubs with bag and cart, brand new $300. Call 284-3732. APPROX. 1200 SQ. BALES second cut hay. Excellent quality, no rain, near Uniondale. Phone 349-2440. Page 27 16 For Sale SIDING - approx. 5 sq. used aluminum, colonial red, 8" with backer board, comer posts and J mould, 5175.00. 284-1272 or leave message if no answer. 17 Wanted To Buy CASH FOR USED cars and trucks for wrecking. 228-6700. John Brock Auto Wreckers, RR 1 Crediton. (3tfn) Sale by Tender One and one-half storey house and property at 14 Mary Street, Zurich. Lot size 69' by 198' Showing by appointment. Contact 236=4193 evenings or 235-1760 days. Terms of sale: Tenders will be accepted at the office of Raymond & McLean, 387 Main Street, Exeter until 4:00 p.m. May 19, 1989: Five percent of the tender price to be submitted at the time of tender to Ray- mond & McLean in trust. The- highest bidder may not necessarily be the purchaser. The owners reserve the right to tender a reserve bid and to reject any and all bids and the sale shall be conducted subject to this right. The transaction shall be completed with- in 30 days of the sale by tender., - TENDERS HURON COUNTY BOARD'. OF EDUCATION Tenders are invited for the following at Huron County Schools: • Interior and Exterior Maintenance Projects • Lawn Equipment • Grass Cutting — Howick Central Public School R:R. 1 Gorrie, Ontario Tender forms, job specifications and equipment requirements are available at the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton on May 3, 1989. " Deadline for tender submission is 1:00 p.m., May 17, 1989. Lowest or any tenders not necessarily acccepted. R.B. Allan Director of Education J.Jewltt Chair ExpERTs AT YOUR SERvICE Count on these fine firms for quality, value and service EAVESTROUGHING1 LEAVESTROUGHING 1 FEAVESTROUGING 1 EAVESTROUGHING Flo -Rite Eavestroughing LEAF SCREENING - end problem of plugged troughs and down pipe durable metal screening 4overs entire top of trough SEAMLESS TROUGH Farm - Residential - Commercial 8 Colours Available Gerald Cook 235-0939 GRAVEL 1 T GRAVEL Lane Gravel Sand fill - Crushed A Gravel - Washed Cement Gravel - Rich Top Soil 3/8" and 3/4" Washed Stone McCann Redi-Mix Inc. RR 2, Dashwood 237-3647 235--0338 PAINTING Pitirnbtes At Electrical M&M PAINTING Residential, Commercial Meinic til- ing. wallpapering. floor sanding Free Estimelies Phone: 235-1701 Evenings LSANITATION JOHNSON SANITATION PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS Sn lashraom. Septic tanks and holding tanks pumped and install PH. 294-6954 Parkhill 1-800.265-3473 LARRY FULTON PLUMBING-& ELECTRIC • Rural, residential, com- mercial Inc • general badthoe work • Septic Tank and weeping bed installation RR 3 Exeter 229.6289 SATELLITES I T.V. Mclntye T.V. Appliances Sale & Service MIsubshi TV & VCR's Kelvinator Appliances Channel Master Antennas & Satellites R.R. 2 Grand Bend 238.8270' ALLEN S71.J8,BS rte 18 antennas • Fulf Serivee • S.'es • In- stallations.' Hitachi r.V ,VHS Recorders , amcorder 235-1520 296-5565 LAWN CARE 1 CASEY'S , Lawn Care 235-1885 Lawn Maintenance • Flowerbeds • Rolling • Spraying Complete Lawn Care Package Available ( -PLUMBING-a f ELECTRICAL I ROWE Electric & Plumbing RI! 1 Woodham . „r ommerctal sKcial I.. • Repairs & Service • Deep &Shallow We!Is Dennis Rowe 235-0906 .229-6284 / LUGGER BOX 1 SERVICE C.H. Lewis Lucan Ltd. Lugger Box Service For your construction and renovation needs call for quotes 227-4406 FABRICATING] [ FEED SERVICE R&R FABRICATING ' Welding and Repairs Custobu7it laid RAINS Truck boxes - Log spitters Cushion truck bumpers Form tractor and Truck Repairs Licenced Mechanic 236-4501 Zurich. Ontario NURSERY FEED SERVICE MOBILE FEED SERVICE Oferfng You Qualify Producer Proven sFEEDS • DynArnino Swine Feeds • Poultry & Speciality Feeds • Goal Maker Dairy Feeds • Hog and Red • Pacesetter Beef Feeds Veal Finaincing HARDEMAN FEED SERVICE INC. 229-6525 'WE BRING ME MILL TO THE FARMER' NURSERY 04&- (;jfairVINPAP ���cictn Cent nun >, IRY EiNS Custom Landscaping Installations & Designs Hwy. 21 South In Bayfield Phone 565-2202 Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sun., 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. J • Plumbing & Electrical] Prumbing & ElectMcol J 1—PLUM"� BINGj [-numbing L HEALING _� cL.�LV. I(leir fiver DAVE PASSMORE Limited Pier ,,#:}a&Z9:,re= +e -•Al• - • Carrier Heat Pumps, PLUMBING & Air Conditioners and HEATING High Efficiency Gas Furnaces 237-3661 D o te000 , J [SEPTIC TANKS] 1 1SEPTIC TANKS' e [WEEPING BEDS - '� �•rinii .M�n�rnrj. This Space Could Be Yours Phone 235-1331 BUTLER BROS. LUCAN • 227.431.2- es.. 227.4254 30 years experience • Backhoe service • L. • Scrap purchased / FENCING I GRAVEL CHAPARAL FENCING R.R.1 Lunn Ont. NOM 2J0 All Types Free Estimates Industrial Fences, Chain Link & Patio, Farm Fences , Phone Sob Hard% 227.41:4 PAINTING __-_ - _ DON HEYWOOD • PAINTING WALLPAPERING • FLOOR SANDING 235-2914 FREE ESTIMATES RENTALS This Space Could Be Yours Phone 235-1331 RENTALS ' C TRIEBNER'S RENTAL SERVICE • Tools_ aniere _ - - dIW equipment ' C crete equipment • Standby power etc. PH: 237-3724 - 235-2184 RR 1 Exeter OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK RR 1 Woodham •235-2708 For -Results Use This Page Phone 235-1331 r UPHOLSTERY 1 L UPHOLSTERY 1 L UPHOLSTERY (WALLPAPERING] Kuality & Kustom Upholstery Boat Top & Seats Car Seats, Sofas & Chairs 436 Main Street, Exeter (Behind Fincher's) (519) 235-2142 "THE FEMALE TOUGH" Wallpapering Painting Reasonable Rales Free estimates Call . Ask For: 235-2859 Jean The time to re - ‘.decorate is.... NOW WELDING • CARL GOWER WELDING & REPAIR • 11.11.1 CENTRALIA Open 6 daysweek Truck Boxes Portable Welding Wrought Iron Railings and Hog & Cattle Stabling 229-6542 on- o GRAVEL 1 N.C. JONES & SONS LTD. Sand, Gravel, Topsoil Excavation * Backfilling " Laneways * Parking lots Bus.: 235-2489 Res.: 235-2815 PAINTING AND -_. --.PAPERING-..___ ..-_ DAVE'S DECOR Interior & Ex'r` PAINTINa PAF' '"G Texture k.:euings ZURICH 236-4941 PAINTIN wAGND j (Wallpapering & Painting IFrre Estimates I hlacellne Ziler 237-3487 Eleanor Weigand 237-3363 Phone after 6 p.m. ' J r- REPAIRS REPAIRS 1 Repair Shop Equipment Soles & Service • Cecil Squire FARM SERVICE 92 Waterloo St., Exeter, Ont.` Phone( 235-d465 L_ S EUPANRS... �I LSMALL REPAIRS l ST E E L • . roc -We are Dealers for -SMALL E•IGINES • Briggs & Stratton v. - r..--+•' _ • - -"-_..... • Tc,um'ch L) Parts - Sales - . vice . GARL " : •UIPMENT Sherwood Ltd. 235-0743 � J � BRANDER) STEEL Rebar .Angles • Etc. WELDING SUPPLIES CASTER Wf1EELS NEW &USED Main St . S. Exeter 235-1462 TAXI EXETER CAB ' Prone 235-2110 49 Slmcoe 51 Crete. It; no •n.••,, phon. 228-6812 Irom 7 A rn - mOnyM WELDIt, 1 I -WELL LAMING! I WINDOWS WINDOWS MILL_ R'S Wei'in , Luihe & F Ars, '' ing R.R. 2 Dashwood Portable We!d ng • Wrought Iron Railings General Repair • Open 6 days a week 237-3365 'WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. Hopper & Sons Ltd. 4 modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth Neil 522-1737 Durl 522-0828 Jim 522-0775 WINDOWS. 000RS b RENOVATIONS 1415MAArh,,TF luRr., ONTARIO voMTn TED DUCHARME. 236.4162 236 4830